The long slate-roofed fortress behind the Royal Sanctuary of the Red Castle is a castle tower called the "Virgin House". The previous king, Baelor the Blessed, imprisoned his sisters here because he believed that if he could not see his sisters, they would not be tempted into lust.

It is now home to Lord Mace Tyrell of Highgarden and the entourage he brought with him to the court.

Ser Loras Tyrell comes to visit his grandmother, who is reportedly not adapting well to King's Landing and is in poor health.

His brother Garlan Tyrell took half of the Tyrell family's troops from King's Landing back to the Reach to take over Brightwater, and asked him to visit his elderly grandmother.

When he arrived, his sister Margaery Tyrell ran down the short stairs to greet him.

"Brother," Margery called, "Grandma will be very happy that you can come to see her." She greeted him with a brother-sister kiss and led him the way, "Come, Grandma is waiting for you."

In the fireplace, the fire was crackling and burning. It was not too cold in King's Landing in autumn, but the autumn chill after nightfall still made many people light up the fireplace.

Margaery led him to the old woman with white hair in the room: "Grandma."

"Ah, Loras. My child," the old woman sat back on the cushioned chair. She looked thin and withered, but Loras knew that his grandmother was like this in the past, and she was not sick at all. "You have put on your clothes since then." It's hard for an old woman to see you in this white robe. You and your father are so busy, what are you doing? Knocking others off their horses with a stick? Yes, women don't understand war, but old women do. What are you talking about? Silly hens just stay at home having dance parties, listening to songs, and giving birth to babies."

"Grandma!" Loras Tyrell, who had eaten for nothing as soon as he arrived, was a little reluctant, "I came to visit you, are you in good health?"

"Oh, your poor, half-deaf grandmother is still in good health." The old woman asked him to sit down. "Talk to me, child."

"Yes." In front of Lady Olenna, the grandmother known as the "Queen of Thorns", Loras did not dare to disobey, "Grandma."

"As for whether those rumors are true or confirmed, I hope you will tell the truth," Lady Olenna said, "I am referring to the one on Dragonstone Island, about the thing flying in the sky, the word dragon. It is simply unreasonable that the lioness will arrest you for speaking out in the banquet of the people and nobles of King's Landing!"

"Grandma, I am now a member of the Kingsguard, and I have sworn to obey the king's orders and keep his secrets."

"Oh, my child," Olenna said bitterly, "you and your father, I sometimes feel that I wish I were a country peasant woman, so that I could hit him and you with a big wooden spoon and pour all my thoughts into it. In your heads.”

"Grandma, please don't!" Loras didn't say anything.

"Well, my son is a fool. The prospect of seeing his grandson sitting on the Iron Throne inflates his ego like a... Well, no wonder people call my son one of those people from the Summer Isles who swells up ten times when poked. This is the name of the strange fish, the inflatable fish, right?”


"I warned him. I warned him before when you were fighting for that ugly iron chair for Renly. Robert has two sons, and Renly has an older brother. How can he ask to be king? Tsk-tsk. , Lord Inflatable Fish, tell me, don’t you want your sweetheart to be the queen? Yes, among the great lords across the Seven Kingdoms, as the annoying Florent family often wails, our family does have a bit of power over Highgarden. It doesn't hold up. Seriously, what does it matter? No doubt it doesn't matter, except when it comes to my son... I'd say we should stay away from this damn stupidity. It was only after Aegon the Dragon burned the orthodox King of the Reach in the Battle of Fire and Fire that the House became the lord of the Reach from the position of steward. Now that Targaryen has appeared, shouldn't Tyrell be compared to Does anyone know what a 'dragon' is?"


"Oh, okay, okay. You are wearing a white robe, and an ignorant old woman should not force you to abandon your oath. Then answer me with silence. Are the dragons on Dragonstone real?"

"..." The Kingsguard remained silent.

"So those rumors and stories are all true?"

"..." The Kingsguard said nothing.

"I have thought it through a long time ago, and now I take it as confirmation." The old woman turned back to Margaery's direction, "Oh, Margaery, my poor child. The stupid men rode on lions instead of horses. It's easier for a lion than for a lion. But your father and my son just giggle. He regards me as a 'nagging mother' and refuses to listen to me. He doesn't want to give up what he gets. He thinks he can see the current situation clearly. Did you know that his father, your grandfather, fell off a cliff while hunting a falcon? They said that the Duke of Ross was staring at the sky and not paying attention to the horse. My idiot son was doing something stupid. He took Garland and Willas left you and Loras here with him in Highgarden. How many fools have done the same thing as him, and have they succeeded?"

"Grandma, Brother Garland is returning to the Reach to take over Brightwater City." Margaery said, "That is the castle granted to him by the king, and he is going to get his things back."

"Oh, King, that imp King..." Lady Olenna said suddenly, "We have only been in King's Landing for only a short time, and we have heard many disturbing rumors. Are there any truths to these rumors? Are they related to the 'dragon' The same thing as in King's Landing?"


The king is training his hunting party.

This is a garden with a deep pond, where migrating birds often pass by and rest.

The king is training to hunt here today.

A crossbow machine equipped with a fishing net shot out, and the huge fishing net caught the swans that had no time to escape from the pond.

The king drew out the sword "Heart Eater" from his waist and ordered his hunting team to start charging into the water.

A swan boat used by nobles for recreation was pushed off the surface of the pond by his hunting team. The paddles flew and rushed towards the swans caught in the fishing net.


Joffrey ordered, and a white-robed guard lit a rocket and shot it in the direction of the swan ship with a long bow. As the rocket fell into the water, a cluster of green flames rose from the pond.

This was a situation that was not explained in advance. The hunting team on the swan boat was frightened by the sudden wildfire in front of them and jumped into the water. The swan boat rushed into the wildfire and was soon attacked by the terrifying flames and burned violently.

"No!" Joffrey screamed, "How dare you abandon ship without the king's order! Swim over, how can you hunt a dragon for me if you are afraid of even this flame? Swim over! Balon, Osmund, Whoever dares to come ashore will be deemed a deserter and I will chop him down and stick his head on the city wall!"

Balon Swann and Osmund Kettleblack are the white knights who now guard the king.

They obeyed the order and blocked the landing of the pond. The members of the king's hunting party were in a dilemma in the water.

"Everyone, listen to my orders." Joffrey yelled in displeasure, and issued an order to the swan caught in the fishing net, "Go and catch that - that thing!"

There were not many wildfires in the pond and they gradually extinguished. Finally, one of the members of the dilemma team took the risk to dive and swam in the direction of the fishing net.

Someone crossed the flaming water to reach their destination and raised the fishing net high.

"Okay!" The king shouted excitedly, "Bring it over and let me finish it with my own hands!"

When Ser Boros Braun brought the call of the King's Hand, the king was setting up a barbecue in the garden, asking his jesters to roast swan meat for the drowned chickens in his hunting party who had caught it for him. Dragon's team members taste it as a reward.

Being disturbed, the king said displeasedly: "What is it that Duke Tywin can't decide and the king needs to be present in person?"

Boros replied: "Your Majesty, Prime Minister, please go over and perform the duties of the king, Your Majesty." Sir Boros was previously removed by Cersei for handing over his protector, Prince Tommen, to Tyrion when Tyrion was in power. After Tywin returned to the capital to serve as Hand of the King, he restored Ser Boros to his seat in the Kingsguard, filling the vacancy left by Sandor Clegane's departure.

"The duties of a king," Joffrey said excitedly, "Of course, I am the king."

The king wanted to take his three white-robed guards into the prime minister's study, but the three white-robed guards were blocked from the door.

The king just shrugged and went in alone. His mother Cersei, his grandfather Ser Kevan, Master Pycelle, his grandfather Lord Tywin and the monster Tyrion were all there. When he came in, except for his grandfather Tywin who was sitting solemnly, everyone including the monster Tyrion was there. Stand up and salute.

Especially the king's mother, who had a smug smile on her face.

All worries were immediately forgotten. Joffrey was excited and restless: "What's going on?"

His mother handed him a raven letter. The paper was deliberately pressed flat and had obviously been turned over by many people. But the king paid no attention to this. The letter contained news of the death of the false king Balon Greyjoy. The letterer said that he slipped and fell from a bridge during a storm. His body was discovered two days later. When he was found, his body was bloated and his eyes had been eaten by crabs. The situation on Pyke Island is chaotic now.

"He is dead!" Joffrey shouted happily and proudly, as if he had pushed Lord Balon down with his own hands.

"An accident," said Tyrion, the king's most hated monster. "It seems that our ally, there is one less false king competing for the throne. Congratulations, congratulations."

"These false kings deserve to die, Tyrion," Cersei said sweetly but viciously. "They are all transgressors. Even the gods cannot stand their transgressions and punish them severely."

"Oh, the god pushed an old man into the sea," said the monster dwarf, who annoyed the king. "You are not talking about a god as I thought."

"This is the beginning. Although Balon Greyjoy wants to ally with us, the identity of the false king cannot be questioned," Lord Tywin took over the topic. "The matter is not over yet."

"I think the rebel in the north is fast," the Queen Mother beamed. "There is news confirming that he did marry the Westerling girl in Riverrun and broke the Frey family's engagement."

"That was a sixteen-year-old girl named Janey," Kevan said. "In the past, Master Gavin proposed her to my child, but I refused. The reason is very simple. Gavin himself is a good person, but He married Sybel Spicer. Who was she? Lady Sybel's grandfather was a saffron and pepper dealer, and his background was lower than that of Stannis's smuggler. I've met Jeyne. Once upon a time, he was a sweet and good boy. As for his bloodline..."

"It's surprising," Tyrion admitted. "I thought the Young Wolf master was quite good at planning."

For a long time Lord Tywin looked like he wanted to laugh, though by the end he didn't. "The stupidest people are usually smarter than those who laugh at them," he concluded, before adding, "You must marry Sansa Stark, Tyrion, and quickly." This happened because of Viserys appeared later than it was supposed to happen, but it still happened.

"Sansa, marry Tyrion?" Joffrey joined the conversation, "What an excellent idea, grandpa, they are indeed a perfect match." The king then turned to Master Pycelle, "Write to the traitorous Robb Stark, Let him come to King's Landing for the wedding, just say it's the king's order! Robb Stark is a traitor, Sansa is the traitor's sister, and my uncle is the traitor's sister's husband. Wait for Uncle Tyrion. When Sansa gets married, I will officiate for them myself and let the singers sing about bears and maidens.”

The Bear and the Beautiful Maiden is a ballad that is popular among both nobles and commoners. It tells a humorous story about a hairy bear who takes three boys and a goat to rescue a beautiful girl who is looking forward to a knight. s story. The king clearly had no good intentions.

"Don't even think about it." Tyrion had already been told, and there was no surprise at all. "You should stay out of my business and remember it, monster!"

Joffrey sneered: "You are the monster, uncle."

"Really?" Tyrion raised his head. "If that's true, then you should be more polite to me. Monsters are very dangerous. Kings and mosquitoes are the same in its eyes."

"I'm going to pull out your tongue," the king shouted with a blush, "I am the king!"

The queen put her hand protectively on the king's shoulder: "Let the dwarf threaten you, little Joe, so that your grandfather and uncle can see what he does."

But Lord Tywin ignored Tyrion and turned to Joffrey: "In front of me, only Aerys will deliberately declare 'I am the king'. He also has the habit of pulling out people's tongues. You can ask Ilyn Payne Sir, though he could not answer."

This remark displeased the king. He did not flinch, but stood up bravely and said loudly: "You just mentioned Aerys, grandpa, I know you are afraid of him. Just like you are afraid of the Targaryen false king on Dragonstone."

Lord Tywin looked back at the king silently, his light green eyes shining with gold.

"Joffrey, apologize to grandpa!" the king's mother said nervously.

The king broke away from his mother's hand: "Why am I apologizing? What I said is the truth! My father was a great hero, invincible, killed Rhaegar with his own hands and won the crown. At this time, your father was hiding in Casterly Rock. Don't dare to come out! Now there is Rhaegar's brother on Dragonstone. If my father were here, he would never be allowed to survive until now." The king stared at his grandfather challengingly, "The king is fearless. If you are afraid, give me a fleet. , I will fight with my own hands, and kill him with my own hands as my father killed Rhaegar on the Trident, and bring his dragon's skull back with my own hands, and throw them into the cellars of the Red Keep. My uncle Stannis, he is next! I will kill him with my sword and let him know who is my father's true heir!"

The chill in Duke Tywin's tone almost froze the ears of everyone present: "Sir Kevan, the king is tired, escort him back to his room. Pycelle, can you use some medicine to help your majesty fall asleep?"

"Would you mind a sleeping drink, my lord?"

"I don't want any sleeping wine," the king shouted.

Duke Tywin ignored him again: "Very well, just use sleeping wine. Cersei, Tyrion, you stay."

Ser Kevan grasped the king's hand firmly and pulled him out of the study.

Outside the door, the king's Kingsguard showed no reaction and only followed silently.

Grand Maester Pycelle swung his shaky old legs and tried to keep up.

The king was angry: "I am the king, and I am braver than you..."

Sir Kevan couldn't listen anymore and asked him to be quiet: "Your Majesty, please be quiet. The Prime Minister will calm the country for you, restore the king's law and dignity, and unify the country. During this period, please be quiet."

Roughly speaking, the dotted lines represent things that will happen but have not happened, or may not happen.

Being inland, in the most severely damaged location of the war, the news about Young Wolf Lord Robb was unimaginably limited, especially when he was on the march. Even if there was news to Riverrun, messengers would need to ride horses to chase his location.

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