"I do not have an iron guard, but I am in need of loyal knights who can give me blunt advice." Viserys said, got down from the throne and came to Barristan. He picked up Barristan's hardwood crutch, He weighed it, and then asked, "Where is your sword, Ser Barristan?"

Barristan replied with calm dignity: "As I took off my robes, I threw my sword at Joffrey's feet, and I have never touched one since."

"How can a knight be without a sword? Sir, I think this hard wood of yours should be used to using a great sword?" Viserys did not wait for his answer, but just shouted, "Come here, bring a sharp sword."

Godian, the captain of Viserys's guard, seemed to have been prepared. He handed over a big sword that Viserys always kept in his hand these days. There was no need for everyone to awkwardly wait in the main hall for the guards to go back and forth to the armory. Or order a loyal guard to take out his sword on the spot.

Viserys took the weapon from Godian's hand and pulled out the greatsword. It was a shining sharp steel sword. He held the sword hilt forward. "This is the sword I gave you. Take it," he ordered, "and now swear allegiance to me."

Barristan took it respectfully, placed the sword horizontally at Viserys' feet, and recited the oath of allegiance: "Baristan, from the Selmy family of Harvest Hall, swears allegiance to you. I swear that I will be truly loyal to Viserys. Your Majesty, King Cyris Targaryen, your heir and successor, by the gods."

Because Viserys did not make Barristan a Kingsguard, but ordered him to serve as a knight, he recited the oath of knighthood, but he had no complaints because Viserys was the king he recognized, whether as a knight or as an iron knight. As a guardian, he decided to die for Viserys.

Moreover, King Viserys clearly said that there was no iron guard, which may not be to motivate him and test him. After all, the way he went to the audience was indeed a bit...

However, Viserys does not have a "Kingsguard" for the time being. This is actually because according to the responsibilities and oaths of the Iron Guard, these Iron Guards must accompany the king at all times. But the king is covered in secrets. The Unsullied guards are silent and loyal. Even if their master is a dragon and is doing strange things in private, they will only follow orders silently. But the knights are different. For example, during the previous adventure in the secret passage, Viserys could order Godian to test the danger of the secret passage mechanism for him. This kind of cold-blooded behavior of the commander using his life to test Godian would only Do as you are told silently and without complaint.

But if it is the Iron Guard, even the Iron Guard can do it, but Viserys will also take into account his own reputation. To put it bluntly, Viserys has some double standards for the behavior of the Unsullied and the Knights.

Viserys asked Barristan to kiss his left hand: "I accept your allegiance. Rise, Ser Barristan." This temporary allegiance ceremony ended temporarily.

Next is Chief Bursar Max next to him.

Viserys returned to the throne, and Barristan stood up and consciously stood at the viewing table.

"This is the Faceless Assassin." Viserys looked at the silent assassin aside, calmly revealed his identity, and asked, "What did you do to my Lord Provost Max?"

"." He remained silent.

"I have heard that the prices of Faceless Assassins are usually very high. I thought that Faceless Assassins would be more dignified. They should at least understand themselves before being caught, so as not to reveal their identities and lose the reputation of Faceless Men." Viserys said. , "It seems like this now. The believers of the Thousand-Faced God believe that death is a merciful relief, but they are just greedy people who steal human lives in private."

"." He was silent.

"You don't speak, so you are indeed a Faceless assassin?"


Seeing that he remained silent, Viserys ordered: "Look at what's going on with his face. Is this not his face? Is it a mask?"

A heavily armed guard came forward and carefully examined his face, but could not see any trace of it.

Barristan watched from the side, anxiously saying: "The Faceless Man's trick."

Earl Gunther suggested: "Wash his face with the potion from the temple outside?" He vaguely realized that Viserys had already noticed it, so he just ordered everyone to wash their faces.

Daenerys was looking at the assassin's face strangely. She felt inexplicably worried when she heard Count Gunther's suggestion. Did she know that the "potion" was just ordinary salt water.

"It doesn't matter. This kind of trick is the foundation of their life. It doesn't matter if we can't solve it for a while." Viserys wanted to take a look in person, but he couldn't do it in public, so he simply said, "Go on, carefully." After being searched, he will be put in the bottom floor of the dark cell, and he will be dealt with after the people sent out to find out what happened to Max come back." After receiving the notification, Viserys had sent people to investigate Max's residence and workplace in the town. , he was sure he could find something.

As he spoke, Viserys quietly ordered Godian beside him. "Take someone to do it in person. During the body search, there should be no leaks on his body. Don't leave a piece of cloth on his body for him. Heat a pot of hot water to the point where it won't burn him, then pour it on him."

Godian nodded: "Yes."

Soon, the silent assassin was taken away.

Count Gunther said worriedly: "Your Majesty, this assassin is probably sent by the false king. If they fail this time, there must be consequences. We must be on guard."

Viserys asked, "Well, who do you think it could be?"

There were few people discussing politics in the main hall, and Barristan replied bluntly: "Lannister, from Tywin, Cersei, to Jaime, no Lannister has a sense of honor. His Majesty has just arrived at Dragonstone, so he has time." The only people who can hire assassins in Braavos and can afford them are the Lannister in King’s Landing.”

Earl Gunther said: "We need to fight back and send a letter to all the princes to disclose this matter, so that the princes in the world can see clearly their shameless behavior and take action." He knew that Viserys did not want to use troops now, so the suggestion was considered To the point.

Viserys thought for a while and said: "Previously, Stannis revealed that Joffrey, Tommen and Myrcella were the illegitimate children of Cersei Lannister and her brother 'Kingslayer' Jaime. However, the actual results How? We have no evidence to prove this, just like Stannis did before, but King's Landing spread rumors and slandered him. "Although Lannister is the most suspicious of this kind of thing without evidence, naming and blaming him is more effective. Not the best choice. "But this matter cannot be ignored. Let's do this. If something unexpected happens, let's go back and think more about it. Tomorrow I will convene the ministers in the main hall and everyone will give their own suggestions. The fact that they used such despicable means shows that they are in a hurry. , we don’t need to decide how to react so urgently, we need to think clearly before taking action and fight back in the most appropriate way.”

Viserys actually had an idea, but he still needed to think carefully. He generally didn't make decisions that were hot-headed.

After hearing what Viserys said, Lord Gunther and Barristan had no choice but to obey. This small meeting ended here. Viserys asked Count Gunther to help Barristan deal with the affairs of the steward, and let him temporarily stay in the castle as a loyal knight.

As soon as the meeting ended, an announcement came from outside the main hall that the bachelor wanted to see him. The guard who was assigned to guard the door outside the main hall in order to deal with the assassination incident secretly came in and announced: "Your Majesty, Bachelor Pylos wants to see you."

Viserys simply waited for the maester here: "Let him come here." He thought that there must be a reply from Storm's End.

The bachelor hurried over, his face a little solemn. Viserys couldn't help but think about it. I'm afraid. As expected, what the maester brought was a reply from Storm's End, but the content of the reply was slightly different from what Viserys expected. This was not a letter to negotiate the redemption of prisoners, but a letter. An expulsion order was issued, accompanied by a letter summoning the princes of the world.

The expulsion order is: "To His Excellency Viserys Targaryen, King Aerys II has committed excessive violence and wanton killing, which is not tolerated by his country. My eldest brother Robert has raised the flag of rebellion, and the princes have responded and purged the government and opposition. Your father, King Aerys II, has been removed from the throne. He took over the Iron Throne and was crowned king. The whole of Westeros recognized him as the legal monarch of the Seven Kingdoms. Your Excellency and your sister have been expelled and left overseas. The new king has not harmed them and should find his own way. , how can you continue to practice lawlessness and claim to be king in my territory? Now that I inherit the throne of my elder brother Robert, I must abide by the laws of the country and expel you, the Andals and the Rhoynar, in the name of the legitimate monarch of the seven kingdoms. The sealed handwriting of Stannis I, King of Men and the First Men, Ruler of the Seven Kingdoms, House Baratheon."

The summons letter read: "King Aerys II has committed excessive violence and killed wantonly. He will be expelled from the country. Everyone knows that I am the son of Stephen Baratheon, Duke of Storm's End, and his wife, Lady Kasanna of House Ismon. My true son, I swear on my family's honor that my brother Robert, my late king, died without any direct descendants. Joffrey, Tommen, and Myrcella are truly Cersei Lannister. The offspring of incest with my brother Jaime. According to the laws of inheritance and blood, I am the owner of the Iron Throne of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. There are many false kings, and the loyal king should immediately swear allegiance to the real king. Darren. Handwriting."


"." Viserys was silent for a long time after reading the letter, and finally he could only say, "It seems that Stannis lacks someone with a thoughtful mind and good writing skills. This logic also means that he has no one under his command." Point it out to him?"

If Stannis had people like Chen Lin and King Luo around him, and he could write articles like "A Prosecution against Cao Cao" and "A Prosecution Against Wu Zhao", these two sentiments would certainly not be so mediocre and look like they are incompetent and furious.

The young Bachelor Pyros was at a loss for ideas: "Your Majesty, how should I reply to this letter?"

"Let me think about it." Viserys was not in a hurry. Although the reply was not as harmonious as the previous letters, Stannis actually made the response that Viserys had been forcing him to make. If Stannis If the reaction is not intense enough, it will not achieve immediate results. He needs to plan carefully how to deal with it next. "Please inform me that tomorrow's royal meeting will be held in the Table Hall. The following people will attend the meeting: I, King Viserys, Regent and Princess Daenerys, Acting City Lord Gunther, Bachelor Pylos, and the Sea Lord. Call the other knights together, and the centurion also informed them to wait in the main hall. Take the letter and show it to Count Gunther, and ask Gunther to pass the news to my loyal knights." They are knights. In fact, there are only four of them that can be pulled out of the castle now.

After reading the participants, Viserys couldn't help but feel a headache secretly. The people under his command were really stretched.

He couldn't help but look to the south. Normally, there should be a reply from Dorne.

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