Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 125 Meeting an Uninvited Guest

In this affairs announcement office, the Prince of Dorne could even see King Stannis's expulsion order and summons letter, as well as King Targaryen's reply. This is the most conspicuous place in the public notice area.

What interests the Prince of Dorne the most is that the complete regulations on the tax laws implemented on Dragonstone Island are posted here, and it clearly states when the tax is legal and under what circumstances it is applied.

There is also a case that is regarded as a typical beheading case. The causes and consequences of the case, the laws implemented in the judgment, and the notary’s vote

In addition, there are reward orders and recruitment information.

In this place, the Prince of Dorne didn't even need to ask anyone to know most of the governance-related matters that King Targaryen was doing during the period after he conquered Dragonstone.

As he wrote back to Stannis, he was doing what he thought a good king should do.

Regardless of what the implementation of the policy looks like, at least the king has set an example. He wants to be a wise and just king.

The prince of Dorne read from beginning to end, and finally returned to the reply to Stannis. He stared at that paragraph: ". He regarded the people who slaughtered innocent women and children for him as loyalty, and he killed the king for breaking his oath. people were promoted to knighthood.”

This statement moved Oberon.

And this Prince of Dorne knew that if it were his brother Prince Doran, he would be shocked when he read the letter. "How much land was abandoned? How many castles lost their owners? How many knights and sergeants lost their lives? How many people lost their families and despair, etc." Die?" This passage touched me.

Prince Doran knew that Dorne had the smallest population among the Seven Kingdoms, and courage could not replace numbers. Of course, he also wanted to seek justice for Princess Elia and avenge Lannister, but shouldering the entire Dorne Territory was never easy. Doran didn't want the people under his leadership to bleed in vain. And the king had the same idea.

It was always easy to rally the people to take up swords and spears, but for what exactly would their blood be shed?

This idea is good, like his brother Doran, but this idea is sometimes not necessarily a good thing on the battlefield, where loyal soldiers often need to be ordered to die. Kindness is sometimes cruel to oneself.

Oberon had heard the general scenario of the attack on Dragonstone.

The merchant who went to deliver information to Lord Tyrosh talked about the rumored attack on Dragonstone. He vividly told how he heard in the tavern that King Targaryen drove a dragon and breathed out flames, and the sky was like rain of dragon flames. The story of capturing Dragonstone in a matter of moments. But if this is the case, then how come there are more than thirty victims of King Targaryen and hundreds of dead dragonstone defenders in the tombs of Dragonstone?

Oberon only had to raise his head to see three dense patches of grass on the mountain path that were charred and blackened, like scars, with traces still remaining.

He could imagine that the most intense battlefield at that time must have been on the mountain road.

The king designed to trick the defenders out of the castle, and gave the defenders a fatal blow with the sudden appearance of a giant dragon on the mountain road. In the end, he obtained a castle almost intact. A normal army would have to use countless bravery and fearless death. A strong fortress that could only be conquered with the lives of many soldiers.

Prince Oberon squinted at the castle, recalling what the king once said when he borrowed money from Tyrosh.

He said he borrowed the money to purchase a hundred Unsullied to prove his ability to lead an army.

He said that he didn't trust Jorah Mormont, so he wouldn't have considered letting Jorah lead his troops at that time, but Jorah listened to him, so he wanted to stay around and take advantage.

He said that all he wanted was a loyal guard strong enough to land in Westeros and establish a foothold, and he could use this to summon the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms who were dissatisfied with the usurper to fight with him.

He said that the usurper never really became the king of the Seven Kingdoms, including his father, his grandfather, and his great-grandfather, none of them ever became the real king of the Seven Kingdoms.

Oberon clearly remembered what the king said at the time: "Because the dragons were extinct more than a hundred years ago I don't need to be the true king, I just need to repeat what the usurper did to the Targaryen dynasty. "

Dragons became extinct more than a hundred years ago?

No need to be a real king?

Oberon couldn't help but laugh. According to him, wasn't the king of Dragonstone the only true king of the Seven Kingdoms in Westeros in the hundred years since the dragons were extinct?


The entourage of the Tyroshi envoy brought boxes of gifts into the main hall. The boxes contained the finest velvets and brocades, the finest ceramics, glazes and glass studded with jewels, Myr lace, and products. Saffron from Yidi has exquisite dragon bone ornaments, amber, gemstones, jade, and jewelry necklaces.

There is also a piece of Tyrosh's famous gold-plated armor. The helmet is made in the shape of a dragon's head. The dragon's eyes are two huge rubies. The armor is made of gray-black hundred-forged steel, and the chest is made of Targaryen with precious metal trim. The three-headed dragon emblem has a curled body made of gold, its wings are made of silver, and its three heads are carved from ruby, emerald and agate respectively, with exquisite craftsmanship. Even Viserys, who knew he had no use for the armor, couldn't help but his eyes lit up, thinking that this armor should be as luxurious as the one worn by Crown Prince Rhaegar.

Boxes of these gifts were lined up in the main hall. This large sum of money made Viserys's vassals and knights present in the hall widen their eyes.

The old knight Barristan was surprised to find one among the envoy's entourage who didn't move anything.

Viserys had seen the Tyroshi envoys opening the way for gifts and money in Illyrio's house. At that time, he never thought that this scene would happen to him.

Viserys looked at these gifts and couldn't help but said: "I thought you were here to collect debts, Ambassador MiG, I still owe your lord a debt."

Ambassador MiG smiled and replied: "His Majesty the Dragon King is joking. When you came to Tyrosh before, we as the local masters were very neglectful to the distinguished guests. I hope you can forgive me."

Viserys said: "How could it be? Lord Tyrosh took great care of me back then and lent me a large sum of money. I have always kept this in mind and thought about sending envoys to return it when the contract deadline is approaching. . I have always valued kindness and promises. If you have a favor, you must repay it. If you have a promise, you must fulfill it. But I don’t know that the ambassador came to Dragonstone Island now and brought so many precious gifts. What do you get from this barren land?”

"I have been to Dragonstone before. Under your rule, it was far more prosperous than before. It was quite prosperous. How can it be said to be barren?" Ambassador MiG complimented, and then said, "Your Majesty, these gifts are from Tyrosh." In order to congratulate King Targaryen on his return to Dragonstone, although you did not send an invitation to the celebration banquet to Tyrosh when you returned to your homeland, I am an abrupt guest, and I hope you don't mind that I represent Tyrosh. Xi, I sincerely hope you will accept the gift that represents our friendship.”

"The nine free trade city-states have had many exchanges with the seven countries since ancient times. We are friends with each other and have many commercial contacts. Our friendship has never been broken. Since this is a gift from a guest who came from afar, I will accept it. ." Viserys laughed loudly and said with great satisfaction, "The guests have arrived unexpectedly. Please wait for a day and let me, as the master of Dragonstone Island, arrange the personnel to prepare the banquet for you."

Ambassador MiG did not come to attend any banquet. He wanted to strike while the iron was hot: "Your Majesty, in addition to what I brought today, I also came with four ships' gifts, which I hope to present to you."

"Ambassador MiG, I didn't know Tyrosh had such a deep friendship with Dragonstone that he brought so many gifts?"

MiG bowed and replied loudly: "Your Majesty, Tyrosh hopes to establish a deep friendship with Dragonstone, just like the lords Aegon and Tyrosh of Dragonstone three hundred years ago."

"Three hundred years ago? Aegon and Tyrosh?" Viserys said, "I left my homeland when I was young, and I don't know much about the past events of my ancestors. Ambassador MiG might as well speak frankly."

"Your Majesty, before the War of Conquest, Volantis invaded Tyrosh. Aegon rode his dragon Balerion to join Tyrosh's side and helped Tyrosh defeat Volantis. Dragonstone and Tyrosh, the two sides have cooperated so closely and trusted each other. Your Majesty, why don't Dragonstone and Tyrosh form an alliance? If you need it, Tyrosh's fleet can assist you in restoring your country, and you only need to ride. Your dragons help Tyrosh fight a few small naval battles—"

"Ambassador MiG. I'm afraid you came from afar and haven't heard of the letter of appeal I sent to the Seven Kingdoms. I am not returning to my homeland to bring blood and fire to the Seven Kingdoms, but to bring peace to the Seven Kingdoms. "This land is now full of wounds, and the wounds are in need of healing." Viserys said, "I heard that there have been frequent wars in the disputed land in recent years. I'm afraid that the land is also devastated. I don't want to see such bloodshed." Ambassador MiG, since you are here on Dragonstone, as a friendly neighbor of Tyrosh and the free city-states, I would like to take this opportunity to advise you that the long summer is coming to an end and winter is coming. The trading city-states are all sisters and brothers who survived the Valyrian catastrophe. If we can't sit down and talk about any conflicts, why not take advantage of the arrival of winter to make a truce and recuperate? "


Ambassador Miguel really wants to say that the Disputed Land can still produce food in winter like the Long Summer Land where Valyria once was. Otherwise, several Free City-States would not have been competing for that land. The Disputed Land is located in Era. The southernmost part of Sthos, where seasonal changes have relatively little impact, is a fertile and wealthy land. Food production there will not stop until the harshest winter comes, and such a winter will not occur once in a hundred years.

"It is said among the people that every long summer is followed by a longer long winter. Although this may not be the case, it is also worthy of vigilance for rulers. This summer lasted for nearly ten years, which was the longest on record after the reign of Aegon V. The longest summer after seven years of summer, and the seven years of long summer in the reign of Aegon V were followed by six years of long winter. The old man heard that there will be severe cold after the Ghost Summer. "The Ghost Summer is the hottest period at the end of the long summer. People here in Westeros usually only need two or three years to prepare food for the winter. I'm afraid this time." The long summer is followed by a harsh long winter, so we call on the people in the country to take advantage of the autumn to plant autumn grains and store more grains, so as to be prepared to avoid disasters. "

"Your Majesty, I am ashamed of your foresight." Although the words seemed unreasonable to Miguel, Miguel listened to what he said about the so-called "free city-states" and the so-called "sisters and brothers." As an envoy who has been on many missions As an envoy, you can't tell that someone is declining. Viserys clearly did not want to get involved in the disputes in Essos. As for the long winter, severe cold, storing food, and being prepared, Ambassador MiG only thought that Viserys was trying to prevaricate the excuse he was looking for.

Seeing that Ambassador MiG did not use new words to invite allies, and obviously did not listen to his words, Viserys gave up and finally said: "Ambassador MiG, what I said is true. The brotherly city-state has been restored to good condition. If there is a witness, I will be very happy to attend."

"." Ambassador MiG could only smile and say nothing.

"By the way, I know that the south is rich and Tyrosh is rich in food. If there is an opportunity in the future, I would like to purchase food from friendly countries to prepare for the winter in the seven countries."

"Tyroshi looks forward to business cooperation with Dragonstone, Your Majesty." Having said that, food is not a valuable commodity in the Southern Free City. Only the wine made from food and the by-products are valuable, but Viserys Ambassador MiG did not shirk his willingness to cooperate in business.

It's kind of like leaving a button for cooperation, isn't it?

It's time to end the meeting: "Then, Ambassador MiG, please go down and have a rest. I'll have a drink with you at tomorrow's banquet."

"Your Majesty, please forgive my abruptness and rudeness," Ambassador MiG did not continue, but began to introduce, "I have a Dornish guest traveling with me. I want to find a place to meet you where there are not so many people?"


Viserys was not anxious, but the people present in the hall were. What does it mean to have many people?

Viserys was not angry at all, and only said: "Ambassador MiG, please let me introduce you. This is Earl Gunther, my acting city lord of Dragonstone. This is Ser Barristan - the fearless Barrister." Listan, Ser Grolay, Ser Lambdon, they are my loyal knights. They are all loyal men who died for me. They are not idlers, but if they are Dornish guests traveling with you. If you have any concerns, please let him reveal his identity. My knights and guards have a sense of proportion. They know what kind of situation should be handled by me alone. If you don't want to, I won't force you. You just want to see me in private. Please come. Go to the reception desk of the town at the foot of the mountain to go through the process of a private meeting with Mrs. Saitiga.”

"Uh, Your Majesty." Barristan had spotted a familiar Dornish face in the crowd. He had seen this Dornish figure many times in tournaments, but he hesitated to speak.

"Oberyn Martell of Dorne greets you, Your Majesty Viserys."

Oberon stepped out from the entourage behind Ambassador MiG. He stood in the center of the main hall, revealing his full face. He has a long and melancholy face, a pair of big eyes as black as kerosene ponds under his thin arched eyebrows, a pointed forehead and nose, and only a few silver strands in his glossy black hair. It has to be said that the Red Viper was slightly different from what Viserys imagined. He was not as violent and violent as he imagined, but instead had some coldness and restraint due to the traces of time.

"Nice to meet you, gentlemen of Dragonstone." He also greeted the knights present at Viserys. Finally, he looked at Viserys and said, "If Your Majesty is pleased, I will be happy to communicate with you here."

Viserys's first impression of him was that this man was ferocious, but he could also hide his edge.

Ambassador MiG saw that Oberon had jumped out, so he took his leave: "Then, I will take my leave first. Your Majesty."

Viserys's knights were a little stunned: "Uh, Your Majesty."

Fortunately, Viserys was always willing to ease the embarrassment: "My knights, please go back to your respective posts and work for my king's cause." As he said, he looked at Oberon, "Hello, Prince Oberon, please Move to the table hall.”

Viserys greeted him calmly and went upstairs to the Tutable Hall.

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