Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 136 Information Interpretation

"I think of an ancient oath. Some descendants of the ancestors who still follow ancient traditions will swear an oath in the name of the earth and rivers, bronze and steel, ice and fire."

Although she knew Viserys was not in a good mood right now, Daenerys told him about the Three-Eyed Raven as soon as he returned.

Viserys was also shocked by the huge amount of information, but he quickly collected his thoughts and entered the state.

"I have never heard of this set of oaths, nor have I seen them in songs or books?" Daenerys couldn't help but ask after hearing Viserys's words.

"The oath of the Marshlanders. They are often mocked by the other races of the Seven Kingdoms as 'swamp dwellers, frog eaters, mud men' or 'swamp devils'. Historical legends say that during the battle between the Rhoynar and the First Men for Westeros At that time, the Green Seer caused floods to wash away the Neck and seal off the northern border. The people of the Marshland have lived in the present-day Marshland since then, and their relationship with the Children of the Forest is as close as the Targaryen family and the dragon." People are very ancient and closed-minded. It is said that they even wear bronze armor and carry bronze weapons.

"Do you think this is the oath of the Age of Heroes or the Age of Dawn?"

"Yes, the earth and rivers, bronze and steel, ice and fire, if what the Three-Eyed Crow said is true, perhaps the foundation of this world is composed of these 'songs'. The truth of magic is 'song'."

Daenerys was keenly aware that Viserys didn't seem surprised: "What did you think of?"

Viserys thought for a while and said: "I'm sorry, Dany, I can't tell you everything until I find a way to prevent your dreams from being spied on. I speculate that the big music in the mouth of the Three-Eyed Crow is the source of magic in this world. , and 'songs' are the expression of original magic, they are the most original part of this world." He began to lie, "I once dreamed of Rhaegar, and he was talking to a woman who was breastfeeding a newborn baby. He said: 'The dragon has three heads. The prophesied prince, his song is the song of ice and fire.'"

"What does this mean, your song is a Song of Ice and Fire?"

"The Three-Eyed Crow said, because my big movement has been played again, and its melody is hidden in the melody of the Song of Ice and Fire. Dany, every song has a theme. According to what the red-robed priest said before, it represents fire. R'hllor, the King of Light, and the Cold God, who represents ice, are in a war, and their war will sweep the world, and no one will be immune. So I guess, this is the so-called "Song of Ice and Fire Melody". The theme of the struggle was originally the competition between the two gods. The big movement means that the war has expanded. "

This is not entirely true, as Daenerys' dreams could have been invaded and Viserys did not speak all of his thoughts.

Viserys thought of the Lord of the Rings.

In the creation myth of The Lord of the Rings, the creator god Iluvatar created the Ainur from his own thoughts and proposed the theme of music to them. So all the Ainur participated in the creation of music. The music of the Ainur was like various harps and lyres, various woodwinds and brasses, various fiddles and organs, and countless choirs singing loudly, began to make Ilúvatar The themes were composed into great movements, and the movements they played eventually formed a universe in the realm of emptiness, generated by the songs sung by the Ainur.

The universe unfolds from the movement, and Ilúvatar, the creator god, makes the movement visible. This universe is called Yiya. In One Asia, there is a place where humans and elves live: Arda (Earth). Every three major melodies of the Enu movement constitute a world, and each Enu melody will turn into the time and matter of the world.

The Empty Realm and the Eternal Hall of Ilúvatar are not in the same place. After the great movement of the Ainur, the Creator God and many Ainur remained there.

But many Ainur entered the universe created by this big movement and became Valar (gods) and Maia (secondary gods) in the world of the Lord of the Rings, and the disputes in the world of the Lord of the Rings began.

Ainur is not a selfless god. During the creation stage of the big movement, the strongest one was mixed with his own selfishness, and others had to sing along with his melody. As a result, the world was not beautiful after its birth, although there was one who represented the evil of the world. 'Melkor', but the disputes among various races are not all caused by 'Melkor'.

It is said that the real creator of this world of ice and fire is deeply influenced by the world view of The Lord of the Rings, so the 'song' and 'big music' of this world have different views in Viserys' cognition.

The 'big movement' is the song of creation, and the description of 'the big movement plays again' in Viserys's eyes is not the big movement, but 're'.

This word means to Viserys that the creation movement of this world may not have been completed yet.

Inexplicably and logically, the world of ice and fire was indeed incomplete in Viserys's eyes.

When you think about it this way, when the big movement inexplicably stops, the theme of the song of creation becomes chaotic. The gods of this world may be competing for the position of leader of the big movement, wanting to transform the world into the theme they want.

After thousands or tens of thousands of years, the Children of the Forest and the Green Seers, who represented the Song of the Earth, were expelled to the corners of the world. The music that represented the Song of the Rivers seemed to be scattered into the hands of different secondary gods and difficult to take shape. The song of bronze and steel may represent humanity, but human gods are not born. There are only two most powerful melodies left in this world, ice and fire. Their war will determine the future of the world.

Of course, this is just speculation.

Compared to this unverifiable theory of creation, Viserys was more concerned with Daenerys's description of the scene when he first traveled to this world.

Viserys originally thought that when he traveled to a new world, all his power was confiscated by the previous world, but judging from what Daenerys saw, Daenerys saw his complete body following the white lightning. There is no doubt that all of his otherworldly magic power was in the body of King Guli Oak at the very beginning of his time travel.

But when he really came, his body of King Guli Oak dissipated in this world together with all his magic power, leaving only the otherworldly projection in his soul occupying Viserys' body, which needed the dragon soul magic power of this world to excitation.

His dissipated body of King Guli Oak and the huge otherworldly magic power were dissipated in this world. According to the Three-Eyed Crow, that power played the great music of this world.

The magic power of King Guli Oak is fire, ice, and thunder.

No wonder Viserys never understood how R'hllor discovered him so early.

Now there is undoubtedly an explanation, because since the beginning of Viserys' time traveling, the fire elemental magic of his King Guliok's body dissipated in this world has stirred R'hllor's 'song' and touched his melody.

By the same token, the magic of the ice element must have touched the melody of the cold god. No wonder Daenerys was guided to the north by the Three-Eyed Raven, and Viserys had always wondered why the sight Daenerys saw was different from what he remembered. The scene Bran saw in the original world line was even more dangerous and terrifying.

Viserys couldn't help but feel the uncertainty of fate. Both the King of Light and the God of Cold seemed to have become more powerful than the original world line because of his time travel.

But there is something strange. Viserys thought to himself, what power in this world was touched by the lightning magic that dissipated when he came to this world? Why is there no sign yet?

The only good thing is that none of the gods in this world has omniscience and omnipotence.

Daenerys asked: "Then we have to go to the north to find him, Duke Bloodraven. He is our ancestor, right, and he is kind to us?"

"No, Dany." Viserys paused, "Duke Bloodraven is the Three-Eyed Raven, but the Three-Eyed Raven is not just Duke Bloodraven. He is very dangerous, and it is too early to contact him now."


"It is said that the inheritance of the Green Seer must accept the past of the old gods remembered by the weirwood. Even if Duke Bloodraven is still alive today, he is only a man in his 130s or 40s. But when he became the Green Seer, he received Memory is a huge memory that lasts for thousands or tens of thousands of years. Or is it the same question, Dany, when a person receives memories that are not his own, and only a small part of his own memories, is he still not himself? Is he still the same person you know?

I am often so distressed because I actually have memories in my mind that are not mine since I woke up. But those are actually very few, but you have stayed with me the longest, and you should be the most aware of the changes in my personality. We must remain in awe of memories that do not belong to us. This kind of thing will change our personality, our way of thinking, and everything about us. Try not to touch it and stay to yourself.

Stay away from him until we find a way to counteract him reading our memories or stuffing things into our heads. "

Daenerys realized the seriousness of the situation and was horrified for a moment: "You said it, he asked me to see things in my own memory in my dream. It was obviously my memory, but I actually don't remember those details, no. I know. Oh my god, he's already stuffing things into my head that I don't have! You're right, brother, we should stay away from him." She couldn't help but feel a sense of fear, and moved closer to Viserys, "Maybe. We shouldn't leave Dragonstone, the castle can help us avoid their sight."

Daenerys clearly remembers that when the Three-Eyed Raven first came into contact with her, the Dragonstone Castle in her vision was a blur. That castle, those black stones.

"The Old God needs weirwood as a medium, and the Red God needs priests to deliver messages. The Cold God is currently isolated outside the Great Wall." Viserys looked at Daenerys solemnly, "We need to act, Dany, only Only when we become stronger can we avoid being swallowed up by the coming wave and being used as marionettes by the gods. Before, I wanted to ask the attitude of the Three-Eyed Crow, but now I have found out. He is eager for us to go to the north, which means that he wants us to go to the north. The hand cannot reach this long. The Southern Territory is full of Seven Gods and lacks weirwood, which is where we can make use of it."

There was one thing Viserys didn't say. He suspected that the belief in the Seven Gods was the place reserved for the "song" of mankind in the Great Movement. If not, this belief should have some other uses. Otherwise, why did the Andals drive the old gods away in the first place? north?

And Viserys had some ideas on how to get the power of lightning.

Perhaps he had already been in contact with the god whose melody was played, and Viserys began to suspect that Euron the Crow's Eye and the sea monster that attacked Viserys at that time might not be a coincidence, but were related to the Red God. Like the priests, driven by some kind of power, they chased Viserys who played the melody of the gods.

The Storm God, this god has a weak presence in the world of ice and fire, is one of the gods in the Ironborn religion of the Iron Islands. In Ironborn mythology, the Storm God is the eternal enemy of the Drowned God, who dwells in the halls of the clouds.

The Iron Islands King Selection is held in a place called the Gray Sea King's Hall, and that place is on a mountain called Naga Hills on Old Wyk Island. Rumor has it that on that hill is the world's first Helona. The palace was built on the ribs of Ga.

Naga is a legendary sea dragon that feeds on sea beasts and sea monsters, and can even destroy entire islands when angry.

Legend has it that in the Age of Heroes, the legendary Grey King - all the Ironborn families, including the Greyjoys and Greyirons, claim that their bloodline comes from him - killed the largest sea dragon, Naga, and built the majestic Grey King's Hall based on its bones. The fire of Naga burns in the hall, never extinguished.

Legend has it that this Grey King is the spokesperson of the Drowned God, who ruled the Iron Islands for a thousand years, and finally walked into the sea, entered the Flowing Water Palace, and sat on the seat that should belong to him on the right side of the Drowned God.

Legend has it that when the Grey King died, the Storm God was impatient to extinguish the fire of Naga, and the Grey King's Hall has since decayed and decayed, and the Grey King's throne was swept into the sea by the sea, leaving nothing but the bones of Naga.

The sea dragon Naga may have a close connection with the Storm God.

Before this, Viserys had never thought that "Crow's Eye" Euron might also be related to the Storm God in addition to his unclear relationship with the Drowned God.

Balon Greyjoy is dead, and Euron the Crow's Eye may have survived Viserys's dragon flame and become the new king through the Kingsmoot.

With this in mind, Viserys has more reason to go to the South. No matter what Euron the Crow's Eye wants to do, he can only move in the west coast of Westeros, the Sunset Sea.

Euron the Crow's Eye may have traces of the thunder magic that Viserys needs.

And if Viserys is right, Euron's eyes will be on the Shield Islands in the South. He has an ulterior motive and needs a large population and priests of all the gods in the world.

In the godswood of Raventree City in the Riverlands, there is an ancient tree that is said to be as old as the tower of the castle. Its heart tree is almost dead and huge enough to be seen from miles away. For thousands of years, hundreds of ravens have roosted on the tree every night. The Blackwood family living here is the maternal line of the Duke of Bloodraven.

Legend has it that there are many sea monsters and giant sea monsters in the depths of the Sunset Sea, and even the remains of things like Naga are still there.

There are many magical places in this world, but because the main storyline is not always in these places, they are often ignored.

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