Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 148: Suspicion in Storm Land

"Oh, Ellery, can't you let the dim-eyed old mother have a little word with her son?"

Ellery was scolded by the old lady for no reason, and felt aggrieved: "Mother."

"Shut up, Ellery, don't use that tone." Lady Olenna, "You should blame your husband, the Duke of Highgarden. He refuses to see me, so he can only let me, an ignorant old woman, come to your door." ”

"Mother, what's wrong with you?" The Duke of Metz winked, watching the maids and attendants around him leave one by one, and even his wife, Lady Ellery, was about to be driven away.

After the Duke of Highgarden's room was cleared, Lady Olenna said bluntly: "Have pity on that poor old mother. Tell her, what is it about King's Landing that fascinates you, Mace?"

The Duke of Metz looked around and said to him: "Mother, if you want to go back to Highgarden, I will have someone take you back. Both Vilas and Garland are missing you."

"Would you rather let Margaery become a nun, never marry again in this life, and never be able to bring Lannister back to the South? Why, oh, by the gods, the wise Duke of Mace, the noble Lord of Highgarden, Tell me, what kind of enchanting soup did the lion give you?"

"Mother!" Duke Metz still didn't answer, "There are Willas and Garland in the south. I can do more for our family in King's Landing!"

Olenna lamented: "Son, I would rather you do nothing. This would be a great help to the Tyrell family. Don't you like hunting? Go back to the south to take hounds to ride horses and hunt, raise horses and feed eagles, even if you find a few A beautiful young girl gave birth to several illegitimate children.”

"Mother, what are you talking about!" Duke Metz frowned, "Don't you want to see Tyrell's roses bloom more prosperously?"

The old lady only felt her heart aching: "Your Majesty Duke, tell me, how do you plan to make the roses flourish?"

Duke Mace whispered to his mother: "When King Tommen comes to the throne, mother, Lord Tywin will become the Regent, and I will become the Prime Minister, and the lords of the Reach will get more ministerial seats in King's Landing."

The old lady only felt a headache: "Your Majesty the Duke of Highgarden, can't you see that this mountain is collapsing? What do you want to do by climbing so high?"

"Well," Duke Mace blinked, looked around cautiously, and whispered, "Mother, you haven't understood that once the march starts over there, if the Lannister chooses to withdraw to the West, won't King's Landing be in our hands? ? We will have the South and King's Landing by then. Mother, haven't you thought that it was Lord Tywin who gave King's Landing back then, and that's why the Lannister's power has been there for so many years, and even if they don't withdraw, we can still watch their success or failure."

"What about Redwyne, Rowan, and Tully? Can't you, the upstarts of the Reach, come up with an idea? Have you ever communicated with them? Do you know what they think?"

"Oh, mother. Now that Lord Tywin and the Queen Mother are still here, we have to be careful. Let me tell you, mother, many of the powerful people in King's Landing are waiting for someone to attack King's Landing. Let's observe the situation. We can just wait for the opportunity. And I I have secretly sent a message to the other side to congratulate the wedding - from Bitterbridge and Antler Keep, I have a reason to establish contact, and only wait for the other side to come to King's Landing. Most of the troops in the Reach are now in the west of King's Landing. By then, Lannis. Especially fight or flight, I can handle it calmly.”

The old lady's blood pressure was rising: "This is a foolish act. You will gain nothing from doing this! Willas's letter has already said that the Dornish people are displaying their troops on the border. What do you think they want to do?"

"Oh, mother, this is military, you don't understand. The Highgarden army is the largest in the entire territory now, and Lannister and the other side need us. Lannister or Dorne alone can't unify the entire territory. "The Duke of Metz explained to his mother with a grimace, "I'll tell you the truth, mother. I have more detailed information. The Dornish people are indeed going there, but you don't have to worry about the safety of the southern border. The exit of the Bone Road can lead directly to Summer Hall. They will send troops from Summer Hall to King's Landing. We will wait and see how the Lannister reacts before we can deal with it calmly. No matter how the situation develops next, Highgarden is already in an invincible position. "

The old lady didn't take it seriously and just said: "You are playing with fire. Only now you can leave Lannister and King's Landing can you be calm. When the war starts, you will be betraying!"

The Duke of Metz opened and closed his mouth, and finally said impatiently: "Mother, if you want to go to High Court, can I send someone to take you back?"

"You are truly your father's son. He was fascinated by the eagle in the sky, but did not pay attention to the cliff at his feet."

Maybe my father jumped off the cliff on purpose. The Duke of Metz was thinking. But he said: "Mother, if you can't get used to living in King's Landing, I'd better send you back to Highgarden."

"You!" The old lady said with a livid face.

"Margaery can't go back with you." Duke Mace added, "She has dedicated herself to the Seven Gods and will stay with the Archbishop of King's Landing to serve the gods devoutly. Let me tell you, we should thank the little devil, otherwise I really don't know how to save her."

"." Mrs. Olenna really regretted that she was reluctant to beat her son so hard when he was still young.


Viserys wondered: "The reply from Bitterbridge? Family Caswell? Is it the same as the one from Antler Castle? Congratulations on my wedding. No signature? Apart from this, have you received any replies from other places? ?”

The maester respectfully handed over the letter: "Over there at Storm's End."

"Oh? Show me." Viserys wondered what Stannis would write.

When I opened the letter, I saw that it was not a wedding blessing, but an explanation of the previous incident in Stonefort where the Lannister disguised Stannis's army, and reprimanded the Lannister. At the same time, the reply brought a letter hoping to restart negotiations for the redemption of captives. Stannis decided to send Alister Florent to Dragonstone to negotiate the exchange and redemption of captives and nobles from both sides.

"Your Majesty, do you want a reply?"

"Reply, just write: 'I wonder if the famous Lady Melisandre is among the visitors sent by you. If so, please take care of yourself. It is easy to get your hands dirty, but it is difficult to clean them. I heard that Stormland We are still resorting to war, and the princes and people are still miserable under your rule. I really don't want to see this. Miss Shireen has grown up on Dragonstone Island. She is dignified and intelligent. I think she can do a good job for you. Heal the scars of the Stormland. Why don't you step back and pass the position of lord to the more talented Miss Shireen? In this way, the Stormland will be free from war and the country will be safe and peaceful. 'Do you need me to repeat it? ?”

".No need to trouble Your Majesty." Bachelor Pyros finished taking notes and was speechless for a moment.

"Okay, just send it to Storm's End." Viserys didn't want anything to happen to his wedding, the Black Shadow Assassin.

The scouts who had gone to the Stormlands had brought back first-hand information. The military power of the Stormlands was now concentrated at Storm's End, and Stannis strictly controlled the inside and outside of the castle, and the local management was almost at a standstill.

Moreover, the castles in the Stormlands are still being summoned to transport new soldiers to Storm's End, but each castle has begun to replace the lord's recruitment of soldiers and horses by sending money and food. Rumors even say that Stannis is sending people to Essos to recruit mercenaries to fight for him.

Based on all the information, Stannis undoubtedly still wants to fight and has no intention of surrendering.

Just after seeing off Bachelor Palos, another notification came quickly: "Your Majesty, the Military Intelligence Agency has brought someone to the castle."

"Okay, take him to the castle office of the Military Intelligence Department, and you can do the questioning for me, Godian."



Viserys came to the back room of the so-called military intelligence office in the castle, and sat there listening to Godian interrogate him about the information brought back by a scout named Scott.

This Scott was one of the scouts sent out by Viserys on merchant ships to inquire about information in various parts of the Stormlands. However, it was unclear whether it was luck or misfortune. The merchant ship on which this scout was riding encountered a storm in Shipbreaker Bay. The merchant ship ran aground and sank. He hugged a piece of driftwood and drifted on the sea for a long time, and was finally washed up on a shore.

Local fishermen caught him.

According to his account, after being caught by fishermen, he was taken to an offshore fishing village on the northern edge of the rainforest.

There, he was almost sacrificed by local villagers to the local "sea god" to pray for a good fish harvest.

Godian could already speak Common Tongue quite well, even though he still had a weird accent: "Tell me more about what you saw there."

"Yes, sir." Scott was still a little shocked when he recalled it. "On the surface, that fishing village looked no different from an ordinary fishing village. At first, when I was caught, I just thought they were ordered by the local lord to strictly enforce local martial law. , but later I found out that was not the case. The locals were very wary and refused to communicate with me. They just locked me in a dark room. There were two other people in the room. They were both injured and told me that they were other people. The survivors of the shipwreck whose ship was hit by a storm have been locked up there for a day without eating anything. They are all very hungry and weak.

That night, I heard shouting outside and realized something was going on. I thought at the time that I was just a poor man who had been unfortunately shipwrecked, and it didn't matter if I was handed over to the local militia and lords. But that's not the case. They were holding a sacrificial ceremony that night.

Two other people in the house were taken away. The look on the villagers' faces as they took them away was disturbing, and I realized I had to find a way to escape.

I'm really grateful to Brick - he has been engaged in a less honorable profession and taught me how to pry open villagers' doors under different circumstances - sir, I only use this to save my life.

There was no one waiting outside the door, so I took advantage of the night to hide in the dark and observe.

Only then did I realize that there was a bonfire burning in the middle of the fishing village. The two people who had just been taken out were stripped naked and tied to wooden stakes, while the fishermen gathered around a black stone in the center of the fishing village to worship.

They are all crazy and fanatically believe in a 'Poseidon'.

The altar above was already filled with sacrifices, including human severed limbs and internal organs.

My lord, I have been on the battlefield. I knew it was definitely not the entrails of some animal.

An old woman started chanting with a kitchen knife covered in rust and blood, and all the villagers started chanting with her.

They prayed to Poseidon for schools of fish and to Poseidon for storms to bring new sacrifices

They're crazy, my lord.

I didn't dare to continue watching, so I took advantage of the night and ran out of the village. Later, it started to rain, and I luckily encountered a group of smugglers' boat, and then I was able to rush to Yuwu City, where I met my companions. "

Speaking of which, when he went to the Storm Land as a scout and encountered such a thing, Scott wanted to keep it hidden in his heart for the rest of his life, but after drinking, he couldn't help but tell his companions.

Because of this incident, he was laughed at by people in the military camp for a while. People called him "Scott, the Survivor of the Terror Fishing Village" or "Scott, the Poseidon Believer" to ridicule him. Word of this later reached Viserys.

"You said you ran away. How long did you run before you encountered the smuggling ship?"

Scott hesitated for a moment and said, "Three days, sir."

"You told your companions that you survived by fishing. You fished while escaping?"

"No, sir, they didn't believe me, but you must have believed me to ask!" Scott became excited, "Sir, on the rainy night when I escaped, the fish swarmed to the shore like crazy, and there was no need to fish at all. Sir, I know this is crazy, but it's true. They all think I'm lying, making up stories, and they all think I'm dreaming, but it's true!"

"Your companions call you a 'believer of the sea god'. Do you think that's what the fishermen got from offering sacrifices to the 'sea god'?"

". Sir, that's false. I never think so." He denied it flatly.

"Do you still remember the location of the fishing village? If I let you lead the way, can you still find the village?"

"Sir, I will never forget it until I die!"

"On the rainy night when you escaped, was there thunder besides rain?"

"Of course, sir, there is thunder every time it rains in the autumn storm land."

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