Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 150: Storm's End Sends Out Troops

The king's army set off from Storm's End with the long-lost morning sunshine.

The army snaked out from behind the castle like a giant metal snake crawling out of its lair.

Just outside the castle, new deserters were burned at the stake. When the army is traveling, people from the rear party are still performing the work of offering sacrifices during the expedition. The sacrifices will ensure that the subsequent journey goes smoothly.

The people behind the party announced: "Ms. Melisandre has prayed to the King of Light, and wherever the King's army passes, it will be sunny!"

The royal knight who intended to assassinate the red priestess beside the king was hung aside. There was no wound on the body, but through the open clothes, one could see that his skin was burnt black from the inside out.

When people rode past the corpse, they knew that the power of the red-robed woman was definitely not false.

The knight attempted to assassinate him in the public view of the expedition feast, but the priestess only glanced at him and he fell dead.

The maester said he was burned.

How terrifying.

The princes of Dragonstone who still had memories remembered Maester Cressen at the banquet. The old master had also tried to assassinate him with poison to deny her, her power, her magic, and her god. However, when Master Cressen and the red priestess both drank the poisoned wine, only Master Cressen died.

"My lord, R'hllor is capable here," the woman said. "The holy fire will protect the faithful and purge all evil."

When people think about it, many people praise her for her beauty, but she is not beautiful. She was blood red and terrifying.

The knights each wore plate or chain mail. Their armor was covered with dents and scars from hundreds of battles, but it still shone brightly in the rising sun.

The king only needed them to wear this kind of clothes when he went to war. On the battlefield, the king wanted them to put on light clothes.

Though faded and stained by washing, scratched and patched, their flags and capes still looked colorful in the ranks—cerulean and orange, red and green, purple and blue, and gold.

Each knight has his own bodyguards, servants, and soldiers, followed by blacksmiths, cooks, grooms, and whole teams of spearmen, axemen, and archers, including gray-haired veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and newcomers who are fighting for the first time.

Behind the army came the baggage trains: mules, horses, oxen, and long trains of wagons and carts loaded with food, fodder, tents, and other supplies.

A rearguard force of well-equipped knights followed.

Behind them are the semi-hidden escorts who will ensure that no one with ulterior motives is following behind the army.

The direction of the army's march needs to be kept secret until the king officially declares war.

Groups of scouts were sent to the front of the army array and spread out in all directions to drive away peepers and explore the way ahead.

The sound of the trumpet echoed through the entire army. The forest-like spear tips shone coldly in the sunlight, and the dewdrops on the grass blades on the roadside reflected the sunlight.

The army's marching route will be Storm's End - Coppergate City - Hay Hall, and then go north from Hay Hall along the edge of the Royal Forest. The junction of the forest and grassland can cover the march.

According to estimates, this is a road that is nearly one hundred leagues and three hundred miles away.

"Ten days." The knights told each other.

Most of the war horses of Stannis's army had been captured by the Lannister during the Battle of the Blackwater, but during their stay at Storm's End, they still collected a batch from all over the Stormlands. After Florent's supplies arrived, he bought another one. Yes, businessmen always know what sells well.

Ever since Tyrell withdrew, horse dealers began to come to Storm's End to sell horses.

Stannis knew that someone was secretly working behind his back to replenish his combat power, allowing him to quickly rebuild a cavalry force that could fight externally. he knows.

Today, most of this army of about 4,500 people is cavalry.

The army can be carried out faster. Like Stannis's previous attack on King's Landing, the cavalry traveled day and night. It took only seven days to travel more than a hundred leagues to the south bank of the Blackwater River.

But Stannis wanted to give Dragonstone time to react, so the march was deliberately slowed down.

The battlefield he chose was on the plain north of Cape Marseille, not too far from the Royal Forest, so that the left wing and reserves could be covered by the dense forest of the Royal Forest, and the threat of the dragon was reduced to as low as possible. And Ms. Melisandre can hide herself on the battlefield and look for opportunities.

"What would Robert do if it were him?" a Stormland knight in the former army couldn't help but ask. Robert's bravery during the Usurper's War was raised to godlike proportions, but even so, they could not imagine how Robert would face the dragon. After all, Rhaegar was just a Targaryen on horseback, and what they would face was Viserys is a dragon rider.

"If it were Robert, he would definitely take the initiative, but he would fight on horseback on the real plains." Sir Fell replied. The Fell family was defeated by Robert in the Battle of Summerhall, and Earl Fell was killed by Robert in a one-on-one duel, and he became loyal to Baratheon. But even though they had a deified attitude toward Robert's fighting prowess, they were unsure when facing the giant dragon. "That Targaryen king doesn't like Robert. Maybe he will be the first to be killed by the giant dragon when the cavalry charges." The dragon's flames burned it to charcoal."

"It would be best if King Stannis did not hear this," Ser Justin Marseille said. "She's with us this time. The last time we fought without her was at Blackwater."

"Our enemy looks so powerful." Sir Fell sighed, "And what we rely on is a witch who knows black magic, using women to deal with the dragon."

"She is not a simple woman." Justin Marseille was afraid, "You have also seen that since she started to sacrifice, the weather in the Stormland has cleared up. Also. At the banquet, the maester told me that the assassin's internal organs were all Burnt to char."

"I know what happened to him." Sir Fell said unhappily, "I say, this war is really interesting. The dragon roasts the outer skin, and the witch roasts the internal organs. I guarantee that each of us will be thoroughly familiar with it."

"Your Majesty asked Lord Allister to stay at Storm's End," Ser Marseilles said. "Everyone knows what that means."

Stannis's choice is to win or die.

Only a fool would abandon the winning side.

Regardless of the adults' suspicions, the common soldiers didn't yet know enough about the dragons, and with the back-party's heavy publicity and Melisandre's blatant displays of magical power, the common soldiers developed some confidence in their king.

He has a hero's sword, the magical sword Lightbringer that glows at night. The woman in red robe brought long-lost sunshine to the storm land - that may be false, but the death of the assassin is true, and it is also true that the deserters will be tied to the stake and sacrificed to the Lord of Light.

It’s not much faith, but it’s enough.

As long as Stannis or the red priestess can hurt the dragon, this army will see hope and fight for him.

The King's Road was flat and smooth, and the vanguard of the army arrived at the Bronze Gate City on the first day.

The land outside Tongmen City has also been deserted for a long time, perhaps because the weather was fine and the army forwards arrived. At dusk, there were farmers burning straw as fertilizer in the fields, women cutting weeds, a team of bullocks plowing the fields, and a dozen old women and men standing guard with pitchforks and axes.

When the vanguard of the army came to the castle, both men and animals fled back into the city.

When the bugle sounded and the vanguard waved the flaming red heart flag to the castle, the acting city lord of the Bukele family came out of the city to greet them.

The small castle of Tongmen City could not accommodate such a large regular army. The forward army camped under the wall, dug trenches and placed pickets.

After the Chinese army arrived, the king did not accept Sir Bruce Buckler's invitation to go to the city to rest. Instead, he chose to live in a tent with his soldiers in the military camp outside the city. Like a normal march, the king inspected the camp before nightfall, and then returned to the Chinese army's tent with a solemn expression.

From then on, the king did not summon anyone to discuss the military affairs. He only let each team rest and arranged the night watch...

Although from time to time, His Majesty was glimpsed gazing at the flames in front of the brazier in the central tent. He was talking to the Red God, some said. Lady Melisandre beside him prayed for him, and the others insisted. No matter which version is said, it means that the king is carrying the power of the King of Light in this battle.

The next day, the forward troops continued northward along the King's Road. After walking out of Sir Bukele's territory, they began to turn eastward and entered the edge of the dense royal forest and grassland. There is only a narrow path that is only large enough for a carriage to lead to Hay Hall, and this is the last road with human traces on this march.

On this day the army was quartered at Hay Hall.

Maester Juna was summoned by the king.

As the accompanying maester, Maester Juna's only role was to take care of the cages of messenger crows accompanying the king for the king.

The maester was given only one order: "Send this message everywhere, maester."

"A letter to the Lords of the Stormlands. If I die in the next battle, the Baratheon dynasty will disappear. The false king who reigns in the name of Baratheon is an illegitimate child born of incest, Shireen Baratheon She is the only legitimate heir of the Baratheon family. According to the law, Shireen will inherit Storm's End and the vassals of Stormland should be loyal to her." He pursed his lips, Shireen could not inherit Baratheon. Eun's dynasty, but the Stormlands must not fall into the hands of a Lannister bastard born of incest. Shireen may be controlled by her husband in the future, but out of responsibility, he must leave this letter.

"Also, to the king of Dragonstone. I am the orthodox King Baratheon. He has illegally invaded my territory and that of my vassals. I will lead the troops to recover Stonefort and the Point for my subjects. , followed by Dragonstone Island. If he thinks he is a king, then invite him to bring an army to fight to the death. If he dares not to fight and only dares to hide in the castle, then please leave my territory and return the Dragonstone. Island, I promise to absolve him of his crimes by sparing him bloodshed, and allow him and his sister to return safely to Essos. King Baratheon gave him only two ways, to choose to leave or fight, Choose to live or die."

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