The mouth of the Wend River was crowded with Viserys' hastily arriving fleet.

A mile away, huge streaks of fire lay in front of Stannis's army as they marched north.

The traces burned by the flames on the land were so horrifying that two carriages could run parallel to each other across the land. The land and forest were divided into two sections by the huge scorch marks. The land was scorched black and devastated.

The land and forest smelled of being scorched by fire.

On this huge scorch mark, flame marks burned a huge V-shaped intersection in a conspicuous position.

One road goes left and one road goes right.

To the left, there is a huge depression ahead. From the left end of the V-shaped mouth, you can see the Targaryen fleet at the mouth of the river. The army has built a temporary camp on a high place on the shore. It seems that they have just arrived, and even There are also ships transporting soldiers ashore in small boats.

The warehouse built in the fort has not yet been completely completed.

There, in addition to the Targaryen king's banner, was the Baratheon banner without the flaming heart.

To the right is a low hill leading to the edge of the Kingswood.

A huge three-headed beast that was more than ten feet tall was squatting on the top of a short hill, with three terrifying heads looking this way.

Ms. Melisandre was in the middle of the team and couldn't help but squint at the three giant dragons on the top of the low hill in the distance to the right.

She tried hard to see clearly the dragon and the person on the dragon.

She was very sure that her burning magic hit the dragon yesterday, and the shadow killer also attacked the people on the dragon.

But the dragon was unscathed, and not even the people on it were okay. This was beyond her expectations and beyond her comprehension.

At the front of the march, King Stannis rode silently to the right.

Behind him, King Stannis's nobles and knights looked at each other.

Stannis's squire, Bailan Falin of House Falin, looked back at his father, and then drove his horse to follow Stannis with a firm look.

Sir Gilbert Falling looked at his son, and without hesitation, chose to ride in silence and follow. The hundreds of soldiers accompanying the Falin family were stunned. They didn't know what to do for a moment. They were dead soldiers trained by the Falin family. Yes, they were willing to die for the Falin family, but this kind of behavior had no chance of winning.

"Cowards," Gordy Fallin of the Fallin family laughed loudly, "from now on you have to call me Dragon Killer!"

With that said, he also followed.

Gradually, the soldiers of the Falin family followed scatteredly, including forty archers, a dozen cavalrymen, and two spearmen.

"Seven hells!" Justin Marseille was once Stannis Baratheon's adviser, and now the Narrow Sea princes in his party look up to him. "Is it necessary to die? You are all dead, Miss Shireen. Who can help her rule the Stormlands?"

He blushed a little after speaking, but still rode his horse to the left.

Lord Bael Aemon of the Point, Sir Triston of Talisman City, and a group of Narrow Sea lords and their soldiers who had been taken to Storm's End all began to follow them to the left.

Richard Hope was the king's personal guard. He took a long breath, as if he finally figured something out: "I feel ashamed of my hesitation." He rode his horse and ran to the right.

There are also a group of back-party people, including Merrill, Pekin of the Flood family, Sir Lambert Wyott, and even Clutton... Song Ge was looking at Melisandre.

But before Melisandre made a choice, the royal party made their choice first.

Andrew Ismon looked at his father, Lomas Ismon, who had been Stannis's squire, shook his head at him, and then silently rode his horse to the right.

Sir Lomas silently watched his son and heir go away, then rode his horse to the left.

Roland Storm sighed and finally chose to follow Ser Lomas to the left. Most of the royal party voted for Renly first and then for Stannis. Now Stannis's kingship has been defeated, and theirs The choice is understandable.

Gall, Buckler, Granderson, Fell and other Stormland families followed closely and turned left one after another.

As the Stormlands family made the choice to move to the left, more people chose to follow.

The troops were divided here, with the large army marching to the left, and those following Stannis to the right were only three to four hundred men.

Melisandre stood at the fork in the road for a long time, watching many "firm" back parties waver and follow the trend to the left.

It wasn't until there were less than a hundred people left around her who were still waiting for her to make a decision that the lady spoke in her unique oriental accent: "Everything is arranged by the Lord of Light! The night is dark and everything is dangerous."

She turned to the right, choosing to follow Stannis as he receded.

Those who looked to the left quickly saw the surrender position. Shireen Baratheon stood on the high platform of the fortress that had not been completely completed under the escort of more than two hundred people. There was a huge pit below.

Next to Shireen, you can see many knights of the Florent family who stayed on Dragonstone, as well as the Onion Knight Davos and the knights rescued on the Blackwater River.

Shireen tried hard to maintain her dignity, but she never saw her father in the queue walking towards her: "Ser Davos, have you seen my father?"

Davos didn't know how to answer for a moment: "Princess Shireen. Miss No, Duke Shireen, I'm sorry, I didn't see your father."

Watching the long procession of the Stormtroopers approaching, seeing them discard King Stannis's flaming heart flag at the intersection near the camp and take over Shireen's Baratheon flag, Davos was a little dazed.

He looked up to the east, which was covered by the dense forest of the Kingswood, but he could vaguely see the upper half of the dragon driven by King Targaryen.

He stroked the short fingers hidden in his gloves, and suddenly thought that maybe he should wait for King Stannis at the intersection, and then face the dragon to the right with the king.

But he is now with Shireen, because it was Shireen who asked King Targaryen for pardon, so that they were freed from the black prison on Dragonstone. They are now all loyal knights of Shireen Baratheon, Duke of Storm's End, who was appointed by King Targaryen.

He had lost four sons for King Stannis

After this, he decided to return to Cape Wrath, to his gentle wife Maria, to mourn the dead sons with her, and to raise the living ones, to be loyal to Lord Shireen like an ordinary Knight of the Stormlands, and to ignore the king and the war if he was not summoned.


To be honest, Viserys never thought that Stannis would choose to come out and die.

According to the news sent back by the scouts sent out from Dragonstone, Stannis was clearly playing rotten in Storm's End, militarizing, and letting the situation in the Stormlands deteriorate.

He originally thought that he would join forces with Dorne to conquer the Stormlands after getting married, but he didn't know that Stannis was so daring and chose to challenge the dragon on the plains.

Melisandre was indeed a killer move, but she was still slightly inferior in the end.

What Viserys was sitting on was not a person, but a rag doll with a wooden frame stuffed with wild goat hair.

Maybe against the strange red-robed woman, Viserys dared not let Daenerys continue to disguise himself.

This rag doll was sewn by Daenerys herself, using the fur of wild goats slaughtered by Nightfire in the wilds of Dragon Mountain. It was wearing a half armor and helmet that Viserys had changed out of, and was tied to a raised scale on Viserys' body by Daenerys herself.

Viserys witnessed Melisandre's strange shadow killer with his own eyes. The shadow looked like a dark and evil human, and used the dark and strange magic to form a terrifying shadow dagger. The shadow killer appeared extremely strangely, and climbed onto Viserys' back from nowhere. It was impossible to defend against it, piercing the heart of the rag doll and cutting the throat of the rag doll.

The method was strange and terrifying. Viserys did not dare to imagine whether Daenerys could defend against such a strange attack if she really pretended to be him.

When they went back yesterday to have Daenerys repair the rag doll, they were shocked to find that the wooden frame inside the rag doll was cut by something sharp, and the cut was incredibly smooth. Even the sharpest blade they had ever seen could not cut such a smooth cut.

At that time, as the shadow killer attacked, there was also a surge of evil curse magic in his magical body.

Viserys was already familiar with that curse-like magic, just like the malicious curse on a dragon bone sapphire and the curse magic that crawled all over his body from the dragonbinder horn.

The curse magic did not have time to explode in his body before it was surrounded by the huge otherworldly magic of the dragon-like body.

Even so, Viserys still felt scared.

Before he went to battle, he thought about various situations, but Melisandre's attack method was still beyond his expectations.

Gradually, those who still chose to fight with Stannis gathered on the plain below the hill where Viserys was, and they began to line up about 700 yards away from Viserys.

Viserys counted them and found that there were about 400 people, more than he expected.

Most of them were cavalry, many of them were knights from various families, many of them were knights who had to follow their lords for honor after they went up, some of them were loyal to the queen's party who believed in the Lord of Light, and some were obviously forced infantrymen. These infantrymen were the dead soldiers of the Falling family and Stannis. They were dead soldiers bound by the sacred oath of death and had to go up.

Even if they surrendered, the death of their lords meant that they had lost the capital to settle down in this world, and no one would trust them anymore. They had only two ways, to be deserters or to die with their lords.

In this era, there were still people who did not regard death as so important.

Viserys squatted on the hill like a castle.

The deterrent power of the dragon was fully displayed on the plain.

But these people were still arranging their formations in a tense and orderly manner.

The horn sounded.

"Line up!"

The cavalrymen began to line up at the shout of Sir Gilbert Falling.

They first formed a wedge-shaped cavalry formation, but perhaps they realized that being too concentrated would make them targets, so they quickly dispersed again and changed their formation to a straight line.

The cavalrymen held lances and gradually formed a line.

The archers and shield soldiers were arranged into two separate teams, and they spread out to form the second echelon to meet the cavalry charge.


The king's attendant, Byran Farin, raised the king's shining sword high in his hand - the king was unwilling to pick it up again, and started riding and shouting from the far left of the cavalry.

The sword in his hand swept across the lances in the hands of the cavalry, giving them the confidence to charge.


When Byran Farin came to the far right of the queue, he shouted the charge order.

As he shouted, the flag bearer waved the flag, and the cavalry began to charge towards the low hill.

"For King Stannis!"

The charge of hundreds of cavalry was enough to make the ground tremble and raise smoke and dust.

They are like Don Quixote charging at a windmill.

What were they thinking at this time? Viserys stared at the past, trying to figure out the mood of these people at this moment.

Viserys sat up and spread his huge bat wings.

In an instant, the giant dragon on the low hill seemed to expand three times.

He began to take off, and his flapping wings raised countless smoke and dust: "Stannis of the Stormlands, I will use the wind to bury your kingdom."

Viserys flew up. He began to fly towards the cavalry. He did not want to use fire, but fanned his wings into the roaring wind, and dived head-on with the charging cavalry at extremely fast speeds.

The air flow generated by a sixty-meter-long giant dragon flapping its wings is comparable to a large storm, not to mention that Vese Lisbon can use his wings to release the magic of fanning.

There is no doubt that these cavalry are doing useless work.

Their charge was meaningless except to be knocked down by the fierce winds blown by Viserys, and the horses were frightened and trampled under their hooves.

The fight ended when Viserys flapped his wings and launched himself back.

This was a completely unequal battle, and Viserys only hoped that Stannis would have better luck and not die under the hooves of his horses or the strong winds he blew. Viserys also planned to send him to the north and let him be the savior.

The plot here has been stuck for a long time. I wrote several versions but I was not satisfied with it, and it even affected the normal update of the manuscript. Finally, I chose this way to end it. Hurry up and send Stannis to the Great Wall according to the outline plan to end the plot here.

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