Viserys looked strangely at the shy boy in the accompanying group of princes who was trying to distance himself from "Aegon" and his entourage, and rode to form a group of his own behind the princes of the Stormlands.

The boy had platinum-blond hair and big dark blue, almost purple eyes. He and the seventeen-year-old Aegon rode side by side, and they might be mistaken for brothers.

Four of the boy's guards followed him on horseback, trying to hoist the banner of House Dayne, which Sister Ashara Dayne and several maids had sewn for his nephew over several nights. In this way, their horses were lent to them by the Golden Company.

Daenerys followed Viserys' gaze and rode closer to explain to him: "The child's name is Edric Dayne. He was brought back by the scouts sent along the King's Road. At that time, he thought they were sent by King's Landing. Who knows that the child is the twelve-year-old earl of the Dane family in Dorne. According to him, he came all the way from the Riverlands to Blackport, his aunt's betrothal partner. Beric Dondarrion served as a knight's squire. Ser Bailey died in the Riverlands. He originally planned to go to Blackport to report to the Dondarrion family, and then returned to Dorne. The road to Summerhall was blocked by the Lannister army. The King's Road heading south is not closed. They wanted to take a detour to Summer Hall via Fort Felwood, but they were caught by scouts. Now ask about the situation and become a new guest at our wedding. "

Viserys commented: "The current Earl of House Dayne traveled around the world during the war at such a young age?"

Daenerys whispered, "Are you thinking about his hair and eyes?"

Viserys shook his head: "No, I was thinking of the Ser Beric Dondarrion he spoke of."

Silver and platinum hair and blue and violet eyes were not particularly rare signs in Westeros and Essos. If everyone he saw with similar characteristics had to pay attention, then Viserys would not be able to pay attention.

Daenerys wondered: "What happened to this person?"

"Some rumors about the Riverlands, I heard from Military Intelligence," Viserys said. "Traders from the Riverlands rumored that Ser Beric had been killed several times."

"Killed several times?" Daenerys became alert, "How did you do it?"

Viserys said mysteriously: "This is what we want to inquire about." As he said, he called the knight riding behind him, "Ser Barristan."

Barristan galloped to follow: "Your Majesty."

Viserys waved his riding crop: "That little Earl Dayne, go and ask him how Sir Beric died. Is it true that the rumors that he was killed several times are true?"

Barristan looked over there strangely, and then at the king. He didn't know why the king would be interested in such ridiculous nonsense, but he still nodded: "Yes, Your Majesty."

It wasn't until the marching troops arrived at a boat dock on the vast Wende River that the old knight returned to the king with a frown on his face and a troubled look on his face.

When they boarded the first ship, Viserys asked, "Ser, what did you find out?"

The old sergeant replied tangledly: "Your Majesty, little Lord Dayne said that Sir Beric was killed six times. Every time he died for the first six times, Sir Beric was resurrected by Thoros of Myr, and he didn't really die until the seventh time. "

Young Earl Dayne was a little shy and somewhat self-conscious, so he gave Barristan a detailed description of every death of Ser Beri. For some reason, he agreed to hide some of the things from others, but the parts he said did not sound half-assed. It's not like a story a kid could make up.

Viserys was curious: "Did he tell you what Ser Beric did to die the seventh time?"

The old knight was even more confused: "He said he promised others to keep secrets." He couldn't help but ask. "Your Majesty is knowledgeable and knowledgeable. I would like to ask you, is this true?"

"That's it, sergeant. I'm going north with you. I have a mission for you on the way." Viserys said directly, "If you encounter any aliens in the north, find a way to have the Night's Watch capture them alive and bring them back to you." ——Of course, don’t take too many risks. If it’s dangerous, your life is important.”

The old knight asked strangely: "Alien? Does your Majesty mean the White Walkers?"

Viserys said vaguely: "I'm not sure, ser. But I think the Great Wall is in emergency, and the wildlings must not have gone south for no reason. Maybe it's winter? But the Great Wall has never asked for support so urgently in the past winter. It must have happened. What changes have occurred, but I can’t think of any other changes that would allow the savages to go south despite the dangerous defense of the Great Wall?”

The old knight became entangled again: "Then you let that prince and Sir Jon."

Viserys only said: "Their matter is another matter. They only need to confirm with Maester Aemon and they can leave the Great Wall at any time. I asked them to bring more people because I was afraid that something would happen to them and it would bring bad reputation to me. The same goes for you. , your main purpose is to bear witness, you can put everything else aside and just do it as long as nothing happens. I also hope that I am overly concerned."

Viserys said so, but his serious tone still made the old knight pay attention, and his expression was solemn.

"Don't worry too much. I have prepared some things that may be used in this trip among the supplies I sent to the Great Wall from Dragonstone. Dragon crystal and fuel. Dragon crystal is said to be a fire from the ground, a weapon of the children of the forest, and a weapon used to deal with aliens thousands of years ago." Viserys was a little embarrassed to explain, "Sir, I don't want to make public the dragon crystal on the ship, so as not to be laughed at. There is a fable in Essos. There was a man who was always worried that the sky would fall, and then he lost his appetite and had a headache every day. What should I do if the sky falls? I don't want to be such a person in the eyes of others. The dragon crystal will be placed together with the fuel, and you can find some trustworthy people to take care of it together. If it proves that I am too suspicious, you can say that the dragon crystal was accidentally shipped by mistake."

Although Viserys looked cheerful, as if he was saying that he was the one who was worried about the sky falling, he was so well prepared that the old lord couldn't help but become more solemn.

Send Stannis and his loyal followers to the north, let Aegon and Jon lead the Golden Company north, and prepare dragon crystal and fuel for special situations.

You know, the "Prince Aegon" originally planned to bring only 200 cavalry guards, but later Viserys talked about the difficulties of the Great Wall in the north and the possibility of unnecessary conflicts with the lords in the north, and persuaded him to bring 500 more cavalry.

Jon Clinton was also happy to bring more people.

But in fact, from Barristan's point of view, 700 cavalrymen wearing full armor, let alone just a trip to the Great Wall, if the supplies can keep up, it is more than enough to go around the entire North.

Think about it carefully, in order to allow Stannis's new batch of Night's Watch to support the Great Wall in the north, King Viserys even arranged horses and armor for them-privately decided to arm them only when the ship heading north arrived at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea.

By this calculation, the nearly 300 new Night's Watch troops are all cavalry.

There are also plans to send guards from Dragonstone to accompany him.

What can the Great Wall do to stop a thousand armored cavalry?

Barristan couldn't help thinking, I hope he is just overthinking.

But he always felt that King Viserys asked him to ask the little Lord Dayne about that ridiculous thing, which was hinting at something.

The return journey was downstream, and Viserys felt more and more that the Wender River was now a very important strategic location in his current territory.

The Wender River connects the Stormlands and the Narrow Sea. This route can greatly shorten the marching time from the Narrow Sea to the Stormlands by land and water, and the Stormlands are connected to Dorne by land.

Blackwater Bay is a huge bay that is relatively calm during the storm season. Cape Marseille blocks most of the storms. It is much safer to sail in Blackwater Bay in autumn and winter than to sail in the stormy Narrow Sea.

The only problem is that it is too close to King's Landing. However, the Lannister and Tyrell coalition forces are now trapped in King's Landing and dare not go out easily. Viserys can make full use of this river.

Compared with the urgency of rushing to the battlefield in this sudden outbreak of war, the return time is relatively abundant. In order to ensure that there are no accidents, the fleet took a full three days to return to Dragonstone.

At this moment, Dragonstone Castle is already very busy for the wedding of the king and the princess.

On the one hand, it is to ensure the safety of the wedding, and on the other hand, the port of Dragonstone is indeed not big enough. When Viserys went to Stormlands, he had already informed his newly appointed Prime Minister Oberyn to stop opening the port of Dragonstone to the public a few days before and after the wedding.

The sudden increase of a group of guests from Stormlands at this wedding was already outside Viserys' plan. He really didn't want any more uninvited guests to cause any accidents.

In order to receive so many guests, the castle of Dragonstone had to increase its staff, and servants were transferred from the canteen of the town affairs department, and all the available rooms in the castle were cleared out to receive the guests. In addition, at the garrison points outside the town of Dragonstone, enough large tents should be prepared, and corresponding chefs and staff should be used to receive the guards and sergeants accompanying the nobles, free riders, and mercenaries of the Golden Group.

Too many people will make it easier to get mixed up, and in order to prevent drunken fights and deaths at the external wedding venue under the town, Viserys specifically requested that different areas be prepared to accommodate the accompanying sergeants and guards of the Stormland lords, the mercenaries of the Golden Group, Dragonstone's own mercenaries, free riders, and guards transferred from the lords of the Narrow Sea act as banquet hosts, mixed in with accompanying and supervision.

In addition, it should be noted that the Dornish lords and the Stormland lords were apparently friendly and feasting together in Viserys's castle, which was considered to be the personal majesty of Viserys. But there is no guarantee that there will not be dignitaries who forget Viserys's deterrence after getting drunk and make trouble at the King's banquet from noon to dusk and night.

Fortunately, Prince Oberyn is an experienced ruler with many years of experience in governing and managing local areas in Dorne. He took over the reception and distribution of the guests brought back by Viserys this time after they got off the ship.

The half of the Unsullied Guards that Viserys left for Oberyn resolutely obeyed orders. Among the narrow sea lords who stayed on Dragonstone, there was no noble who could shake the status of the Prince of Dorne, so no one questioned his authority, and he soon became well-behaved. During the time when Viserys was away from Dragonstone, he was calm and at ease.

Preparing a wedding for a king is not an easy task, although Viserys said that it can be simple, without extravagance, and there is already a draft. But many managers in this world cannot do things well even with a well-planned draft. This is why many policies look good in the planning stage, but often various problems arise in the implementation stage.

To a certain extent, this time, the management of Dragonstone and the preparation of the king's wedding can be regarded as the answer sheet handed in by the new King's Hand Oberyn to King Viserys in these days to show his skills and let Viserys know that he will be a qualified prime minister.

In fact, when the Prince of Dorne is not in a state of mind, his many years of experience and talents in managing the entire Dorne for Prince Doran are completely enough to be the prime minister.

But there are some things that even the prime minister who the king promised to be fully responsible cannot deal with for the king. After reporting to Viserys on the recent situation of Dragonstone and the preparations for the wedding.

Oberyn mentioned something that was neither big nor small: "Your Majesty, a few days ago, two people who claimed to be your maid and guard came to Dragonstone to see you. Ser Jorah recognized them and temporarily placed them in the town inn waiting for you to return and deal with them."

"It's called Butch and Ani, right? I know." Viserys knew who it was as soon as he heard it, "Thank you for your hard work during this period, Prime Minister. People often say that the king dreams and the Prime Minister builds dreams. I will need your assistance in the future to share state affairs with me."

Prince Oberyn was a little proud: "Your Majesty trusts me, I will serve you."

After seeing Oberyn off, Viserys had no time to rest, and quickly asked Godian to find Jorah.

Jorah certainly knew why the king wanted to see him, so he reported the matter of Butch and Ani in full.

Speaking of which, after Lys and Viserys separated, they waited for Viserys in Volantis for more than half a year. It has been nearly a year since they separated. Now that they have found Dragonstone, even Viserys has to sigh that things are unpredictable and people are no longer the same.

After Lys threw them away, it was not that Viserys was unkind. He sent the two back to Illyrio, but they still chose to go to Volantis.

Viserys couldn't help but sigh for their experience: "So, Butch and Ani heard about Dragonstone from Volantis and came back after going through hardships?"

The news they brought showed that the Eastern Continent is not peaceful now, not much better than Westeros.

Their return experience is also legendary. Essos is not peaceful at all now. The Stepstones are at the forefront of the war. The disputed land has become dangerous because of the departure of the Golden Group. Lys and Volantis are nominally allied with Myr, but secretly they are also scheming to take advantage of Myr's weakness.

The Rhoyne River has been ravaged by Dothraki for a year. It is said that Khal Drogo, whose army once expanded to the point of making the surrounding free cities uneasy, was assassinated in a very dangerous way. The assassin failed to kill him, but the assassin's weapon was poisoned, which seriously injured the khal.

The Dothraki have never been a nation that can still unite under the banner of an injured leader. Although Khal Drogo did not die after being injured, the khalasar could not stop splitting up. His tribe, which had expanded rapidly in just one year, began to suffer the backlash brought by the rapid expansion. A huge khalasar split into several tribes of new khals within a month. These new khals began to fight and kill each other in the Golden Fields and the upper reaches of the Rhoyne River.

It was in this crisis that Butch and Ani crossed the Golden Fields on the river merchant ship of the Rhoyne River trade route of Volantis, because the Dothraki burned, killed and looted in the upper reaches of the Rhoyne River, and supplied on the spot, and the trade route was cut off. They had to go to Qohor by land, and then return to Pentos via Norvos along the road built by the Valyrians, and finally take a boat from Pentos to Dragonstone.

In Qohor, which seems to be far away from the dispute, believers of the Lord of Light have formed an armed group, and are fighting endlessly with the Black Goat believers in Qohor for the gods they believe in. There have even been vicious incidents in which thousands of believers of the Lord of Light rushed into the temple of the Black Goat believers with weapons and massacred them, and set the temple on fire. This forced the local army of Qohor to intervene in this religious war.

The situation inside Qohor is now very tense, and the religious war within the city-state may trigger the intervention of other forces.

Relatively speaking, Norvos, Pentos, and Braavos are the only peaceful areas in the free trade city-state today.

It can be said that according to the current situation, it is possible that the turmoil in Essos will last longer than in Westeros.

After all, there is now a person in Westeros who seems to be able to end the turmoil in the Seven Kingdoms, and there is no powerful armed group in Essos that can end the conflict in the short term. They have to shed enough blood before they can see the day when the conflict ends.

But Viserys doubts whether Essos can end the conflict before the long night in the prophecy comes.

Viserys thought about it again and again: "Ani and Butch are old people around me, but there is really no suitable place to put them now. Well, how about this, there is no one to take care of Lady Flemmy in the Sleeping Dragon Tower, you bring Ani and Butch to the castle, let Ani help me take care of that lady, and let Butch come with me to help me guard that lady."

Ani and Butch were not trusted by Viserys in the first place, and now they have returned from other places, so they need to be carefully watched for a while. If they can behave themselves, they will be assigned to suitable positions in the castle depending on the situation. If they don't behave themselves, they can only concentrate on serving Lady Fremi from now on and rely on themselves for the best by her side.

This is a stopgap measure that Viserys came up with, and it can also be regarded as a test.

In theory, putting these two people next to Fremi is absolutely the right move without a doubt. Fremi is a dangerous person that Viserys has seen with his own eyes. Around such a person, Ani and Butch will definitely not be able to cause any trouble. It can be said that so far, Viserys has never thought that these two people might pose a threat to him.

And it seems that everything has come together. The day after Viserys returned to Dragonstone, at this node where the divorce period is only one day long.

Viserys's finance minister rushed back from Braavos with his financial affairs officers, and even accompanied by a Braavos banker, a Braavos Iron Bank loan contactor named Tychu Nestor.

According to the information in the notice, because the financial representative sent by Viserys resolutely refused to accept the debt of the former Iron Throne to the Iron Bank during the negotiations with the Iron Bank, this contactor came specifically to communicate and negotiate with His Majesty the King himself. By the way, as a representative of the Iron Bank, he sent gifts and blessings to Viserys' wedding.

The gift from the Iron Bank representative was a little unexpected to Viserys. The other party did not hide it, but wrote it directly in the information in the notice, and he would present Queen Layla's crown to Viserys as a gift.

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