King Viserys and his betrothed Daenerys stood before the gilded statues of the Father and the Mother, looking like a perfect couple.

Brother Baal wore a clean and tidy new monk's uniform, with a seven sacred belt made of seven crystals hanging around his neck. He solemnly and solemnly presided over the wedding vows ceremony of Viserys and Daenerys.

The noon sun shines into the stained glass on the top of the church, reflecting the rainbow light in front of the most solemn ceremony stage.

The king and queen, both dressed in magnificent attire, stood in the center of the church, their hands clasped together. The monk stands between the Father and the Blessed Mother, witnessing the union of the couple. The chalcedony eyes of the statues of the Heavenly Father and the Virgin are majestic and kind, as if they are also looking at the newly married man and woman below.

Arianne stood next to her uncle Oberon, looking at the beautiful couple with envy, and sincerely offered her blessings to them. Now that things have happened, whatever thoughts she had when she came here have been dissipated by now. Her only regret is that she doesn't know where her perfect match is, and she can't help but feel a little sad.

The legendary event that could be called a miracle in the morning still makes some guests feel like they are in a dream. Among Arianne's best friends, Fowler's twin sisters were still discussing in low voices what everyone witnessed in the morning before entering the church. That scene cannot be explained by common sense at all.

A strange masked man suddenly appeared among the guests. After lifting the mask and cloak, there was only a Targaryen family ancestral sword wrapped in weirwood and standing in the center of the hall, an ordinary pale mask, and an ancient rag. clothes

Some say it is the soul of Duke Bloodraven, some say it is the manifestation of the old gods believed by the northerners, and some say it is the old woman and the blacksmith among the seven gods.

However, Arianne stayed close to her uncle throughout the wedding ceremony and learned more. After the incident, someone reported that when the strange mysterious man appeared, there happened to be a Night's Watch of the Northern Wall at the port dock. The ship is docked

But no matter how it is explained, this bizarre event indicates that a mysterious force has given the sword back to the real king and queen, Viserys and his new wife Daenerys.

Nobles with a little common sense know that the sword of the Dark Sisters went to the Great Wall with Brynden, Duke of Bloodraven, after Aegon V ascended the throne, and Duke Bloodraven disappeared for more than half a century.

Now that this sword has reappeared in the world in this way, what does it mean?

Although no one has announced it loudly yet, everyone is thinking the same thing. Today's wedding has been approved by the old and new gods!

After the king and his wife took sevenfold marriage vows, received seven layers of blessings, and exchanged seven promises, the choir sang hymns, and Heavenly Father, Mary, and wedding guests witnessed the completion of the vows.

The time has come to change the cloak.

Because the bride has no relatives from her father's generation, the task of taking off the bride's cloak is left to the Heavenly Father. Brother Baal, as the spokesperson of the Seven Gods, removes the cloak for the bride.

Before the groom put the groom's cloak on the bride, he first picked up Queen Leila's crown as a gift in the morning and solemnly put it on the bride's head, and then took the groom's cloak from Prime Minister Oberon beside him.

The king was much taller than his queen. His tall body gently came closer and wrapped the queen in black and red velvet material. Then he leaned forward and tied it tightly at her throat, indicating that from now on, he would Protect his queen forever.

"Through this kiss, I offer my love and my promise that you will become my wife and wedded couple." The king heartily confessed his love to the queen. After the queen responded, the king pulled her close and kissed her deeply for a long time.

The monk raised the holy belt around his neck high, and the midday sun turned into colorful rays of light that emanated from the crystals on the holy belt, wrapping around the newlyweds who were kissing each other deeply in the church. The monk solemnly declared that Viserys and Daenerys of House Targaryen would from now on be one body, one mind, and one soul forever. Anyone who interferes with their marriage will be mercilessly cursed.

Ser Barristan, who was wearing polished armor and a Targaryen cloak, and Captain Godian of the Guards were the first to lead the way and led the team out of the temple; followed by Prime Minister Oberon and Miss Shireen; Earl Gunther and Aryan Princess En; the first two rows are based on status, and the ones behind are more festive and more for good meaning. The twin sisters of the Fowler family walked in the third row, and behind them were the six-year-old Earl Velaryon and Another seven-year-old aristocratic girl, they were scattering rose petals from the flower basket in their hands as they walked, and behind them were the young couples who had no children among the guests.

The sept of Dragonstone is in the castle. When the king and queen walked to the door, a wave of cheers filled the entire castle. People offered blessings, expressed love and respect for the king's wedding.

Behind him, seven clear and loud bells rang out from the church, and people on the castle who had been prepared waved colorful flags.

So the temple in the town at the foot of Dragonstone also rang seven loud bells. You can't see the grand occasion at the foot of the mountain from the castle, but from a distance, you can hear the same cheers at the foot of the mountain.

As if affected by the cheers, on the top floor of the main castle, a giant dragon about the size of a horse spread its wings and flew high from the castle, flying higher and higher amidst the waves of cheers. Until a certain height, it began to hover in the sky.

Because the journey back to the main castle from the church is short, after coming out of the church, the wedding carpet first guided the long procession to the grass and trees of Aegon's Garden, passing through the raindrops sprinkled by the maids from the top of the stone arch bridge. like rose petals.

Arianne looked up and saw countless young men and women from the nobility gathered at both ends of the stone arch bridge, cheering and looking at the wedding procession below. Behind them, more noble men and women followed closely behind and poured into the garden. The long carpet circled the rose and cranberry flowerbed in the middle of Aegon's garden, and then turned to the main castle.

When the team returned to the main castle's hall, the king and queen stood on the high platform facing the wide hall, surrounded by guards, and the guests lined up to congratulate.

Arianne was in the second line.

The line was very long, and the time left for each person was very short.

When it was her turn, Arianne looked deeply at His Majesty the King, leaned forward slightly, and hugged him politely and gently - this was the etiquette of the king's wedding. The etiquette for noble women to send blessings to the king was a hug, and the etiquette for noble men to send blessings to the queen was a kiss on the hand.

After this gentle hug, Arianne completely wiped out all her dreams and illusions, and sincerely wished each other happiness forever.

After this ceremony, the wedding ceremony was over, and the twins of the Fowler family ran behind her excitedly. The elder sister, Jenny Fowler, spoke first: "Wow, this time we can really get some of the joy of the king's wedding. The queen is so beautiful, but why can't we hug the king and then kiss the queen's finger? I think this etiquette needs to be changed."

The younger sister, Jennylin Fowler, also said excitedly: "Yes, yes, the king is so majestic, and the queen is also very royal. It's a pity that Nymène can't be in the team," she whispered in the ears of Arianne and her sister, "I really want to know, in Nymène's eyes, will she want to be the queen or the king."

"Ahem," Arianne coughed, interrupting the twins' divergence , and whispered, "Don't talk about this kind of topic in this kind of occasion, or Lord Fowler will lock you up when he gets back."

Jenny pouted: ".Well, Princess Arianne, I find that you have really changed a lot since you started to rule. No wonder Nymè said that you are becoming more and more like a ruler."

Arianne smiled casually and said, "Didn't I look like a ruler before?"

Jennylin smiled: "I think you are too tense, Princess, do you want me to 'serve' you tonight and help you relax?" She slightly opened her lovely and charming lips, licked her tongue, and pretended to be seductive.

Arianne curled her lips and wanted to interrupt the topic, but then she thought about it, her big black eyes flickered, and she smiled teasingly: "Well, as a ruler, I have learned a lot of ways to 'rule'. Sisters of the Fowler family, you two, accompany me tonight to learn how to 'rule'. This is your duty."

Jenellene laughed as if she couldn't breathe: "Of course, Princess, I, we are looking forward to your lessons."

While they were joking, they finished the last journey and came to the main hall where the wedding banquet was held.

Although it was only afternoon, the main hall where the wedding banquet was held was already brightly lit, with candles lit on every candlestick, and torches on every wall sill all lit. Countless long candles and torches were burning, and countless flickering lights were swaying like fireworks in the main hall of the castle.

All the long tables were already filled with ale, wine, and mead, and even juice was prepared for many noble children who were still children. The aroma of toast and roasted meat was already wafting.

This is not a dish for a formal banquet. Arianne assisted Oberyn during the king's conquest of the Stormlands. The king's wedding banquet officially has fourteen dishes - the king's original plan even had only seven very simple dishes, and in the end, as the number of guests increased, seven more dishes were added. In the south of Westeros, the dishes of any important noble banquet are multiples of seven. For example, Joffrey's wedding, in order to show the royal demeanor, once prepared seventy-seven dishes.

The guests will soon pour into the throne room. There is no doubt that from the afternoon until night, this will be a day full of singing and splendor.

Jenelyn suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: "Wow, who is that, such a beautiful person, why have I never seen her in the castle?"

When they arrived at the banquet, some people were already sitting and waiting in the corners. In one of the corners of the banquet where no one would disturb them, a very beautiful woman was sitting quietly. She was wearing a long aqua dress, with gorgeous red hair, red eyebrows, and red eyes. The woman had a seductive beauty that made people unable to look away.

As if she heard Jennylin's call, the woman turned her head and looked at them.

Arianne was not sure if she was hallucinating. She saw in the woman's red eyes that they were flashing an unnatural red luster under the candlelight.

But it was only for a moment.

Then, she smiled kindly at them, and turned her head back to sit quietly.

Arianne felt that she was definitely not an easy person to get along with.

As more and more guests poured into the main hall, the banquet hall soon became noisy and enthusiastic. The guests who had arrived sat behind the long table, and the noble men and women who were coming in were escorted to their corresponding seats by the wine waiters in royal clothes.

The audience was already full of musicians, including drummers, flute players, and violinists, as well as horns, harps, and bagpipes.

The king and queen were the last to enter the banquet hall.

After the king entered, the cupbearers scattered countless rose petals on their path. The captain of the guards and the knight representative Barristan escorted the king and queen to the high platform in the main hall and sat in the honorary position under the throne. In front of the long table hung a row of long silk banners, all of which were the black and red flags of the Targaryens.

Led by Oberyn, Arianne followed her uncle and saluted.

When the king and queen took their seats, Arianne sat at the fifth seat on the long table.

The monk began to lead everyone in the pre-meal prayer.

At this point in the wedding, it was already approaching dusk.

It was not until she actually attended a king's wedding that Arianne knew how complicated a wedding of this level was. She knew that even if her future wedding was not as high as the king's, the wedding process of the prince and princess would be so long, from morning to night.

Thinking of this, it was really admirable that the king and queen could still face the guests with a smile.

"Fill your cups!" After the prayer, the king could not wait to announce the start of the banquet. His cupbearer hurried forward to pour the wine into his cup. The king raised his cup high, "To my wife, my queen, Daenerys!"

"Long live Daenerys!" The whole hall responded with a loud cry, "Long live Daenerys! Long live Daenerys! To Her Majesty the Queen!" Hundreds of cups rang at the same time, announcing the official start of the wedding banquet. Arianne drank the first cup like everyone else, and asked for a refill when she sat down.

The formal dishes began to be served. The first dish was a specialty of Dragonstone, the second was a classic dish of Braavos, and the third was a Myrish dish. The first seven dishes were basically the experience of the king and queen wandering in the eastern continent. By the seventh dish, they returned to the famous dishes of King's Landing in Westeros, and the next seven dishes were representative dishes of the territories of the seven kingdoms.

People can know the hardships and deep feelings of the king and queen along the way from the order of serving the dishes, as well as the determination and expectation of His Majesty the King to regain the seven kingdoms.

As the night went on, the banquet became more passionate. The king was not a cold man, and he allowed the guests to laugh and cheer enthusiastically.

Amid the noise of the guests, the king and the queen shared a wine glass and kissed frequently.

Arianne couldn't help but look at the Fowler sisters in the middle of the banquet hall. They didn't sit on the high platform, so they could be very open at the banquet, playing and teasing at will. The Sand Snake sisters and Uncle Oberyn's mistress Ellaria, who were farther away, were laughing constantly. She really wished she could sit with them instead of sitting on the high platform.

When she was bored, Arianne suddenly found that the king would look in a certain direction from time to time.

She curiously followed the king's gaze and looked in that direction. That direction was exactly the place where the enchanting and beautiful woman they saw when they entered the banquet hall before.

Arianne frowned, thinking that the king had some thoughts about that woman, but when she looked carefully, she found that the woman had not eaten anything of the fourteen dishes on the table, but was just quietly scanning the guests in the banquet hall in the corner.

And her eyes, after the night fell, faintly glowed with a strange blood red.

Arianne felt uneasy for some reason.

She began to consciously pay attention to the king's movements, and found that the captain of the king's guards approached him and whispered something, and then Sir Barristan took advantage of the gap between toasting and talking, and was whispered by the king, and went down with a serious face.

Even her uncle Prince Oberyn, after realizing that something was wrong, she found that the smile on his face seemed a little unnatural.

In the middle of the banquet, Queen Daenerys left the table briefly, apparently to go to the toilet, but Arianne keenly discovered that the queen went to the room behind the main hall, where Sir Barristan and several guards were waiting.

The woman with the strange eyes followed, got up from her seat, and followed to the queen's room.

When the queen came back, Arianne found that the queen's expression became calm and indifferent.

She vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Arianne became nervous. These abnormal things only meant one thing: an assassin had sneaked in.

However, the wedding banquet continued.

The singer's fingers brushed across the harp strings, and the banquet hall was filled with sweet music.

The performances became more and more numerous. With the playing of some familiar wedding songs, the wedding banquet entered the dance stage.

The musicians began to play dance music, and the king and queen walked down from the high platform and led the dance in the central open space of the banquet hall. Seeing them still dancing calmly and gracefully in the banquet hall, Arianne couldn't help but approach her uncle Oberon, who was only separated from her seat by Shireen. She asked solemnly: "Uncle, what's wrong, is it--"

Prince Oberon patted her hand on the table: "Arianne, you will go to the king to dance later," he narrowed his eyes, "when you enter the bridal chamber, you must be careful."

Arianne understood.

In the banquet hall, everyone's face was filled with joy, and the guests joined the king and queen to dance happily in the central open space.

When the king and queen finished dancing, Prince Oberyn immediately called her down to the dance floor, and then Prince Oberyn extended his hand to the queen to invite him to dance together.

The king came to her: "May I have the honor to dance with you, Princess Arianne?"

She took the king's hand, feeling inexplicably nervous: "Your Majesty, it is my honor."

She smiled and let the music guide her.

"I find you very perceptive, Princess Arianne." The king danced to the rhythm of the drums and spoke to her, "I am ashamed, this is a mistake I made out of negligence and arrogance."

"Your Majesty?"

"You have guessed it, haven't you?"

"May I ask why you are so calm and let this banquet continue?"

"This is also because of my arrogance. I don't want to always have to guard against hidden threats. I want to know how the other party does it. Who would have thought that the experience last time will not work this time. It's really unpredictable. "

"Last time." So this time, it was the Faceless Assassin. Legend has it that hiring the Faceless Men is incredibly expensive and they never fail.


Speaking of which, Viserys was really ashamed. Ani and Butch were sent to serve Flemy, and they thought everything was safe.

Unexpectedly, there was a misunderstanding.

When Ms. Flemmi was being served by Ani, she felt that there was some kind of power in Ani that interfered with her magic, which made her very uncomfortable. She thought that Ani was specially brought by Viserys to protect her.

Unexpectedly, at noon today, Ani suddenly disappeared.

This was discovered by several secret sentries responsible for monitoring Fremi. They reported the matter urgently. Viserys sent people to investigate and found that Ani had completely disappeared from the castle, and Butch, who came back with Ani, was mysteriously poisoned. Die in the room.

In order to prevent the wedding from happening, Viserys arranged for the guards to act like a perverted watcher. Ani, Butch, and Flemy are just one of the people who need to pay attention, not even the most important ones. There are also many guests whose identities have not been carefully checked, especially the group returning from Braavos, and a few uninvited guests. Pentos, Tyrosh dignitaries, musicians, singers and performers invited from all over, as well as nobles who often come in and out of the castle to have fun in the town

Only then did Viserys realize that the problem was not simple. He made no announcement and only quietly sent more people to investigate. Just in case, Fremi, who was locked up in the tower, was invited out and asked to help check the guests at the wedding banquet.

However, Fremi failed to discover anything unusual. Instead, the investigators sent out to investigate found a stripped corpse at dusk under the cliff where the castle kitchen waste and garbage were discharged. It was a male guest who had lost his face. , because there were so many people from all over the guests, it was impossible to find out who they were.

Only then did Viserys realize that another Faceless Man had infiltrated the guests.

In his opinion, the faceless man had taken on Ani's identity at some point and followed Butch to Dragonstone Island, plotting to assassinate her.

The Faceless Men are indeed a world-famous killer organization, and they actually have means to interfere with Fremi's magic power, so that powerful priestesses like Fremi cannot penetrate their face-changing tricks.

Thinking about it carefully, Viserys was indeed overconfident and put many people into the castle who were not part of the plan at such a juncture. As a result, there were so many guests in the past two days that he had no time to test the two of them carefully, and he even had no time to communicate with Ms. Fremi about them. After all, Butch and Arnie were two little people, and Viserys took them lightly.

He thought that Fremi did not behave abnormally and did not give any warning, which meant that Ani and Butch could eliminate the suspicion of the Faceless Man. Who would have thought that Fremi would misunderstand that Viserys had specially found someone to deal with her.

After all, the problem remains. There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days in this world.

At this point, all Viserys can do is to urgently make amends and try to fish out the Faceless Man tonight. If the assassin does not take action today, then he will have to wait until he sends the guests out of the castle tomorrow, taking Fu with him. Ms. Remi saw off the guests one by one at the gate of the castle.

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