Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 165: Black and White House

The Titan of Braavos is a massive stone and bronze statue that guards the entrance to the Great Lagoon in Braavos.

Legend has it that whenever Braavos is in danger, the Titan will wake up, his eyes burning with fire, swing his creaking stone limbs, and rush into the sea to crush his enemies.

What if the enemy comes from the air? I don’t know if they have thought about this issue.

Approximately 500 years before Aegon's Landing, the Moonsingers led the first Braavosians to this refuge, fleeing Valyrian enslavement from the dragons of Valyria.

The Moonsingers are the clergy of the Juggestnai, a nomadic people in the Far East. Legend has it that they have prophetic powers when they fled with the fugitive slaves who founded Braavos. They predicted that sailing to the north, there would be a refuge that should exist: behind the pine forest-covered hills and sea rocks, there was a lagoon, where the fog was always foggy, able to block the eyes of the dragon king flying overhead. Let the Dragon King not discover these refugees.

So these escapees found this remote and inaccessible secret lagoon in the Eastern Continent and took root here.

During the first century of its establishment, the existence of Braavos was basically unknown, so it was also called the "Secret City". The ruler of Braavos is known as the Sea King, as the city derives its power and wealth from seafaring.

Fugitive slaves came from many different places and held various faiths, so the founders of Braavos gave a place to all gods. The temples of faith are concentrated on an island in the city center, called the Island of the Gods.

The temple of the God of Many Faces is also there.

The clouds cleared a little in front of Viserys, and he poked his head out of them.

A row of rocky ridges rises suddenly from the sea, and a huge lagoon appears in front of you, with only a gap to enter and exit the open sea.

The Titan stood between two high mountains, with his back to the direction of Viserys, and his long green hair seemed to be flying in the wind.

His legs stood on both sides of the gap, each holding a mountain, and his broad shoulders loomed over the rugged mountain peaks. He wears a crowned half-helmet, and his flowing hair is made of green-dyed hemp rope. The giant wore a green bronze war skirt around his waist, and his breastplate was also bronze. The legs were made of solid stone, the same texture as the black granite reef where they stood.

One of the giant's hands rested on the ridge on the left, holding a huge rock with his bronze fingers; the other hand reached toward the sky, grasping the hilt of a broken sword.

Taking advantage of the mist, Viserys landed south of Braavos and placed Daenerys on a steep cliff on an inaccessible ridge. Viserys landed on a relatively gentle back slope. If you carry it down, you can overlook the entire Braavos from a high platform.

Riding on Viserys who flew at the fastest speed for more than two days at high altitude, he only landed briefly a few times. Even though Daenerys was physically strong, she stayed at such high intensity on the back of the dragon for two days. There was a strong wind blowing at high altitude, and she didn't sleep well. After landing, she couldn't say a word for a while.

Even though Viserys had given Daenerys a full-body riding suit made of wool, velvet, and mir lenses with a handmade windshield mirror visor after her last experience of fast flight, Viserys's kind of She was still a little overwhelmed by the way he rushed on the road. By analogy, it is like a modern person riding a roller coaster for two whole days.

Daenerys opened her riding clothes, took a deep breath, raised her hands to Viserys to indicate that she was fine, then sat down, rubbed her thighs, and stretched her body.

She really didn't want to see the two stiffened corpses hanging at Viserys' feet, even though they were tightly wrapped in shrouds.

Yes, the two assassins were hanging at Viserys' feet now, wrapped in chains at Viserys' feet.

One of the two assassins was burned to death by Viserys's flames on the spot, and the other died of excessive blood loss due to a broken arm.

When Daenerys breathed, she smelled the faint smell of blood emanating from the shroud. She quickly took off her visor with goggles and lay flat on the ridge on the ground while retching.

Seeing this, Viserys quickly moved his huge body to the downwind, while Daenerys quickly walked to the upwind and moved her gaze in another direction.

She took out a huge kettle from the package on her back and drank some water for herself. It took a long time to recover.

Viserys was quite worried. Daenerys was vomiting and was really not suitable to go out to fight, but she insisted on following her, but Viserys couldn't get her to go. Fortunately, we finally arrived at our destination safely: "I'll leave you here. Just wait for me. They can't tell the difference between the people on the dragon's back anyway."

Although the priests of the Red God believed that the Faceless Men would not harm Daenerys, and believed that the weirwood mask left by the pagans at the wedding had the magical power to protect the bearer from magic, Viserys still felt that taking Dany Liz has some adventures together. He didn't really want to risk Daenerys coming into contact with the mask, even though it was in a package with him on this trip.

"We are here to ask for an explanation. Isn't everyone on the dragon's back completely exposed?" Daenerys waved her hands, took a deep breath, and then stood up again, indicating that everything was normal. As she spoke, she said with emotion, "I never thought that returning to Braavos would be like this."

From here, despite the hazy sea fog, you can see a panoramic view of the entire city of Braavos.

The whole city seemed to be a big island, made up of many small islands. Gray stone houses were arranged in streets and alleys. The houses were built very closely and leaned against each other. Braavos was a stone city, a gray-white city in the blue ocean.

A wide canal stretched straight to the center of the city. Dozens of stone arch bridges connected the east and the west on the canal. The chaotic docks and docks were crowded with boats that looked as small as ants here.

There were also wide and long canals across Braavos, sweet water canals across the city, ports, and the Isle of the Gods.

Here, you can even see the magnificent palace of the Sea King from afar.

Daenerys could no longer remember which house Sir William Darry had belonged to. She only remembered that it was not far from the Sea King's Palace, in a street where dignitaries lived under the gray stone viaduct. When she looked up, she could see the sweet water canal supported by three stepped bridge arches above the city.

Then, she turned her sights to the Isle of the Gods.

The Temple of the Moonsingers was a grand palace of snow-white marble with a large silver dome; the Temple of the Lord of Light was built of red rock, with a huge iron brazier burning with flames on the top of a huge square tower; the Sanctuary was a large brick building where many minor gods forgotten around the world were enshrined.

Her eyes finally turned to the House of Black and White, which was located on a small rocky hill on the Isle of the Gods. It was the temple dedicated to the Thousand-Faced God, the headquarters of the Faceless Men, with a pointed black tile roof.

Viserys moved his body, shrank his body, and together with Daenerys, he picked up the equipment bag that had fallen off his back after losing support.

Viserys told the plan: "Tie the puppet to my back, just in case. Let it accompany me in the first round of attack. When I contact the Sea King and make sure that the dispute can be resolved peacefully, I will come back here to pick you up."

Two large packages were tied to Viserys's back on the road. They were weapons and props prepared for Daenerys, mainly her armor and puppets for camouflage.

Viserys could ensure that Daenerys would not fall off the dragon's back when riding on his back, but he had to prevent any strange spells from the enemy that would hurt her, after all, the place he was about to go was the headquarters of the Faceless Men.

They came in a hurry this time and could not wait for the Braavos banker on Dragonstone to notify their Sea King in advance.

So there was a possibility of accidental shooting between the two sides.

Viserys turned back into human form, and the iron chain tied to the dragon's feet fell to the ground.

The curse on Viserys' hands and back had not yet dissipated, and large pieces of dragon scales covered them hideously. His right hand was still in the shape of a dragon claw, which made it inconvenient to take things.

He first untied the chains wrapped around the shrouds of the two bodies, so that they no longer had to be transported in this way.

Then, he went to pick up the two large bags of equipment that fell from his back: "I'll help you put on the armor first, you wait here for me, I'll pick you up later."

"Then be careful, I'll watch you here as you lift the roof of the temple, expose their darkness and privacy to the flames, and let the world know that the Targaryen dragon king is not a weak mortal who can be bullied." Daenerys responded.

As she spoke, she took off the thick rider's clothes she wore for the journey, and then put on the mail armor with the help of Viserys, and then put on the dragon king's armor inlaid with gold and gems given by the Tyrosh ambassador. After putting on this set of equipment, she will put on the dragon king's helmet later, and she will be a dragon rider who is difficult for anyone to tell the gender.

Although it was not very convenient to move after putting on the armor, she still helped Viserys stand up the puppet in the package, put on a half-armor for camouflage, and finally solemnly put on the gorgeous dragon king helmet for it, making sure that every hidden button was fastened.

After all, when Daenerys could not play, this puppet represented Viserys.

Then the human-shaped Viserys carefully carried the puppet on his back, slowly reconstructed the dragon's body bit by bit with magic, and gradually used magic to make the dragon's body bigger.

Compared with a few days ago, his dragon body has changed slightly. It is his left head. A small snow-white horn protrudes on the top of the head.

The snow-white horn is still very small, and it can't even be seen without careful observation. People who don't know the truth will think that there is a layer of white frost on the left side of Viserys's head.

That was the sign of the magic of the ice element that Viserys had absorbed from the curse in the past few days. It was the horn representing ice magic, even though the magic of ice attribute was pitifully small.

Even Viserys was surprised that the strange daggers used by the two faceless assassins to assassinate him actually contained four kinds of cursed magic, ice, fire, water, and a kind of magic that should belong to the earth of the old gods.

It was from this that Viserys speculated that at least four powerful gods and demigods were behind the destruction of Valyria. The Thousand-Faced God was not a real god, but a product of the cooperation of mysterious forces of different forces for a common purpose.

Therefore, there would be different magic, even contradictory magic, in the magic and props of the faceless. They would have a different version of the transformation magic "flame light weaving" related to the Lord of Light. Their weapons could kill any existence in this world that claimed to be undead.

The source of their spells was very diverse.

Viserys originally kept his distance from the Faceless Men, but they should never point their spearheads at Viserys and carried out assassination attacks one after another. Even Viserys could not stand being harassed by these assassins with strange whereabouts and bizarre methods.

And this time the nature was very bad. Two faceless men assassinated the king at the wedding, killing the king's original maids and guards, Ani and Butch. Two other dignitaries who attended the king's wedding banquet suffered misfortune - one was a merchant noble in Pentos, and the other was a noblewoman in Stormland. In addition, several important female guests were stabbed with poison needles - they were fortunately rescued by the maester, Flemmy and the Red Viper.

Considering the rampant behavior of the faceless men, Viserys must fight back.

Viserys himself is not afraid, but Daenerys is not like Viserys who can ignore these weird assassins. If she gets into trouble because of condoning the faceless assassins, Viserys will never accept it. So after confirming the friendly attitude of the three-eyed crow, Viserys directly turned his attention to the House of Black and White in Braavos, the far north of Essos.

On the second day after the assassination, Viserys only dealt with the guests hastily and handed the matter over to Prime Minister Oberyn. He announced the severity of the assassination in a high-profile manner and declared that the assassin would face his wrath. After that, he set out from Dragonstone, flew across the narrow sea to the continent of Essos, and headed north along the coastline from high altitude, heading for the Black and White House, the headquarters of the Faceless Men in Braavos.

At the same time, Queen Daenerys flew to the depths of Dragon Mountain with Nightfire and announced that she would start training dragons and become the king's helper.

So the aftermath of Dragonstone was entrusted to the Prime Minister. Viserys ordered his Prime Minister to do a good job of defending Dragonstone and let the guests wait for him to return at Dragonstone.

Viserys declared that he must let the Faceless Men give an explanation for the assassination at this wedding.

When the assassin was still so high-profile and rampant in the temple, the assassination failed once and continued one after another, which really made Viserys feel that it was unacceptable.

Let's talk about now.

Viserys did not immediately become the largest dragon body. He only grew to a certain size, then he lowered his head and lay on the ground, allowing Daenerys to easily climb onto his dragon's back, put the puppet in the pit formed by the two protruding bone spurs on the dragon's back, and then wrapped the flexible leather used to tie the saddle several times, tightly tying it to the protruding bone spurs on the dragon's back to ensure that it was safe.

After Viserys shook his body to make sure that the puppet would not fall, he sat up straight and prepared to take off.

Daenerys was already very skilled. She put the empty packages and changed clothes on the ground aside, then found a sheltered place on the back slope and sat down on the spot, leaning his head out to watch.

Viserys glanced at Daenerys, nodded to her, and then grabbed the two stiff bodies of the Faceless Men assassins with one claw, turned his head to the south, and took off from the back slope of this ridge.

Daenerys watched Viserys fly high in the sky from the high slope until he disappeared into the misty clouds. She knew that Viserys was going to fly high into the sky and hide in the clouds, then turn north and attack the temple in the most shocking way.

When Viserys appeared in Daenerys's sight again, he had become a huge beast with a wingspan that covered the sky and the sun, and was emerging from the clouds in the sky. He flapped his wings, wrapped in the clouds and sea fog, and headed straight for the Black and White House with a pointed black tile roof on the Isle of the Gods in Braavos.


In the Middle Ages, only the extremely wealthy or knights who were born for war could afford to wear armor lined with mail and a layer of steel armor on the outside.

The above two examples are both Joan of Arc.

The flight distance from Dragonstone to Braavos is about the same as flying from New York to Finland or Sweden. In reality, it takes 8-9 hours to fly. Viserys is not as fast as a Boeing plane, and it takes more than two days to arrive.

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