Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 172 The Beginning of the Creation of the Dragon God

The main force of the Braavos navy did not appear until the end.

As the dark clouds gradually dissipated, the strange cold disappeared. But the ice formed by the previous mutation still remained in the large sea area within the atoll and the canal passing through the city. It will take some time for them to melt completely.

The naval soldiers of Braavos had to risk landing on the ice on the sea and walked to the city.

But when they arrived, everything was over.

Before the mutation, the wights pouring out of the House of Black and White looked dense, but in fact there should be only one or two thousand. It should be that the half-white ghost did not have enough magic power, or it could only control so many at this stage.

Now, those wights who lost control fell in various corners of the city within one to three miles around the Isle of the Gods.

And although those corpses had lost the magic to maintain them and fell down, the cats, dogs, poultry, livestock, and even horses in the city were still very cramped and restless.

People initially thought that they were disturbed by the dragon flying over the city, but soon people found that they were dead.

The animals all hated the dead people who had fallen in the city, the dead people whose eyes glowed blue and tried to kill all the living people in the city.

The cats and dogs hated it even more. The cats and dogs in the whole city seemed to be crazy, barking and howling, sometimes roaring and sometimes wailing.

The corpses had no faces, their bodies were pale, and they were tall. The blood on their bodies had clotted into lumps. Some of them looked fresh, while others were dead from who knows how long ago. The blood in the pale muscles froze into a strange black powder, like worms, and the tendons were old like polished leather.

But the corpses did not rot, nor did they smell. Even the oldest corpses had no smell at all.

When the horse team of the city guards came to one of the scenes, all the horses went crazy. The first one approached the corpse and screamed, stood on its hind legs, stretched its legs and kicked wildly, threw the captain of the guards off and ran away madly.

Even the most docile horses were unwilling to have any contact with these corpses.

Uneasy enveloped the witnesses and city guards of Braavos.

Earlier, these corpses were attacking all living people they could see. The closer they were to the streets of the Isle of the Gods, the more dead people there were and the thicker the bloody smell was.

Before today, the White Walkers were just stories, legends used to scare children. People felt that even if they really existed, it was eight thousand years ago.

But today.

Dragons in the sky, resurrected dead people, unusual snow and cold

"The ruling has ordered that these corpses be gathered in a wide area and burned on the spot!"

"Got it, sir."

Uneasy shrouded the city.

People thought of the ancient legends of the Westeros people. In the darkness, the White Walkers came. They were cold and exuded the breath of death. They hated steel, fire, and sunlight, as well as all the lives with warm blood flowing. They also used the flesh of human babies to feed their undead servants.

Are these resurrected dead people "undead servants"?

When the city began to ignite the flames.

The corpses burned violently, the smell of barbecue filled the city, and the smell of the air made people uncomfortable. But those dead people burned so fast, as if they were the best dry firewood.

The three-headed dragon flew over Braavos again.

But this time, the citizens actually felt a little comforted.

At least the dragon was not here to destroy the city. Although people still didn't know what happened, the army commanders began to spread that it was it that saved the city.

The herald ran through the streets of the city and passed the message: "Hurry up and deal with this. Send people to move the oil barrels to the Isle of the Gods."

"The Isle of the Gods?"

The herald said uneasily: "There. Damn, there are tens of thousands of corpses under the temple!"


When Viserys took the time to pick up Daenerys and flew over the Isle of the Gods.

He saw a huge bonfire burning beside the steps of the Temple of R'hllor, one of the two largest temples on the Isle of the Gods. A large group of believers surrounded the temple bonfire, and in the center was a high priest who had just started a speech standing on the bonfire platform.

When Viserys flew over, the priest led the believers to pray to Viserys, and some even prostrated themselves.

Viserys heard a few words: "The prophesied prince hero dark doom"

He flew back again.

The priest jumped up excitedly: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, the hero is reborn, the prophesied prince, the chosen one of R'hllor! The minions of darkness have arrived, and the lackeys of the night are plotting to destroy the entire world. They pray to the wrong gods in the fraudulent temples and plan the most despicable betrayal. Thank you for dispelling this dark betrayal and conspiracy. Please lead us to save the world from darkness. The night is dark, everywhere is dangerous, and the day is bright and prosperous."

The believers around shouted excitedly, and the shouts aroused were like thunder: "The night is dark, everywhere is dangerous, and the day is bright and prosperous. Please lead us to save the world from darkness."

These words startled Viserys, and he secretly thought that he had to send Stannis north as soon as possible and let him take on this responsibility. After all, another cult is waiting for him.

Viserys couldn't help but speak. He lowered his body and watched the priests and followers of the Lord of Light prostrating themselves in excitement. He only said: "Priest of the Lord of Light, please do not use my name to do anything. Do not mistake me for the reincarnation of a hero or a prophecy. I am not the Chosen One of R'hllor."


Viserys didn't press him any further, and sprayed one of the last two puffs of cold air of the day onto the canal in front of the group of believers, spitting out a huge ball of white ice on the unmelted ice: "This is the power inherited from the Dragon King by the Dragon King. See clearly, this power has nothing to do with the R'hllor you are talking about."

The priest was so shocked that he couldn't speak: "This... how is this possible?"

"Today you are frightened and want to seek comfort, I understand. Priest, I can ignore your panicked nonsense, but just this once. Please do not use my name to do these missionary things in the future. , I believe in the Seven Gods and the Ancient Dragon God. My three giant dragons are the descendants of the orthodox Dragon God. Ice and fire are not all his powers, and I know your prophecies, but I believe in dragons more. "The prophecy of the gods," Viserys recited in Old Valian language, like a prayer, "The long night is approaching, the cold winter is approaching, and in that fateful hour, from gods to mortals, from kings to commoners. , from dragons to caterpillars, all creatures in the world have to fight for survival. '"

After finishing speaking, Viserys gave an enigmatic conclusion: "Since the heroes predicted by your sect will also fight against darkness, then maybe we will cooperate in the future."

After saying that, without waiting for a reply from the priest of R'hllor, Viserys flapped his wings and headed towards the Palace of the Sea King.

When she was far away from the crowd, Daenerys, who was picked up, couldn't help but ask: "Brother, are you trying to make the three dragons into gods?"

Daenerys witnessed the changes in Braavos in the southern mountains, but she could do nothing but worry. Fortunately, Viserys settled the matter.

When she came to pick her up just now, Daenerys, who had stayed with Viserys the longest, discussed magical ideas with him the most, and even had in-depth discussions about the existence of gods, clearly felt that Viserys was acting as normal after this incident. There is actually tension and anxiety lurking beneath the posture.

Shaping gods was a way of harnessing magic that they had discussed before. Viserys once speculated that the essence of magic is "song", so gods need faith, perhaps because the mortal believers in this world have some kind of magic organ in their bodies that can respond to the "song" of gods. Under this inference, the gods should be powerful singers, and may not even exist as entities, but as the incarnation of "song".

So if a god is just a powerful individual, or does not exist as an entity, how can his power be projected onto mortals?

Through faith, Viserys guessed.

Faith establishes a connection between gods and believers. The "songs" of gods echo with believers, and his power is manifested in the world.

Viserys replied: "Dany, I can't hide anything from you. What happened today made me realize that whether R'hllor or the cold god, their methods are so radical that I feel uneasy. Their power is also stronger than I imagined. Is my power really enough to escape the fate of the chess pieces from their hands? If we hadn't come suddenly this time. Braavos takes the lead, and if the ice dragon condenses, I'm not sure I can defeat it. Do you know what I was thinking when I fought it today?"

Daenerys knows: "You're thinking about the power in Flemy. Are you?"

"Yes. If it is completely formed, with its huge body, and if I don't realize that it is the product of ritual magic, maybe only the power of Fremi can compete with that thing." Viserys said bluntly, "Perhaps the gods spent a lot of effort to put such huge power into the world. Perhaps this is their only powerful means before the 'final battle'. But we can't bet. I don't know how they did it. Dany, I want to advance my plan to regain the southern territory. When I go back this time, I will immediately prepare Dorne to send troops. During the preparation of Dorne, I plan to take the opportunity to go to the Storm Land to investigate the cult. I always feel that the Storm Land is. Cults are not that simple.”

Viserys speculated that it might be the power of thunder that dissipated when he traveled through time.

"This side of Braavos?"

"The next Sea King, Tormor Freygar, will be a ruler close to our Targaryen dynasty, and Braavos will become our closest ally. This city will reduce tariffs on Targaryen goods and merchant ships. Twenty percent, half the tariff on merchant ships marked by the Targaryen royal family, and a 'donation' that will be presented to me at my official coronation. They also promised to give me a token that would allow me to call half of Braavos free of charge. The fleet will conduct a forty-day battle. In addition, we and Braavos will also cooperate to form an organization against evil religions, and" Viserys said a lot, "Dany, these are being drawn up. A first draft will be released in the next few days, which may require us to stay here for a few days.”

The temporarily frozen magic power of the Cold God was also a headache. Viserys didn't know how to deal with it for a moment. He wanted that power, which would undoubtedly bring him the magic power of the ice element, but he was afraid that touching him directly would Can't stand it.

Previously under the House of Black and White, Viserys had opened all the lockers in the small room like a tomb, and found a few more cursed daggers. In addition, he also found a few more daggers in those lockers. A large number of gems and gold coins from various countries were found in the locker, and there were even many ancient Valyrian gold coins - but Viserys only took the daggers that were truly useful to him.

Daenerys worried: "Will it be exposed?"

"No, the tower where I parked the dragon will belong to me in the next few days. I ordered everyone to be cleared out, including the guards and maids they were going to send. I just want you to hide for a few days, and when the dragon and King Viserys are needed, you will appear on my behalf."

"Do you plan to meet them alone? Will the deterrent power be insufficient? Will there be anyone who wants to assassinate me?"

"Don't worry, I will be fine. Instead of worrying about these, you might as well use this time to think about how to make a convincing origin and story for the 'Dragon God and His Descendants'."

(The second volume "The Dragon King of Dragonstone" is finished)

I'm tired and can't play anymore. I'm back to coding. The values ​​of the Circle of Magic DLC and the large and empty map make it impossible for me to pick it up in the short term.

The next plot will enter the third volume, which is called "The Road to Godhood".

The chapter of the king's way of conquest will not end so quickly, nor too slowly. About half of the third volume will be the conquest chapter. In the remaining half, the world stage will gradually be handed over to those who are still able to continue operating after the emergence of magic.

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