Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 175: Wind Rising on Dragonstone Island

When Prime Minister Oberyn returned from the Maester's Tower, Viserys looked at the poison expert and couldn't help asking: "What did the maester say? Did you find out what the powder was? Did someone poison it?"

Oberyn was a master of poison and gave a firm answer: "Your Majesty, it's not poison. The test dog is alive and well. The specific situation needs to wait for the maester to test it. But based on my understanding of medicine, I'm afraid that the powder is indeed an extract of some Lys alchemist, just as the guards around your Chancellor of the Exchequer said. It is an expensive and gimmicky cold potion that once circulated in Essos. But because the potion is too expensive, the Alchemist Guild of Lys has stopped production."

Could it be cephalexin? Viserys was very confused. Can alchemists in this world produce cephalexin?

When Viserys heard the news of Illyrio's death, he couldn't help but sigh, but he also considered it. To be honest, he originally wanted to put pressure on the fat minister to confess voluntarily. Maybe, depending on the severity of the case and the bizarreness of the truth he confessed, Viserys could give the fat minister a decent way out.

Unexpectedly, Illyrio chose suicide.

No matter what the maester and Oberyn said, Viserys firmly believed that it was suicide. The reason was simple. Illyrio felt that his death could cover up the secret.

In fact, if Viserys had not known from outside the world that young Aegon, Varys and Illyrio were related, maybe all the secrets would be taken to the grave with his death.

However, the result was Illyrio's death. Viserys was even less likely to believe young Aegon and Varys who might surrender in the future.

Speaking of which, Illyrio's death was quite tragic. He was choked to death by vomit blocking his throat while lying on the bed.

When he was found, the fat minister's face was blue and purple, his face was distorted, and he seemed to struggle for a while before his death, but because he was too fat and could not turn over, he suffered very painful torture in the last stage.

At first, because this symptom was too well-known - the false king Joffrey died in this way, Viserys, the maester, and Prime Minister Oberyn, who was well versed in poisonology, all suspected that it was the "Strangler" poison.

However, the maester soon discovered that there was vomit in the fat minister's throat, and quickly ruled out the possibility of the "Strangler" poison. He then inferred that the fat minister was sick and drank strong liquor before going to bed. Then, when the fever symptoms caused by the cold induced nausea and vomiting, he was drunk and confused, and his body was too fat, so he was unable to turn over and spit out the vomit, resulting in choking to death.

The maester, Oberyn, Gunther, and the old knight Barristan and several knights who came after hearing the news, and even Illyrio's eunuch guards and other knowledgeable people, all agreed that this was a normal accidental death caused by drunkenness, cold, and obesity.

The powdery medicine that was left on Illyrio's table, which looked like poison, turned out not to be poison at all.

Viserys suspected that it was some kind of drug similar to cephalosporin, which needed to be taken with wine to work, but after thinking about it carefully, he didn't say this idea in the end.

Illyrio had no political enemies on Dragonstone, and not many political allies. When it was inferred that it was a normal death, people just sighed, because in a sense, only rich people like Illyrio who had no worries about food and drink, always brought followers with lunch boxes when going out, and could satisfy their appetites at any time, and who were rich and powerful, would have such a bizarre death.

It was very bizarre, but reasonable.

So this incident was attributed to an accidental death caused by cold and drunkenness, and was handled in a low-key manner.

After all, the king's wedding had just passed a few days, and everyone unanimously believed that the death of the Minister of Finance was caused by his own accident.

I don't know if the fat minister would choose such a painful suicide method if he knew that Viserys actually had no solid evidence and just wanted to put pressure on him to make him confess voluntarily.

In short, Illyrio is dead.

Considering the political impact, Viserys did not tear off his disguise with Illyrio after all. In the eyes of others, they were kings and subjects. Viserys could only ask the Templar to find a few silent nuns to tidy up the body of the fat minister, and then let his followers send him back to Pentos for his steward to deal with.

And because Illyrio had no nominal heirs, Viserys could not pretend to confer a knight title of the Seven Kingdoms on his heir even if he wanted to. It is not known whether Illyrio himself has made a will, otherwise, without an heir, his property is estimated to be divided up by the steward and various generals - Viserys did not have any idea of ​​eating up the whole family, but he still kept a watchful eye and sent a small team of Unsullied guards to escort the body, asking them to record how Pentos dealt with Illyrio and see if there was any possibility of finding anything.

So far, Illyrio has not been granted the title of a noble of the Seven Kingdoms. He only serves as the Minister of Finance as the Governor of Pentos Merchants. As a result, when Viserys sent people to send Illyrio's body to the ship back to Pentos, few people went to see off this "favorite" who was once the most glorious among the ministers in front of Dragonstone.

Only the Grole family, several Pentos captains, the old knight Barristan, and several officers who worked with Illyrio for a while, and the banker Tycho from Braavos, went to see him off.

The guards responsible for monitoring the Golden Company told Viserys that from the news of Illyrio's death to the body being sent on the ship back to Pentos, Aegon and Jon Connington in the Golden Company camp did not react at all. Only a Golden Company pharmacist named Haldon went to see Illyrio off for the last time.

Viserys guessed that "Aegon" himself might not know the role of Illyrio in his cooperation with the Golden Company, but Jon Connington must know, but he didn't know how much Jon knew.

But after all, these things were just speculative and without any real evidence, not to mention that they could not threaten Viserys, so he just ignored their silence as usual.

Illyrio's death was just a small matter that did not cause any waves for Dragonstone. This matter was soon overshadowed by a bigger storm and no one cared about it.

As the news from the meeting of the Imperial Court spread to Dorne, Stormlands, and the lords of the Narrow Sea, people learned that a huge shadow was looming over their heads.

White Walkers appeared, the dead were resurrected, the sea water froze, ice dragons, and the city of Braavos was almost destroyed. Compared with these explosive news, the Black and White House of Braavos was completely destroyed, and Braavos and the king signed an agreement that was almost equivalent to a defeat treaty. It seemed so unsurprising.

The news came from the king, and the king even said that Braavos people would come to Dragonstone soon to continue to negotiate the specific content of the agreement and cooperation. Those who don't believe it can go to Braavos to verify it and see what the citizens there say.

Such bizarre but true news made everyone unable to calm down for a while.

At the same time, the royal court reiterated the previous royal order, requiring all places and castles to focus on the construction of granaries; the king also asked the lords of the Stormlands to return to their jurisdictions as soon as possible and resume production and construction work in the Stormlands as quickly as possible, in order to prepare for winter before winter comes.

This royal court meeting resolved a large number of administrative orders, production and construction, territory governance, pre-winter planning, and in-depth cooperation with Braavos.

In addition, there are two major events, one is the public plan for the Great Wall. Viserys requested that before winter, a sea logistics supply line for the Great Wall be established from the Targaryen territories - Dragonstone - Braavos - Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, calling on all territories to donate logistics materials for the defense of the Great Wall; for the knights and civilians who are willing to take the initiative to go to the Great Wall to defend the border and become the Night's Watch, the Targaryen King will be given the honorary title of Night's Watch and provide certain subsidies to their families; at the same time, letters will be sent to the northern lords, asking them to send troops to support the Northern Great Wall's request for help; Dragonstone will join Braavos to issue an early warning of the appearance of the White Walkers to all parts of the world - of course, the essence is to send a group of people to travel on public funds and eat and drink everywhere, because Viserys basically has no hope of convincing a few people to believe these things that sound empty and unfounded.

The second is the part that has not been made public yet and is currently only known to the ministers and relevant personnel. The king ordered Dorne to put his troops in the Prince's Pass and prepare for war. After preparations are complete, the king will send ravens to all parts of the South, asking the lords of the South to come to Highgarden to swear allegiance. Those who surrender will retain their fiefdoms, and those who refuse will be stripped of their fiefdoms and killed without mercy.

Yes, this time the king plans to send troops, and he decided to go out of Prince's Pass and then detour to Highgarden. If Highgarden Tyrell does not surrender, he will first take down Highgarden, and then turn around to attack Oldtown.

The name is to take down these two places, and the South can be considered to have recovered most of it.

The king is so determined not to attack King's Landing first. He would rather arrange the Golden Company to guard the Stormlands for him, and summon the half-wild men of the Crabclaw Peninsula to guard the narrow sea for him, rather than attack King's Landing and the Crownland first.

And now the king can completely block the throat and cut off King's Landing's maritime lifeline, but the king does not intend to do so. Soon after, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer and the King were heard among the knights and civilians. The former Chancellor of the Exchequer advised His Majesty to block the throat, but the King opposed this plan and explained why he did not do so. It is said that the King sighed and said compassionately: "It is the people and the people of King's Landing who suffer. The fake King of King's Landing does not lack food."

But in any case, the King's attitude of not wanting to attack King's Landing has been made clear.

This consideration has an explanation. First, the King needs to rely on Dorne's soldiers. Second, the King bluntly stated that he needs the rich South to prepare for a more terrible war. In the long run, attacking King's Landing is meaningless.

The King bluntly explained to everyone who knew the battle plan that he needed to have a stable enough grain-producing area before winter, because he believed that the world would usher in great changes in the future. Only with sufficient food supplies and a stable rear area could he win the war that concerns the survival of mankind.

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