"I let your merchant ship enter Dragonstone. I am your guarantor. Please follow me." As a Dornishman, Sir Denzel was not very willing to help Willas, but now he is the guard of Dragonstone. He must obey the king's administrative orders, and it is dishonorable to make small moves in these places. "You have not been notified of the official visit, so you have to follow the visitor's process. I will send someone to take you to the government street and fill out the application from the noble visit channel there."

All newcomers to Dragonstone have to say: "Visit channel?"

"You will know when you go there."

Although their ship was allowed to dock temporarily, Denzel only let Willas, Marwyn and two guards land on the island, which was in accordance with regulations. If these people did not get the approval of the castle, they would be expelled from Dragonstone, although Denzel knew that this possibility was very small.

A knight from the Dart family took them into the town and went to the so-called government street.

Even Marwyn was surprised. This so-called government street was different from all the city offices he had seen. It is clean and tidy here, well organized, and each office has its own distinct business. There are clear road signs to guide you. The most obvious difference from other places is that this street has a wide road surface, which is a flat asphalt road paved with asphalt and gravel, and the open spaces of various government offices are paved with flat blue bricks. The road surface and land of the entire block are upright and imposing, and well organized.

Here, they saw the people with the emblems of the families of various territories in Stormland coming down from the ship that had arrived earlier than them. These people were dressed as affairs officers, wearing the coat of arms of various families, holding notebooks in their hands, and led by a supervisor, they were giving some kind of lecture in the central square of the government street.

A banner was hung in the middle of the square, which read "Learning Plan for Affairs Officers of Various Territories (Phase II)".

Vilas looked at these novelties with strange curiosity.

Marwyn suddenly said, "This is some kind of new 'bachelor'. I wonder what those gray sheep in the Citadel will think when they see this?" Marwyn was surprised to find that there was a certain similarity between Dragonstone's "learning plan" and the training of bachelors in the Citadel. No matter what these "agents" learn on Dragonstone, after receiving education on Dragonstone, they are labeled with Dragonstone.

Under the system of Westeros lords, nobles, and knights in charge, the officials are responsible for managing specific affairs. Marwyn suddenly realized a possibility. In the future, when these officials educated on Dragonstone implement the territorial policies promoted by the lords of various places, they will subconsciously do things according to the methods "learned" on Dragonstone. In this way, although the lords and vassals of various places still have the management rights of various places, the king can achieve a certain degree of political unification in the territory through the officials who implement the specific policies, which no king has ever achieved.

That is, no matter who becomes the lord or feudal lord, when the king's national policy needs to be implemented throughout the territory, the officials who specifically implement the national policy are all people who have been re-educated under the king's "official education" system.

You know, in today's Westeros, it seems that the law stipulates that there is only one king who unifies the entire territory. But in fact, the taxes, commerce, economy, and agriculture on the land of each lord are completely different. It is even possible that the territories of two lords are only separated by a river or a mountain. The policies of various places will be very different, and they often follow the old rules without unified standards.

If the king wants to regulate the policies of various places by regulating the people who implement the policies, then this king must be someone who wants to do big things.

Marwyn even thought that if the king vigorously promoted such education in the territory, perhaps in the future, as more and more officials with the Dragonstone label appeared, the king could allow the military power and status of the lords of various places to remain stable, but he could control some specific affairs in the territory through ordinary officials, such as the Dragonstone king who has been promoting taxes and farming.

Marwyn was a doctor after all, and soon realized that the integration of these officials who controlled the specific affairs of each territory could do something. He was surprised and wondered if the king had such an idea to promote such a re-education policy in Dragonstone.

Walking along the seemingly flat and advanced road, they came to the so-called government street.

Arriving at the so-called reception, the reception had different levels, and the knight who led the way took them to the reception area for the nobles.

While waiting for the king to summon, Marwyn couldn't sit still at all, and went to see the government column of Dragonstone.

Here are the complete regulations of Dragonstone tax law, as well as some policy information and recruitment information. The most bizarre thing is that Marwyn saw the popular science of white walkers and wights here. It seems to be a newly posted popular science article. It briefly describes the scenes of white walkers and resurrection of the dead that the king saw in Braavos, and speculates that white walkers cannot be killed by ordinary weapons, and need dragon steel and obsidian weapons, while wights are afraid of fire and are dead servants controlled by white walkers with magic. The Dragonstone government calls for the reserve of supplies and food in the country, and also reserves more oil in safe places, and arranges people to mine obsidian mines to increase reserves and other matters to prepare for a rainy day.

Marwyn just saw it here and quickly realized that the king was preparing for a long and bitter winter, and even the invasion of white walkers, which might sweep the whole country.

Marwyn knew the prophecy in the ancient book of Asshai.

"Long Night. The prince was born in the land of salt and smoke with the weeping blood star"

But Marwyn didn't believe in any prophecy. He believed more in Gorgon's view of prophecy: "Prophecy is like a cunning woman. She will hold your thing in her mouth, make you moan with pleasure, and think in your mind how sweet, how wonderful, how comfortable it is... Then she suddenly closes her teeth, and your moan turns into a scream." Gorgon believes that this is the essence of prophecy, and prophecy will bite off people's dicks every time.

Having said that...

The prophecy undoubtedly reveals something.

But if this king believes in prophecy, Marwyn thinks he may not be able to talk to this king. But as Marwyn continued to look, he found that there was another decree in the corner. The king called on the princes and wealthy merchants in the country to donate supplies to the Great Wall, because if there are indeed aliens outside the Great Wall, the Great Wall is the first line of defense for the world. The king claimed that he had sent a "hero in the prophecy of the ancient book of Asshai" to stop the darkness according to the prophecy of the ancient dragon god obtained from Valyria, but if the hero does not have sufficient supplies, it will be difficult for him to play.

Valeria Ancient Dragon God?

Marwyn opened his mouth. As far as he knew, there was no ancient dragon god in Valyria. And before seeing this decree, Marwyn had never thought that the king would cut the hero in the prophecy out of the ancient prophecy, remove the "prince" part, and only keep the "hero" argument, and try to create a "hero" himself.

This shows that the king's view on prophecy may be more flexible than Marwyn. The king may believe in the prophecy, but want to realize it in his own way. Marwyn realized that the king was disdainful and arrogant towards the prophecy while attaching importance to it.

And the ancient dragon god?

The Valyrians believed in many different gods, but never really regarded any god as a true god. Valyria encouraged theism to appease the lower classes and slaves, allowing them to fantasize about a better life after death. Freehold advocated religious tolerance in order to keep believers divided and prevent them from uniting under monotheism to resist.

There has never been any record that Valyria has an ancient dragon god. According to some scholars, the dragon king of Valyria used dragons as tools, or more intimately, as companions.

Scholars in the field of mysticism have verified that the magic of the Valyrians is very powerful, and powerful wizards will go out with the army. They use whips, magic horns and witchcraft to control dragons.

Marwyn spent eight years in the far east, drawing maps, searching for lost books, visiting wizards and shadow binders, and even went to Asshai in the shadow land to explore the truth of magic. After returning to Oldtown, a doctor of the Citadel, astronomer Dr. "Vinegar" Verin, gave him the nickname "Magician Marwyn".

Even though the Citadel vigorously suppressed magic and mysticism and attempted to build a world without witchcraft, prophecy and glass candles, Marwyn still created the Valyrian steel necklace, which represents his profound attainments in magic and mysticism to an outstanding level that no one can refute.

The Citadel allowed him to exist. On the one hand, of course, his bloodline played a role. Although Marwyn didn't want to admit it, bloodline was useful even in the Citadel, which was full of stubbornness, gray sheep and poor old guys with age spots on their hands. On the other hand, even those who hated magic would not dare to let this subject die out openly.

Of course, Marwyn had always kept a low profile and blocked many hidden arrows with his own vigilance in private. But he was not trusted and was excluded.

Having said that, according to the mystical knowledge that Marwyn knew, the dragon was most likely a creation created by the Valyrian fire wizard using blood magic. The Valyrians were so arrogant that they despised the gods. How could they worship their own creations and tools as gods?


Marwyn looked at the castle on Dragonstone.

As for the gods, even the most powerful warlock in Asshai did not deny their existence. Although Marwyn had doubts about this, because many times, the so-called miracles and magic bestowed by the gods could be mastered through learning.

There are many believers of R'hllor in Asshai, who firmly believe that shadow magic and fire magic are gifts from the Lord of Light. But Marwyn does not believe in R'hllor, but he has learned a lot of fire magic and black magic using shadows.

Marwyn has been in the East for eight years. He has seen the medical skills and warlock magic of Asshai, the birthing songs of the moon singers, the knowledge of herbs and potions in the Far East, and explored the flesh and bones under human skin. He also cooperated with warlocks to study the secrets of the human soul that all mystic scholars want to explore.

Even if Marwyn does not believe in God, there is some mystical knowledge that cannot be explained except by God at present. Some difficult and special magic is easier for people who believe in God to learn and master than those who do not believe in God. There are also many records of so-called gifts from God, which can only be mastered by the most devout priests and priests.

During Marwyn's travels in the East, he saw countless beliefs of big and small gods. Some priests of gods do have some special powers, but most of the time, those powers are useless. For example, he had seen a tribe of islanders who would sacrifice living people to the gods of their island. They would use the blood of the sacrifices and special chanting methods to worship a strange flower that they claimed was a gift from God and whose pollen would cause hallucinations to bloom at a specific time. The local islanders would have sex when the flower bloomed, and they believed that the children conceived at that time would be blessed by the gods.

After Marwyn captured a pirate captain from that nation and caused the pirates to slaughter him in revenge, he stayed there for a while, waiting for the flower to bloom naturally. However, the flower quickly withered as the islanders died out. Marwyn tried various ways to cultivate it, and even tried to use the flesh and blood of those islanders, but failed to stop the unexplained, rapid and unnatural withering of the flower until it was completely extinct.

Let's just assume that it was a gift from the "god" that the islanders believed in, but what's the use?

The strongest "gift" from the gods that Marwyn had seen should be the priests of the Red God.

But he still couldn't believe that there really were gods in the world, and only thought that it was an excuse for those priests, and it was a conjecture that they could not grasp the essence. The evidence is that there is convincing textual research that proves that the dragon kings of Valyria believe that all beliefs are equally false. They do not believe in a "true god", but they once mastered powerful magic and witchcraft and dominated Essos for thousands of years.

But now, this king who deliberately linked himself to the heritage of Valyria is quietly spreading a god that did not exist in the history of Valyria, the ancient dragon god.

Marwyn could not help but have many complicated thoughts and imaginations.

"It's over!" Marwyn was imagining, and suddenly heard the captain of the guard of Willas, who had just arrived, exclaimed, "It's over, His Majesty the Dragon King does not plan to attack King's Landing in the next stage." It turned out that he saw the king's views on the blockade of King's Landing on the bulletin board and realized the king's attitude towards King's Landing.

A very simple idea, if the king's next goal is not King's Landing, then where will it be?

King Targaryen already has Dorne and Stormlands, and can easily pull out tens of thousands of troops to fight for him. They have even heard that the Golden Group is also under the command of the Dragon King, and he has dragons.

Looking at the policies implemented by the king, the king undoubtedly wants a rich and fertile land that can support his larger plans.

If this captain of the guard has a little brain and military judgment ability, he should realize that the king has set his sights on the fertile southern border.

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