Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 181 Marwyn's Request and Hightower

Viserys flipped through a few pages and asked coldly: "I think the Citadel would not put such a book in a place where anyone can read it. You said you are not trusted, why did you bring this book to see me?"

Marwyn explained: "Your Majesty, as you said, this book is not public. It was taken out from behind the door of the cardinal's chamber by the secret society after the cardinals learned that you landed on Dragonstone with the dragon. They never thought that I was watching them all the time.

The news of your landing on Dragonstone brought a huge shock to the doctors of the Citadel. I realized that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The opportunity was my chance to enter the secret door and find out what was going on. So before the secret meeting of the society, I knocked Colin, the Quiet Stargazer, unconscious and stole his mask - he was about the same size as me and was a member of the secret society. I used his mask to attend the meeting instead of him. Haha, the group of gray sheep were frightened by the rumors about your dragon and no one noticed that I had mixed in.

That fish beam wood door is a magic door. If you know, Your Majesty, to open the magic door with a magic contract, you need to recite the oath to the person who has sworn the oath in the corresponding ceremony before you can open it - They hate magic, but they use magic doors to keep secrets. It's really ironic.

I followed them in and saw the scene behind the door. Behind the door was a passage leading to a room with seven walls. I guessed it was the first floor of a tower. The wall shelves were filled with leather-bound books, boxes of ancient scrolls, and stone slabs with runes carved on them. I dare to guarantee that all the unknown secrets that the city has recorded and studied for thousands of years are there. The dragon is just one area, but there are also various records on two whole walls.

There I even saw The Broken Axe of the Dragon Slayer - I think you have guessed it, yes, it is the axe that the 'woodcutter' Hab used to kill Slycos in the battle of the Dragon Cave during the Dance of the Dragons.

This book is the book that Theobold, the convener of the secret meeting and the current archdeacon of the cardinals, took from the bookshelf.

The next thing was easy. I watched Theobold take the book away and put it on the bookshelf in his study, so I visited him that night. I stole the book. Then I set off for Dragonstone. "

Viserys was willing to believe that what Marwyn said was true. The magic door that Marwyn mentioned reminded Viserys of the Black Gate at the deepest part of the kitchen well in the Nightfort in the Wall. The Black Gate is a secret door, as old as the Wall. The Black Gate is made of white fish beam wood and has a face on it. When someone approaches the Black Gate, the eyes on the door will open and ask: "Who are you?" A brother of the Night's Watch must answer part of the oath before the door will open. This secret door in the Citadel may also be the same magical creation.

As for the history of the Targaryen Dance with the Dragons, Viserys has more ideas. At the beginning, it may be understandable that the bloody civil war was caused by the two parties for their own demands, but in the later period, it is obviously far from being as simple as a civil war.

More than 20 dragons, one civil war, all died?

Even five dragons died at the hands of the mob?

Such words are laughable when told that there is no conspiracy.

In the King's Landing riot in the later period of the Dance with the Dragons, it is said that a one-armed prophet named Shepherd called for dragon slaying, and the crazy mob attacked the dragon cave in King's Landing at the call of this prophet.

According to records, the young female dragon Slycos was bound by heavy chains at that time, and a woodcutter named "woodcutter" Habu jumped on her neck and chopped the axe into her head. The dragon Slycos roared and twisted loudly, trying to throw Habu under him.

But Habu, the unknown woodcutter before the dragon slaying, seemed to have no fear or panic at all. He was like a killer who had practiced countless times and was very familiar with the blind spots of the dragon's vision. He clamped his legs around the dragon's neck and used an axe to smash the dragon's head seven times in a row. Each time he shouted loudly to one of the seven gods. When he shouted "Stranger", the axe went through the scales and bones of Slikos and smashed into its brain.

So Slikos became the first dragon killed by the mob.

Is this a mob?

Is this a woodcutter?

What kind of woodcutter dares to face a dragon?

What kind of axe is his that can smash into the dragon's head?

In addition, there was a Burning Knight in the 'mob'. According to records, the Burning Knight killed the second dragon, Mogul, in the riot that attacked the dragon's lair.

At that time, this man was wearing heavy armor, holding a spear, and led the charge against the dragon's flames. Even as his steel armor was melted by dragon flames and his flesh was devoured by molten iron, this man still used the tip of his spear to repeatedly pierce Mogul's eyes and killed the dragon.

A woodcutter and a burning knight, both aimed at the dragon's weakness and risked their lives to slay the dragon.

Is this just an ordinary mob?

Or a well-trained death warrior born to slay dragons?

There was also Terekshu, who was still a young dragon during the Dance of the Dragons. It is said that at that time, because the dragon was locked, it could only retreat to its lair while roasting those who wanted to become dragon slayers with dragon flames, and the corpse even blocked the entrance. However, the mob rushed in from the back door. It was killed because it was entangled in iron chains.

There were four dragons in the dragon's lair at that time, and only Dreamfire managed to break free of the chains and fly. But after taking off, Dreamfire was shot in the eye by a crossbow arrow, which made it crazy and crashed into the dome of the dragon's lair. Half of the dome collapsed and buried it.

The most outrageous thing was the dragon Syrax owned by Queen Rhaenyra at the time. At the end of the Battle of the Dragon's Lair, without a pilot, the dragon flew over the hills of Rhaenys like a madman, landed in front of the mob crawling out of the ruins of the dragon's lair, and fought with the mob like a madman. Ground fighting.

As if he had forgotten how to fly, he crazily burned them to death with dragon flames and bit these mobs with his mouth.

In the end, of course, he couldn't escape the fate of being killed.

There are many theories about Syracuse's death. Some say that he was killed by Harb's axe. Some say that a knight with a Valyrian steel sword cut off his wings. Some say that he was shot through the eye with a crossbow. , some even say that the prophet shepherd summoned a warrior from one of the Seven Gods to cut off the dragon's head with a sword made of black mist.

It's really ridiculous to say that the "mob" that attacked the dragon's lair at that time were all fearless and fearless of the dragon. They were well-trained and even targeted the dragon's weaknesses with precision.

The mob has axes and spears that can slay dragons, crossbows and dragon-shooting crossbows that are only equipped by the army, and can even accurately shoot the dragon Dreamfire that has already taken off, as well as Valyrian steel swords and dragon flames. Attacking armored knight.

Yet history lumps these people into an angry mob.

Because Rhaenyra Targaryen, who ruled King's Landing at the time, fled King's Landing in panic, these mobs have disappeared since then, without being tried, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Until three months later, when Aegon II returned, there were only a few rebellious kings who were easily wiped out. Half a year later, the Black Party army came to the king again, Aegon II was poisoned to death, and the Black Party elected Rhaenyra's fourth son, Aegon III, as king.

But by then no one was holding the mob accountable.

And this Aegon III who ascended the throne was Aegon, known as "Aegon the Dragonbane", during his tenure. The last dragon "The Last Dragon" was a weak and deformed guy who hatched from a dragon egg after the war. He was weak in stature, with withered wings, and died at a very young age.

Since then, the Targaryens have been unable to hatch another dragon.

Viserys listened to Marwen's story, which was not easy to hear, and then read the book, and his thoughts were filled with thoughts. Viserys briefly flipped through it. Several cases of dragon slaying in this book were all recorded during the Battle of the Dragon Lair.

This says a lot. The battle in the dragon's lair was more like the last step to perfect the dragon-slaying theory in this book, that is, to verify the operability of the theory.

Viserys couldn't help but look at the occult doctor of the city: "You should have a last name before taking the oath of becoming a maester, Dr. Marwyn."

Marwyn replied: "When I win the maester's necklace, the maester no longer mentions his last name, and now I am the Doctor."

Viserys said: "But you are obviously not a bachelor who follows the ancient times, and you are not a person without political leanings. You are close to Targaryen, or in other words, you are close to dragons, witchcraft and magic."

"Maesters don't have political leanings? Perhaps the city has been deceiving the world with this set of dogmas for so long that even they themselves believe it. When you don't hinder their stance, of course they have no political leanings, but when you conflict with their goals. Your Majesty, if you read that book, you should understand how flexible their 'no political leanings' stance is."

"Since you don't want to say your last name, let me ask you another way. You risked your life to come to me. What do you want? What do you want from me, Dr. Marwin?"

Marwen looked around, first looking at Nightfire, and finally his eyes fell on Viserys's dragon-turned-hand: "I want to know how you hatched the dragon, but if you feel that you are overstepping, I think you still have something to do here. There are many other things I could trade my life for.”

"I never hatched a dragon, I gained the dragon's power." Viserys replied, "That's the truth."

Marwen didn't hesitate and changed the question: "Then please tell me, Your Majesty, is the city's library still in the ruins of Valyria's capital? Or are you going to Telia? Telia Is the study still there?”

Thelia is a city in the Valyrian Free Fortress. It is said that Thelia has the largest and most famous library, the Thelia Study. But after the doomsday catastrophe, the Valyrian Peninsula has become a dead place that humans cannot set foot on.

Even if it is occasionally said that there are people who returned alive from exploring the ruins of Valyria, they probably never reached the center of the ruins. At most, they explored at the edge of the Sea of ​​Smoke. Because the sky and the land of the ruined city are said to be full of danger. The sky of the ruined city is always hung with blood-colored clouds. The land is haunted by demons and is filled with toxic substances and curses that humans cannot touch. Just outside the Sea of ​​Smoke, there are countless sea monsters and demons.

But Marwyn believed that Viserys must have traveled deep into the ruins of Valyria. Because this is the only reasonable explanation for Viserys to obtain dragons and magic.

But Viserys' answer disappointed him. Viserys said: "I don't know if they are still there or not. I have not been to the library in the ruins of Valyria, or to the Trian books. In the name of the king, this is the absolute truth."

After receiving this answer, Marwen was a little disappointed, but he quickly cheered up: "Your Majesty, if you plan to go to the ruins of Valyria again in the future, I beg you to take me with you. Even if you want to keep the secret of the safe route, you have to take me with you. Stay there forever, and I ask you to take me with you!”

Viserys does know how to get to those places. The soul in the Dragonbinder's Horn once tried to replace Viserys. The vague memory of that soul allowed Viserys to know the landmarks of Valyria's capital and several large cities. Directions and routes. If those city routes still have reference value.

Viserys even knew a secret path upstream from the river that flowed through the capital of Valyria and up to the palace of the Valyrian Dragon King - the same route the Dragonbender had taken to escape from the capital of Valyria.

But again, those routes may have changed with history, or they may have changed with the Valyrian catastrophe.

"I know their possible location, if they have not migrated on a large scale during historical changes or been destroyed by catastrophes." Viserys said, "But I have no intention of going there, Dr. Marwyn, as a magic And Doctor of Occult, you should know how dangerous it is there. The routes that were safe before may not be safe now.”

Viserys's answer to Marwyn was every bit the truth.

There was only one thing, Marwen had a preconception that Viserys had been to the ruins of Valyria.

Marwen saw that the king seemed to have thoughts about him, so he once again proposed what he wanted to show his sincerity: "Then, Your Majesty, if you think I am useful to you, please let me stay by your side. After you clear the cancer of the school city Finally, let me browse the secret books hidden in the city."

"Then, Dr. Marwyn, I plan to hire you to be my royal magic and occult consultant." Viserys said bluntly, "But I will have many restrictions on you first. To be honest, you are a dangerous person in my eyes. . You are from the academy, but you are betraying the academy. What you want from me makes me wonder if you have any other purpose that you don't want to tell me. "

"My purpose has been clear from beginning to end. Your Majesty, I want to know how the magic in this world works, its power, its form, and its essence."

"Ordinary people don't have such vain visions. What makes you so obsessed with magic? You are a doctor of occult science. You should be over fifty years old. You don't want to mention your last name. Study magic and Occultism would be looked down upon in the Citadel, but you still chose this subject at a time when magic was in decline, and became a doctor.

You said you were not trusted in the school, but the school recognized your talent and gave you a doctorate. Your blood must be noble. My great-grandfather, Maester Aemon of the Wall, was one hundred and two years old. Even if he was not very talented, he should have been given an honorary doctorate based on his age. But he is still a maester. Considering the hostile attitude of the Targaryen bloodline by the secret societies in the Citadel, you must not be a descendant of a certain branch of Targaryen. "

Viserys spoke eloquently: "Let me ask you, what is the relationship between the old man Leyton Hightower of Old Town and you? It is said that Lord Leyton stayed on the towering tower with his daughter, the madwoman Moroya. I have been studying magic books for decades and have never stepped out of the towering tower. According to you, the city is hostile to magic, so why do you let Hightower, who is also in the old town, study magic? "

Marwyn's eyes widened, and the erect white hairs came out of his ears and nostrils: "My surname is Fohua. I'm sorry, Your Majesty. If this bothers you. I grew up in the city. When Dr. Cassander was still a bachelor, , I worked as an assistant maester next to him, he was my mentor, and he once wrote the book "Song of the Sea: The Breaking of the Continent". My obsession with magic originated from him. But as you said, my parents. Must be noble. In fact, I know that I am the illegitimate son of a doctor in the city and a lady Hightower. I guess that is why I was promoted to doctor."

"Illegitimate child? I'm sorry if I offended you, Doctor." Viserys looked at him, "But according to what you said, the Citadel's connivance with the Hightowers' research on magic makes my imagination wander. I want to know you What’s your attitude towards Hightower?”

"I have no attitude towards Hightower, Your Majesty. My mother has long since married elsewhere, died elsewhere, and was buried elsewhere. As a maester, I have nothing to do with Hightower."

"Since the secret society of the Citadel is so conniving with the Hightowers, how do you think I should deal with the Hightowers, my magical advisors?" Viserys said, "It was the Hightowers who invested in the Citadel and have always protected it. As far as I know, the Hightower family has always been the biggest sponsor behind the maesters and the Church of the Seven Gods."

This was irony, as Viserys was actually asking about the Hightowers' secret society in connivance with the Citadel.

"I dare say that the Hightowers will surrender to you, your majesty." Marwyn looked up, breathing heavily through his thick neck, "The Hightowers have always been like this. They once were kings and ruled Oldtown and its surrounding areas.

Before the conquest, when the Andals invaded, they helped without resistance, and later surrendered to the kings of the Reach. During the War of Conquest, House Hightower surrendered to Aegon the Conqueror, in the name of preserving Oldtown, but in reality to preserve themselves.

The owners of the Tower were powerful and wealthy. Before Aegon's conquest, they had always preferred trade to war, and rarely participated in the civil wars in Westeros.

Until the Targaryens came to dominate Westeros, the only time the Hightowers actively participated in politics was when they married King Viserys I of the Targaryens.

The Dance of Blood Dragons that followed was also due to Hightower usurping the rights of the king's heir, Princess Rhaenyra, and proclaiming Queen Hightower's eldest son Aegon II as king.

Your Majesty, do you think that the Hightower family provided the opportunity for the Citadel to exterminate the dragon? To be honest, now that you put it that way, I cannot deny that there may be a connection.

Your Majesty, if you want my advice, I suggest that you bring the Citadel, which has been cleared of its cancer, under your throne.

As for the Hightower family, it all depends on your thoughts. ”

“How can it be in my thoughts? Everyone knows that the Hightower family is the most deeply rooted family in the Reach. I am not Aegon, and he is not the Blackhearted King. If he surrenders with his entire family, I am a wise king and cannot destroy a prominent family for no reason based on groundless speculation. ”

Dislike war, rarely participate in the civil war in Westeros? Viserys expressed doubts about this. When the maesters and monks of Westeros all originated from the Old Town, this sentence is like Viserys saying that the system of stewards he promoted was just to facilitate his lords and vassals to have a standard for coordinating the whole territory, which can make it easier for the vassals to manage the territory.

Viserys deliberately designed a lot of special terms for stewards, just to make it a textual barrier to replace these stewards, so that no matter who takes over the steward work in Viserys' territory, they need to learn a set of professional terms of Dragonstone first. This is something deliberately designed to brand them with a spiritual imprint.

"Your Majesty, I dare to assert that there must be records in the secret room of the Citadel that are enough to shake the foundation of Hightower, so you must bring the Citadel under your throne."

"What if they see you beside me before I arrive at the Citadel, and the Citadel inexplicably catches fire? Or if you arrive at the Citadel with me and can't find the secret room you mentioned?"

"." Marwyn asked, "Your Majesty, what do you think? "

"Doctor Marwyn, you are well-informed. Do you know of a secret technique that can transform one person into another? The priests of the Red God call it 'flame weaving'."

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