"Give it a name?"

Viserys took the shining golden little fellow in his hand. Perhaps because it was just born and its soul had been cleansed and had no knowledge of magic, the newborn dragon was fearless. It was not as irritable as Nightfire when it was born, nor was it afraid of Viserys' hand infected by the ice dragon's magic like Nightfire is now. Instead, it hissed and breathed at Viserys' hand. After confirming that Viserys' hand would not hurt it, it did not even care that Viserys touched it with that hand.

But every time that hand touched its body, it would tremble like a cat that was tickled, straighten its body and make a buzzing sound in its throat.

"Shinyshiny?" Viserys couldn't help but say as he looked at the dragon in gold and silver.

"Seriously?" Daenerys frowned, she touched her belly, "How about a golden prince? In any case, it will be the dragon for the child in the future, let them grow up together."

"Golden and silver princes will remind people of Rhaegar." Silverwing has already been named by a dragon, otherwise Viserys would definitely choose this.

"Gold is too strange, Shinygold." Daenerys would never agree with such a delicate name as Shinygold.

"This name is good." Viserys had no objection, and the flash used in Shinygold is Shiny, which is different from the flash Quick of Aenys Targaryen's dragon, Silver, and will not remind people of Silver. After all, Aenys's son Aegon the Uncrowned was usurped by Maegor I, and Silver and Aegon died in the Battle of God's Eye Lake.

So the name of the newborn dragon was confirmed.


Viserys was very curious. When the Shining Gold could breathe fire, the flame it blew out should be like the magic in the dream. Its flame was silver-white, completely different from the red flame that the Night Fire blew out in line with Viserys's imagination.

But their flames should be essentially the same magical substance.

In that book, the study of dragons by the Citadel described that there was a special organ in the dragon's throat in the dragon's body structure. The Citadel named it the 'Dragon Flame Bag'. It grew larger and longer as the dragon aged. This airbag-like dragon flame bag would have many tracheas connected to the dragon's very powerful lungs. Researchers believe that this thing is an unnatural product created by blood, fire, witchcraft and magic.

Countless people have had questions. What fuel does dragon flame rely on?

Does it burn like a glass candle without loss? Born out of thin air?

The dragon flame bag seems to prove that the flames spewed by the dragon are fueled by the special substances produced in the dragon flame bag. During the dissection process, they obtained a viscous semi-liquid substance from the dragon flame bag that is flammable and burns very violently, and can even burn in water. It is said that the fire magician simulated the characteristics of this substance and produced wildfires similar to dragon flames. The manufacture of wildfires is not a kind of science, but magic and witchcraft. The fire magician puts the materials needed to make wildfires into the manufacturing equipment engraved with special spells in the black stone maze, and then does not perform alchemical processing on it, but recites the mixed secret spells for making wildfires to the manufacturing equipment.

Back to the dragon flame bag, the researchers have doubts. Even if the dragon flame bag is very large, it is still not enough to explain the source of the dragon's dragon flame. Because the combustible material in the dragon flame bag is less than they thought, it is impossible to support the large amount of dragon flames spewed out in a battle.

In the end, the fuel for dragon flames is produced out of thin air?

Because this special air sac-like dragon flame bag is only connected to the dragon's lungs, not to other special organs.

In fact, except for this special organ, there is no other special thing in the dragon's body structure.

Speaking of it, the other organs on the dragon are very scientific. Its respiratory organs are the same as those of birds. In addition to the lungs, there are also thin membrane air sacs formed by the lung wall. There are 9 main air sacs, which extend to the cavities between the internal organs, muscles and bones to help the lungs perform double breathing.

Like birds, dragons can perform double breathing. When resting, dragons mainly rely on the movement of the intercostal muscles and abdominal muscles to breathe in the lungs. When flying, they mainly rely on the movement of the chest muscles to breathe. When inhaling, part of the inhaled gas enters the lungs for gas exchange, and part directly enters the air sacs; when exhaling, the gas that previously entered the air sacs enters the lungs for gas exchange.

Dragons have a huge network of capillaries. The airflow in the capillaries is opposite to the blood flow in the pulmonary capillaries. This countercurrent exchange can make the efficiency of extracting oxygen much higher than that of other animals.

Dragons have very large hearts, with fast heartbeats and high pressure, so they circulate quickly.

After all, dragons only have one special magical organ, the dragon flame bag.

This puzzled the researchers at the Academy.

The reasonable explanation is that the dragon produces this substance while breathing fire in battle, but there is only one special organ in the dragon, so how can the fuel be produced out of thin air?

It can be seen that this situation that can only be explained by magic and witchcraft makes the researchers at the Academy very uncomfortable.

Trying to explain witchcraft and magic with a reasonable theory, but excluding the witchcraft part, the Academy is destined to get only a specious explanation.

So their questions were not answered in this book.

Viserys knew why, because the dragon's dragon flame bag was just a magic processing plant, it was not the essence of the dragon's flame. The essence of the dragon's flame was the dragon's roar before it spit fire. The special vibration frequency triggered the dragon's magic organ. It was speculated that part of the dragon's flesh and blood was processed by the dragon's special organs in the process and consumed into the magic substance needed for the dragon's flame.

The dragon's flame was certainly not produced out of thin air, but the dragon's witchcraft was at work, the witchcraft of blood and fire.

Viserys guessed that the reason why the newborn shining gold would have silver-white dragon flame in the future might be the same as its dragon egg shape and dragon scales, it was some kind of pigment in its body that was at work, or it might be related to the mineral content of the fossil dragon egg.

The dragon in the stone.

Speaking of it, Daenerys's power also surprised Viserys. In a sense, it was Daenerys's power that gave life to the stone. Although there was a lot of magic in the fossil dragon egg, it was given life through fire, and it did not seem to be seriously damaged, which could be called a miracle.

Daenerys was visibly energetic and in good condition, and at the end of the dragon hatching, a new dragon soul was born from the dragon's magic. It was Daenerys who gave new life to the magic in the dragon egg.

Viserys was not sure whether Daenerys's attempt satisfied the true essence hidden in the dragon hatching condition "only death can exchange for life", or whether she had completely broken this condition.

Or a bolder guess, Daenerys's attempt has approached the essence of the world's magic, the so-called "song", the song of fire may represent part of the power to create life, and Daenerys has inadvertently used this power?

But these are not certain, Viserys needs more magic knowledge to see through the mystery.

Speaking of which, Viserys and Daenerys's cognition of the magic of this world was to see the castle in the air on the top level first, and then see the foundation after Marwyn arrived-Marwyn not only brought them the warning of the school city, but also brought the basic entry knowledge of magic and witchcraft for normal people.

Whether it is the part of the serious magic knowledge circulated in Asshai or Valyria, the basis of magic and witchcraft is the spell runes corresponding to meditation, which are activated by special movements and unique spell language.

Viserys asked Marwyn for a very popular rune meditation method with a very high degree of universality among Asshai mystic researchers. It consists of seven special spell runes and fourteen meditation movements. The seven special spells are four commonly used witchcraft methods "fire, water, spirit, shadow", and three runes are used to improve the self "soul, body, spirit".

Viserys found that the pronunciation of these spell languages ​​has one thing in common: high-pitched and sharp, with strange pronunciation, not like human voice.

These spell languages ​​seem to be simulated from non-human voices. Learning these spell languages ​​of magic and witchcraft seems to be alienating people's vocal organs and bodies in some way, with special movements, so that people can make non-human voices.

Viserys had a feeling that not only the spell language, but also the meditation movements that needed to be coordinated, were very similar to the human species using human organs and bodies to forcibly adapt to certain knowledge and abilities that humans could not understand and that were not within the scope of human function cognition and learning.

He even had a guess that this knowledge was captured from some non-human cognizable phenomenon, summarized through countless generations of experience, and humans could forcibly adapt and learn.

Previously, Marwyn lit the torches of all the patrol team using the "fire" rune spell in this meditation method.

Marwyn recited this spell, and his mental power attracted the power of a certain flame in the air to ignite the torch.

In Asshai, this introductory rune meditation method can be used to determine whether a person has the talent and ability to learn magic.

For example, if someone can get started with the "fire" rune meditation very quickly, it proves that this person has the potential to become a fire magician. Fire magicians in Asshai are generally related to R'hllor.

"Water" corresponds to water magic, which is related to the beliefs of the ancient Loina people.

"Spirit" is more evil and fits the necromancer - it is said that there are necromancers who can use corpses in Asshai. These people claim to be descended from the corpse city of Stya, where even shadow binders dare not set foot. According to legend, the history of Stya can be traced back to the Kingdom of Dawn.

"Shadow" corresponds to shadow binders and is also closely related to the belief in R'hllor.

But don't expect too much from the magic in this world.

Take the fire wizards who are the most numerous in Asshai. Fire wizards generally use various means to ignite flames, but most people need to use props and powders to make a similar attempt to ignite the flame - compared to magicians, they are more like magicians who control flames.

People like Marwyn who can ignite flames directly by making movements and reciting runes with strong mental power can be regarded as the best among fire wizards, enough to shock people in the warlock gathering in Asshai and exclaim "this child is so terrifying".

A powerful shadow binder like Melisandre is a master among masters in Asshai. Most shadow binders can only use shadows to blur people's vision and use powder to make people hallucinate. Melisandre's ability to create shadow killers is a unique skill even in Asshai, and remotely igniting animal organs is a skill that many pyromancers can never achieve in their lifetime.

This world does not have a systematic stage to judge the strength of a magician. As long as you learn a strange magic method, you can be called a master.

Of course, this is the normal and seemingly acceptable side of the city of Asshai.

Asshai, a city without taboos, certainly has an evil, dark, bloody and terrifying side that outsiders see.

In Asshai, the simplest, fastest to get started, and also the most dangerous are blood magic and black magic. These magic and witchcraft that are taboos elsewhere usually require corresponding rituals. These rituals are usually horrifying, primitive and barbaric, blasphemous, evil and terrifying, and often inseparable from blood and sacrifice.

It can be said that Melisandre's live barbecue is the lightest and easiest magic ritual for outsiders to accept in Asshai.

Perhaps it is precisely because the other side of Asshai is so evil and taboo-free that the city of Asshai is shrouded in evil spirits.

Dr. Marwin said that there are almost no species other than humans surviving on the land of Asshai, and even livestock raised by humans will die without exception after arriving in Asshai by ship. In Asshai, the land cannot grow food, and food and drinking water are completely provided by merchant ships. In addition to humans, it seems that there is only a kind of fish with a hideous and twisted appearance living in the poisonous black water of the Ash River, which is the only two species in the city.

The evil horror of that city is disturbing just talking about it.

It is the most primitive, ignorant and evil place for humans to study magic and witchcraft, and it is also the place where the world studies magic and witchcraft most deeply and systematically.

The rune meditation method brought back by Marwyn undoubtedly has very strong universal value, and it is very worthy of Viserys and Daenerys's reference.

It is also strange that Viserys and Daenerys can be regarded as the most powerful wizards and magicians in the world, but it is only today that they have learned the introductory knowledge of this world from Marwyn.

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