Maester Legolas compiled his findings into a manuscript and wanted to send it to the Citadel through traveling merchants. He needed the most knowledgeable and extensive doctor to eliminate his inner fear and madness through the most professional knowledge.

As a traveling scholar, Maester Legolas spent most of his energy on exploring the ancient legends of the villages formed along the streams of the Stormland Rainforest, and the hardwood forests where the children of the forest and giants once appeared in the legend. He recorded the customs and living species, ancient oaks, towering redwoods, etc. in the Stormland Rainforest.

These things were originally planned to be written into manuscripts and become Legolas' thesis for his promotion from a traveling scholar to a doctor.

His manuscript plan was called "Rainforest Chronicles". Legolas' dream was to write a great book like Dr. Hamun's "Stone Carvings" and Dr. Anel's "Valley Chronicles". "Stone Carvings" lists the remains of the stone carvings of the Star Axe found in the Arryn Valley, and "Valley Chronicles" records many mountain clans.

Legolas was determined to supplement the knowledge of the rainforest area, which still had a large gap in the knowledge of the city.

However, I don't know whether to call it lucky or unfortunate, Legolas encountered the autumn rain that swept around the stormy rainforest.

The wind and rain continued for several months. About half a month ago, the supplies in the camp where the maester Legolas and the hunters and mercenaries he hired were soaked and moldy by the increasing rain, forcing them to give up the plan to wait for the rain to stop in an empty worker's hut in a lord's hardwood logging yard in the rainforest, and set off to the nearest town to replenish supplies, while looking for an inn to rest, take a hot bath, and sweep away the fatigue of being attacked by the continuous rain.

However, when they returned to the town, it was already overcrowded, and many villages along the surrounding streams suffered varying degrees of disasters in this rain.

It was difficult to find a place to stay in the town, and thieves and robbers filled every corner of the town.

However, one day, a rumor began to spread that someone claimed to have found countless sea fish stranded on a certain coast, and they could pick up countless food without fishing.

At first, Maester Legolas certainly didn't believe this nonsense, but as more and more victims went to the rumor area and the town gradually became empty, the maester became very curious.

So he recruited his hired mercenaries to investigate the truth of the rumor.

However, this was the beginning of a nightmare.

The victims said that the place where the sea fish stranded was a remote coast. It took at least a day to get there, and the rainy season made the road slippery and muddy. Legolas and his party also encountered an unusually strong storm on the road. They got lost in the storm and deviated from the route. Finally, they arrived at the top of a low cliff in a strange bay by mistake.

There, they found a survivor in a delirious state. The survivor was holding a bone weapon of unknown origin. When he found Legolas and his party, the survivor attacked with the bone weapon like crazy.

After being subdued by the mercenaries, the survivor regained some consciousness and told an absurd story about fishmen and killing.

The survivor was a disaster-stricken refugee who heard that there were fish to be picked up on the coast. There were seven refugees with him. He claimed that he and his companions were attacked by strange and ferocious monsters with human faces. Those monsters suddenly appeared in the storm and brutally killed the refugees heading to the coast. His companions were unfortunately killed, and only he escaped.

Speaking of excitement, the survivor fell into delirium again. Struggling and screaming.

As a last resort, the mercenary had to knock him out.

At first, Legolas certainly didn't believe the monsters that the seemingly unconscious villager said.

They found this person, which meant that the legendary coast was not far away.

The mercenaries in the team thought that the appearance of this villager here meant that the rumors were obvious deceptions, and it might be bandits gathering to cause chaos.

But Maester Legolas decided to find out.

Because they deviated from the route that day, they could only camp in a crack between rocks to avoid the rain that night. When the maester was cooking dinner, the villager woke up once. However, he was completely crazy, and he could only roar loudly and call for help. The mercenary had to knock him out again.

However, what happened that night still made Legolas feel like he was in a dream.

That night, Legolas suddenly heard faint drums and strange roars in the thunder and lightning outside, and strange red lights flickered from time to time at the mouth of the rock crevice.

He climbed out of the tent and found that the mercenaries were already looking in one direction in fear.

The disturbing blood-red lightning shone in a corner of the sky not far away. The storm that night was particularly huge. The strange phenomenon in that sky lasted for an unknown period of time, as if there were gods coming again.

That night, they stayed there until late at night until the strange phenomenon in the sky subsided.

The mood of uneasiness began to spread, and almost no one slept that night.

The next day, after a hasty breakfast. Legolas was determined to go to the place where the strange phenomenon in the sky occurred last night, but the mercenaries refused. It was not until Legolas doubled the hiring price that they reluctantly agreed to go.

Legolas and his party soon saw a scene they would never forget: a beach covered with countless dead fish and a tragic battlefield.

When they found "people" collecting corpses on the battlefield in the rain, they should have left immediately. However, they had just crossed the strange beach, and in that uneasy atmosphere, seeing "people" was a reassuring thing.

However, when they approached and saw that the "person" who was collecting the corpses in the rain was actually a monster with a human face and webbed hands and feet, they screamed horribly and ran away.

One of the mercenaries failed to escape, and the monster chased them. Maester Legolas was lucky that he was not the slowest one among the few.

The wailing and cry for help of the mercenary and the roar of the monster seemed to still echo in his ears.

This nightmare-like experience made Legolas suffer an unprecedented great shock to his spirit. He couldn't even remember how he ran back to the town in the storm.

The other mercenary who was traveling with him had already run away in the wind and rain, and the situation of the villager they rescued was unknown.

Legolas' heart was full of shadows, and there was only one idea in his mind, to record his experience of this trip. He compiled his findings into a manuscript and sent it to the academy.

In fact, as Legolas calmed down from his fear,

He found that the monster seemed to correspond to a strange race mentioned by Maester Sillen in his manuscript "Strange Stone", the Deep One.

Maester Sillen was an illegitimate maester from the Iron Islands about a century ago. In his manuscript "Strange Stone", he called a "strange, deformed race, half-human, half-beast born from creatures on the salt sea and human women" the Deep One. Sillen believed that the Deep One was the prototype of the mermaid myth, and their ancestors, the marine creatures, were the prototype of the worship of the Drowned God. He also said that some ancient buildings on the Iron Islands, the foundations of the towering towers and the Sea Stone of the Iron Islands were all built with a similar oily black stone. The origins of these black stone buildings are unknown, so he presumed that they were all the creations of the Deep One.

The text recorded in Sillen's "Strange Stone" was too exaggerated and bizarre, and was judged by the Citadel as nonsense without any basis.

But Legolas had seen this book before. Legolas had aspired to become a maester who explored the unknown corners of the Seven Kingdoms. So during his studies in the Citadel, he studied the customs and practices of the Seven Kingdoms that had been recorded by maesters. That is why he chose the relatively less mentioned rainforest area as his research object.

Legolas believed that he had encountered the Deep Divers. These monsters and aliens might really exist. The manuscript of the maester Sillan might not be a hypothesis of the Ironborn, but a true account. There might indeed be a twisted and terrifying mermaid race in the ocean.

When the manuscripts were finished, Legolas put them in a maester's box that he carried with him. He recorded what he saw as detailed as possible, and the clear and organized discussion could prove whether he was mentally sound.

But soon, he thought that he had seen the terrifying aliens with his own eyes, but the doctors of the Citadel had not seen them. With this manuscript alone, he might not only not get an answer, but also be judged by the Citadel as nonsense without any evidence, just like Maester Sillan a century ago.

A crazy idea came into Legolas' mind. Perhaps he should produce evidence. Perhaps this would be his chance to become one of the great maesters in the history of the Citadel.

Since there were living bodies on the seashore, why did he have to go far to seek answers from the Citadel?

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