Varys sat in the tail seat: "The whole Braavos is full of rumors about the resurrection of the dead and the White Walkers, as well as the ice on the sea, ice dragons and giant dragons. The famous House of Black and White has since been removed from Braavos, and the entire The city was awed by the Targaryen king, and an agreement was said to have been made to give away most of the benefits."

"What do you want to say?" Cersei asked.

"Well, to be honest, Sir, I trust my little birds, but I still can't confirm whether this information is true or not. The world is unpredictable. Rumors grow like mushrooms in the dark, and my information is not always as good as We were as sure as we could hope for. A local vendor said that he saw the dragon burn the entire Court of Black and White to ashes in just a few dozen heartbeats, and the three-story building was demolished to pieces, even more than Harrenhal. Tragedy; a washerwoman claimed that a dragon battle took place in the sky. Ice dragons and fire dragons bigger than the giants of Braavos fought in the sky. Ice, snow and fire filled the clouds, and ice, snow and hot rain fell at the same time; some soldiers said that the canal was destroyed. The White Walkers were frozen with magic, and countless dead crawled out of the ruins of the House of Black and White, descending on Braavos with cold and fear."

James smiled sadly: "Magic, dragons, and ghosts, this world is really unfriendly to ordinary people."

The Queen Mother was very unhappy: "You have to waste our time with these nonsense?"

Wallis blinked: "You paid handsomely for these, Her Majesty the Queen Mother."

"I am paid for the truth and credible information, Varys. Remember this, otherwise this small meeting will become even smaller!" Cersei looked over coldly.

Wallis smiled nervously and replied: "Hey, if the imperial court continues to be streamlined, His Majesty the King will no longer have a royal council."

Pycelle opened his mouth but said nothing.

James really didn't know what the purpose of this royal meeting was. Not only was there no king, there were no prime ministers or ministers. It's ridiculous to say that the Prime Minister and ministers are in the military camp, preparing to assist Frey's ally to regain the Reach.

However, the Duke of Mace was slow to act after receiving the order and could not escape from the military camp. The Prime Minister, who decided to go to the expedition in person, was also in the Lannister army camp and made preparations for more than ten days before setting off.

James knew what his father was thinking, but the princes of the Reach were more thieves than his father imagined. Not only the Duke of Metz, but also several ministers present at the imperial court were preparing for the "war" in the military camp behind closed doors. Not out.

James knew that his father wanted to leave. On more than one occasion, my father sent Uncle Kevan to lead an army against Riverrun.

James knew what that meant.

But in that case, Cersei and Tommen will be left in King's Landing. What fate will they face?

Tommen is a good boy, unlike Joffrey. If he wants to leave, he must take them with him. Joffrey is dead, and Myrcella is in Dorne unaware of her condition.

Seven levels of hell.

James thought sadly, if he had not lost his right hand, could he have done more?

He used that hand to kill King Aerys and throw the Stark child from the top of the tower. If the hand was still there, could it help him defeat the dragon?

Ah. The idea seemed ridiculous to him.

"Say something useful, Varys." Cersei glared at Varys fiercely, as if she wanted to castrate him again. "Otherwise you go to the Great Wall to accompany the little devil!"

"Your Majesty, no one on the Great Wall wants information about eunuchs." Varys said with a smile. "There is information that the military camps in Tongmen City and Summer Hall have been expanded several times recently, and troops are stationed every day. Storm's End Castle The lords have surrendered to Dragonstone, and there should be a lot of troops gathered in the whole territory, and there is the Golden Company and Dorne in the Summer Hall."

The queen mother held back her uneasiness and said, "We should ask the Tyrells to divide their forces and let them send half of their men to defend the south bank of the Blackwater River." She looked at James expectantly.

James replied: "Lord Mace will not agree. Even my father can't control him."

Cersei said, "We have Margaery on our hands!"

James reluctantly responded: "Margaery is a nun of the Seven Gods. She serves the Seven Gods in the church and is not in the hands of anyone."

The Queen Mother said fiercely: "Damn it, I know the Tyrells can't be trusted! We should get rid of them first, otherwise they will definitely switch sides when Dragonstone's army comes! Then King's Landing will face a double attack."

"." James was silent. Once the Dragonstone army arrives, I'm afraid most of the people in King's Landing will switch sides. He just doesn't come. James felt powerless. They occupy King's Landing now, like roast meat on a barbecue board.

My father's decision was right, and the right thing to do was to leave King's Landing.

But what will happen once he leaves King's Landing, Arryn Valley and the River Bend? James doesn't know if the situation will be even more unfavorable than it is now.

They're waiting to die in King's Landing, yes.

James thought of King's Landing more than ten years ago, when the situation was similar to now. The king on the throne was crazy and cruel and burned everyone who brought bad news, but he could not change the corrupt situation. The only difference was that James was not crazy, he felt unexpectedly calm.

Although his father said he had given up on him, he still left four thousand elite soldiers in King's Landing.

Countless times, Jaime wanted to rely on these four thousand people to take Cersei and Tommen away by force, return to Casterly Rock, and leave everything behind. Don't care about King's Landing or King. As long as they return to the Western Territory, they can live a stable life for a while. As for what to do when the Dragon King attacks the Western Territory, we will talk about it then.

He just wanted a moment of joy and peace.

However, every time he thought about it, he couldn't make the decision to take action.

Giving up King's Landing may be the most important brick that knocks down the house. Maybe if he removes this brick, the whole house will begin to collapse uncontrollably.

Now they were on the edge of a cliff, but at least they didn't fall. At least it's safe until it falls, right?

The meeting still had no conclusion.

Cersei's annoyance was written on her face. After Varys and Pycelle left, she said angrily to Jaime: "We should replace Pycelle. He is too old. Such an important royal meeting He didn't say a word and was drowsy, how could he behave like that?"

James felt so tired that he asked: "Who should I replace him with?"

Cersei heard the rhetorical question and said angrily to him for no reason: "You too, Jaime, you were not like this before, you are the lion of Lannister! Little Joe is dead, Messiah is in Dorne and the situation is unknown, we are the only one left Exit Tommen. Tommen relies on you to help him keep his throne!"

Alas, the throne. "what do you want to do?"

"Go and beg your father, beg him to bring the army back to King's Landing. We, the Lannister lions, work together and we will be able to defend the capital. We have so many fortifications."

James was silent for a moment, but finally followed her words: "Lord Tywin will not act in accordance with us. I can talk to him, but most likely I won't-"

Cersei's eyes shone: "He will, as long as you promise to quit the Kingsguard and return to Casterly Rock——"

James felt that the bright green eyes in front of him were particularly unfamiliar: "I will never quit the Kingsguard."

Crystal tears appeared in the corners of Cersei's eyes: "James, you are the knight in my heart forever. You were willing to join the Iron Guard for me back then, but now you can no longer quit for me?"

James was caught off guard and felt like the world was spinning.

When James was fifteen years old, he fought bravely in the battle against the Smiling Knight, and Arthur Dayne, the Sword of Dawn, personally awarded him a knighthood. He was in the spotlight then, and when King Aerys wanted him to join the Kingsguard, he still had Casterly Rock on his mind, remembering that he was the heir of Lannister.

But his twin sister Cersei encouraged him to become the Iron Guard, because this way he could not marry Lysa Tully, who Tywin was betrothed to him at the time, and he could still see Cersei who lived in King's Landing from time to time. His twin sister's passion only lasted one night, and when he woke up the next morning, Casterly Rock was nothing to Jaime.

A month later, Jaime was allowed to join the Kingsguard. At the investiture ceremony held at Harrenhal, he was draped in white robes by Captain Ser Gerold Hightower, becoming the youngest member of the Kingsguard in history.

This is James' honor in people's eyes, and he once regarded it as an honor. However, this is the deepest scar that James has now.

Now that Cersei had opened the scar so directly, James seemed to feel that the wound was bursting and bleeding slowly.

"James," the Queen Mother saw that he didn't answer and sobbed softly, "don't you understand that I love you as much as you love me? No matter who you marry in the future, I will always believe in your love for me. , I miss you, wait for you forever, and want you forever. Nothing can change us. Come on, let me prove it to you." She opened his coat and fumbled with his belt hurriedly.

"No," James said. Cersei groped his body, leaning her head forward and breathing non-stop. This enthusiasm made him react immediately. But he gently swept the severed limb of his right hand away from the opponent, "No, I say no."

Confusion appeared in Cersei's eyes, followed by confusion and fear, and finally anger: "Why? If you and I stay in King's Landing, not only Tommen will lose the throne - I know, I am so stupid to come and ask for help" You. You don’t have the guts to avenge Joffrey, and you don’t want to protect Tommen at all. You are so selfish, Jaime, you don’t even want to think about your son, you only think about yourself.”

"He is my son, but he has never called me 'Father', and neither has Joffrey." Jaime was worried and responded angrily, "You say I'm selfish? I did it for us -"

"You for us? Don't think I don't know, James, you tried to let the dwarf go. He killed your son! Tell me, if the little devil killed not just one, but all three of your children , will you kill him like a man? Now that he is wearing black clothes, you just pretend that nothing happened?" Cersei's face was distorted with anger and sadness, "You didn't see how Xiao Qiao died? 's... He was struggling, James, he was struggling to breathe, as if an evil spirit was holding his throat, and his eyes were full of fear... When he was a child, if he was scared or hurt, he would always come to me, and I would Protect him. But there was nothing I could do that day! Tyrion murdered my child in front of me, and there was nothing I could do! And you, his father, not only did you not want to avenge him, but you wanted to let him go. His murderer!"

"I'm not sure now whether Joffrey's matter has anything to do with him. Tyrion swore to me that he didn't do anything."

"He swore, oh, he swore! In your mind, a sharp-tongued, evil and cruel little devil can't lie?"

"He wouldn't lie to me any more than you would lie to me."

"You big golden fool! Of course he will lie to you, and so will I!" She fixed her hair, arranged her clothes, patted her skirt, her lips were blue with anger.

Jaime closed his eyes in pain: "Cersei, sister, let me say, can't we go back to Casterly Rock? Take Tommen with us. What's so good about King's Landing? What's so good about that ugly iron chair?"

Cersei looked at him in disbelief: "You are the captain of Tommen's Iron Guard, how dare you say such a thing! Can you still protect Tommen?"

He was silent for a long time: "Then let me fight for you and Tommen. I will attack Bronzegate and Summerhall. I will be your dragon slayer."

Cersei seemed to have known him for the first time: "How can you say such irresponsible words? As long as we defend King's Landing, we will be invincible!"

Jaime found that there was a kind of certainty in Cersei's expression. He couldn't understand: "What is your plan?"

"Dragons are just big birds that can breathe fire. King's Landing has so many crossbows for hunting dragons!" Cersei said, "Besides, I have fire."

"Fire?" Jaime suddenly felt uneasy and asked, "What did you do?"

He thought of King Aerys at the last moment. At the end of the War of the Usurper, with the death of Prince Rhaegar, the king in King's Landing became more and more terrified. Finally, Aerys made up his mind and summoned the favored alchemists to bury wildfire pots all over the city. From the bottom of the Great Sept of Baelor to the shabby houses in Flea Bottom, stables and warehouses, seven city gates, dragon caves, and even the cellars of the Red Castle.

"The usurper shall not take my capital!" He seemed to hear King Aerys shouting at the top of his lungs, "I will leave them a city of ashes. Let Robert, the thief, be like me, with only charred bones and roasted flesh left in King's Landing."

Cersei answered him: "This is top secret."

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