Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 195 Changes in People's Hearts

From the dense forest came the roaring of wolves, the bleating of sheep, the terrified screams of men, and the wails of dogs.

At some point, the sounds stopped. Only the cold autumn wind is left to pass through the willow bushes, the branches are tumbling, and they are whispering.

The ferocious face of the hunting dog showed no expression, except for the corners of his mouth twitching. He watched as a Frey family escorting a team of grain and grass was attacked by a pack of wolves, killing all the horses, cattle, sheep, dogs, peasants and even knights in the team.

The hunting dog and the wolf girl were watching all this on the hillside. After the attack was successful, the group of wolves began to enjoy a feast, including horses, cattle, sheep, dogs and fresh human meat.

The hunting dogs noticed that some small gray wolves in the wolf pack were afraid of humans, even dead humans, but as they ate human corpses, these wolves would soon become more cruel.

If you hadn't witnessed it with your own eyes, it would be hard to imagine that a group of wolves directly attacked a baggage convoy that was in charge of several Frey family knights flying the Twin Towers flag. A few wolves died in the process, but the result was that the wolves killed every living member of the group and turned it into a feast.

The leader of the wolf pack is a giant female wolf. Under the leadership of the female wolf, hundreds of wolves move like an army.

The Hound remembered the rumors about the "Young Wolf Lord" Robb. It was said that the Young Wolf Lord would bring his direwolf to the battlefield every time he fought. The direwolf was famous and would kill many people on the battlefield in every battle. And now, this wolf girl...

Arya sat on the horse called Coward. After watching for a long time, she said, "Let's go. Don't wait, they will follow."

The hunting dog snorted, and the corner of his eye on the burned side twitched: "You used to want to kill me while I was sleeping, why didn't you do it now that you can do it?"

"I don't know the way to Riverrun," Arya replied, "and I want you to help me prove my identity. My uncle doesn't know me. I figured it out last night. You were right. I will go by myself." The Great Wall is useless. I have to go with a group of people like Nymeria."

"Will your she-wolf teach you this?"

Arya was silent.

Last night, for some unknown reason, I came into contact with Nymeria. Arya remembered her original intention in naming her wolf. She had hoped to be someone like the warrior queen of Rhoynar. When the Valyrians invaded Rhoynar with blood, fire and dragons, the legendary Queen Nymeria led women and children refugees into exile. Thousands of ships sailed across the narrow sea from Essos to Wester Luo, finally came to Dorne, formed an alliance with House Martell, and jointly conquered the entire Dorne.

From that moment on, a thought echoed faintly in her mind. Jon is in danger on the Great Wall. If she wants to go to the Great Wall to help Jon, she should not go back alone, but should go with the army, so that she can truly rescue Jon.

She was very confused now.

She recalled that when her father was in trouble in King's Landing, her father's guard Desmond once told her, "One of us northerners is worth ten southerners." But the fact is that Desmond is only worth one. When the Lannister warriors massacred the northerners in the Hand's tower, she saw Desmond's body during her escape. Next to him was only a red Lannister warrior wearing a lion helmet.

She also recalled the death of the butcher's brother, Mikay. No brave knight questioned or drew a sword to help, and even his father, the Duke of Winterfell, did not stop him.

At that time, Arya had an idea that took root in her mind. The so-called brave knights may not be reliable. Relying on the protection of others can't protect anything.

Later at Harrenhal, Arya witnessed Jaqen H'ghar's incredible assassination skills, and saw how one person seemed to be able to control his destiny. In her heart, she actually worshiped personal abilities far more than she knew about the army.

In fact, Arya never thought that one day she would become a lord or the leader of an army. Her mother wanted her to be a lady, and her father allowed her to be willful but not so much. She just thought that she would not be as boring as Sansa. , hoping to be as free as the boys.

However, last night, somehow, Arya suddenly had an epiphany, realizing that if she could be like her wolf Nymeria, with hundreds of loyal and brave companions by her side, she would no longer have to risk her own destiny. In the hands of others, she can also take her companions to help her only remaining brother Jon.

Become the Warden of the North.

A voice in her head told her. Only by becoming the Warden of the North and gathering enough people around her can she help her brother and return to Winterfell. Otherwise, she can only continue to be powerless about it all. A voice in her head told her. There is no time to wait for you to grow up, Arya, you must become the Warden of the North.

Arya couldn't understand whether it was her own inner voice or the ghost of Bran she saw in her dream yesterday.

Arya knew very well that she never wanted to become the Warden of the North or the Duke of Winterfell, but there was a voice in her heart that kept echoing, as if that was the mission she had to fulfill.

This left her feeling confused.

She didn't know how to resolve this confusion.

From last night to now, Arya's heart was filled with emptiness and confusion. When her mother and Robb were still there, she just wanted to return to Winterfell, to her mother and Robb, and she was worried that her mother would blame her for her willfulness and wildness. But the bad news about her mother and Robb, Bran and Rickon came one after another, and she was left empty and confused.

She suddenly realized that she never seemed to know what she wanted to do or what she wanted to be.

Last night's dream and the voices in her head gave Arya a purpose. She could only bear the sudden emptiness and confusion in her heart, trying to put aside these thoughts and only think about Jon being in crisis and needing her help.

At least now, she has a goal and seems to know how to achieve it. She had a belief in her heart for no reason that becoming the Guardian of the North would allow her to see Jon.

A lone wolf dies, a pack wolf lives. She had already learned that Sansa was missing in King's Landing, and her life or death was unknown. Arya realized that she had no other Stark family. She knew that the various aunts and uncles she was looking for now were not from the Stark family. None of them are wolves. There is only Jon who is thousands of miles away on the Wall, even though his surname is Snow.

Suddenly, Arya remembered. It seemed that she didn't pray last night. It felt strange. She obviously never forgot to pray before going to bed.

She tried to remember the prayer, but she felt strangely that the names had become strange and far away. She silently recited in her heart: "Ser Gregor of the Mountain, Polliver, Notepad, Hound, Dunson, Sweet Mouth Raff," Lord Ilyn, Lord Meryn, Queen Cersei."


Arya turned to look at him.

As the hound asked just now, why didn't you kill him last night? She asked herself, why?

Arya tried to recall the butcher's brother Mikay, but found that she could not remember what he looked like. After all, their friendship was too short, and Mikay only practiced sword practice with her a few times on the road.

"Hound," she suddenly told herself, "he can't die yet, he has to prove my identity for me."

Wait until Riverrun...

However, Arya did not kill him until Riverrun, when his identity was confirmed and he became the Duke of Winterfell with the support of his uncle Blackfish.


Bran watched a new branch of the twisted white weirwood in front of him wither, and couldn't help but wonder what he had done.

He couldn't think about it and forced himself to look around. He was sitting on a weirwood throne, listening to whispers in the dark, a raven hopping on his arm.

The songs of the children of the forest will come from far away.

There are only dreams and whispers in the dark.

The Three-Eyed Raven promises to teach him how to fly. Yesterday, the son of the forest brought him something called green spring water, which is something that is only given to a very small number of people who are still mortal. It is said that drinking from the spring allows mortals to hear the whispers among the leaves, see with the eyes of the weirwoods, and see with the eyes of the old gods.

Then the singers made Bran a throne of his own, just like the one Lord Brynden sat on. The white weirwoods were streaked with red, their dead branches twined around the living roots.

Bran sat listening to his teacher's hoarse whispers. "Never fear the dark, Bran." The Lord's words were accompanied by the feeble rustling of leaves and wood. He turned his head slightly. "The strongest trees will put their roots into the darkest places of the earth. The darkness will be your clothes, your shield, your breast milk. The darkness will make you stronger."

Here, going to bed and getting up become another form of matter, dreams become lessons, and lessons become dreams. His teacher warned him not to go too far in his dreams, and not to try to change in other people's dreams. However, in the next dream he went very far, and he saw Arya and her Nymeria. He remembered that he was in Although I acted subconsciously in the dream, I am still not sure what I have changed.

He didn't tell his teacher, but his teacher seemed to notice and just sighed deeply to him. "The Green Seer's dream has the past, present and future. Bran, you must learn to distinguish them. Don't be bound by the past, nor be swayed by the illusion of the future. You must stay in the present, not the past, nor the future."

Bran didn't understand, so he asked Lord Brynden what it meant.

"Do you believe that all prophecies will come true, Bran?" Lord Brynden asked him.

"I don't know, it depends on the person making the prediction."

"How do you know that the lunatic who made the prediction didn't think he saw the future? If it didn't happen, would the prediction and the future be false?" Brynden asked.

This was a profound question for Bran, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"You will know sooner or later, it is too early for you to say this now."

The teacher didn't blame him, but Bran realized that he had done something that perhaps he shouldn't have done.

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