With the idea in mind, Viserys immediately started drawing and painting by hand, completely drawing the image of the sea dragon Naga from the memory in his bones.

The sea dragon is actually more like an oriental dragon than a giant dragon. It is shaped like a snake, with a dragon-shaped head and a snake-shaped body, with scales and strong limbs.

The reason why Viserys wanted to draw the sea dragon was to extract part of its head and splice it into the head of the "Ancient Dragon God" responsible for controlling the power of the storm.

The essence of this splicing is the same as the fusion of tribal totems in the tribal era. It is to splice part of the already powerful mythical creatures into a "god" created by Viserys. Viserys believes that this can make the god he created faster. Take over the power of that mythical creature.

Of course, Viserys couldn't directly splice the image of Hailong exactly the same. He had to coordinate his own image for artistic processing. This is very necessary. This kind of splicing can actually be regarded as a kind of "borrowingism". It is not a good thing to absorb it completely. You can change it in order to make your own image conform to Hai Long, but cut it off to fit the shoes. Viserys decided to control the image of the "Dragon God" by himself, adding horns to the dragon's head, making it more like the head of an oriental dragon, and painting the horns with different strengths and characteristics, matching the head, and changing the image of the body. Create it.

When the three heads are destined to use different colors to express different powers, his body inevitably has only one color to choose from, namely black. Only the dark bottom can accommodate different color expressions and highlight the color that represents power. . The color essence of mythical creatures is an intentional expression of power. Take the power of Viserys's three heads. The power represented by his three heads is all displayed on the horns of different images. They have different shapes and represent For different powers, the golden color is used to represent lightning, the red color is used to represent fire, and the white color is used to represent frost.

Viserys roughly made the image of the thunder head and the sea dragon roughly similar, and added the part of his own image that felt consistent with his personal aesthetics. This means that part of his body has received the power of the sea dragon, but it is not to become a sea dragon or to inherit it. It's everything.

After several revisions, the final image was that of a single, bipedal flying dragon with three heads representing different powers: thunder, fire, and ice.

This "Dragon God" is somewhat similar to the coat of arms of the Targaryen family, but slightly different.

"Dany," Viserys finished the drawing and was the first to show it to Daenerys, "Look, this is what I designed the ancient dragon god to look like."

Daenerys looked at it and asked curiously: "What are you going to do?"

"The knights and nobles who survived the storm with me in Rainhouse City have all seen how I stirred up the wind and clouds in the sky and suppressed the storm into a steady drizzle. I think many people will be very happy to set up a name in their own territory. Above is the statue of the 'Ancient Dragon God' used to suppress the storm. "Viserys did not intend to be too radical. He only planned to try to promote himself in the rain forest and privately let some believers who were not particularly devout to the Seven Gods set up a special statue at the port. The idol used for missionary work follows the path of pragmatism and specialization. It is said that this is the ancient dragon god in Valyria legend who has partial storm power. You can try to use his idol to suppress the wind and rain caused by aliens, "I I want to try first to see if people’s prayers to this god will point to me.”

What Viserys wants to create is not the only omniscient and omnipotent god, nor is it to be used to spread teachings. He only intends to show off his power to coordinate wind and rain and deal with storms in the rainforest area, just like the dragon king with local characteristics in the great eastern countries on earth. Let people pray for good weather - after all, Viserys currently only has part of the power of the Storm Song. What he wants to test is whether this part of the power can have any effect on people's prayers and beliefs.

Speaking of which, Viserys had the idea of ​​building a statue of the god because he heard about it when he was in contact with Stannis. It is said that Melisandre had suggested that Stannis build a temple of R'hllor in the Stormlands to suppress the storm. The darkness and evil of the earth. Of course, Viserys wouldn't build a temple to R'hllor, so he might as well try to see if building a totem-like statue would work.

After all, it was his first idol. Viserys got inspired later and drew the image of the dragon god "Sleeping Dragon" based on a game he had played before, hoping that the idol would work. Then try to suggest that people built temples around the statues of gods, and carved these things of his own design between the temples.

Once Viserys had finalized the statues and carvings of the Dragon God, he immediately set off and flew to Rainhouse City without stopping.

Those knights who had fought the fishmen were still staying in Rainhouse City. They should be gathering knights and powerful people from all over the place. Viserys specifically asked them to publicize what they saw and heard in this battle.

When Viserys arrived at Rainhouse City, they had already been displaying the corpses of alien fishmen and promoting their experiences in the evil fishing village to the new knights in the military camp for three days.

Viserys knew that this kind of gathering of powerful people from all over the world to preach would continue for several days. Rainhouse City, Greenstone Castle, Mistwood City and Cape Wrath jointly convened at the castle of Lord Wilder in Rainhouse City. All vassals, knights and local governors in the rainforest must spread the news that the strange storms in various parts of the rainforest are caused by evil magic. According to the king's order, let various places take precautions, strictly control the people everywhere, and conduct inspections at the same time. Are there any strange phenomena happening everywhere?

When Viserys arrived, it was still drizzling in Rainhouse City. This storm is much better than the last time we came, but there are still many areas in the rainforest that are still shrouded in strange storms. When Viserys flew over from Storm's End, he could tell with the naked eye from high altitude that many areas were still shrouded in strange storms. heavily clouded.

But those areas are too vast, and it is impossible for Viserys to investigate them one by one by himself. Therefore, it is still necessary for the people within the territory to report abnormalities in various places, so that it is possible to target some special areas more quickly.

Viserys did not fly into Rainhouse City, but only flew to the temporary military camp that had not yet been disbanded.

Just like last time, Commander Sir Mond Wilder came out to greet His Majesty the King who made a sudden visit.

At this time, it was drizzling outside. Sir Mond took off his helmet and shouted excitedly: "Your Majesty!"

Viserys didn't mince words and made the request directly according to military orders. He moved his body and knocked out a package hanging on his body, as if the knight on his back threw the package to the old knight: "Sir Mond, you have fought in the fishing village, you should know how heavy the rain is in the Storm Land." It’s not normal. I’m giving you a mission. It’s a military order. Find a few professional masons and build a dragon statue on a high hill facing the sea in Yuwu Town. A piece of flat land was made at the top, nine feet long and wide, so that the statue could be placed in the middle, facing the sea. This painting shows Valyria's ancient dragon god with partial storm power. Don't click on the eyes of the statue. Send a messenger crow to notify me when it is completed, and I will come and paint the eyes of the statue.”

With that, Viserys flew away again.

Sir Mond didn't know why, so he picked up the package and opened it, only to find a huge drawing inside. There were three large pictures on the paper, all of which depicted the same image. There are three single bipedal flying dragons that stand upright and majestic. The image is very different from the king's three dragons, but they seem to be somewhat similar. Sir Mond saw such a clear design for the first time. These three pictures showed the entire Dragon God statue clearly and majesticly from three angles: front, side and top view.

This military order was unheard of, but the king personally went there. Sir Mond did not dare to neglect, so he immediately set off to Rainhouse City to find the stonemason. And informed this matter to the head of the Wild family, Earl Casper. The earl himself had witnessed magic and dragons at the king's wedding and Dragonstone, and had heard about what Sir Mond saw and heard during the extermination of the cultists. He already regarded King Viserys as a truly powerful god. After saying this, I took it very seriously. Considering that erecting this dragon statue was not for religious purposes and did not violate the teachings of the Seven Gods, Count Casper simply summoned the most professional craftsmen of the Wilder family and proactively provided the highest quality stone resources and manpower to let the craftsmen According to the king's request, a statue of the god was erected on a high hill in Yuwu Town.

What Viserys wanted to build was not a spectacle, but just an experimental statue, so the scale of the dragon statue required was actually not large, far from the majestic and huge statues in the temple that were often dozens of feet tall. The drawing he gave clearly states that the statue is only required to be nine feet (2.7 meters) high, but the width is required to be more. Because the statue is like a dragon and needs to spread its wings, it requires twelve feet (3.6 meters) wide, and the overall width is 3: 4 model.

Viserys had witnessed the time it took to rebuild the statues of the Seven Gods in the Temple of Dragonstone. He estimated that it would take at least ten and a half days to find stone materials, carve and shape the statues, apply paint to dry them, and carry them up the mountain for a statue of this size. Seris's paintings are so detailed that the craftsmen may still have technical difficulties.

Of course, Viserys was not idle these days. The problems in the Stormlands were more troublesome than he imagined. Viserys realized that he might not be able to deal with the disaster in the Stormlands quickly in the short term. In order to deal with the increasing number of victims affected by the rain, Viserys was forced to consider establishing a disaster relief system.

Yes, speaking of it, the Seven Kingdoms are a unified state power in name, but in fact, under the ancient feudal system, the Seven Kingdoms are not a qualified feudal country. The king and the lords rule the nobles within their territory and the people on their feudal lands. As for the life and death of the people on the vassal lands, it is actually none of the king's and lords' business.

Originally, the handling of disaster victims under this feudal system was the responsibility of each lord in the feudal territory. The lords naturally had the obligation and responsibility to do these things. On the contrary, as the king, Viserys and the Duke of Storm's End did not have to care about these things. .

This kind of feudal system will form a very hanging rail phenomenon. If the ordinary people in other places within the territory of a certain place cannot survive, but the ordinary people in the territory directly under him and the nobles in the territory can live well, then this prince is actually a very good prince.

However, the disaster in the Stormlands was so severe that the feudal lords' usual way of dealing with the affected people was no longer feasible. And under the political slogans of Viserys's rule, the lords of each territory could not follow the cruel rules. As usual, at this time, we choose to mess up, ignore the disaster, let the victims die, and prevent the victims from gathering to cause chaos when they are desperate. So they had no choice but to ask Fengjun for help.

And now the person who oversees the underage lord of Stormland is the king himself.

In the end, Viserys followed the old path of the time travelers to deal with the disaster victims - using work instead of relief. Viserys ordered Davos and Elland, who are now in charge of Stormland, to issue orders to the feudal lords in the disaster-stricken areas, asking the territories to gather the victims to some relatively less severely affected towns, and let the lords in the territories organize the victims to repair the city walls, roads, and river embankments in the name of the feudal lords and lords in exchange for relief from the feudal lords and lords.

It is very outrageous. Under this feudal system, Viserys cannot even directly use the treasury money to provide disaster relief to various places in the name of the king and the guardian of Stormland - of course he can do so, and the people will love him for it, but doing so will not benefit him at all. Under such a feudal system, the people's love is not as good as the loyalty and support of the lords - so Viserys can only indirectly provide low-interest loans and affordable materials to the lords of the disaster-stricken territories in the name of the king and the guardian of the feudal lords.

Although this disaster relief system seems inefficient and troublesome, it is in line with the cognition of the lords and people of the Seven Kingdoms. By doing this, Viserys will not only make the lords feel that they owe him a favor and become more supportive and loyal to him, but the victims will also think that the king is a benevolent monarch and worthy of love.

Sea Dragon

Dragon God

The Dragon King Sleeping in the Ring

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