When the news that Viserys was marching to the south with Dornish horses reached the Lannister camp, Kevan was sure that he did see a hint of relaxation on Tywin's unsmiling face.

These days, in order to prevent the Tyrell army from moving, Lord Tywin took the initiative to occupy the King's Road on the west side of King's Landing, Casterly Rock and the supply lines in the Reach, just to make them think that they have captured King's Landing. lifeline.

Tywin himself controls the three northern supply lines of King's Landing: Rosby City, Sow Point, and Stoke Worth.

When Stannis and Renly blocked King's Landing, half of the food in King's Landing came from this supply line in the north.

Tywin has always firmly controlled the front lines of Harrenhal and Maidenpool, and sent soldiers and horse scouts to keep a close eye on the Tyrell garrison. After the Tyrells actually entered into a confrontation with the Lannister, even Duke Tywin felt powerless and knew that the situation was over. His thoughts changed from defending King's Landing to retreating back to Casterly Rock.

In order to achieve this goal, Tywin has quietly arranged for more than half of the new army in the West to be supported in Stone Hall Town - now that all the troops in the West are out, many places are empty cities. Davon Lannister said that the new army besieging the city was a siege. In fact, many armies are occupying the retreat routes of the Riverlands. Tywin's original plan was to take advantage of the failed siege of Riverrun and lead his army directly into the Riverlands. The actual purpose was to lead the Western March troops around the River Lands and retreat to the Western Marches via the Golden Tooth.

Even though this was the plan, if he abandoned King's Landing directly and took a detour to return, Tywin was not sure whether there would be any unexpected changes that would cause him to lose everything.

So Tywin is waiting too.

He was waiting for his new allies to do something, or for the Targaryen armies from the south to move.

Tywin himself found it very strange that at a time when the Lannister family was in a difficult situation, there were still people who took the initiative to join.

The new king of Pyke, Euron Greyjoy, hopes to reach cooperation with King's Landing and ask King's Landing to recognize his status as king. He claims that he will send a fleet to attack Dragonstone and proposes that the Lannister fleets in Lannisport jointly send troops.

Of course Tywin doesn't believe this. The Iron Islands and Dragonstone are separated by half of the continent of Westeros. Unless Euron's ship can sail on land and travel overland through the hinterland of Westeros, the iron people will have to wait until Dragonstone arrives. It will take at least half a year, and we will also pass through Lannisport and Redwyne Strait on the way. And the Lannister fleet has been stationary, just to prevent the Ironborn from plundering the West.

But Tywin got what Euron wanted, and the other party seemed to intend to cross Lannisport and go south to plunder the Reach. So Tywin started his familiar crow tactics again, giving Euron verbal benefits and promising that the fleet in Lannisport would let the ironmen go to "Dragonstone Island".

Tywin was happy to see Euron stirring up trouble in the Reach, so that there would be at least one less Redwyne in the Tyrell army lingering near King's Landing.

However, the situation developed more favorably for the Lannister than Tywin imagined. They thought that the Targaryens would attack the south first, but the possibility of that happening was extremely low. As the Tyrell army began to find excuses to disobey the king's orders in King's Landing, Tywin once thought that Mace Tyrell had reached a secret agreement with the Targaryens.

However, the facts were unexpected, and Targaryen chose to attack the south first. Lord Tywin became very curious about Duke Mace. Since he had not reached an agreement with Targaryen, what on earth was he doing these days?

But in any case, after learning about this, Lord Tywin returned to his former calmness and coolness: "Since the enemy has chosen to attack our southern allies, it is necessary to discuss how to deal with this matter. Kevan, send an honorary knight, Go to the Duke of Metz with my password: Invite the Duke of Metz, the princes of the Southern Territory, and the ministers appointed by the king to come to King's Landing to discuss the rescue of the Southern Territory."

Kevan asked, "Shall we return to King's Landing?"

"Of course not," Lord Tywin poured himself a glass of wine. "Give Jaime a letter and ask him to count the troops and lead King Tommen to conquer Riverrun."

Kevan couldn't help but ask: "Where is Queen Cersei?"

Lord Tywin said with a cold face: "There must be someone who will rule the Land for His Majesty the King."

Kevan asked again: "What if Jaime disagrees?"

The fire caught Lord Tywin's golden beard, reflecting golden light. Lord Tywin fell silent and did not speak.

The whole camp seemed silent until finally Kevan felt a little uneasy. "I'm going to—" he said.

"If he doesn't agree," Lord Tywin turned his head, gritted his teeth, and a vein popped out on his neck, "then just think that I don't have this son." As he said that, Tywin narrowed his eyes and looked at Kevan, "Kevan."

"." Even if it was Kevan, he couldn't help but feel dizzy. If Jaime refuses to do what Tywin says, then Kevan will be the heir to the Lannister family.

After Lord Tywin finished speaking, he quickly calmed down and said, "Inform us and prepare the entire army to set out in three days to join forces with our allies in the South to rescue the South." If they are still there after three days.


A grand ceremony is being held outside Yuwu City.

Although the king's banner has been erected outside Nightsong City, the king himself lingers in the Stormlands.

Sending letters to the princes in the south was part of the plan. Viserys gave the matter to Prime Minister Oberon. When the frontline sent a letter to the south, it was also sending a letter to Viserys to inform him that everything was ready and only awaited the king's personal command.

When planning Dragonstone, Viserys knew that long-range micromanagement was not advisable, so he delegated the front-line command to Oberyn and let him decide the time of the march. Viserys was only the nominal commander-in-chief, and he would only go to the front line to participate in the battle when Oberyn began to march.

Although Viserys told Oberyn that speed was the essence of war when he issued the military order. But it must be said that Dorne's march was several days earlier than he expected. Viserys actually gave Oberyn a lot of time, but the Dornish obviously did not want to miss the opportunity.

To be honest, Dorne's actions were much faster than Viserys expected. Viserys actually gave Oberyn half a month to a month to prepare, and it was expected that it would take at least a month to launch an offensive. However, the actual situation is that after these Dornishmen returned from Dragonstone, they galloped and reached the Prince's Pass in Dorne in just half a month, and reorganized the troops in just one week. This is certainly not because Oberyn's ability is outstanding, but that Prince Doran in Dorne has made sufficient preparations for the war.

During this period, Viserys went to Summerhall once, and had a brief meeting with the guards who were assembled at Summerhall. He also took the time to scout the movements of the troops in the south of King's Landing from a high altitude a hundred miles north of the Summerhall camp.

It turned out that there was no unusual movement of troops near King's Landing, so Viserys asked the guards to gather at Nightsong with his banner. And he relied on his strong mobility to patrol between the Borderland and Highgarden from a high altitude.

To be honest, Viserys's mobility was a bit unfair to the enemy on the battlefield. Viserys was not sure if it was a problem with historical records. According to speculation, the dragons of the Targaryen era could not fly as fast as him. Even Melias, the "Red Queen" of the Uncrowned Queen Rhaenys, who was called the fastest dragon in Westeros, did not seem to be as fast as Viserys.

According to the records of the Citadel, the flying speed of Targaryen's dragons is roughly the same as that of airplanes during World War I, which is only about 40 leagues per hour, more than twice the speed of 110 leagues per hour when Viserys broke out.

With such mobility, if Viserys wants, he can even appear in two different battlefields hundreds of leagues apart in one day.

However, high-speed flight is only suitable for traveling, not for reconnaissance.

Viserys is now taking advantage of the time he just received the raven from Nightsong City to quickly finish the stage affairs in Stormland.

Needless to say, it is of course the dragon statue in Rain House City.

Now Viserys is squatting on the highest point of the hill he chose, watching the soldiers and civilians below carry a cloth-covered statue from the bottom of the hill along the flat slope to the hill through wooden axle wheels in the continuous drizzle.

Although there was no publicity, the townspeople in the town below the mountain had heard that the king was going to erect a dragon statue on a flat ground on this hill. Seeing that the army did not stop him, they watched from a distance.

Viserys did not care. He needed the attention of the people in order to test the effectiveness of the statue.

Viserys knew very well how to make the people curious and awed about the statue, and that was the ceremony. Ceremony is sometimes more useful than anything else. As long as a solemn sense of ceremony is created, no matter what the statue is to be erected, it will make people feel solemn and dignified.

So Viserys also made a series of ritual requirements for erecting the statue. For example, the craftsman must carve the statue indoors, the craftsman cannot add eyes when the work is completed, and the position for embedding the eyeballs must be reserved. The statue must be covered with waterproof cloth at the bottom of the mountain. When going up the mountain, the statue must always face the sea despite being covered.

On the hill platform where the statue was placed, a high platform was placed facing the sea, on which were placed cattle, sheep, bread, salt and wine for sacrifice.

The most eye-catching thing was a golden cloth with the words "Calm the Storm" in Valyrian written on it in eye-catching colored paint. The cloth was hung on the altar ostentatiously, like a flag.

Not to mention many illiterate people in this era, even many educated nobles could not understand what the word was. This added a lot of mystery to it.

When the civilians and soldiers put the statue, which did not need so many people at all but was still deliberately required to gather 49 people to move, to the designated location. Viserys said, "It's OK."

The platform for placing the statue was already large, but it was still not enough to accommodate Viserys's huge body, and Viserys did not intend to do it himself. He just observed and directed from the side.

The three honorary knights who killed the most murlocs in the previous encounters were responsible for offering the dragon to the dragon statue. Old Sir Mond was also among them. Viserys said that in order to suppress this unusual storm, the power of the dragon statue needed the help of three of the most courageous people to release it, so they were chosen to become glorious knights.

When the statue was placed.

The three knights followed the king's order and walked to the altar as if they were executing a military order. According to the king's request, they each took up the three oak boxes on the altar, which were placed under the cattle and sheep, and in the middle of which were two polished black stone balls. The box contained the glass eyeballs made of melted obsidian.

Under the gaze of the crowd, the three knights solemnly and solemnly raised the oak box high and came to the statue seat.

Someone lifted the waterproof cloth of the statue for them, allowing them to enter it and stuff the obsidian eyeballs specially sent by the king into the reserved position of the dragon statue.

Wait until everything is done.

The three knights each grabbed a corner of the statue's cloth, completely exposing the statue.

A three-headed dragon statue that didn't look very big, but mighty and solemn, with its eyeballs reflecting black light, as if it were alive, was completely exposed to everyone's gaze.

"Salt and bread for the Dragon God."

It was very local. Viserys said that this dragon statue was invited to suppress the storm. To a certain extent, it could be regarded as an invited guest, so he offered salt and bread to the statue according to the rights of guests. As for the cooked cattle, sheep and wine used for sacrifice, they represent the local feast for the gods.

The two stewards of the Wilder family sprinkled salt and bread crumbs under the statue, and toasted the dragon statue.

The master of ceremonies then shouted in common language: "Please come here to calm the storm in Rain House City." Then he shouted, "Calm the storm."

Tuo, who was arranged by the Wilder family to be among the onlookers, shouted: "Calm down the storm."

The master of ceremonies called again: "Calm down the storm."

Seeing that there was no one to stop them, the people were inspired by the crowd. They became curious and involuntarily joined in shouting: "Calm down the storm."

In fact, the people were not looking at the statues. What they were looking at were clearly the three real giant dragons sitting on the top of the hill and watching. There was no way Viserys was sitting there on purpose just to attract attention. Anyone who comes to watch will feel panic and shock when they see a huge beast sitting on the top of a mountain not far away.

At this moment, Viserys finally knew what role ordinary people played in faith.

Regardless of whether they really believed in the existence of such an ancient dragon god, under the influence of the emotions that were stirred up, everyone was more or less infected by Viserys' solemn words in their hearts. Now everyone is shouting "Calm down the storm" in unison. There seem to be many invisible fluctuations echoing Viserys's "song", which actually makes Viserys' part of the "song" of the storm faintly appear. resonance.

Viserys concentrated his mind and relied on the mysterious connection between the power of "song" and the heaven and earth to try to use the power of "song" to influence the weather. As he tried this, he discovered that those invisible fluctuations were guided by the power of his "song" to join his power and provide assistance.

Viserys found himself entering a strange state in a hazy state. He seemed to control the wind and rain in the surrounding area after the addition of these powers.

Viserys looked at the dark clouds in the sky and tried to disperse them with a thought. Viserys could feel that the dragon soul magic power in his body that belonged to this world was being violently consumed by the influence of "Song", as if it was wrestling with other forces, but at the same time, the originally unbearable consumption of mental power became less serious. .

So that's it, Viserys realized.

People in this world do have some kind of power, and their bodies or souls have the effect of resonating with the original "song". As long as the power that guides them is affected by their own "song", they can provide assistance to their own "song".

This may be why Melisandre suggested Stannis build the Red Temple after sensing the anomaly in the Stormlands. The power of the "gods" in this world may be very powerful, but they cannot display their power arbitrarily without suffering any losses.

By guiding the power of many mortals to respond to one's own "song", one can greatly reduce one's own consumption and make it easier to demonstrate one's power.

Viserys watched as the ritual was completed. He had already vaguely understood some of the truth, so he took off and flew away without stopping.

Behind him, the dark clouds that had been hovering over Yuwu City for two months were quietly dispersing.

When people watched the king and the dragon disappear into the sky.

I don’t know who was the first to shout loudly.

"The rain has stopped!"

"The clouds have cleared!"

"Sunshine, look, the sun is out!"

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