Victarion was thinking. If you don't do it yourself, does it count as parricide?

Victarion feared no one, and several of his captains could easily kill Euron, but the curse of the Drowned God deterred him.

Euron had many wizards at his command, and Column Hambley had whispered to him that they were all strange, formidable creatures, driven to serve as slaves by the Crow's Eye.

From the day of departure from Old Wyke, the wind had always been in favor of the Iron Fleet. There are whispers in the fleet that Euron's wizards have something to do with it, that the Crow's Eye satisfies the Storm God with blood sacrifices. How else could he have dared to sail so far west instead of following the customary coastline?

"The sea monster beside godless Euron can never drown the gift of the gods," Aeron the Damphair once asserted to him on the Old Wyk Island. "We must stop him, brother. We are the blood of Balon. Euron Using the power of evil heretics to snatch your Seastone position! Stop him, I was deceived and put the driftwood crown on your head, join me in resisting him!"

"I dislike him as much as you do, but he has become king." Victarion complained. "It is your choice of king that will put him on the throne. The ancient ways must be followed!"

There was a madness in Aeron's eyes that made him uneasy: "That is not the will of the Drowned God. Euron kept magicians and evil wizards on his ship. They cast spells to make the drowned people unable to hear the sound of the sea, making the captain He is obsessed with and afraid of his sea monsters and listens to his lies about sea monsters.”

"But you also saw his sea monster. Although I don't want to say it, in the eyes of many people, he is the chosen one of the Drowned God, and he represents the Drowned God's will better than you."

"No, that's not the case. He is a heretic! He is definitely not the chosen one of the Drowned God. He does not worship God, and people who do not worship God cannot sit on the Seastone!" He remembered Aeron's manic look, "If you are not willing to fight Crow's Eye, I will take responsibility for it myself."

"How to do it? You have neither ship nor sword."

"I have my voice," he remembered Aeron's response, "and the gods' support. My strength comes from the sea."

Since then, Victarion has not seen his brother Aeron again, and even his Drowned Men have no idea where he has gone.

Victarion kept thinking of the words of Baelor Blacktail: "Balon is a madman, and so is Aeron, but Euron is madder than either of them."

But it was a kingsmoot that followed the old ways, and the Crow's Eye won the kingsmoot. Euron won the election with his sharp tongue, gold, silver, gems, enamel armor, Valyrian steel daggers, spices and silk. Wang Hui's victory.

Victarion was born to obey. He grew up in the shadow of his brother, followed Balon, and was loyal to him in everything he did. Now Euron is wearing a driftwood crown. Although it is difficult to accept it, Victarion convinced himself by "obeying the ancient ways".

Victarion thought that he could kill Euron and his Iron Fleet would still be the most powerful force in the Iron Islands.

But regicide is a great sin, and parricide is even worse, and will be cursed by the Drowned God.

Victarion complained secretly that Asha should have spoken out to support him.

According to his younger brother Aeron, if Euron is a heretic, can the children of the sea who continue to follow him find the Drowned God's water palace after death in battle and drink and party there forever?

Euron told him privately that he would promise to lead the captains of the islands to find the sea monster's lair, so that every devout drowned man would receive the blessing of the Drowned God - a sea monster.

He said that the Valyrians had ruled by a lucky dragon, and that they would rule by sea monsters.

Victarion knew that Euron's destination was not Highgarden, the Reach, Oldtown, or the Arbor.

But deep in the sunset sea.

Although everyone knows that there is nothing deep in the Sunset Sea.

Brandon, the shipbuilder of the King in the North, once sailed across the Sunset Sea to the west, but his whereabouts are unknown since then.

Alton Greyjoy, also known as "The Pious Fool," tried to conquer the new world beyond the Lantern Keep, but found nothing.

No one has crossed the sunset sea, and no one knows the other side.

However, Crow's Eye claimed that his sea monster came from the Sunset Sea. He claimed that he had been to the depths of the Sunset Sea and came back safe and sound, and brought back the sea monster with him.

Likewise, Crow's Eye claimed that he had been to Valyria and escaped unscathed.

But everyone knows that the doomsday catastrophe still hangs over Valyria, where the sea is boiling and smoking, and the land is occupied by demons. It is said that any sailor who glimpses the burning Valyrian mountains rising above the waves will die a horrific death.

But Crow's Eye had a piece of Valyrian armor, a sea monster, and he said he had a dragon egg.

Victarion could not deny the first two things. However, when Victarion asked where the egg was, Euron told him that he had thrown it into the sea.

Crow's Eye once told Victarion: "I once owned a dragon egg. A Myr wizard promised me that as long as I gave him a year and paid a lot of gold, he could hatch it. But then I I got tired of his excuses and killed him. He watched his intestines slip out from his fingers and said, 'It's not even a year yet.' Then I got tired of it and threw the dragon egg into the sea. The Drowned God thought I was offering a gift and told me the location of the sea monster. Have you ever listened to the voice of the gods? "

Euron laughed loudly as he told the story.

Victarion didn't believe Euron's story at all. His words were full of lies, just like his gifts were always filled with poison.

Chatting with Euron was never a pleasant experience.

Victarion felt an urge to kill Euron, and the urge grew as his heart beat. Euron stole his wife and stole his throne. Victarion had every reason to kill him. But the curse of parricide hovered over his head like a dark cloud, and Euron's words and giggles made him feel uneasy and weird.

"I dreamed that I could fly when I was little," Victarion remembered talking to Euron, his glass filled with a strange dark wine, a sticky liquid that was thick and greasy and smelled of rotten flesh. He said to Victarion, "Wake up and you can't fly... at least that's what the maester says. What if he lies?"

Victarion suppressed the restlessness in his heart and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Maybe we can fly. We all can fly. How can you know without jumping from a tower? No one knows what he is capable of until he falls." The thought of Euron's smile still disgusts Victarion.

"What exactly do you want to say?"

"Brother, open your eyes. Ironborn, you, me, we can get the whole world. Not just the Iron Islands, the North, the Reach or Westeros. The whole world!" Fire flickered in Euron's eyes, His one black eye. "I bring you the blessing of the Drowned God. Just like the Valyrian people got the dragon at the Fourteen Fire Peaks, we only need to go west to get the sea monster. Everyone can. I bring you the blessing of the whole world. opportunity, but you don’t dare to accept it?”

Victarion knew then why Crow's Eye wanted to talk to him in private about this matter. For once Euron reveals his purpose, his hold on Seastone will loosen. Ironborn captains are all greedy for property, and they are a group of lackeys who are not afraid of death for property and women, but they are not fools.

There are many people among the Ironborn who will not be seduced by Euron's tales of sea monsters, and are absolutely unwilling to follow him into the depths of the Sunset Sea to risk the so-called 'world'.

"Why should I help you?" Victarion asked.

"Only a coward would hug a tree while standing in front of the entire forest." Euron's snickering was still in his ears, "We are brothers, for the sake of family, for duty, and for your sea and stone." Even the Iron Throne. You never thought that I would become the king of the world, and the sea stone throne would be yours, and you could even get the Iron Throne... And one day, your legitimate son will inherit everything from you, brother. Live with nothing now, or die as a king? You will never know until you jump. Or am I expecting too much from you? After all, going to the depths of the Sunset Sea is a terrible thing. , and not everyone in this world has the same courage as me.”

The Crow's Eye sailed half way around the world, plundering from Qarth to Talltrees, stopping at evil ports further afield that only madmen would go. Euron even braved the Sea of ​​Smoke and Valyria and lived to tell about it. Do this with just one ship. If the Crow's Eye could do something, Victarion thought he might be able to do it too.

But the Crow's Eye despised the gods and was evil and crazy.

Victarion thought again that if he could defy the gods, he should kill the Crow's Eye. But he knew very well that God hates parricide, otherwise Euron the Crow's Eye would die a thousand times at his hands.

"Earl Hewett has arrived, Commander," a crew member shouted.

Victarion was brought back to reality from his wild thoughts. He walked out onto the deck as the ship passed a headland and the castle of Earl Hewett towered over the harbor.

Twenty longships patrolled outside the harbor, with golden sea monsters billowing on their sails, and hundreds of longships were moored along the gravel beach and tied to a row of stone pillars beside the pier. The harbor reminded him of King's Harbor, but the town was twice as big. There are three giant flat-bottomed cargo ships and a dozen smaller ones standing in the stone pier. Cargo ship, loaded with loot and supplies. Victarion ordered the Invincible Ironborn to anchor: "Prepare a small boat."

They gradually approached the town. Victarion found the town eerily quiet. All the shops and houses were ransacked, and the streets were littered with dead bodies, each attracting a flock of carrion crows.

As the coast came closer, Victarion noticed that women and children were being herded onto the deck of a huge flat-bottomed boat, some with their hands tied behind their backs, and all with hemp ropes around their necks.

"What are these?" he asked the man who was tying up their boat.

"Widows and orphans are gifts to the Drowned God."


"This is the king's order," the other party said. "It's fair to use these gifts to please the Drowned God, in exchange for the sea monster army in the deep sea palace for the Ironborn, to help us rule the world, isn't it?"

Victarion looked at him and looked at the bow of the ship along the "gift" that was driven aboard. Sure enough, he saw a "wizard" under Euron who had his tongue cut out on the ship.

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