In the darkness, the only light was the visitor's lantern.

Visitors rarely show up, silently bringing bacon as hard as a board, bread covered with worms, and ice-cold water.

The jailer was as thin as a scarecrow, with a rat face, nameless, silent, and seemed to have no hearing. Only the hostility on his face remained unchanged.

The straw on the floor smelled of urine. There are no windows, no beds, not even a bucket.

There is no sunrise or moonset here, and nothing can be seen. His feet are bound by iron ropes, and he cannot even mark the wall.

Whether you open your eyes or close them, it makes no difference. In the darkness, he slept and woke up, woke up and slept again, until he could no longer tell the difference between sleeping and waking up. He would dream when he fell asleep. He seemed to hear the faint moaning of the wind and the crashing of the waves in the darkness, as if the gods were calling him to wake up and fight. In his confusion, he seemed to hear the Drowned God from the depths of the ocean calling him. Announcement: "Eron, my most dedicated servant, you must tell the ironborn that 'Crow's Eye' is not my chosen one, not the true king, and the throne of Seastone belongs to..."

When I wake up, there is nothing to do but think. Aeron the Damphair prayed all day, whether he was asleep or awake, even in his dreams during the hot nights.

His God was testing him. He must be strong and truly religious.

He originally hoped that Victarion would win the Kingsmoot, but the leaders and captains despised the Iron Captain, and Asha, Balon's favorite daughter, was given wisdom and courage by the Drowned God, but she used a woman's body to perform... To curse. He realized that the Seastone didn't belong to Victarion, nor did it belong to Asha.

They should unite, and if Victarion could marry Asha, they could rule the Iron Islands together as King and Queen, thus bringing about Euron's downfall.

After leaving the kingsmoot, Aeron woke up to the sound of the waves and realized that the Drowned God must have planned this, so he became more motivated. Promise Victarion: "The captains and chiefs elected Euron, but he is a heretic. I will go to Great Wyk, Harlaw, Oakmont, and even Pyke. To every town, every A village preaching. Let everyone hear the voice of the Drowned God. Those who do not worship the God will never sit on the Sea Stone!"

He held a kingsmoot to choose the true king. But those cowardly and foolish people, swayed by Crow's Eye's gold and lies, made big mistakes in drunkenness and nonsense, he must undo their mistakes.

However, before he could carry out his plan, Euron's crew of mute mongrels captured him on a rocky beach. Those mute bastards had been watching him and waiting for him. On the deserted rocky beach, they covered his mouth with one hand and fainted after being hit hard on the back of the head.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already imprisoned in darkness.

At first, the only sound in the darkness was his breathing. Until one day, he realizes that he has been transferred to the ship.

It's Serenity!

In the dead silence, Aeron realized this.

On this day, when the mute left, the lights fell into darkness, and the world once again became a damp, musty and excrement-smelling darkness.

But as soon as Aeron fell asleep, Euron himself came to visit.

Aeron awoke from his dream to see his nightmare brother Euron standing beside him, holding a lantern. As he watched Euron hang the lantern on the wall and fill the two goblets, he heard the other man say, "Drink with me, brother."

Euron wore a piece of black scale armor, as black as smoke, covering his whole body, but it looked light on the other person's body, like a piece of delicate silk. The edges of the scales were red-gold, and as Euron's movements shone, various patterns on the scales were clearly visible, and the steel was etched with threads, runes, and mysterious symbols.

Valyrian steel. Aeron knew it at a glance. No one in the Seven Kingdoms could possess such a perfect pair of Valyrian steel armor. Even before Valyria was destroyed more than four hundred years ago, such a piece of armor was enough to buy a kingdom. Euron did not lie, he had indeed been to Valyria.

His shoulder cape is as scarlet as blood, and his eyepatch is also red leather.

"Why am I here?" Aeron asked forcefully, thinking that his god was with him, giving him courage. "Where are we sailing?"

"Go south, to the Arbor, to the old town, to conquer, to plunder," Euron smiled, "to sacrifice to the gods."

He's crazy. Aeron thought. "I should be in the Iron Islands," he said.

"Should?" Euron disapproved, "How dare you tell the king that it should be? You can be wherever the king wants you to be."

"What do you want from me?"

"What do you have for me?" Euron sneered. "If you had not planned to preach against my rule, priest, you could have continued to serve the Drowned God in the Isles."

Aeron said forcefully: "Let me go. In the name of the Drowned God, I command you."

"Drink with me. I command you in the name of the king." Euron grabbed Aeron's messy black hair, pulled his head back, and poured the wine glass into his mouth. What flowed into the mouth was not wine, but something thick and sticky, like fruit pulp. The taste changed with every mouthful. Sometimes it's bitter, sometimes it's sour, sometimes it's sweet. There is also a rotten smell. He wanted to throw up, but Euron tightened his grip and drank more. "Very well, drink, priest. It is sweeter than your water, and the truth in it is truer than your delusional oracle."

"Curse you, Euron!"

Euron smiled: "If the curse works, I would like to see it. But unfortunately, brother. If I pulled out every tongue that cursed me, they could cover the entire ship."

Aeron spat at the other man.

But Euron didn't care at all, just looked down at him as if the gods were looking down on him: "Your gods will come to you tonight, at least some of them will come. Let's see how much truth I give you is truer than your delusional oracle, brother."

When he fell into the dark confinement again and fell asleep, Aeron heard someone ask: "Do you know what is under the sea, brother?"

He looked up and saw his long-dead brother Ur.

In childhood, Ur and Aeron had a good relationship. They were both abused by their brother Euron. The two often played games together, such as finger dance. Once when playing finger dance, the axe thrown by Aeron cut off half of Ur's palm.

Mrs. Piper, the remarried wife of Duke Colen and the stepmother of the children, brought her own bachelor, who insisted on sewing Ur's chopped fingers back. The traditional treatment method is to bake with fire and soak in sea water to heal the wound. Due to the suturing method, Ur's wound became seriously infected, and people later amputated his arm, but it was too late. Ur died of infection at the age of fourteen.

At this moment, Aeron saw his brother Ur standing there. One hand was black and swollen, emitting a rotten stench.

"There is a Drowned God," Aeron replied in a trance, "There is a Drowned God waiting for me in the water palace at the bottom of the sea."

Ur shook his head: "Only worms, only worms are waiting for you at the bottom of the sea, Aeron."

Ur laughed, his cheeks peeled off, revealing his hidden eyes. Those eyes were blood red, dark, and terrifying.

It was Euron.

Euron finally showed his blood eyes openly, wearing black agate scales from head to toe, sitting on a pile of burnt black skulls, scarlet blood flowing from under him, flowing on the skulls under him, above his head was a dazzling blood red starry sky, behind him was a huge black vortex.

"The weeping stars foretell the end," he began to speak to Aeron, "The end has come to the last moment, the world will be broken and rebuilt, and in the tombs and the abyss of the burial mounds, new gods will be born."

Euron raised his hand, and a black stone tablet rose from the ground and stood beside him. He waved his hand, and countless sea monsters, demons, sphinxes and even dragons came to his command and crawled in front of him. "Kneel down, brother," the Crow's Eye ordered, "I am your king and your god. Worship me and pray to me, and I will raise you as my priest."

"Never. Those who do not respect the gods will never sit on the seastone throne."

"Oh, why do I want that black and hard stone seat? Brother, take a closer look at where I sit."

Aeron looked up. The mountain of skulls disappeared, and the blood-red starry sky and black vortex above his head were still there, but under Euron was already a dark throne, huge, towering, twisted, made of countless corpses and sharp blades, dripping with blood.

The bodies of the gods were hung on the blades. The Father, the Mother, the Maiden, the Warrior, the Crone, the Blacksmith, and even the Stranger were there, and with them were all sorts of foreign gods: the High Shepherd and the Black Goat, the Three-Headed God with the Pale Child Bakalon, the Lord of Light and the Moon God. The Drowned God was among them, his body green and bloated, half eaten by crabs, rotting with the other gods, his beard dripping with seawater.

Aeron woke up screaming in terror, urine running down his thighs.

He told himself that it was just a dream, an illusion caused by the black, rotten wine.

The Drowned God's priest was not mentally strong enough, and if he looked more closely, he would see more. If he looked more carefully, he would see that the bodies of the gods all had human faces, and the face on the Drowned God's body belonged to him. Aeron Damphair.

A few days later, a woman brought Aeron food in place of the mute.

She was young, plump, and beautiful, wearing the clothes of a noblewoman from the Green Land. Under the candlelight, Aeron inexplicably felt that she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life, and he was somewhat familiar with her. But he couldn't remember where he seemed to have seen her.

"Woman, have I seen you before?" he asked.

"Ah?" The woman was surprised, "This is the first time the king asked me to come."

He shook his head: "I am a god-worshiping person, I order you to let me go."

"I can't do that. But I brought you food. Porridge and honey."

While the woman was feeding him, he asked: "Who are you, where is the ship going?"

"Faria Flowers, I will become King Euron's concubine, and then you and I will become relatives."

He suddenly realized that something was familiar. This woman gave him a feeling of a 'girl' in a nightmare. Even though the Seven Gods were pagans, Aeron knew that she was definitely not a 'girl', but just a mortal.

He looked at her: "Run. He will hurt you, he will kill you."

The woman laughed: "Foolish. He won't, I am his beloved, his concubine. He loves me, gives me gifts, silk and jewelry. He will give me everything I want." Her face was sweet, one hand was on her belly, stroking down her robe, "I am also pregnant with his child. I will give him sons, many, many sons."

"He has sons." Aeron was horrified. What exactly did Euron want to do?

"Lowly bastards and bastards, King Euron told me himself that my son will be higher than them. He swore, swore in the name of your Drowned God."

Aeroen felt sad for her. Euron was not a believer of the Drowned God, he blasphemed! He said: "You must take a message to my brother, not Euron, but Victarion. Do you know who he is?"

The woman stepped back: "Yes. But I can't take a message to him, he is fighting the Targaryen dragon king and Tyrell for the king in the Shield Islands, and we are heading to Oldtown."

Aeron could barely hear what she said next. Victarion was fighting against the Targaryen king. Euron was using sinister means to deal with him. Was he dead? Under dragon flames?

This must be a test from the Drowned God. The pastor suddenly thought. This is a lesson. Don't place your hopes on others. Only the Drowned God can save him, and only faith can save him.

However, the Drowned God's salvation failed to come. I don't know how much time passed before Crow's Eye came again with a lantern: "Are you still praying to false gods, pastor? Can your god save you?"

"The dead will not die, but they will rise again, even more powerful."

"Ah," Euron laughed, "do you believe it will be your turn to rise from the dead, my brother? If I drown you, you will probably become a drowned ghost. Gods They are all lies, and the one you believe in is especially ridiculous. He is a pale, human-like creature with broken and swollen limbs, loose hair, and fish bites on his cheeks. How many idiots would you believe in such a god?"

"He is also your god!" the priest said angrily. "He will give you a good look after you die, Crow Eyes. At that time, you will turn into an undersea maggot, crawling on the bottom of the sea, feeding on feces, and you will never be reincarnated. If you dare, kill me now, murder your blood relatives, and bear the curse. I have had enough of your nonsense.”

"What's the benefit of killing you? As a descendant of Columb Greyjoy, can't you share the joy of victory with me?"

"Victory? Do you know what you are doing? Even if you have a sea monster, you can't defend the Shield Islands. Victarion is not a fool for you to tease, and you are heading to Redwyne Strait to die, Redwyne The fleet will shatter your dreams, and the Whispering Bay will be your grave."

"Haha, hahaha." Euron smiled until his eyes flashed with tears, but his pupils were full of coldness and evil, "What is the Shield Islands? What is Victarion? What is the Redwyne Fleet? Look. Now you have seen the truth, but you still can’t open your eyes and are still as stupid as ever, my silly brother.”

"Let me go!" Aeron commanded in his most terrifying voice, "or you will suffer the wrath of the Drowned God!"

"Who is the Drowned God?" Euron said, picking up a stone bottle, "Look at you, you are roaring so loudly, you must be thirsty. Come, have another glass of the wizard's wine, and take a good look at the world. What is the truth? See it more clearly.”

"No!" He turned his head and tried to resist.

But Euron pulled his hair back and poured the evil liquid into his mouth: "You must drink."

Although he gritted his teeth hard, he still drank it driven by the instinct of choking to death.

The second dream was even worse.

He saw the ironborn ships shattered and drifting in the blood-red ocean filled with countless corpses, and he saw his brother Euron sitting on a black stone throne standing under the blood-red starry sky in the huge whirlpool of the blood-red ocean, but At this moment, Euron is no longer a human being, but more like a squid, a freak born from a deep-sea sea monster. His face is covered with writhing tentacles, and ten long arms are twisting and squirming. Next to him stood a shadow in the shape of a woman, tall, long, and terrifying, with pale flames tumbling in her hands.

Aeron also dreamed of the sea, of sea water, and of water pouring into his mouth. But what followed was not the gift of going to the Water Palace of the Drowned God, but the fear that even the most devout Drowned God could feel. The seawater drowned him, but only brought suffocation and blood.

He tossed and turned in fearful nightmares, spending an unknown amount of time unsure whether he was dreaming or awake.

Until one day, a mute came with a lantern, but there was no food in his other hand, but a key.

The light was blinding, and Aeron didn't dare think about what it meant. Something has changed, something has happened.

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