Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 212 Changes in the Sea of ​​Blood

When Viserys and Euron met eyes.

In a trance, a chill invaded the whole body.

The magic power of the other world, the power of "song", and the magic power of the dragon soul in the body, the three powers surged, mixed and impacted each other, and directly reached the brain, suddenly making Viserys' brain feel like being pierced by needles, and extremely painful.

The chaos of magic power in the body made Viserys a little overwhelmed, and he almost lost control of his body and fell from a high altitude.

But this uncomfortable pain lasted only for a moment.

Soon, he saw Euron fell into madness.

And Viserys had already understood Euron's methods and details.

Euron is a very powerful shapeshifter.

Euron's purpose is not to attack the Redwyne fleet, but to perform some kind of blood magic in this sea area!

In the moment just now, when the three powers in Viserys' body impacted his brain, in a trance, the "song" in his body and some kind of power produced a short-term fusion, and Viserys vaguely heard a strong and powerful "triple heartbeat".

It took Viserys only a moment to react subconsciously. There was a certain connection between him, Euron, and Euron's sea monster.

Of the three heartbeats he heard, one belonged to Euron, one belonged to the sea monster, and the last one, which was the strongest blend with Viserys' power, came from the hatching egg in the sea monster's reproductive cavity!

This means that the hatching egg of the sea monster has some of the power of "Storm Song"!

In fact, the power in the hatching egg is more complicated, not just "Storm Song".

But no matter what the power in the egg is, Viserys has understood what Euron wants to do.

Euron's human body cannot bear the power of "Song", so he chose the body of the sea monster's offspring!

The hatching egg of the sea monster was not produced naturally, but was created by evil flesh and blood magic!

Euron wants to use that new body to become a god!

Realizing this, Viserys realized that killing Euron's human body might be helping him.

After experiencing the soul test of the powerful skinchanger among the dragonbinders, Viserys knew very well that the dragonbinders had experienced being killed by the Valyrians, and then their souls were attached to the dragons. Losing their human bodies sometimes meant losing their restraints.

So Viserys's attack on Euron turned into a seal.

The energy ball with three kinds of power stored in Viserys' mouth spewed at Euron, the ice ball directly attacked Euron, the thunder ball followed closely, and the fire ball was used to attack the bastard crew members around Euron.

"Bloodstone! Hahaha——"

The ice ball exploded on Euron with the cold frost power. Viserys heard a wild laugh from Euron.

The next moment, the laughter was frozen in a huge piece of ice formed by the cold fog after the ice ball exploded.

As the lightning ball hit the ice block, a burst of electricity with strong current exploded in the surrounding ice, forming a super-large electric shock circle that occupied most of the deck. Euron's bastard crew members were instantly enveloped by the huge electric shock circle, and their bodies were charred, their bodies stiffened, their hair stood up, and they were in great pain until they lost consciousness.

Then the fireball fell to the center of the crowd enveloped by the electric shock circle, completing the finishing blow.

Viserys leaned over and flew down the bow, grabbing the ice that wrapped and sealed Euron's body with his claws, and then flew into the sky.

Crack! Crash!

About a mile away from Viserys, on the right wing of the Redwyne fleet, the sea monster that was originally looking for the next target of attack suddenly went crazy. The sea surface was surging and churning wildly, and the tentacles twisted and slapped the sea surface like crazy, splashing water.

At the same time, a sudden change occurred.

The sea area where the sea monster was located suddenly gushed out large patches of bloody blood, as if someone had thrown red ink into the water. In just a moment, the sea was dyed a bright red by the scarlet blood.

And that's not all.

Viserys could see clearly from the sky that the human blood created by the killing on the sea seemed to be attracted by something and was spreading in an unscientific way in the sea.

The fight on the sea continued, with the sound of trumpets, cries and roars.

Everyone was paying attention to the fight on the sea, and no one noticed the changes on the sea.

Viserys knew that no matter what happened at this moment, it was too late to remind. So he just flew directly to the Star of the Sea where Commander Desmond Redwyne was. As the commander, Desmond's ship in the second array was also fighting with an Ironborn hundred-oared ship after colliding with each other.

The fight between the two sides also came to an end. As a ship with two hundred oars, the number of people had an absolute advantage, and Sir Desmond won the victory on this battlefield.

Viserys threw the ice with the leader sealed in it onto Desmond's ship: "Commander Sir Desmond, tell the whole army to resolve the battle as quickly as possible at all costs! After the battle is resolved, the whole army will sail with the wind and leave this sea area as soon as possible, and regroup when they are far away from here!"

When the ships of both sides are already intertwined and fighting hard, it is a fool's thing to order a withdrawal from the battle. Viserys knows very well that in the face of overwhelming advantage, the fastest way to withdraw from the battle is to resolve the enemy in front of you!

Sir Desmond looked at the huge ice thrown on the deck: "Your Majesty, what is this?"

"This is the enemy leader Euron Greyjoy. I'll leave him here for now. As for how to use the news of the enemy leader's capture, you can do it. I have no experience in naval warfare. I have only one requirement, which is to resolve the battle as quickly as possible! Get out of the battlefield as quickly as possible!" Viserys said, "Do you understand?"

Ser Desmond felt puzzled and uneasy, and immediately responded: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Viserys got the reply, and immediately flapped his wings and rushed straight to the mad sea monster.

Ser Desmond got the order and immediately gave orders.

The ships once again sounded the urging horns and drums, as well as the strange whistles.

Viserys looked down at the ships that surrounded the Redwyne fleet on both wings, pressing the encirclement tighter and tighter, and the Ironborn fleet was visibly trapped.

If this was a normal naval battle, there was no doubt that Viserys and Redwyne had won.

However, Viserys looked at the blood color spreading more and more on the sea surface, felt the suppression of his own "song" power, and knew in his heart that it was far from victory at this moment.

Seeing the sea monster fall into madness, thrashing on the sea surface, and endless scarlet blood was gushing out of the sea monster.

Viserys realized that the sea monster was suffering from some kind of pain and torture, making it crazy.

Viserys was sure that all these abnormalities must be related to Euron.

Relying on subconscious speculation, Viserys thought it was necessary to drag this crazy sea monster out of the sea to destroy what Euron was planning to do.

The blood gushing out of the sea monster must be caused by Euron.

He must be performing some kind of ritual.

Viserys saw the sea monster thrashing wildly, and lightning accumulated in its mouth.

At this time, the power of thunder and lightning is more useful than fire and ice.

Viserys needs to electrocute this sea monster so that it stops thrashing, and then throw it to the shore.

In any case, this sea monster must be a very important part of Euron's plan.

In a sense, this sea monster is the mother of Euron's "divine body". Viserys suspected that Euron intended to use its blood to achieve his evil plan to become a god.

Viserys shouted: "Vāedar!"

Then he poured out the golden lightning rays accumulated in his mouth without hesitation. A golden beam of rays was like a sharp blade, shooting straight at the sea monster.

The lightning touched the sea surface and immediately exploded to form a huge and terrifying lightning circle, which completely wrapped the sea monster.

A hemisphere composed of lightning rose from the sea, and golden arcs flashed in the ball, flashing with a breath of destruction.

This scene was too terrifying, and there was a kind of weird beauty. Many people witnessed this scene. In addition to being horrified, they couldn't help but have a strange worship in their hearts.

It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the power of God.

Viserys's strategy seems to have worked. As the huge thunder circle wrapped and flashed around the sea where the sea monster was.

The sea monster was visible with arcs of electricity on its body, and it was numbed by the electricity.

Finally, under Viserys's thunder and electric shock, at a certain moment, the sea monster's tentacles stopped flapping, whether it was electrocuted to death or numbed by electricity.

It floated on the sea without moving.

To confirm that it was safe, Viserys exhaled a breath of frost to freeze the sea surface and the sea monster, and then exhaled thunder again, forming a terrifying electric circle on the sea again.

The sea monster's tentacles only twitched twice and stopped moving.

Viserys finally put his mind at ease, flew to the sea monster, and grabbed the sea monster's body with his claws.

The sea monster's body was slippery, and Viserys's claws directly hooked into its flesh and blood.


Viserys flapped his wings and dragged the sea monster out of the water.

The huge body of the sea monster left the sea surface with a loud splashing sound.

The battlefield seemed to fall into a brief silence at this moment.


The human voice screamed and even broke.


"Long live the dragon!"

"Long live Targaryen!"

The drums, horns and flutes of the Redwyne fleet became more and more rapid and fierce, and the excited roars of the human voices even drowned out these sounds for a while.

As Viserys grabbed a sea monster that was one-third the size of a dragon and flew high into the sky.

Within a few miles of the battlefield, from the right wing to the left wing, everyone saw this shocking scene.

In their eyes, it was Viserys riding a three-headed dragon to capture the sea monster and take it to the sky.

During this period, the sea water and blood on the sea monster fell from the sky like a waterfall, splashing huge blood-colored waves on the sea surface.

The morale of the soldiers of the Redwyne fleet soared, and they shouted: "Long live the dragon!"

The roar of the human voice spread from the right wing where Viserys was to the farthest left wing.

The morale of the Ironborn fleet had collapsed.

Someone took the opportunity to shout: "You have already lost, surrender quickly!"

But these iron men knew what they had done, and they could not surrender: "Kill! Kill them! Kill them all!"

The battlefield was in chaos again.

Commander Desmond watched the dragon grab the limp and seemingly dead sea monster and fly high into the sky, and his shock was beyond words. The blood of the sea monster fell from the sky, and the blood made the bloody smell in the air even stronger.

Seeing the dragon grabbing the sea monster's body and flapping its wings, it seemed to be moving away from the battlefield.

In addition to being shocked, Desmond also reacted. He remembered the king's order: "Pass the order down, at all costs, end the battle as quickly as possible!"

People on the battlefield could only see a corner of the battlefield, not the whole picture, so when they saw Viserys taking the sea monster away, they thought that the dragon had defeated and killed the sea monster. Redwyne's people were excited, thinking that they were about to win, and the iron people were in despair, but they would not surrender.

Viserys was high above and could see clearly.

Although he had fished the sea monster out of the water.

But the blood on the sea monster was almost drained.

On the sea battlefield, although some areas were thick blood and some areas were thin blood, the abnormally spread blood had occupied large areas of the sea, and the entire sea area of ​​several miles in radius had been dyed bloody from the sky.

And Viserys did not find the hatching eggs he had sensed before on the sea monster.

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