Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 214 The End of the Battlefield

The body of the sea monster was thrown back into the sea.

Viserys began to breathe out frost.

The white ice froze the sea monster bit by bit. Although it was dead, its ten short arms and two long arms still looked ferocious, and its huge trunk was as big as a hundred-oared ship.

When Viserys froze its entire body into the ice, the iceberg formed by the frozen sea monster was even as big as a ship with two hundred oars.

The two rowing boats began to work. The shipwrights on the boats wore thick woolen clothes and nailed the broken planks on the sea to the huge iceberg with ropes and nails.

Finally, the iron ropes used by the rowing boats to tow boats in the past were tied to the broken planks.

Wait until the shipwrights finished all this in the cold of the iceberg. Viserys breathed out again, and spit out another layer of ice on the outer layer to ensure its firmness.

Boom boom boom!

The rhythmic drums began to beat.

"Hey yo! Hey yo!" The sailors' horns sounded.

The rowing boats began to row.

Watching, as the iron chain of the tugboat straightened.

The huge iceberg began to be dragged slowly.

The fleet watching nearby cheered.

King Viserys planned to let the two rowing boats tow the sea monster to Whispering Bay and transport it to Oldtown. Docked at the port of Oldtown to wait for the arrival of the army, and let the damaged ships of the Redwyne fleet go back to the port of Oldtown for "rest and recuperation".

It's a bit speechless to say that Viserys's limited ice magic power was only consumed by half in the battle, but it was exhausted in the matter of sealing the sea monster.

Euron never appeared again.

The bloody weirdness on the blood sea dissipated, which seemed mysterious and weird.

Viserys estimated that Euron had escaped again.

It was really difficult to deal with a powerful shapeshifter like Euron. Viserys thought of what the dragonbinder had done in Valyria.

In the end, the Valyrians locked the dragonbinder with an iron chain engraved with magic runes, and then really killed the dragonbinder.

Viserys was not sure whether Euron's goal had been achieved, because when a whirlpool appeared in the blood sea, the "song" in his body was suppressed less and less, and when the whirlpool sucked all the blood. The "magic" that could be felt in the air fell into complete calm.

But in any case, Viserys imprisoned Euron's body.

It is said that the death of the body of the shapeshifter is considered "real" death. Although their consciousness will remain in the controlled animal consciousness, the remaining consciousness will become simpler and the memory will gradually become blurred until they completely lose their humanity.

However, Euron is not necessarily. Viserys is willing to compare him with the dragon binder, thinking that he may still be powerful without the "body".

But the "body" must have a vital significance in mysticism, so imprisoning Euron's body, Viserys firmly believes that it will definitely have an impact on Euron.

In addition, Viserys found a point. If he killed Euron's body, Euron's resurrection through the young son of the sea monster would actually conform to the "rebirth in the land of smoke and salt" to a certain extent. This idea made Viserys feel very strange.

Also, Viserys had looked into Euron's bloody eyes before. For some reason, it reminded him of the third eye of the Three-Eyed Raven. Viserys must ask the Three-Eyed Raven for clarification one day. Perhaps Euron is the demon spawned by the Three-Eyed Raven.

Let's get back to the present.

The Redwyne Fleet returned to the vicinity of this sea area.

Only the relatively intact wreckage of the New Serenity and countless broken ships were floating on the sea, and there were many pale corpses that looked bloodless.

Originally, some people in the fleet wanted to salvage the wreckage, but after witnessing the previous strange phenomenon, no one was willing to approach this place again.

Seeing that the fleet was not approaching, Viserys went down and dismantled the New Serenity himself.

However, Viserys did not find anything useful in the captain's room. Euron did not read books or take notes, and he collected very few mysterious objects. In the captain's room, Viserys found several Valyrian steel daggers. It seems that Euron has really been to the ruins of Valyria, but it is strange that Euron has a set of Valyrian steel armor and many Valyrian steel daggers, but only an unnamed Valyrian steel sword - Viserys had previously deliberately frozen the sword that fell from Euron's hand and Euron's body together, and this sword is now in the ice where Euron's body is.

Normally, if Euron really entered the ruins and brought out all the armor, he could have brought out a few more swords. There is no reason to find so many daggers but not a few swords. It may also be that there are many restrictions for Euron to enter the ruins of Valyria, which is only enough for him to take out a set of armor, several daggers, a sword and a dragon egg.

Viserys searched the captain's room, and finally found only a few Valyrian daggers and a small bucket of thick and strange blue drink - Nightshade Water.

Viserys didn't know how Euron was related to the wizard of Qarth, but there was no doubt that this was the wizard's Nightshade Water.

Viserys was not interested in this thing and knocked it to the ground.

Apart from that, there were only some gold and gems that were of no significance to Viserys.

Viserys continued to dismantle the ship, destroy the deck, and search for the ship's warehouse.

He did find it, but there were only gold coins, gems, and various valuable spices from the Free Cities, but no magic items Viserys wanted.

In the end, Viserys only took the Vulcan Steel Dagger, and told Sir Desmond that there was no curse on the New Serenity, so he could rest assured to seize it.

Viserys had no interest in the remaining spoils, but he still followed the rules and asked Sir Desmond to collect the spoils for distribution.

Considering that they had not been formally incorporated into Viserys's army, Viserys only let Sir Desmond distribute the spoils according to the original rules in this encounter. When Redwyne's main fleet arrived at the Shield Islands, Viserys arranged for people to formally popularize the new military merit system for them.

Cleaning up the battlefield is always more troublesome than fighting a war.

With the attitude of doing things to the end, Viserys still issued a few orders. Deal with, salvage, and clean up the dead on his side, and send the dead back to the Qingting Island with a fleet. As for the bodies of the Ironmen, Viserys thought about it and thought that these people really had no honor, so he did not intend to restrain them.

But it certainly can't be said that way. What Viserys said at the end was: "Although the enemy has no honor, we still do not damage their bodies in the spirit of honor, and bury them at sea according to the traditional customs of the Ironmen." In fact, it is to let the bodies drift on the sea and feed the fish.

It's just that the fish in this sea area have been scared away, and these bodies may drift to an unknown place.

Viserys tried to accumulate a high pressure center again and evoke an east wind, but without the power increase, the east wind that Viserys re-accumulated could not be as strong as before, and it could only last for a period of time, but it was enough to make the corpses and broken ships drift away from the coast as much as possible.

The battle lasted only an hour, but it took half a day to clean up the battlefield.

It was not until dusk that the fleet was reorganized and divided here.

Originally, a celebration banquet should be held on the ship today, but everyone wanted to get away from this strange sea as soon as possible.

Half of the undamaged Redwyne fleet continued to go to the Shield Islands, while the "damaged" fleet went to Oldtown. It's just that the "damaged" fleet is a bit large, with more than 90 ships, and the commander is Sir Desmond Redwyne. The most eye-catching thing about this fleet is the two rowing boats in the middle of the fleet towing a sea monster "iceberg" sealed.

The fleet that was divided and sent to the Shield Islands had more than 70 ships and more than 20 captured ships, totaling 100 ships, commanded by another knight of the Redwyne family. They will take the surrendered captives to the Shield Islands. There is actually no enemy situation on the Shield Islands, and this group of people is more to assist in defense and take the captives to High Court for conviction and disposal.

Viserys covered the division of the two fleets in the air, and observed for a long time, watching Euron seem to have completely disappeared, and there was no revenge. Finally, he went back with a strange idea.

The ice that Euron's body was frozen in was placed on the cliff by the bay by Viserys. He could see it as soon as he raised his eyes, so he simply left it there without caring.

It took more than half a day from cleaning up the battlefield to dividing the troops. Viserys knew the power of his frost breath and knew that the ice block would not melt in a short time. He was just not sure whether the people inside were frozen to death.

Wait for the fleet to leave.

Viserys finally flew back to the cliff and came to the ice block that sealed Euron.

Although the ground was full of melted ice, the white ice was still solid. Euron, wearing Valyrian armor, still maintained the ferocious smile before being wrapped in ice.

Viserys exhaled fire and thawed Euron's body.

As the fire burned, the ice slowly melted.

For safety reasons, Viserys first thawed his lower body below the chest.

Under the fire, Euron's hands were freed first.

Viserys took off his arm armor and tore off the multiple layers of silk lining inside.

Soon, his hands, which were frozen blue by the cold, were exposed.

Viserys tentatively stretched out his claws to touch his pulse. He was not sure whether the dragon claws were too insensitive or Euron had indeed been frozen to death. Viserys did not feel the pulse and heartbeat.

Then, Viserys thawed most of Euron's body.

Viserys took off his armor like a researcher and began to check.

Euron's body showed a stiff phenomenon, and it seemed that his body had been frozen and necrotic. Viserys tried to cut open Euron's skin, and the blood flowing out of the wound showed a clotted black phenomenon.

It seems that Euron's body has not deviated from the scope of humans and is not cold-resistant. His body has died of hypothermia in the cold and freezing.

After thawing, the bluish-white flesh gradually turned bright red, the skin obviously shrank, and the parts of the limbs not covered by clothes had severe frostbite, purple-red swelling, and a clear boundary with the parts covered by clothes, with blisters visible in between.

The stiffness of the corpse during thawing is due to freezing, not rigor mortis. The bright red color of the muscles indicates that the coagulated blood in the cold has melted and diffused into the superficial blood vessels through the skin. It is judged that rigor mortis will occur within a few hours after thawing.

After observation and judgment, the cause of death was vascular dilation, paralysis, slow blood flow or even cessation caused by low temperature, and blood circulation disorders caused tissue hypoxia and brain hypoxia, leading to paralysis and death of the vascular motor center and respiratory motor center.

Viserys' ice is not a cryogenic hibernation device in science fiction, but real ice, and Euron is a human, not a monster.

It seems that the human body in the Ice and Fire World is much weaker than that in the Hyrule World.

You should know that the humans and monsters living on the Hyrule Continent will not die after being frozen by the ice breath of Gul'ok, but will only fall into cryogenic hibernation. After being thawed, they can even come back to life quickly and jump around. And the people in the Ice and Fire World, even those who can use magic like Euron, were actually frozen to death directly.

Although it was a bit unexpected, Viserys has confirmed that Euron's body is dead anyway.

But Viserys will not abandon Euron's body here just because of his physical death.

In the original world line, Jon Snow was stabbed to death by the Night's Watch in the end, and it is very likely that he will be resurrected and reborn in the "Land of Smoke and Salt".

And there are many ways to resurrect in this world. Even if Euron's body is dead, Viserys will take the body back and seal it up.

Although the specific situation is not known yet, Viserys firmly believes that the "body" must be very important to the skinchanger.

And Euron and Viserys have fought twice, and Euron must hate Viserys very much.

Thinking of this, Viserys no longer cares about any red tape. He shrank his body, stretched out his claws, and directly dug Euron's devil-like blood-red eyes out of his eye sockets. At the same time, he twisted the important joints of Euron's body into dislocation.

In this way, even if he is resurrected in this body, Euron will be a cripple with one eye blind.

After waiting for the ice magic to recover to a certain level, Viserys spit out frost breath on the corpse again, and sealed the corpse and the bloody eyeball separately.

When all this was done, Viserys passed the spoils of war - Naga skull, Vulcan armor, Vulcan sword, Vulcan dagger - through dragon flames, and then packed them up, grabbed them together with the ice that sealed Euron's body, flapped his wings and flew straight into the sky, heading inland.

And Viserys would never know that while he was doing this, under the sea where he could not reach the bottom of the sea in the nearby sea.

A monster with horrible black eyes, half human and half sea monster, very tall and twisted compared to humans, was waving ten long arms and twisting into a ball in pain.

The sound from underwater could not be transmitted to the sea surface.

But if someone was listening and happened to understand the ancient Valyrian language, they could hear the painful screaming voice and the word screaming was: bloodstone!

But in fact, it doesn't matter whether you understand the ancient Valyrian language or not, because as the monster roared, an invisible wave spread in the seabed and underground. The wave carried mysterious information, and the scream from the monster's mouth turned into an invisible wave that spread to hundreds of miles around.

The information in this mysterious wave can be understood and repeated in one's own cognition as long as it can be heard, and the listener can know the meaning contained in it.

The towering tower.

In a room that was still lit by oil lamps as bright as day in the night, a gloomy, hunchbacked, pale-faced, and somewhat disheveled woman suddenly widened her eyes from her listless confusion.

The woman was mumbling as if she was possessed by some kind of power. Her originally hunchbacked body suddenly straightened and her figure instantly became tall.

Her thin and tall body was as straight as a bamboo pole, and she stretched out her hands in a very strange posture.

The woman stood in the middle of the room in this weird posture, and the whole person fell into a strange silence, as if listening to something.

The woman's shadow under the lamp was as dark as ink, like a black hole, and her silence made her look like a shadow monster was hiding under her. If anyone else was watching, they would inexplicably feel uncomfortable and uneasy, and even have their hair stand on end and their hair stand on end.

At a certain moment, the woman said a word with strange syllables with strange poetry. Hearing that word, people could hear the seemingly endless calls coming from underground as if they were telepathic. That word was neither the Common Language, nor the Valyrian Language, nor even the spell language of Asshai, but some older and more ancient syllables.

But the old man in Oldtown could understand it.

He knew what the word was.


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