Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 216 Academic Exchange Meeting

The Citadel is a complex of buildings located by the Mead River in Oldtown. It can be compared to the University City on Earth or the Vatican's Roman Curia. It is a city within a city with towers, fortresses, large libraries, and magnificent buildings.

There is a pair of tall green sphinxes on both sides of the gate of the Citadel, with lion bodies, eagle wings, and snake tails. One of them has a man's face and the other has a woman's face. In the world of A Song of Ice and Fire, the sphinx generally symbolizes protection. Some long-standing traditions believe that the sphinx can take away people's sins and block evil. Therefore, sphinx statues are often placed in important locations, such as castles, entrances to important places, or gates of temples, usually in pairs of male and female.

Even the Valyrian architecture has sphinx statues, which are called Valyrian sphinxes. The door of the Red Keep meeting room is guarded by the Valyrian Sphinx.

In mythology, the Sphinx always tells riddles.

After entering through the tall Sphinx Gate, there is the clerk's desk. People in Oldtown come here to find assistant maesters, who are good at writing and writing, to write wills and read letters for them.

Going out of the clerk's desk, there is the large square in the inner city of the Citadel. This square is huge, with stone bricks on the ground, and can accommodate thousands of people. In wartime, it can be converted into a parade ground or camp at any time.

The roads in the square are connected in all directions, leading to various buildings in the Citadel. In the middle of the square, the statue of Daeron I, the young dragon king, stands there. This statue was erected because the young dragon king was ambitious and funded the Citadel to repair the roads when preparing to conquer Dorne. At the same time, the Citadel also recognized Daeron I's achievements.

The road forks here.

Laresa led a group of six people to the left, along the river, and headed to the Weeping Wharf. A group of pink-faced apprentices ran past them, looking back curiously; under the dock, the kitchen helper who was wading in the shallows to catch fish could not help but look up and curiously look at these people who were obviously extraordinary.

Speaking of which, Laresa really couldn't figure it out. Since Maester Marwyn chose to hide his whereabouts, why did he bring such a flamboyant guard back to the Citadel.

He looked back and saw his Sand Snake sister Obara Sand and the other four wearing the Martell family coat of arms, with a black background and red dragon embroidered on their chests. At this time of year, no matter who saw the coat of arms representing the Targaryen King on their chests, they would not be able to help but take a second look.

And the fat man in the middle who was protected, named "Winema", who had a typical exotic appearance, claimed to be from Asshai in the Shadow Land, and was currently the magic advisor to King Viserys, was even more eye-catching. The cloak he wore was embroidered with a sphere with a moving trajectory orbiting the sun, which gave Laresa the feeling that it was very similar to the star model of the Citadel's Great Library.

But the sphere on his cloak was covered with strange scale lines, which looked like some kind of mathematical model used to calculate stars.

His cloak fluttered behind him like a sail, attracting curious eyes one after another.

There is no need to take a boat from the Weeping Pier to get to Crow Island. There is a weathered wooden suspension bridge across the Mead River, connecting the island to the east coast. Raven Tower is the oldest building in the Citadel. In the Age of Heroes, it was the fortress of the pirate lord.

But now, the fortress walls are cool and dim, crows on the battlements have replaced archers, and an ancient fish beam wood occupies the entire courtyard.

This is now just a residential area for doctors in the Citadel.

Many doctors in the Citadel live here. The West Tower is the White Crow's Nest, and the suite of the current Citadel Master Dr. Wargrave is under the White Crow's Nest.

And their destination is the North Tower.

The North Tower is the residence of Dr. Marwin, the "magician".

"Who are you looking for?" At the top of the stairs, Leo Tyrell, an apprentice of Dr. Marwyn, asked cautiously, "Sphinx, who are they?"

"I am the magician's friend in Asshai. What a pity, he is not here."

"Asshai?" Leo Tyrell's eyes widened, "You are from Asshai? What do you want to see the 'magician' for?"

Winema laughed: "I have something to do with the Citadel, but I only have the 'magician' as a friend here. I wanted to reach some business exchanges with the Citadel through him. Won't you let us go in and sit down, apprentice boy?"

"Oh, of course," Leo was not a person who showed courtesy to people of lower status than himself, but the visitor obviously made him hesitate, so he expressed the courtesy that an apprentice of noble birth should have, "Please come in."

Inside the door was a large round room, full of books and scrolls, and it was so messy that it had not been cleaned for who knows how long.

Faded brocade and tattered maps covered the stone walls, and the only light came from a tall black candle in the center of the room.

"Glass candle," Wen Emma said with a playful expression on his face, "It seems that the 'magician' has lit it. Has the Citadel finally begun to take magic and witchcraft seriously?"

Leo shook his head: "Sir from Asia, if you come to the Citadel to find magic, you have come to the wrong place. The Citadel discriminates against magic and witchcraft."

"Oh? The Citadel is such an ignorant place? By the way," Wen Emma asked, "Where did my friend Marwin go? Will he come back in the next few days?"

"Excuse me, sir, what do you want to do with the doctor?"

"I came with a mission. I am now the magical advisor to His Majesty King Targaryen. His Majesty the King ordered me to come and communicate with the Citadel on some affairs. But I only know 'Marwen', and I don't know anything about the other people in the Citadel. There is no guarantee of a person's knowledge. Unfortunately, since he is not around, it seems that we can only find someone else to communicate with. Is there anyone as smart as Marwin in the city? Marwin once told me that the doctors in the city are just for the sake of reputation. Sheep in gray clothes." Wen Aima's voice was soft and disdainful.

"Cough cough cough" a cough came from under the spiral staircase.

Leo stretched out his head and looked down. It was Dr. Theobald, the superintendent of the school. He stuck out his tongue and closed his mouth.

Laresa couldn't help but look at his Sand Snake sisters, but Obaya remained silent, as if it didn't matter to her.

Theobald's tone was a little cold, and he slowly climbed up the tower, and the scepter in his hand fell heavily to the ground: "I heard that there are people from His Majesty King Viserys in the academy. Is it his group? I don't know what His Majesty the King has for the academy. Advice?"

Winama tilted his head and asked tit for tat: "Who are you? Marwin's friend?"

"I am Theobald, a doctor of the school, and the current general manager of the school." Theobald is not a good-tempered person. Hearing the unkind tone of the other party, he was naturally unhappy. As he spoke, he turned to look at La Lesa and Leo, "How could you two apprentices directly bring an unidentified guest to such an important location, so unprepared?"

"It turns out to be the general manager of the school." Wen Aima smiled, "You came just in time to prevent me from finding Marwin and having to look for you. Let me ask you, besides Marwin, who else has a doctoral degree in our school? Magic and witchcraft?”

Theobald did not give a direct answer, but asked: "What do you want to do with a doctor who studies magic?"

"Huh, His Majesty the King is interested in promoting an academic exchange in the school city, so that more students in the school city can pay attention to the magical creatures in the world. Therefore, we need to find a few doctors who understand magic in the school city to work with me to dissect the bird in the port. The frozen sea monster is sealed in the iceberg. Your Majesty wants to hold an academic exchange conference on the anatomy of sea monsters to study the characteristics of sea monsters and understand their structures. However, besides Marwin, I can't think of anyone else in your school. It's appropriate to dissect the sea monster with me. Well, since Marvin is not in the school, you can find a few clever apprentices to help me, and I will do the hard work of dissecting it myself."

"What? Really, Your Majesty wants to dissect the sea monster?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would your Majesty drag the sea monster to the port of Old Town with all the effort?" Wen Aimai slightly expressed his dissatisfaction, "If you ask me, I can do this myself, why should I come to you? I just regret that I didn't follow you at that time. Your Majesty went on an expedition. Earlier in the Storm Land, Your Majesty found out that the fishmen didn’t even think about finding your school city. I did all the dissection by myself——"


"Haha, the school city doesn't even know about fishmen. Have you never seen one?" Wen Aima shook his head, "It seems that I guessed it right. I want to find you mysterious people who have never seen many mysterious creatures to dissect such an important legendary biological specimen." It’s just a waste. I really don’t know why His Majesty the King is looking for you. Then you must have never seen the wights and ghosts?”

The coldness on Theobald's face disappeared, turning into visible surprise, and he was speechless: "."

"Is the school city of Westeros really not worthy of its name?" Wen Aima watched the other party fall silent and said aggressively, "It seems that it is necessary for me to go back and persuade His Majesty to take back his life. That sea monster is one of the few in the world today. Too many specimens are just a waste for outsiders to see.”

Theobald finally changed his expression and asked: "May I ask who you are?"

Wen Ema smiled and said: "I, I, Wen Ema, stayed in Asshai, the land of shadows for a while, and now serves as a magic advisor under His Majesty King Viserys Targaryen. If Marwen from your academy is here, He must be able to recognize me. If it weren't for my help back in Yaxia, he wouldn't have been able to come back alive. "

Theobald suppressed his surprise and pretended to be angry: "Your Excellency, with all due respect, advisor, you underestimate the city too much, right? My city has thousands of years of history, and in alchemy, astronomy, mathematics and other academic fields -"

"Okay, okay, don't say these useless things. As far as I know, you Westeros people have a long history, but what about knowledge?" Wen Ema asked, "Since you are the manager of the city, knowledge No matter what, it should be a little bit, let me ask you. Does the city know that the world we live in is a round ball? "

"Hmph, even the academic apprentices know this."

"Okay, since you know that the world is a ball, let me ask you. How big is the ball we are in? What is its circumference? What is its diameter? What is its relationship with the moon? What is its relationship with the sun? ?Why is it a ball but no one falls into the sky?"

"You want to debate academics with me?"

"No, I want to tell you that His Majesty the King obtained the methods and models for calculating these from the records of the ruins of Valyria. He plans to hold multiple academic exchange meetings with the school city to verify his calculations in Valyria bit by bit. But in my opinion, your school’s name is not worthy of His Majesty’s attention. You have never even seen the Fishman and the White Walkers!”

"Who said that, and what do you know?"

"I have discussed with Marwyn. Your mathematical model is very backward, and your geometry is not outstanding. Why, you are dissatisfied?" Winema took out a book from his arms. "I guess you are also a doctor. Here is a copy of "Elements of Geometry" that King Viserys saw in Valyria and recorded from memory. I am generous and will lend it to you. See how big the gap between the Citadel and Valyria can be seen from it. You self-righteous doctors have stayed in this small world of the Citadel for too long. I think you don't know how big the outside world is. You are so bad at ordinary academics, let alone the knowledge of magic, witchcraft, and mysterious creatures. It's not that I look down on you, but in the Citadel, except for Marwyn, I really don't believe that there is anyone else who can help me dissect the sea monster for research."

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