Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 218: Settling in the Old Town

Viserys rode in a procession that stretched for two miles, riding in the huge wheel palace provided by Highgarden.

In front of him, there were three hundred knights of the Guards in full armor and riding tall horses, clearing the way for him. Behind him, various banners formed a river of color behind the black and red dragon banner of the Targaryen family. Hundreds of Dornish nobles led by Oberon and the Reach nobles led by Willas were flying under their banners. Follow closely.

Behind them came the remaining seven hundred cavalry of the king's guard and two thousand Dornish cavalry.

This mighty team is heading to Old Town.

After Lord Leyton of the Hightower family walked out of the tower, walked out of the old town alone and came to Viserys's camp, announcing that the Hightower family had pledged its allegiance to King Viserys, Viserys left seven thousand troops stationed there. On the upper reaches of the Mead River, he led three thousand men and horses, together with most of the Dornish dignitaries and the Reach nobles, to Old Town.

When the old town was majestic, marvelous, submerged in the clouds, and a tower said to be eight hundred feet high appeared on the horizon, what Viserys thought of was not Aegon the Conqueror, but the cruel King Maegor I.

Although Aegon the Conqueror won the surrender of Hightower in Oldtown during the War of Conquest, the power of House Hightower was still extremely large. The forces of the Seven Gods' sect, the Citadel, and the Hightower family worked together to make the Hightower family's power deeply entrenched in the Fertile Cape in the south.

The Cotoine family of Three Towers, the Bullway family of Blackcrown City, the Mulundall family of Highland City, the Bisbury family of Beehive City, and the Kui family of Sunflower Hall are all loyal families to the Hightower family.

After the death of Aegon the Conqueror, the dignitaries of the Seven Kingdoms who resisted the Dragon Dynasty were ready to take action.

The Order's armed forces took the lead in revolting in the name of the Seven Gods, opposing the marriage customs of the Targaryen family. The armed forces of the Warrior Sons once captured King's Landing, and then King Aenys died of illness on Dragonstone. Queen Mother Visenya brought Maegor, who had been exiled to Essos, back to Westeros to take the throne. After that, Maegor and Visenya took Balerion and Vhagar respectively to regain King's Landing which was controlled by the armed forces of the Order.

The war between the church and the crown was a major theme in Westeros after Aegon's death.

At that time, the Archbishop who ordered the believers to take up arms, called on the poor to gather together with the sons of warriors and a large number of lords to openly oppose Targaryen, and formed a coalition to march on King's Landing, was the younger brother of Earl Martin Hightower of the Hightower family. The Commander-in-Chief of the Warrior Sons, Morgan Hightower, is also the brother of Lord Hightower.

After retaking King's Landing, King Maegor I and Queen Visenya waited in King's Landing for half a year, waiting for rebels from various places to ferment. They reorganized the internal affairs and local affairs in King's Landing - mainly putting all the Targaryens of Aenys under house arrest, seizing power, integrating their forces, and refining their troops. Then when they were ready, they led the army with dragons, suppressed the rebellions in the Riverlands and the Westerlands, and burned down the castle. Countless, and finally rushed all the way to the old town to suppress the armed rebellion of the religious sect.

During the War of Conquest, when King Aegon I's army arrived in Oldtown, House Hightower chose to surrender the city, but now the rebellion of the Order's armed forces has made it seem inevitable that a catastrophe will befall Oldtown.

It is said that on the eve of the arrival of the dragon, thousands of people fled the old town, and thousands more drank and reveled in the streets. "This is the fallen night of singing and drinking," they said to each other. "Tomorrow the saints will burn with the villains."

Others gathered in churches, shrines and ancient woods to pray to avoid disasters. In the Starry Sept, the High Septon was furious and called out to the gods to bring down their wrath on the Targaryens. The doctors of the city held a cardinal meeting. The city garrison prepared countless sandbags and buckets in case of fire-fighting needs. Countless crossbows, scorpion crossbows, fire-breathing crossbows and gun-throwing machines were arranged at the crenellations along the city wall in order to kill the dragon.

Ser Morgan Hightower, brother of the Earl of Oldtown, led two hundred heavily armed warrior sons from their branch in Oldtown to surround the Cathedral of the Stars and defend the High Septon. Lord Martin Hightower lit a green beacon on the towering tower and summoned his vassals. In this way, the whole old town waited with bated breath for the dawn and the arrival of the dragon.

At dawn, the dragon arrived as expected. But the two dragons found Oldtown's gates wide open and its walls deserted, with the banners of Houses Targaryen, Tyrell, and Hightower flying side by side. Queen Visenya was the first to receive the news: that in the darkest hour before dawn that long and terrible night just passed, the High Septon had died.

The Archbishop of the Starry Cathedral, the Archbishop of the Hightower family, died on the eve of the arrival of the dragon.

The cause of death will never be known...but the reaction of Count Martin on the towering tower that night is amazing. He immediately sent knights to disarm the warrior's sons and arrest them on the spot, including his own brother. All the city gates were opened, and the Targaryen flag was quickly raised on the city head...

That moment, exactly this moment.

Viserys moved forward by sea and land without receiving an explicit oath of allegiance from the Hightowers, and actually controlled the sea and land throats of Oldtown.

Lord Leyton Hightower, just like his predecessors Aegon and Maegor, offered his allegiance sincerely when Viserys arrived in Oldtown.

Aegon gained Oldtown but never truly conquered it. Maegor used her cruelty, or it could be said that it was the Queen Mother Visenya's credit for uprooting the sectarian armed forces of the Hightower family, but still left the Hightower family and the city behind, leaving the foundation for the Dance of the Blood Dragons. .

Viserys looked at the increasingly clear towering towers, saw the gradually rising city walls on the horizon, and realized that Oldtown, one of the five largest cities in Westeros, was already in front of him.

Viserys couldn't help but have a strange feeling.

Aegon the Conqueror and Maegor the Cruel both came to Oldtown in the name of war, and both left with Hightower's allegiance and peace.

But Viserys is different. He came under the banner of peacefully protecting Old Town, but he probably will not leave with Hightower's loyalty and peace in the end.

Although it was unknown why the Hightowers harbored deep ill will towards the dragons, now that he knew it, Viserys found it hard to tolerate a family that had been secretly plotting to exterminate the dragons continuing to hide behind the scenes.

As this team of more than 3,000 people gradually approached the old town, five miles outside the city, the official welcoming team of the Hightower family appeared. Rose Avenue was also crowded with welcoming people. Countless people lined the avenue. Flowers were thrown aside to clear the way for the king's procession.

There are even many apprentices from the school among the people.

The ecstasy soup Viserys sent to the Citadel has obviously had an effect. He has received a reply from the Cardinal Council of the Citadel. The Cardinal Council of the Citadel is said to be selecting a Grand Maester for King Viserys to serve him.

Before taking control of the Citadel, Viserys would of course accept everything the Citadel sent him, whether it was a Grand Maester.

Viserys's trip to Oldtown gave the Citadel a high regard, but this emphasis was slightly different from what the doctors in the Citadel thought.

The momentum created in Old Town has obviously achieved excellent results. Viserys can see that many people are very enthusiastic about the arrival of the king's army. When the king's car passes by, people cheer in unison "Long live King Viserys" The cry.

Of course, there were murmurs among the crowd.

"Why didn't you see the dragon?" The king's army was neat and majestic, but many people wanted to see the king riding a dragon, but the king was sitting in a chariot and there was no trace of the dragon.

Viserys brought only Nightfire and Flashgold to accompany him in the Wheel Palace on this trip, and the three dragons Gulioc were nominally free to roam outside. The explanation given is that Guli Oke likes to be quiet, and his trip to the city is to help defend the old town and visit the school city at the same time. Guli Oke doesn't like the crowds, so he is allowed to roam outside.

The actual purpose is of course to prevent Hightower and the doctors in the city from being frightened and therefore not daring to act rashly.

Viserys was eager for them to cause trouble.

Oldtown was a big city, and if Viserys brought all the ten thousand men, they could be accommodated in the city. The reason why he only brought three thousand men was because he did not want to alert others.

Earl Hightower originally wanted to place Viserys' troops at a garrison near the Hightower family castle, but Viserys had other considerations and arranged the garrison to a camp near the Citadel.

Viserys has publicly announced that he will personally visit the Citadel to preside over various experiments that he plans to cooperate with the Citadel.

"Oh, this expedition is really just riding around." Behind the team, Earl Uller of Dorne couldn't help but said, "Highgarden has surrendered, Oldtown has surrendered, and we can't get involved in the naval battle. I I didn't expect that at the end of the journey, we would have a banquet in Oldtown, and we would come to the castle with your Majesty to do some experiments with a bunch of old scholars. I said, it would be great if the Ironborn really had five hundred ships, and then the sea monster of the false king Euron would come again. Two, let us Dornish warriors fight a dozen!”

Someone said, "Why are you so anxious? There are still Lannister? When His Majesty is finished with the matters in Old Town, the troops will definitely be directed at the Lannister. Tywin will definitely not surrender."

"I think it's appropriate to go now. News came from the north. A conflict broke out between Duke Tywin and Lord Mace in the north of Tumblestone Town. Let's go up the Mander River and reach the battlefield in less than half a month! It's too late. You might miss your opportunity.”

Prime Minister Oberon cut off the conversation: "Everyone, don't worry, His Majesty the King has his own opinions. You must know that our enemies are not only Lannister, but also aliens and winter. White Walkers or something, now we have no damage. The injury is definitely a good thing. His Majesty the King is trying his best to avoid the loss of our soldiers and also advocates storing food for war preparation. This means that His Majesty the King has more profound considerations."

"Prince, let me tell you, we have missed the mermaids and sea monsters, but we can't miss the Lannister and the White Walkers again. We can't send out troops and do nothing, just wait for your majesty to reward you. I won't be happy with this reward!"

Oberon smiled and couldn't help but look at Earl Leyton Hightower, who was riding a horse behind Willas without saying a word, and said nonchalantly: "Your Majesty will always be useful when you take us on an expedition."

Earl Leyton is a member of Barristan's generation. He is now nearly sixty years old. He has a ring of white hair on his bald head. Seeing that there are some old gods around, he has been basically silent since he came to the team. One cannot tell what he is thinking.

As Prime Minister, Oberon came into contact with a lot of military intelligence during this trip, and he was very interested in Earl Hightower's reaction when King Viserys marched south.

He had a vague feeling that something very interesting might be happening in Old Town.

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