Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 227 The Development of the World

Viserys listened to Baelor Hightower pouring out the family inheritance like a prisoner in Detective Conan, and for a moment he felt powerless.

Poison, assassination, armed rebellion. Viserys is prepared, but the performance of Hightower and the Citadel so far makes him feel like he has prepared a wonderful dance drama for a blind man.

Maegor I was killed by someone who stabbed his throat with a sharp knife while sitting on the Iron Throne. It is also unknown who fed Aegon II the poisoned wine in the palace. Not to mention that the Hightower family produced Hobart Hightower. You are the ancestor who, at the end of the Dance of the Blood Dragons, drank poisoned wine and died with the ambitious white-haired Ulf created by the Blood Seed, and made an act that can be called a hero.

Viserys had been waiting for Hightower to give a violent reaction. He had originally thought that someone would drink poisoned wine with him or assassinate the king so that he could show his power in front of others.

Viserys did not expect that as soon as he started to attack, the Citadel and Hightower would fall before he could exert any force.

"The black stone tablet passed down from generation to generation by the Hightower family contains the magic of a curse and a mission. The mission requires people with Hightower blood to protect this stone tablet until the mission is accomplished. No one could resist the mission on the stone tablet. No one can take it away or destroy it, but Moroya has taken away the stone tablet through some method and suppressed its magical influence. I am finally free, Haita. You are free!"

"I've heard it said by more trustworthy people than you: 'No one has ever crossed the Sunset Sea, and no one knows what lies beyond.'" Viserys asked, "You said Hightower crossed the Land of Dawn. He came from the Sunset Sea, and later the Princess of the Amethyst Queen followed, so your family should have a sea map for crossing the Sunset Sea? "

"Unfortunately, we did not. The ancestors' ships did not rely on normal navigation to cross the Sunset Sea. They relied on the power of the Emperor's envoys to cross the windless zone. And the Sunset Sea at that time was much safer than it is now. The Sunset Sea at that time The sea has not yet formed a central area of ​​​​a large circulation. The central area of ​​​​the large circulation is a sea area with no wind and no ocean currents in the depths of the Sunset Sea. It is isolated from the land and surrounded by the large circulation of the Sunset Sea. In the middle. Without magic and natural wind, it is impossible for any ship to cross there."

Viserys, the central area of ​​​​the large circulation mentioned by Baelor, sounds like the Point Nemo of this world. The Earth's Point Nemo, also known as the Inaccessible Pole of the Ocean, is a sea area in the South Pacific and the most remote point on the earth's surface from land. , which is sandwiched in the middle of the waters surrounded by the South Pacific Gyre. After the earth entered the space age, Point Nemo was regarded as an excellent "grave" for spacecraft debris due to the special nature of the sea area. Because if the spacecraft debris falls into Nemo Point, its remaining radiation and harmful substances will be trapped here and will no longer flow out, and will not contaminate other places.

"It seems that your family is very familiar with the Sunset Sea."

Belle responded: "Before men like Brandon the Shipbuilder, Eliza Farman, Eustace, and Norman, the Hightowers made countless unrecorded explorations of the Sunset Sea over thousands of years. The Hightowers are trying to find a sea route to the Kingdom of the Ancient Dawn from the Sunset Sea."

Viserys was curious: "City, since you know that the world is round, have you never tried to go east?"

"The results are the same whether you go east or west. The Kingdom of Dawn has collapsed after the Bloodstone Emperor. Even if you find the route, nothing can be changed. Hightower has not gone deep into the Sunset Sea for hundreds of years." Belle sighed with emotion. Then he said, "Your Majesty, I am saying this to tell you. The ancestors of my family have plotted against your ancestors, including my father and I, and have also thought about trying to fight you. But all of this is in vain. But now that my family is free, on behalf of the Hightower family, I am willing to pay any price for your understanding. From now on, Hightower will not pose any threat to you."

"Ser Baelor," Viserys looked at him strangely, "As the patriarch of a family, he is about to become the Earl of Oldtown and the ruler of a place. Think about it, what would you do if you were me?"

"Your Majesty, those are just mortal thoughts. As the spokesperson of the gods, you can think at a higher level. I know what you did for your dragon in the storm land." Belle suddenly looked over, "You are doing it for your dragon." The dragon collects faith, and you are making a god. House Hightower can help you, help your dragon become a true god, and spread faith for your dragon god."

Viserys couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Ser Baelor, are you kidding? Even if I am planning to create a god for my dragon, if you ask me to say that if the Hightower family has such ability as you mentioned, it is just Tangge. What do Li An and the dragon have to worry about?"

Belle didn't take it seriously and asked seriously: "Your Majesty, do you know the truth about faith?"

"What?" Viserys was really curious when he heard the other party ask.

Baelor replied: "Faith is a way of showing the power imprint left on people's hearts by the true God's promise of a great era for mankind. Why can believers in the Seven Gods defeat the children of the forest protected by the old gods? Because the true God left a mark on people. The imprint of God can allow human beings to turn their faith into power. Even if the god they believe in cannot exist physically, human beings will develop spiritual power that can resist magic because of the power of faith. And those sects that claim to have gods only use human beings. This power is attached to the so-called 'god'."

Viserys was surprised: "This is an interesting statement. So do you think God is real?"

Baile replied: "There is no doubt about the existence of gods. The Human Emperor of Dawn Kingdom is the descendant of the true god. In fact, according to the observations and speculations of the ancestors of the Hightower family, the 'Faith of the Seven Gods' was originally supposed to be the arrival of the 'Great Era of Humanity' The former 'god' represents mankind, and he will return divine power to mankind at the final promised moment, indicating that the world has entered the human era, but 'god' has not been born, and that promised moment seems to never come. "

Viserys was still curious after all: "'The Great Era of Mankind'? You mentioned it several times. Is this a prophecy passed down by your family?"

"It's a promise from the true god." Belle replied, "That's the promise that the Emperor of Dawn Kingdom received from the true god. That line of information is engraved in our bloodline from the Amethyst Queen. When we come into contact with the mission, This knowledge will be awakened from the blood.”

Viserys asked: "Since that knowledge is engraved in your blood, you should believe in it extremely firmly. You said that the Hightower family can help me, is there another plan secretly?"

Belle paused and replied: "I don't deny it. I told myself that witnessing the birth of a 'god' with my own eyes would help me think of ways to create a 'human god'. But in fact, you don't have to worry. If you agree, , I can die with the psychological comfort of family continuity, and the remaining Hightowers will fight for you."

Viserys ignored the second half of his sentence and asked: ".Do you think that when the human god is born, the 'Great Era of Humanity' that has never progressed will enter the next stage?"

Belle nodded seriously: "Yes."

Viserys shook his head: "So, your family, which may have the blood of the 'true god', has no idea what the nature of the 'god' is, right?"

Combine this information that is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

Viserys had roughly sorted out the possible history of the world in his mind, and had a logical guess that was roughly in line with the development of the world.

When the God of Creation first created the world, the world should have developed in a normal direction, with distinct seasons, and scientific movement trajectories and geological activities.

The God of Creation even revealed the future to some god-like beings. At the end of the creation movement, a great era of mankind will usher in. These beings who have been spoiled are very excited, and each one is working hard towards the future that has been decided. But one day the God of Creation gave up and the miracle disappeared. The original trajectory stopped.

And with this cessation, the power of the song that originally created the world lost its direction and stagnated, but the stagnant power actually affected the normal operation of the world. The most obvious thing affected should be the rotation trajectory of the planet. Originally, the song was moving normally and the planet was also rotating normally. But one day the music suddenly stopped, and the song also stopped. The song itself didn't know what happened to the God of Creation, and could only follow its instincts to maintain the status quo.

It is speculated that Song of the Earth controls the power to shape the shape of the world, and it should control the geographical shape. This can explain that for a planet, when there is a force that forcibly maintains the current geographical shape, causing the geological plates to stop moving, there will be no more earthquakes, and the relative mountains, rivers, seabed and mountains will remain in the same position as the God of Creation. moment waiting for a reboot. Such a situation would instead cause chaos in the planet's operation.

Under the influence of this force that forcibly maintains the original geography, the planet's rotation axis has problems, and this is undoubtedly the root of the chaos of the world's four seasons.

And this chaos lasted for at least eight thousand years, or even longer. After all, eight thousand years ago was just the time when the White Walkers were haunted. It is even bold to speculate that this kind of chaos may have appeared even further back in the recorded Dawn Era, twelve thousand years ago, or even tens of thousands of years ago.

until today.

To be honest, before coming into contact with the Citadel and Hightower, Viserys guessed that the reason why the seasons in the world of ice and fire were chaotic was because there was something wrong with the sun, because many people guessed that the world of ice and fire might be a three-body star.

But if you think about it carefully, there was only one long night in the world of ice and fire eight thousand years ago. The rest of the time, the length of the four seasons was just chaotic, but it also showed a certain pattern. At least the logic from spring to summer to autumn to winter is smooth, but not There are records from spring directly over summer to autumn and winter. Thinking about it this way, it is much less likely that the world of ice and fire is a three-body star.

Now based on the city's speculations, Viserys feels that there is a high probability that there is something wrong with the planet's rotation axis. The planet must not only keep rotating, but also maintain the geological status quo under the influence of an unscientific force. The missing moment remains the same.

It is conceivable that in order to maintain the geological state unchanged when the planet rotates, the forces must be chaotic. The planet's rotation speed and geological state remain unchanged, but what changes is the rotation trajectory of its axis. This can explain the disorder in the length of the four seasons, but always maintain a normal order.

Just outrageous. Viserys tried to imagine the rotation trajectory of the planet in the world of ice and fire. Every time the planet rotates, the angle between the rotation axis and the equator changes, and it is very irregular. There is a huge offset every year, which is abnormal and irregular. The shift makes the four seasons very disordered.

And why the return cycle of the twelve constellations in the world of ice and fire can be used to calculate years, and the record of seven wandering stars can always exist in astronomical records. This is because the orbit of this planet is most likely normal, and the galaxy it is in is also likely to be a stable galaxy.

The only abnormality in this star system is the planet where the world of ice and fire is located.

And the reason for this, to some extent, is the existence of magic and witchcraft, as the members of the ‘real world’ organization firmly believe. To go deeper and more fundamentally, it is the stagnation of the ‘song’ of creation in this world that caused this consequence.

There are indeed abnormal forces that affect the world’s return to normal.

As the descendants of the spoilers, the spoilers of the Dawn Kingdom had no way of knowing that the movement of creation had stagnated and could not wait for the ‘great era of mankind’, so they began to look for the reason aimlessly. It is speculated that in the generation of the Bloodstone Emperor and the Amethyst Queen, it is very likely that they had a fight because they had glimpsed a little truth. The Bloodstone Emperor chose to become a ‘god’ and a part of the chaotic new world - perhaps he also had the intention of competing for the future control of the world, while the descendants of the Amethyst Queen chose to find a way to restore the world, pointing the finger at abnormal forces - that is, magic and witchcraft.

In the process of finding the right way, the descendants of the Amethyst Queen, the Hightower family, supported a special research institution, the City of Learning.

In the process of studying the truth of the world, the Citadel was influenced by the "restoring the world" concept of the Hightower family, and finally the "real world" was born in the Citadel, an organization dedicated to eliminating the abnormal forces that affect the world and restoring the world to normal operation.

It is very likely that the organizational concept of the "real world" and the plan of the Hightower family were born during the period when Valyria colonized Essos, and even Viserys can infer that it was in the middle and late period.

Because the Citadel and Hightower obviously chose to fight to the death in Westeros, the promised land of the Creator God for mysterious things for a long period of history, the initial research direction of the Hightower family and the Citadel may be aliens, magic and gods. Viserys even speculated that they may have thought that eliminating the aliens on the Westeros continent would usher in the "great era of mankind" and "restoring the world."

Viserys guessed that the Citadel and the Hightower family may have stolen some witchcraft knowledge when they got the glass candles from the Free Fortress, which made them take a different approach and have a more "essential" understanding of the world, and these understandings made them more hostile to magic and witchcraft.

Anyway, no matter what the truth is, there is no doubt that this world is so chaotic because of the influence of abnormal forces.

But whether it is the Citadel or Hightower, they obviously have not touched the more fundamental things. This is a world where "gods" exist, and a world where abnormal forces seek to control the development of the world. When the mortals of the Citadel and Hightower tried to restore the world to the world originally envisioned by the creator god who disappeared somewhere, those forces had already given birth to self-awareness and ambition, and in the name of different gods, they wanted to make the world what they wanted.

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