Daenerys' heart skipped a beat when she saw Illyrio. Viserys had just whispered to her on the pavilion by the sea. She inevitably connected the two things together and couldn't help but become nervous.

But this is just Daenerys being preoccupied.

Viserys was very calm. When he saw Illyrio, he was the first to speak: "It's rare to meet the Governor in the garden. Why do you have time to come to the garden to see the flowers and the scenery?"

In front of Illyrio was a beautifully restored rose garden.

"Haha, to be honest with you, Your Majesty, I am not interested in these flowers and plants. I just saw them in other courtyards and I was just following the trend." Illyrio said jokingly.

Viserys didn't know if Illyrio was maintaining his upstart persona, but that didn't stop him from starting to talk: "Such a gorgeous and beautiful variety is rare, with full flowers, noble shapes, rich colors, and graceful shapes. This is Was it produced in High Court?”

"I can't say for sure. To be honest with you, Your Majesty, this was left by the original owner when he bought the yard." Seeing that Viserys seemed to want to chat with him about the rose garden, Illyrio quickly said The conversation turned to what he wanted to say, "Actually, I am waiting for you, Your Majesty."


"There is a banquet," Illyrio said. "I wonder if your majesty would like to attend?"

"A banquet?" Viserys' expression suddenly became nervous, "Did you invite me? Did others know about my arrival in Pentos? Was my whereabouts exposed? Is it a conspiracy of the usurper?"

Illyrio looked at Viserys's exaggeratedly widened eyes and solemn expression, guessing how much of this performance was true and how false. However, in addition to resistance, his words undoubtedly also meant to express reproach for his secrecy. , Illyrio quickly explained: "No, your Majesty, I didn't make it clear. You were not invited to the banquet, but I was invited. Let me explain, this is an auction banquet. There are some rumors saying that there will be a dragon Eggs appear at banquets."

"Dragon egg?" Viserys couldn't hide his shock, "Really?"

"Rumors are based on rumors and cannot be verified." Illyrio said uncertainly.

Viserys thought silently [But? 】.

Sure enough, Illyrio said: "But I think His Majesty might be interested in this, so I came to ask you if you are interested in participating."

"Of course I am interested," Viserys replied, "but, Illyrio, the Usurper has put a high price on my head, and he has tried again and again, I can assure you of that. He The hired assassin is keeping an eye on me. I am the last descendant of the true dragon. As long as I am alive, he will have trouble sleeping and eating. You may not be able to feel it when we are in the dark, but you know that if I appear at the banquet, it will cause usurpation. If you know, what risks will it bring to me?”

Viserys looked serious and spoke seriously.

Illyrio thought to himself: [Weren’t you very attentive to the banquets elsewhere? Why didn’t you consider this at that time? ] He said: "Many dignitaries will attend the banquet, and the host will naturally protect the guests. In fact, guests can wear masks at this kind of auction banquet. If you wear a mask, I guarantee you that no one will know. who are you."

"Illyrio, you go alone. If there are really dragon eggs, it's best if you can get them. It doesn't matter if you can't get them." Viserys answered decisively, "Maybe you think I am suspicious, but this time is different from the past. I Can’t take any more risks.”

The words prepared by Viserys are always full of hints, making people think: [What is different between today and the past? Why can't we take risks anymore? 】

Speaking of this, Illyrio could only bow his head solemnly: "Your Majesty, please forgive me for not thinking carefully."

"It's not your fault, Illyrio." Viserys said like a monarch comforting his ministers, "You don't understand the danger of the 'usurper'. I have never settled in any place in these years, except that I have no The purpose of finding a steadfast king supporter is to avoid being chased. Nowadays, it is difficult to find a king supporter like you who is willing to do things, and I still remember that I told you that day, what I need most now is time, and it is rare to have it now. It’s such a safe place that I don’t want to give up easily.”

Viserys's attitude was quite sincere.

Illyrio had no choice but to accept his words: "Your Majesty, I already know your wishes. Please forgive me for being abrupt."

Illyrio came as suddenly as he left, and soon left.

Although Viserys looked as calm as ever, he felt stressed deep down. Even though he had been mentally prepared to face Illyrio's temptations one after another, he still couldn't handle them easily when he faced them. Illyrio's probing behavior can be considered radical, and he is even willing to use things like dragon eggs to set up plots. He is really reluctant to let his children trap the wolf.

Viserys naturally thought that Illyrio was setting up a trap for him. This guy didn't mean what he said. The news about the dragon egg was probably just a bait to attract Viserys. If he really went to attend the so-called banquet, he would encounter many people and things. It was all under Illyrio's control. Viserys lacked intelligence and had no idea what kind of trap Illyrio would set for him at the banquet.

At this time, Viserys must control the rhythm as much as possible on his own side, making fewer mistakes and making fewer mistakes. If he makes a gesture and does things at his own pace, he will appear to be relying on him and make Illyrio avoid him.

He desperately hopes that his tests on Daenerys will yield results.

Daenerys didn't know what he was thinking at the moment. She lowered her head and thought about what he had just said to Illyrio. Those familiar words made her look at him again in a trance as he looked before he was struck by lightning. Thinking about how he always said that the assassins sent by the usurper were hot on his heels, but Dany had not seen even half of the assassins in these years; thinking about how he was talking about true dragons and his crazy desire for the throne across the sea.

She couldn't tell whether his words were true or false? Was what he said to Illyrio all lies, and could what he whispered to her be taken seriously?

The courage she had finally built up to stand by his side was quietly disintegrating without her realizing it. Dany stared at him blankly, trying to keep up with his pace, trying to maintain her courage. She tried hard to clear her head of random thoughts and said to herself again: "We are family." 】

They circled a few more times in the sun. Viserys didn't know what happened today, so he went to the sun. Dany was dizzy from the noon sun. When Viserys suddenly suggested going back to rest, Dany couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After lunch, she walked a lot and was exposed to the strong sunlight. After returning to the room, she sat by the cool window and closed her eyes in silence for a while. Danni became drowsy and fell asleep quickly. .

Dany fell asleep and dreamed of Viserys.

At the beginning, Viserys was beating her and bullying her again in the dream. She was paralyzed with fear. She wanted to run away from him, but her body refused to obey. He struck several times, knocking her to the ground. She was covered in blood and moaned with her eyes closed.

Suddenly there was a roar like thunder, followed by a terrifying lightning flash. When she opened her eyes and looked again, Viserys stopped hitting her. He smiled at her first, and then without looking at her again, he strode away into the distance. His face was full of confidence, his steps were firm, and he did not look back, leaving her. further and further. She suddenly felt abandoned and wanted to catch up with the retreating figure in panic. But her feet were so heavy that she couldn't lift them at all. She looked down. There was also Viserys with a ferocious face, clawing at her bloody legs, digging his nails into her skin, as if he was dragging her into a bottomless abyss of darkness. She looked up in shock, and there was no trace of the other Viserys who was walking away.

The sky is a dark curtain with no end in sight.

The pitch-black curtain stood between heaven and earth, occupying everything in her field of vision.

At a certain moment, her senses fell into a strange posture, as if she was not herself.

An unprecedented panic welled up in her heart.

Leave, leave quickly.

She heard a voice shouting. She searched for the source of the sound, but found that it was her own throat that was stirring.

Dany woke up at this point, and when she woke up she found herself shaking and sweating profusely. The lingering voice that told her to leave in the dream still seemed to be echoing in my mind.

"What, are you having a nightmare?"

At this moment, she heard Viserys's voice beside her.

Dany was horrified for a moment.

Looking up, Viserys was sitting in the tea seat by the window opposite, looking at her as if scrutinizing her. The sun shone down from behind him, casting shadows on his face.

The lingering sounds in Dany's mind gradually became inaudible, as if she were hearing hallucinations, and her ears received Viserys's concerned greeting: "Dany, you look very bad, are you okay?"

Hearing his concerned greetings, Dany's troubled heart quickly calmed down, and the fear caused by the nightmare seemed to be stripped away.

"It's a nightmare," she said, flashing back to Viserys's whispers that day in the pavilion by the sea. [If you feel something unusual or dream about something, remember it and find an opportunity to tell me quietly. Not long after he said his words, she had an unusual dream. A certain kind of searching curiosity and unreliable mood made Dany eager to get some kind of answer. She didn't even know what the question was, but she needed the answer. Her voice dropped to a whisper. "I dreamed"

But when the words came to her lips, Dany didn't know what to say. She felt that the part about Viserys in the dream would definitely make him angry. Will she awaken his "Wrath of the Sleeping Dragon"?

The sudden change of more than twenty days was too short compared to the years of fear. Her courage could only support her so far.

Seeing Daenerys hesitate to speak, Viserys calmly came closer, his hands naturally stretched out to hers and held them gently. A gentle smile appeared on his face, and he said to her as if to comfort her: "Let me guess, you dreamed about me?"

"." Danni lowered her eyes nervously, not daring to look directly.

"Did I hit you in my dream?" Viserys said softly. He waited, and seeing that Dany didn't know how to respond, he said apologetically, "I'm sorry."

"." Danny was at a loss for a moment.

"That's all in the past," Viserys's hand tightened, "I promise you, Dany, that will never happen again. We are family, and we are each other's only relatives in the world."

Viserys took Dany's hand and slowly moved it from the table to him. He leaned closer, as if he wanted to press against Daenerys. He whispered in Dany's ear softly: "I know you There will be countless questions, but believe me. Everything I do is for our better future.”

Viserys's warm breath made Dany's ears burn red, and she held her breath for a moment, clueless and unprepared for what would happen next. The story of Aegon the Conqueror and his sister queen suddenly popped into her mind.

But before she could figure out why she suddenly thought of these things. Her hand, held tightly by Viserys, suddenly felt like she had been bitten by a mosquito.

This interrupted Dany's thoughts.

Soon, Dany found that Viserys was just hugging her gently as if to comfort her. He grabbed her hand and quietly used a pin to prick blood from the tip of her finger.

"Don't be afraid, Dany." Viserys' voice became louder, and his tone was gentle, as if he was comforting her, "Don't be afraid."

Dany's face was pressed against Viserys' chest. She couldn't see his expression at the moment. She could only sense that one of Viserys's hands holding her hand moved away from her hand and then fell on her head, as if he was hugging her head intimately.

But Dany knew very well that Viserys was putting the blood scraped from her finger into his mouth.

Dany heard the thumping heartbeat, and for a moment she couldn't tell whether it was her own or Viserys's.

This hug with a different purpose lasted for a while, until the heartbeat in Dany's ear completely calmed down, until she was at a loss as to what she should do at this time, and Viserys' voice came from above her head: "Are you feeling better?"

They ended the hug, and Dany had the space to look up at Viserys' face. She saw that he was looking at her with concern.

"Much better." She couldn't say anything else.

Until nightfall, Dany couldn't get rid of the confusion and confusion. She knew that what Viserys said out loud was half true and half false, and most of it was not from the heart, but was he telling her the truth in his whisper?

She didn't know, and didn't want to think.

[We are family. ] Before going to bed, Dany said to herself again. [We are each other's only relatives in this world. ]

When she fell asleep, she didn't know when, and the dream she had in the afternoon continued.

But this time, both Viserys were gone, and she was alone in the void, and the sky was the endless dark curtain.

At a certain moment, she felt that she was in different places at the same time. Half of her was in the dark curtain, and purple dust poured out of her body, swallowed by the misty and deep dark vortex, and finally dissipated like stars in the dark curtain. Her other half was outside the dark curtain, watching the purple dust with starlight in the dark abyss gradually dissipate.

As the purple dust was peeled off, the half inside the dark curtain gradually lost perception, as if it was an illusion, her body was faintly hot, she lowered her head and saw sparks scattered on her body, she felt that the places with sparks were emitting burning breath, but this did not make her feel painful at all, instead, it was a comfortable feeling of washing her body with boiling hot water.

In a trance, she could feel the warm blood flowing in her skin.

She felt that this warmth was like a mother's embrace, although she never knew what it felt like.

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