The tunnels at Castle Black's gate were colder than an ice cellar at the moment.

White frost covered the gravel and froze the iron railings.

When Jon led the brothers of the Night's Watch down, he felt a chill going straight to his bones.




One after another, rumbling sounds shook the ice wall of the Great Wall Tunnel, accompanied by a tooth-breaking squeaking sound.

The entire huge Great Wall seemed to be shaking.

But this is actually an illusion caused by the sound in the tunnel.

When Jon arrived with a large number of men, the brothers in black who were on duty between the two-layer fence had collapsed. Three crossbowmen and three spearmen frantically slapped the iron fence: "Open the door! Open the door! Let us in!"

It turned out that during the first siege of the city, Donald Noe and his party were holding the tunnel, which greatly encouraged the Night Watch brothers, so that these six well-trained and determined brothers in black continued to voluntarily stay in the tunnel to wait for the next attack. Attack round. The Great Wall did not have enough personnel and did not have enough time for the night watchmen to deal with the corpses piled up in the tunnel, so after brainstorming, they blocked the corpses in front of the tunnel door and poured buckets of water on the corpses.

Originally, they thought that in just one night, the frozen corpses would block the front of the tunnel like thick stones, and the defenders here only needed to ambush in the killing hole between the two fences to recreate them again. The effect of guarding the gate during many previous sieges.

However, they never expected that less than three hours after the savage attack was repelled, the corpses under the city would mutate into ghouls.

But their original strategy of blocking the door put themselves in danger.

The night watchman stood guard between the two layers of heavy iron bars. The corpses piled at the door were rushing against the first iron door bar without fear of death.

The three crossbowmen had already fired a dozen arrows at the first opportunity.

Rows of arrows were nailed to those things that turned into corpses, but they couldn't stop them at all.

The corpses are not like savages. Even if the arrows pierce the heart and head, they still maintain their momentum and keep hitting the iron bars.

Seeing it, the first iron fence could no longer hold up.


Jon shouted, and the dozen brothers of the Night's Watch who came down with him threw their oil cans and torches at the ghouls who gathered together to attack the iron gate.

The oil from the oil tank splashed out and poured in front of the first fence door, and then as the torch fell on the oil, the flame suddenly burst out.

The body of the oiled ghoul instantly ignited with blazing flames, and the flames instantly burned the tunnel a bright red.

"Quick, come in!"

Someone took the opportunity to open the second fence door, and several Night Watch brothers who had originally planned to fight the savages with their lives until death retreated behind.

Immediately afterwards, they quickly closed and locked the iron door.

Under the burning flames, under the gaze of many night watchmen across two iron fences, the eyes of the corpses flashed with an inhuman blue light, and they neither screamed nor shouted, nor were they confused or retreating.

The unburned ghoul just took a few steps back and stood there silently, motionless looking at the ghoul rushing to the front, with its body twisted and hanging on the fence, its flesh and blood dried up, and black pus and blood leaking out.

A full ten ghouls were set on fire by oil cans and torches.

But they didn't take a step back, they only struggled to press their bodies tightly against the iron fence, and the blue light in their eyes gradually dimmed until it dissipated.

In the unsettling silence, the only sound was the crackle of burning bodies.

Blacksmith Donner quickly reacted and exclaimed: "What's wrong! They want to use the corpses of corpses to soften the iron doors. Those things are flammable and can burn them to death with fire, but they will also be destroyed when burned. Drop the iron gate"


Hearing this, the people watching the night realized what these corpses were doing.

Someone exclaimed: "Seven Hells, do they have a command?! They have an organization and a plan!"

Someone screamed and asked: "Put out the fire?"

"Can't be destroyed!" Jon yelled, "Donner, can't be destroyed." Donner was the most prestigious person in the garrison. As soon as he returned to the team, Jon's command was automatically handed over to him - before Jon's command on the wall was given by Donner. Jon pointed out, "There are only one to two hundred corpses at the door, and Mance Rayder is blocking more things for us outside. We must block them here and burn them all with fire, otherwise, they will continue to kill themselves." Once the door is opened, the zombies can enter the Great Wall directly. There is only one hour before dawn, and they cannot move during the day if there is no snow!"

"But even if we stay here today -"

Donner interrupted angrily: "Shut up!" He looked at Jon, "Continue talking."

Jon glanced at the panicked brothers and said: "The fence hasn't fallen down yet. We still have enough time to prepare fuel and rockets. We will guard the last door. When they approach, we will use rockets and torches to burn it." When they avoid the flames and wait for the corpse of the corpse to burn, we use our spears to push the corpse away from the fence. We just have to hold on until dawn!"

Jon turned to look, and saw Donner baring his teeth, while the other brothers had different expressions, most of them were filled with shock and panic.

Obviously, when the enemy turned into a ghoul, a ghoul that they could not understand and could not be killed by ordinary swords, they all felt fear.

Donner decided: "I agree, Eddie, Grant, Piper, wake up everyone quickly and move down the fuel, rockets and torches." Several people Donner ordered seemed to have heard Jon's words. He was still wary, seeing that he would come back after he was sent there, "Jon and the remaining brothers will stay here with me."

Under the strange tunnel battlefield, the flames of the first iron gate on the opposite side are still burning, and the smell of burning barbecue permeates the tunnel. On the other side of the iron gate, there is an unsettling and silent team of corpses. Waiting to make any sound.

As Eddie, Grant, and Piper climbed up the city wall along the tunnel, in the dead silence, someone trembled and began to recite: "The long night is coming to me. I will keep watch from now on." It seemed because there was no one. In response, his voice gradually dropped.


".I will keep watch from now on until death." Jon took over.

".I will not take a wife, I will not hold a land, and I will not have children." Followed by Donner.

Eventually, more and more voices joined in. "I will not wear a crown, I will not strive for honors. I will live and die in my duty. I am a sword in the dark, a guard on the wall, a fire against the cold, a light at dawn, a horn to awaken the sleeping, The shield that protects the kingdom. I dedicate my life and honor to the Night's Watch, tonight and every night."

This is the oath of the Night's Watch that recruits of the Night's Watch will take in front of the temple or the heart tree when they meet the conditions to wear the black clothes of the Night's Watch.

It can be said that it was a twist of fate. When the Great Wall established the night watchman system, the oath it swore was to deal with the strange people we saw today. But over the long years, the Night Watchmen had long forgotten what they were trying to defend against. So much so that when they appear, the night watchers almost subconsciously want to escape.


"Have you ever been to a romantic spot in Braavos?"

As soon as Tyrion arrived on Braavos, he was drunk and his eyes were blurred, and he questioned Darion, the rogue next to him who was responsible for escorting him as a night watchman.

Langcrow is the officer in the Night's Watch who is responsible for recruiting manpower. When the Night's Watch ship sailed south to Dragonstone, Glendon Hewett took more than one raven with him, and sent them to King's Landing, Seagull Town, and White Harbor, several major Westeros cities along the way to recruit new soldiers.

One of the Wanderers was sent to White Harbor when the Night's Watch ship passed through Braavos. And Dallion is another crow officer who was sent to King's Landing.

Originally, Grandon hoped that Darien could impress the gentlemen of King's Landing with his handsome face and beautiful singing voice, and raise a group of new people in King's Landing to go north on land. If King's Landing was unwilling, he would ask for an order to go south to lobby the South. The princes of each castle. Who knew that Dragonstone Island had given so much and the harvest was huge, Grandon could not wait to go north.

It's a coincidence that King's Landing did not refuse, and also sent a group of murderers and thieves to the rogues who went to recruit people. Among the murderers, there was Tyrion Lannister, the "regicide". ".

Although Tyrion himself did not admit it, he was persuaded by Jaime and Varys. After learning that if he tried to fight, Cersei would let the Mountain play, he chose to give up, and finally chose to put on black clothes.

James paid for the night watchman Dallion, and Varys found a merchant ship in Braavos for Tyrion and his party, and asked Dallion to take more care of Tyrion.

This Darion was once a trainee singer in the Reach, and he was not a night watchman who valued honor. After walking around Dragonstone and King's Landing, and being stuffed with money by Jaime, he quickly went to Bread and Mead. Corruption, especially since the team failed to catch up with Glendon. After he became the recruitment officer, he was taken on the ship by Tyrion to drink and eat meat with the money given by James, and he became more and more undisciplined day by day.

Now when he arrived in Braavos, Dallion's originally weak heart had been fooled by Tyrion into oblivion.

Tyrion praised his song, saying that his song could bring back flaming lips and the kiss of a woman in a romantic place. Darien was so excited that he forgot his duties and followed Tyrion to the secret city along the alleys and canals to search for the romantic woman. field.

Although his heart was already flying to the sky, Darien did not fully agree: "I think we should exchange for some bread and wine, and then find a boat to look to the east sea. The Great Wall needs us."

"The Wall can't be defended without a singer or a dwarf?" Tyrion asked, "Or do you think the commander of the Wall is just waiting for you to add me and those 'brothers' - murderers and Thief?"

To be honest, Tyrion has realized it. Going to the Wall might be a good place to end up, Tywin and Cersei both want him dead, and the future of going against the Targaryen king is dark. Old Bear Mormont said that the Night's Watch needs people like Tyrion. King Targaryen seems to attach great importance to the Great Wall, maybe

But when the ship passed Dragonstone, Tyrion heard in the warehouse that Stannis was sent to the Great Wall by King Targaryen. Tyrion had to think about fleeing overseas.

Lord Commander Mormont may still be around, and Stannis may be a just commander. But besides Stannis, there is also Janos Slynt on the Wall - that butcher's boy will never forget who brought him to the Wall in the first place. Moreover, Tyrion was thinking, is he really willing to spend the rest of his life on the Great Wall with the crime of regicide? Eating bacon and gruel with murderers and thieves, fighting wildlings and white walkers?

What's more, once Stannis is gone, the commander of the Wall will be none other than Stannis. Tyrion can feel that the rest of his life there will not be long, and both Stannis and Janos hate him to the core. And Tyrion had nothing to rely on.

"Damn fat eunuch." Tyrion cursed in his heart.

Then he began to imagine the scene of Tywin dying under the flames of the Targaryen dragon. He wondered if Lord Tywin would lose control of his bowels when he was burned to death, and whether he would excrete gold when he lost control of his bowels.

It was a pity that Tyrion could not be there.

But in any case, Tyrion made up his mind that even if he died at the Wall or Essos, he would have to die after hearing the news of Tywin's death.

Then he thought of Jaime. Jaime might be burned to death by dragon fire with Cersei.

He still had feelings for Jaime, but he knew that Jaime, with his hand broken, would not be able to survive the next war with the Targaryen king.

Just collect a few more pieces of information from Varys to know how terrible the dragon and the Targaryen king are.

These days, Tyrion occasionally remembered that he had discussed the riddle of power with Varys.

Three nobles sat in a room: a king, a monk and a rich man. Between the three stood an ordinary soldier, and each noble ordered the soldier to kill the other two. Who will live and who will die?

Haha, Tyrion now knows the answer.

The one with the dragon will break the room and let the king, the monk, the rich man and the soldier choose life or death.

In fact, it is just an illusion that their lives are in their own hands. Their lives are still in the hands of the one with the dragon.

It's just that they are willing to follow the rules.

Tyrion sometimes wonders: Who will take over Casterly Rock in the future?

Tyrion imagined various possibilities and finally found out. The future of Darry City may be the future of Casterly Rock City. The Darry family was wiped out by Lord Tywin when he attacked the river. In the end, Darry City was given to Lancel, the son of Kevan. Lancel married a daughter born in the Frey family with Darry family blood to show inheritance.

Lannister Tyrion thought of several cousins ​​and nieces, and guessed that in the future, when the male descendants of the Lannister family died out, King Targaryen would also grant Casterly Rock to a meritorious official who married a Lannister girl.

Perhaps it was a boy from the Martell family, and the Martell family waited for their revenge.

Tyrion felt sad.

The wine confused his mind, and Tyrion shook his head. Tywin never regarded him as a Lannister, and the life and death of Lannister had nothing to do with him. He poured himself a sip of wine: "Daeron, believe me, there is nothing better in the world than wine and women."

They finally came to a place called Happy Pier, where the best prostitutes were.

At this point, although he was still half drunk and half awake, Tyrion's mind floated: If he went to the Wall now, he would die faster than anyone else, so it was necessary to find some fun for the ravens escorting him. As for whether to escape to Essos or continue to go north to the Wall, let's wait and see tomorrow.

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