"Jorah, where do you think Illyrio is? The wind is starting to blow from the southeast. Will he reach Braavos before we reach Myr?"

Jorah felt that the fat Spice Governor should be in his courtyard at the moment, either eating honey roast duck and pepper oranges with cold wine, or discussing business with other dignitaries. Anyway, he couldn't be going there. On the road to Braavos. But Jorah told his newly sworn king: "It takes longer to get to Braavos from Pentos. Even if the wind blows in the right direction, it will take seven or eight days at its best."

Jorah's lies are always easy to see through. When he doesn't answer directly, he usually has other ideas. He will say some common sense that everyone knows to make his lies more convincing.

Viserys had no intention of exposing him.

The scorching sun of the past few days, and even the windy day, could not make Jorah take off his mail armor and leather clothes. Fortunately there were finally dark clouds and sea breeze, otherwise Jorah would be talking to Viserys in clothes that had dried and smelled of sweat.

Viserys did not let the bodyguard Jorah and the maid Ani find a shady place to rest, but he insisted on sunbathing on the deck with Viserys, saying it was his duty.

Viserys gained some insight into Jorah's endurance.

Viserys had been chatting with Jorah on the ship for many days. He soon discovered that Jorah was much easier to deal with than Illyrio. Viserys could get more out of his mouth than he could from Viserys. Rhys got a lot more information here.

During the conversation, Jorah's attitude towards Illyrio was vaguely disdainful. He did not do a good job of covering it up, and it could not be ruled out that it was an act, but Viserys felt that it did not seem like a fake.

From the analysis of Jorah's tone of voice, Viserys suspected that Jorah did not know Illyrio's identity at all, but only regarded him as a political speculator.

Viserys even suspected that Jorah didn't realize that the arrangement for him to be with Viserys was the joint work of Varys and Illyrio, rather than his coincidence.

As a spy, Ser Jorah may know far less than Viserys thinks.

Even the information Viserys revealed to him was that he went to various Free Trade City-states to borrow money during this trip, rather than hiding on the second floor to secretly spread some false news.

But it’s normal to think about it. A spy like Jorah, who was temporarily recruited by Varys for King Robert, probably knows nothing more than knowing that his mission is to get close to the Beggar King and send news back to King Robert who is far away on the other side of the Narrow Sea. I no longer know.

For a moment, Viserys felt a little sorry for him. Because even Viserys himself is toying with his destiny.

"By the way, where were we talking about before, Eddard Stark," Viserys asked him in a somewhat naughty tone, "You seem to hate this Duke Stark?"

"He took everything I loved from him just for a few poaching scum and his precious honor." Ser Jorah expressed his indignation carefully. "I hate him."

Chatting these past few days, Jorah vaguely grasped the character of the Beggar King. The "Beggar King" is not as stupid and arrogant as the rumors say. Although what he is doing seems to be stupid, there is no clue that he has any brains from the words and deeds of the Beggar King. question.

Comparing the previous Targaryen kings, Jorah would think that the "Beggars King" is like Baelor I Targaryen in the mouth of the maesters. He made many extremely bad decisions, but would burn his talents in order to realize his fanatical delusions - —if that can be called talent.

From Jorah's tone, Viserys felt that this was true. Jorah did resent Duke Stark.

Jorah didn't want to talk more about Stark, but Viserys didn't want to change the subject: "Why do you think King Robert went north to find him?"

"The usurper king trusted him, my lord." Jorah didn't want to mention it anymore, but replied, "They were adopted sons together by the late old Prime Minister Jon Arryn, and they also raised an army together to usurp the Targaryen dynasty. The usurper of the throne may want to appoint Eddard Stark as the new Hand of the King."

"Do you think the Lannister will resent the Starks for this?" Viserys asked. "Will they have a conflict?"

Jorah's new king always inadvertently expresses these opinions that seem reasonable but are unrealistic when considered carefully. King Robert would never let this happen no matter how hard he tried. Not wanting to displease the Beggar King, Ser Jorah replied, "Perhaps, my lord."


Jon didn't want to come - he thought that instead of joining in the fun at the city gate, it would be better to change into new clothes in the room and quickly go to the banquet hall to get a good seat. Anyway, the visitors would eventually walk in through the banquet hall door, and he could do it there. Satisfy your curiosity. But they couldn't stand the servants yelling outside. None of the young servants wanted to wait for the banquet in the castle, and walked outside the castle one after another.

If Jon didn't go to the city gate at this time, the butler would definitely be embarrassed to ask him for help if he wanted to call for help urgently. Then it would be more embarrassing for him to sit alone in the banquet hall.

So here comes Jon. He wrapped Ghost in his new cloak and mingled with the young attendants who greeted the King's team at the city gate. He stood under the flag of the Stark direwolf flying in the wind and found a position where he could see the scene ahead in the distance. .

The visiting team was like a dazzling river made of gold, silver and steel, pouring into the castle gate in a mighty manner. There were three hundred of them, composed of proud vassals and knights, sworn knights and freeriders. The icy north wind flapped at the dozens of golden banners held high above their heads, embroidered with the crowned stag symbolizing House Baratheon.

There are many contemporary legends from the Seven Kingdoms in the team. The one with bright blond hair is the "Lannister Lion" Ser Jaime Lannister - people secretly call him the "Kingslayer", and the one with a burned face is "Prince Joffrey's Hound" Sandor K. Ligaon. The tall blond boy next to him is the Crown Prince, Prince Joffrey. The deformed dwarf behind them is undoubtedly the "little devil" Tyrion Lannister.

However, the fat Jon who was walking at the front of the team, flanked by two snow-white cloaked Kingsguards, really couldn't put him in the same place as the unparalleled warrior Robert Baratheon, the King of the Trident, whom his father often talked about. The devil, the most valiant and skilled warrior in the country, is associated with extraordinary people among the princes and nobles.

In comparison, Jon felt that Sir Jaime, who was tall and handsome, wearing golden armor and with flowing blond hair, had more of the demeanor that a king should have.

Jon could even see his father looking strange from a distance. It wasn't until the fat man turned over and jumped off his horse, let out a loud shout, and hugged Lord Ed that his father showed a surprised smile on his face and hugged him tightly.

"Ned! Ah, it's so good to see you, especially your face that is purple with cold." The king's voice was so loud that Jon could hear it clearly, "You really haven't changed at all. ”

At least the king has a loud voice. Jon thought of his father's saying that a loud voice is sometimes more useful on the battlefield than a hundred swords.

After the embrace, Lord Eddard saluted the king: "Your Majesty, Winterfell is at your disposal."

At this time, other people dismounted one after another, and the grooms from the city came to take care of the horses. Robert's queen, Cersei Lannister, walks into the city with her young children. The Wheel Palace they were riding in was a huge double-decker carriage made of oily oak and metal with rolled gold edges. It was pulled by forty horses. It was too wide and had to be parked outside the city gate.

Lord Eddard knelt down in the snow and kissed the ring on the queen's hand, while King Robert embraced Lady Catelyn as if he were his long-lost sister.

Lord Eddard's children were then brought forward and introduced to each other one by one with the King's children.

As the eldest son, Robb was the first to step forward to salute. He was wearing a gray velvet white-edged woolen coat that symbolized the Stark family colors, and his face showed a solemn gesture similar to his father's.

Bran and Rickon followed closely behind, both wearing new Stark-style clothes, trying very hard to show the aristocratic style they could.

Then came Sansa and Arya, who reservedly showed etiquette to each other.

The king's three heirs also stepped forward to return the favor.

Soon, they stood together, Robb standing next to Princess Myrcella. She was still a little girl, no more than eight years old, with golden curls flowing down like a waterfall from her jeweled hairnet. Jon noticed her shy smile as she looked at Robb. Robb smiled like a fool.

Sansa stood beside Crown Prince Joffrey Baratheon. Sansa was radiant beside the prince. Joffrey looked haughty, his lips pursed. Jon felt that he would not like this prince.

Arya is joined by chubby Prince Tommen. It was the first time Jon had seen such a ladylike and reserved Arya.

Bran and Rickon stood aside.

At this time, Jon saw his uncle Benjen Stark standing at the end of the queue, wearing black clothes, and Theon who still had his signature cynical smile on his face, but looked quite at a loss at this moment. Greyjoy.

For a moment, Jon actually felt a little sympathy for Theon Greyjoy who looked like this.

But what right does Jon have to sympathize with him?

There was a sudden sting in his eyes, and Jon rubbed them roughly.

It's wind and sand.

The formal meeting ceremony ended quickly, and the king's loud voice rang out again: "Ned, take me to your tomb. I want to show my respects."

Lord Ed immediately responded. He asked someone to bring a lantern, and looked deeply into the king's eyes, saying nothing.

The queen spoke something, and King Robert looked at her coldly. Her twin brother Jaime held her hand quietly, and she said no more.

After Lord Eddard and the king left, Lady Catelyn began the reception, and she graciously invited the visitors into the city.

The entire team walked for a full quarter of an hour before they all entered the city.

While waiting for the king and Lord Eddard in front of the hall, Lady Catelyn called on people to deliver salt and bread in front of the banquet hall according to traditional etiquette. Then she took the family crest flags from the visiting family flag officers and asked people to hang them up in the banquet hall. Gray stone wall. Soon, the gray stone walls of the banquet hall were covered with flags from various companies.

Although Lady Catelyn arranged many things while waiting, the king and Lord Eddard stayed in the tomb for a little longer.

Jon could probably guess who the king was going to see.

Although his father rarely mentioned it, the children learned from various sources that King Robert was betrothed to their Aunt Lyanna.

However, Prince Rhaegar kidnapped her.

Their uncle Brandon Stark went to King's Landing to demand an explanation and was brutally hanged by the "Mad King" Aerys Targaryen II. Their grandfather Rickard Stark was forced to witness the whole process of his beloved son. A tragic death, and then being brutally burned to death.

Afterwards, Robert Baratheon, Duke of Storm's End, Jon Arryn, Duke of Eyrie, and Eddard Stark, Duke of Winterfell, launched an uprising against the "Mad King", and the swords of half the country were sacrificed for them. war.

The rebels and the royalists, Robert and Rhaegar, two mortal enemies, met on the sandbank where three rivers meet, and the flames of war spread all around. Robert held his iron-spiked hammer and wore a huge helmet with antlers; Prince Targaryen was dressed in black armor, and the three-headed dragon symbolizing the family emblem was inlaid with rubies on his breastplate, which looked like a blazing fire under the scorching sun. The two fought endlessly, and the water of the Trident River turned blood red under the iron hooves of the war horses, until finally Robert's hammer smashed the three-headed dragon on the opponent's armor and pierced through the body under the armor. Rhaegar fell into the river and died; soldiers from both sides fought in the water for the rubies that fell from his armor, causing splashes of water.

Countless stories and songs sang about the scene at that time.

But Aunt Lyanna did not survive.

King Robert later married Cersei of the Lannister family.

No wonder the queen looked angry.

When the king came back, he was panting and sweating, but his laughter was still as loud as a bell: "Ned, hurry up and announce the start of the banquet. I must have a good drink with you today."

Jon saw that his father, Lord Eddard, had a solemn expression on his face. He did not laugh with the king, but just calmly and solemnly announced the start of the banquet.

When it was Jon's turn to enter with the young servants, the banquet hall was already full of people.

Luckily, there were still few people interested in the benches near the entrance of the banquet hall, so he sat on an empty seat, which was his seat at the banquet today.

When the king and his father saluted and toasted, Jon poured himself a glass of summer red.

Amid the cheers of "Long live the king", he and the young servants raised their glasses and sipped the fine wine in the glass.

The sweet fruity aroma of summer red wine in his mouth brought a smile to the corners of his mouth.

On special occasions like this, his duke father would always allow each child to drink a glass of wine, but not more. On the contrary, when he was with his entourage and servants, no one would care how much he drank.

On some occasions - although not many, but still there - Jon Snow would secretly be glad that he was a bastard. When he picked up the wine jug passed to him and filled his glass that had just been emptied, he was surprised to find that this was such an occasion.

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