Game of Thrones: Viserys the Three-Headed Dragon

Chapter 40: Both Sides of the Narrow Sea

When Jon learned the news that his father had been appointed Hand of the King by the king, he was in a daze in the room doing nothing. When he heard the news, he was so happy for his father, but there was no second person around him to share the joy.

Jon's half-brother and sister were all busy accompanying the prince and princess. Moreover, they must have known earlier than he did. They might have cheered for their father on the spot when he accepted the appointment.

Jon was so sorry he wasn't there.

Not long afterward, Uncle Benyang found him and took him to the Heart Tree in the Godswood.

When they arrived, their father, Robb, Bran, Maester Luwin, and even Lady Stark were at the heart tree.

His father, Lord Eddard, was praying, his expression solemn and heavy.

Robb was in good spirits.

Bran's face was full of anticipation.

Maester Luwin pursed his lips with a serious look on his face and said nothing.

Mrs. Stark felt faintly sad.

Uncle Benjen and Jon stood beside Maester Luwin in silence.

"You should all know that His Majesty the King trusts me and appoints me as the new Hand of the King. When the King's visit to Winterfell is over, I will follow the King south."

The Duke of Winterfell spoke, his tone was serious and calm, and he didn't look happy about it.

"Caitlin. You will run the North in my stead while I go south."

"Robb. After I go south, you will learn how to rule from your mother."

"Bran. You, Sansa, and Arya will travel south with me."

"Maester Luwin, after I go south, please give my wife advice on all matters, no matter how big or small, and teach my children what they need to know."

"Don't forget, winter is coming."

The four people who were called responded one after another.

Lord Ed asked them to leave first.

Maester Luwin, Bran, and Robb walked past Jon one after another and nodded to him.

Lady Stark never looked at Jon.

After they left.

Lord Eddard looked at Jon.

His father's eyes seemed to penetrate his soul: "Jon, I heard that you intend to put on black clothes and join the Night's Watch?"

Jon didn't know that his father originally wanted to ask him later. It was still two full weeks before the king set off south. Eddard wanted him to enjoy this time and talk to him again when the time was right.

But during breakfast, Ed caught a glimpse of him sitting alone in the corner from the corner of his eye. The lonely look hurt Ed's heart.

Only then did Lord Eddard realize, how could Jon be in a happy mood during the king's presence? There were so many things happening recently that he had no time to pay attention to Jon's mood.

So while arranging many matters as expected last night, Jon's wishes were also asked at the same time.

Jon answered his father seriously and excitedly: "Yes, Father."

The gleam in Jon's eyes as he answered made Lord Eddard feel bitter. The child had developed anxiety about his identity in the past few days since the king's arrival, and the Night's Watch had undoubtedly given him a new sense of belonging.

[Promise me, Ned, promise me. ] Ed seemed to be able to hear her murmurs before she died.

"Brother, Jon is only fourteen years old." Benjen Stark couldn't help but say, "He's just a child."

"Uncle Benjen." Jon called his uncle and continued to tell his father, "I am almost an adult, my lord father." He knew his father would agree. He certainly will.

"Have you thought about it?" Father asked again.

"Yes." Jon replied briefly but firmly.

"." Benyang looked at his brother, the Duke of Winterfell, and said no more.

[You have to be Robert's Hand. You have to go south to find out the truth yourself. Lord Ed seemed to hear Caitlin's words last night.

Eddard had no intention of agreeing to Robert's commission, but no one around him supported him, especially after Maester Luwin brought that chilling secret letter last night - the letter was from Lysa of House Arryn, written in a secret language Only Caitlin could interpret it. The letter said "Jon Arryn was murdered by the queen."

Afterwards, Caitlin and Maester Luwin analyzed the pros and cons for Eddard, and urged him to go south and become the Hand of the King.

Ed had a fear of the South, which his father had only visited once in his life, to answer the King's call. The results are gone forever.

But Ed had already drank the bitter drink.

Eddard's heirs all have their own plans, except for Jon. Eddard cannot take him to King's Landing, and he knows that if he stays in Winterfell, Catelyn will never be able to love him as much as she does.

"Then." Lord Eddard responded solemnly to his child, "Okay."

The question and answer between the father and son was short and heavy. They looked deeply at each other and said nothing.

The godswood fell silent for a moment.

After a while, Eddard spoke to Benjen: "Benjen, my dear brother, then Jon will be left to you."

The facts were established, and Ban Yang had no choice but to reply: "Brother, don't worry, I will take good care of him."

When Jon and Uncle Benjen left the godswood, he couldn't help but look back. He saw his father staying alone in front of the heart tree in the godswood to pray. For some reason, Jon felt that his father's back was tired and sentimental.

After leaving the godswood, Uncle Benyang asked him: "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Jon asked, "When are we leaving?"

"We have to wait for the king to leave anyway," Uncle Bunyang patted him on the shoulder. "There are still two weeks. If there is anything you want to do or anyone you want to see, do it quickly. You won't be able to wait until you get to the Great Wall. Opportunity.”

"Hmm." Jon thought of many things to do before going to the Wall, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

"Jon, don't leave any regrets before going to the Wall." Benjen thought Jon didn't know what this sentence meant, so he said it again seriously, "Do whatever you want to do. If you need help, you can ask me for help. Even if I can't do it, you can ask your father."

Uncle Benjen's expression was serious and serious. Jon felt something in his heart and suddenly thought of something.

Benjen saw his expression and knew that he had something to do: "Oh, do you really need help? Tell me."

But this idea seemed a bit inappropriate.

He hesitated: "Nothing."

Uncle Benjen stared into his eyes: "Jon?"

"." He still said it, "I want to see the sea."

"See the sea?" You can see the sea by looking at the East Sea, but Benjen won't say it at this time.

"I've never seen the sea," Jon told his uncle, "but I've been dreaming about it lately. Hmm, can the Night's Watch's Eastwatch Castle also see the sea?"

"That's different." Uncle Benjen said, "You'll be training at Castle Black when you come with me to the Wall, and I don't know how long it will take to get a chance to go to Eastwatch." Uncle Benjen began to advise Jon, "The sea is close to Deepwood Motte, but it's hard to get to Wolfswood." The king planned to hunt in Wolfswood, which was convenient, but the bastard had no chance to participate in the hunt. "Carhor is too far away, and Roose Bolton and I don't get along with the Dreadfort. How about this, when the king's team sets off, we'll follow the team for a while, and I'll take you to White Harbor, which is the largest city in the North and the largest port. No matter how cold the sea water there is, it won't freeze. Otherwise, there's no difference between the frozen sea and the snowy plains."

You can follow the king's team heading south for a while, and the separation will come later. Jon thanked his uncle with great joy: "Thank you, Uncle Benjen."

Uncle Benjen rubbed his head with his hand: "What do you say to your uncle to thank you?"

Jon chuckled.


The large merchant ship Saturion was moored at the end of the dock, and the rowing boats Summer Sun and Joking Yoso were anchored outside the flood control dike.

The southeast wind not only failed to speed up the journey, but made the merchant ships take more time to reach Myr.

Myr is located on the west coast of Essos, protected by a huge and calm bay, the Myr Sea.

This land has a very long history, but the history of the free trade city-state has always been difficult to explain in a short time.

Now that you have come to Myr, if you are concerned about the situation. It is only necessary to know that the three city-states of Myr, Lys, and Volantis formed an alliance more than a hundred years ago, named the Kingdom of the Three Daughters. However, this Kingdom of the Three Daughters, which combined the strength of the three states, only lasted for about 30 years before internal strife and disintegration. The three states are now independent, and with the addition of Tyrosh, which has a unique geographical location, the four city-states attacked and hostile each other for trade routes and the ownership of the disputed land by land. For decades, many commercial city-state versions of the Four Kingdoms have been staged until today.

The commercial dispute between Tyrosh and Lys that I heard from Illyrio today is just another reappearance of history. They all tried to form an alliance with Myr, and Myr's attitude was inclined to form an alliance with the relatively weak Lys to fight against the relatively strong Tyrosh.

However, these actually have little to do with Viserys. He just came to this city to explore the store under the pretext of borrowing money.

Myr Port is one of the largest ports among the nine free trade city-states.

The sky is still cloudy and drizzling, but the dock is still colorful, bustling, and full of mixed flavors.

The dock area is a big market, trading day and night. As soon as the Cedurian entered the port, a speedboat approached and asked loudly in various languages ​​whether porters were needed. After receiving the reply that they did not need them, they left in disappointment and turned to other merchant ships.

Illyrio's caravan has its own way.

Grolai told Viserys that the goods they brought this time were spices, wine, and some keels and gems on the ship.

Pentos' spices, especially saffron and peppers, are world-famous, and the light amber wine produced by agriculture is also in great demand. The keel is prepared for Viserys. If he doesn't want it, he will give it to the captain to sell it along the way. The ownership of this part is more difficult to sort out, and Illyrio told Grolai to keep a separate account.

After the ship stopped at the port, Grolai had already disembarked to find the local spice guild, merchant alliance, brotherhood and wine merchants. Their spices and wine will be exchanged for local famous handicrafts such as carpets and lace in Myr as much as possible. Myr has the best lenses and telescopes, as well as carpets, screens, mirrors, lace, and glass panes that can be sold at the same price as oriental spices. They even make stilettos here.

Viserys was in no hurry to get off the ship. He was writing something in his room.

Speaking of which, Myr has a financial industry, and even banks, which are financial institutions for deposits and loans.

But public bank loans are basically something Viserys doesn't have to consider. He has nothing to mortgage.

During his exile in the Free Trade Cities, Viserys and Daenerys stayed in Myr for a while. This was their first stop after being driven out of Braavos.

Viserys knew that the real power in Myr was collectively ruled by a council of governors, who were mainly composed of local wealthy merchants and nobles. If he wanted to borrow money, he had to know how to find those wealthy merchants and nobles to talk privately.

Viserys knew very well what to do.

The usual way to visit these powerful people is to present a visiting card and then find a place to wait for a powerful person to respond and send someone to invite them.

In order to seek shelter, Viserys did this a lot. Of course, it sounded good, but at that time he was actually begging.

Illyrio made careful arrangements and prepared a lot of blank visiting cards with gold-stamped paper for Viserys, just waiting for him to write.

When Viserys was writing the visiting card, Daenerys quietly helped him put the written visiting card into a special cloth bag beside him, the maid Ani was preparing the change of clothes for staying in the inn, and Jorah and Butch were guarding outside the door. They were all ready to enter the city.

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