When Captain Grole gradually stopped selling Myr goods, he began to buy Tyrosh local specialty goods for shipment and prepare supplies for consumption at sea.

The invitation to Lord Tyrosh that seemed to have gone unanswered finally received a response.

The servants at the Tyrosh Lord's Palace sent an invitation to Viserys, who was staying in the inn, and invited him and Daenerys to attend today's dinner at the Lord's Palace.

In fact, there were banquets every night in the house of Lord Tyrosh. After all, there was a lack of entertainment at night in this era, and there was nothing for entertainment other than banquet guests. This kind of continuous banquet could show power and wealth. The leaders of the Free Trade City have chosen this method to show their power to the world.

It was night, and Viserys was still walking to the Lord Tyrosh's house in a group of four, and the souvenirs were just random dragon bone ornaments.

When they arrived at the door, the guard at the door looked at the four of them carefully after checking Viserys's invitation.

They originally thought that Jorah and Butch would be blocked from the door, but the guard just said: "Please give me the weapons of you and your guards for safekeeping. Guests, weapons are not allowed in the banquet hall."

Viserys did not bring his sword to the feast, but the guard's eyes scanned his body, lingering a little longer on his trousers-clad legs.

"It should be." Viserys took the lead and took out the dagger hidden in his trouser leg and handed it to the guard.

Jorah and Butch followed to deliver the weapons.

Then a eunuch with a smooth voice came to greet him: "Guest, please follow me."

They entered the house. The outer garden was very busy at the moment. There were already many guests eating, drinking and having fun. The long table was filled with food and drinks, and jesters and actors were performing.

But the eunuch still led them forward, and they were led into the living room. The hall was brightly lit, with oil in lanterns burning continuously on the four walls, and colorful mosaic glass depicting colorful historical scenes. Dignitaries wearing all kinds of strange and gorgeous clothes, with beards and hair of various colors were drinking and drinking in the hall.

Under the arcade carved with two stone leaves, the leading eunuch stood at the door of the drawing room, and then shouted loudly: "Viserys III of House Targaryen," the eunuch called in his high-pitched and sweet voice. , "King of the Andals, Rhoynar and the 'First Men', ruler of the Seven Kingdoms and guardian of the realm. His sister, Princess Daenerys 'Stormborn' of Dragonstone."

After the eunuch finished singing his name, he lowered his body and raised his hands to them as a gesture of invitation.

There was sudden silence in the living room, many people looked at the door, and Viserys felt his scalp numb.

Viserys put a polite smile on his face, then grabbed Daenerys's hand and walked slowly into the living room. At this time, the noisy chatter and laughter in the living room started again.

Viserys, just like a normal visitor should do, took Daenerys to what was clearly the main seat in the hall, intending to express ceremonial greetings to the host of the banquet and state his intention at the same time.

But when they got closer, they discovered that there was a half-grown child playing in the seat next to the main seat, and there was no one in the main seat.

Viserys stepped forward and asked the half-grown child: "Hello, may I ask where the Lord is now?"

The child ignored him and was still playing with the two toys.

Viserys was not annoyed, bowed slightly to the empty seat, and took Daenerys elsewhere.

No one cares about him.

After grabbing two drinks and some snacks from the big table in the living room with Dany, Viserys took her to a corner where there were fewer people. Jorah and Butch followed silently. Jorah saw that there were other dignitaries with guards, but those guards stood aside quietly.

They occupied a corner in the banquet hall, and no one came up to try to communicate.

They sat quietly for a while. At this time, a burst of cheerful music came from outside the door, which instantly attracted everyone's attention. Viserys and Dany also looked over. It turned out to be a group of performers playing music and singing. Many people in the hall came to watch the fun.

Viserys and Dany looked in the same direction.

Dany was watching one of the jugglers, who was performing a fire trick, breathing fire and using an open flame prop to light his greased arms so that it looked like both his hands were on fire.

Viserys was looking at a red-robed monk with skin as black as pitch and about seven feet tall. The round abdomen is shaped like a huge pebble, the tangled bone-white beard and hair like lion's hair snake out from the face, and the red flame pattern tattoos are all over the cheeks and forehead.

The red-robed monk seemed to be fascinated by the actor's magic.

"King." At this time, a voice sounded beside him.

Viserys turned to look, and saw a tall guard wearing shiny gold-plated armor and a gorgeous helmet with gold-edged patterns speaking to him.

This guard is really tall, half a head taller than Jorah. He saw Viserys looking over, and a voice came from the helmet again: "I'm looking for the king. The prince wants to see the king."

Viserys didn't rush back to the guard.

He turned his head. Dani looked at him nervously. Jorah was also looking at him solemnly. Butch was looking at the guard.

Viserys asked, "Only the king?"

"Yes." said the guard.

Viserys turned his head and looked at the crowd at the door. The red-robed monk has disappeared.

Viserys paused and said to Dany: "Wait for me here, don't join in the fun." Then he gave orders to Jorah and Butch, "Protect Dany." Finally, he added to Dany with a smile, "Remember the agreement we made at the Myr banquet, Dany? You must comply with it."

Danny wanted to say something, but when he heard this, he replied: "Yes."

As soon as Viserys stood up, the guard turned around and stepped forward.

When Viserys followed him into the side door of the drawing room, he couldn't help but glance at the door again. He still didn't see the red-robed monk. He felt slightly uneasy, but he still followed the guard out of the drawing room and into the inner courtyard.

In a magnificent study, Viserys met the Lord of Tyrosh.

He looked quite young, with a fat and huge build. His hair was white, his beard was dyed golden, and he was sprinkled with glittering powder. He sat on a soft sedan decorated with gorgeous jewels. The guard who led the way came to his side, and worked with another tall guard to lift him up, and finally sat him down behind the bright reception table.

Viserys couldn't help but care about the Lord's third guard. That guard was much shorter than the other two tall guards. He did not participate in moving the Lord of Tyrosh, but was just guarding him. His whole body was hidden behind gorgeous gold-plated armor, with only a pair of pitch-black eyes exposed through the gap in his helmet.

"I heard," the Lord of Tyrosh began to speak, with an arrogant attitude, "you are looking for people to borrow money in Myr. Why don't you borrow money in Tyrosh? Have you raised enough money? Or do you look down on it? Tyrosh merchant?"

"The Governor of Myr met me, and he showed his attitude, and the attitude of the Governor of Myr is the attitude of Myr." Viserys replied, "You refused to see me before, Lord. I had no way of knowing that Tyrosh The city’s attitude toward me.”

"Interesting," he said, "You think of the Free City-State as Westeros. We are a free city-state, and the merchants in the city-state have the right to decide their own attitudes."

"Oh, that's it." Viserys made an exaggerated expression of realization, "Thank you for pointing me out, otherwise I would have been kept in the dark."

"." The king of Tyrosh looked over with squinted eyes, "So, you are not going to borrow money in Tyrosh?"

"Of course I'm going to borrow it," Viserys asked. "Will you lend it to me?"

“It depends on your answer, what are you going to do with the money?”

"The Restoration," Viserys said, "I thought the whole world knew what I was thinking."

"Ha. Haha." Lord Tyrosh laughed, "How much money do you expect to borrow for this reason?"

"You can always borrow one hundred and eighty thousand."

"One hundred and eighty thousand is enough for you to restore the country?"

"Of course it's not enough, but let me try." Viserys said, "I need an army."

"Are you planning to hire mercenaries?"

"No, the mercenary group only works for the employer with the highest bid. One hundred and eighty thousand may be a lot, but it is not enough for them to work for me."

"Are you planning to build your own army?"

"." Viserys noticed that Lord Tyrosh seemed to really intend to lend him money, "Yes, and no."

Lord Tyrosh remained silent, waiting for Viserys to speak.

"I don't know if I have the talent to lead an army. I need to try." Viserys said. "I plan to use the money to buy a group of 'Unsullied' to verify whether I have the talent to lead an army. If so, Then I will make more money by relying on these Unsullied ones who can guarantee their loyalty, pay off the previous loans as quickly as possible, and then borrow more money, using the loyal Unsullied army as the skeleton, and try to build an army that is loyal to me. Mercenary group. I need an army to restore the country, but I don't need that many. I only need a loyal guard that is enough for me to land in Westeros and establish a foothold. This can be used to summon the nobles of the Seven Kingdoms who are dissatisfied with the usurper to join me. fighting."

"What if you don't have the talent to lead troops?"

"Then I would try to find and train commanders who would fight loyally for me, command troops for me, do those things."

"What makes you think there are nobles from the Seven Kingdoms who will fight for you?"

"Because the usurper has never truly become the king of the Seven Kingdoms, including my father, my grandfather, and my great-grandfather. None of them have ever become the true king of the Seven Kingdoms." Viserys said boldly, "Because the dragon was a hundred years ago. Just extinct. Me too, I don’t need to be the real king, I just need to repeat what the usurper did to the Targaryen dynasty.”

There was silence in the room for a short time.

Lord Tyrosh waited for Viserys' next words.

Viserys smiled.

"Interesting argument." Lord Tyrosh spoke first. He asked, "Did the Spice Governor of Pentos teach you this?"

"He listened to what I said and agreed to use his ship to take me around the Free Cities and support me. He wanted to see how much money I could borrow."

Lord Tyrosh smiled: "Don't you have knights from the Seven Kingdoms under your command? Why are you still looking for a loyal commander? Isn't he not talented enough?"

"Perhaps his talent is sufficient," Viserys said, "but his loyalty lies only in doing the unimportant tasks I assign him."

Lord Tyrosh curiously asked: "Since you don't trust him, why do you take him with you?"

"Because I am a beggar king with nothing," Viserys said, "and he is willing to do what I need him to do."

"Since there is no loyal and trustworthy person around you, even if someone agrees to lend you money, how can you ensure that you can control the money?"

"One team, some want to go east, some want to go west, balance them so they go east and west, and then quietly turn north, that's what I'm doing now."

"You're saying you're dancing on the edge of a knife?" Lord Tyrosh said.

Viserys' eyes were vaguely fanatical: "At least I haven't been hurt by the knife so far, right?"

Lord Tyrosh looked over with a playful attitude: "Some people say that every time a Targaryen is born, the gods will toss a coin and choose the side of greatness or madness. Do you think you are great or crazy?"

Viserys said: "I consider myself sane, neither great nor crazy."

"Reason. Hahaha." Lord Tyroshi seemed to be amused, and the fat on his body trembled with laughter. He laughed for a while, and then asked again, "Can you bear the humiliation?"

"Have you ever heard of 'The Beggar King', my lord?" Viserys said. "This is the name I have gained in the Free Trade Cities over the years. Is there anything more humiliating than this?"

"You are very interesting." Lord Tyrosh picked up a lemon from the fruit plate on the table and threw it to Viserys. He said, "Would you like a lemon?"

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