Viserys certainly knew that his deliberate confusion would make some people imagine things, and might even make them react in a certain way.

But it didn't matter. He had another story, waiting for Illyrio to explore. The longer Illyrio dragged it out, the more perfect the story he could prepare, and the more it would fit the original cognitive logic of this body.

This was the natural advantage of a time traveler. He could use the results to reverse the logic, combine it with the memory of the original body, and add conspiracy theories. If he couldn't think of a few stories to buy time for himself, he would just follow the original plot and wait for the molten gold to pour on him.

But rhetoric and sophistry are ultimately a side path, and without the support of strength, they can only be vague for a while.

The most important thing at the moment is to study the dragon bone pendant that he had snatched from Illyrio.

The dragon bone pendant is very light, made of a small piece of agate-like black broken bone, with crystal clear gems inlaid on the broken end, and the hanging rope is a thin chain woven with silver, with very exquisite craftsmanship.

But Viserys was a man who would burn the piano and cook the crane. All he had in his eyes was the black broken bone, and he really wanted to remove the gems and silver chains.

Viserys's mission was to "collect", which meant that the "dragon soul" was a scattered thing, and this broken bone gave him a strange feeling when he touched it, so he determined that there must be something related to the dragon soul in it.

But unfortunately, a simple touch could not stimulate the dragon soul that might be hidden in it. That kind of touch was strange and unreal. Viserys believed that it was a kind of mystical touch, and the essence was that the hidden power in his body reacted to it.

But how to use this reaction to pry the power in his body?

Viserys began to try.

He first took out the dagger he carried with him - this was the only sharp weapon on him. In his memory, Viserys originally had a sword, but later sold it for survival. Fortunately, for self-defense, he knew to keep a dagger with him.

Gently cutting the tip of his finger, Viserys squeezed out the blood and smeared it on the black dragon bone.

This is probably an attempt that every time traveler would make when they have no idea where to start with the treasure.

Unfortunately, the dragon bone did not change much, and did not absorb the blood and shine.

But Viserys was not discouraged. He put the blood-smeared dragon bone close to his nostrils and sniffed the smell carefully.

After hesitating for a long time, he still stretched out his tongue and licked the blood-smeared place.

The entrance was a disgusting sweetness, and I don’t know whether it was the iron corrosion on the dragon bone, his blood, or the air-dried colloid polished by the craftsman on the dragon bone.

It must be said that this behavior is very risky. Fortunately, it didn’t work. If it worked, then if someone used it to poison him in the future, he would be unable to defend himself.

Although this attempt failed, the idea of ​​path dependence still exists. In the last world, he caused the change by swallowing the material raw, so he still thought about whether to swallow this thing into his stomach.

Soon, Viserys poured himself a glass of wine-this thirst-quenching wine is essentially a fermented beverage with a low alcohol content, sour taste, and slightly sweet. In the homes of powerful people, the only way to quench thirst is to choose between wine, lemonade and tea.

Viserys began to use a dagger to try to scrape off some dragon bone fragments and mix them into the wine, shake it evenly, and then drink it all.

Still ineffective.

Since it didn't work, the idea of ​​eating dragon bones alive was completely abandoned.

You know, the total number of dragon bones in the world of ice and fire is not a small number, and the essence is different from the magic element materials he had eaten alive.

The material of King Gu Li Oak that he ate alive is a pure magic element polymer - the magic element monsters in Hyrule will disappear directly into the world after being killed, and will not leave a corpse, but only the purest magic element materials on the monster, such as eyes, horns, liver, heart, wings

The dragon body in the world of ice and fire is composed of flesh and blood and magic, not a pure magic element creation, and what is left after death is not the purest magic element material on the body.

If he relied on eating it alive, Viserys might die of indigestion before obtaining the tiny bit of magic element contained in the dragon bones that might be the dragon soul.

Things in this world that are in the sense of mysticism should be obtained using mystical methods.

Viserys remembered that there were warlocks, magic, and even gods in the world of ice and fire, and dragons were just one of them.

There must be a way to extract the dragon soul from the dragon bones.

[Should we try boiling it in water? ]

Viserys had a sudden idea, but he quickly rejected it. The dragon bones were resistant to high temperatures. If it was so simple to make handicrafts, it would have been discovered long ago.

Thinking from the logic of alchemy, Viserys felt that he might need some kind of magic extract to extract the dragon soul from the dragon bones.

[Speaking of magic extraction, Viserys thought that on Earth, ethanol, that is, alcohol, is the best organic solvent. ]

[So, is it necessary to make alcohol to try it? Do alchemists in this world use alcohol to extract magic elements? ]

The current situation does not allow such an attempt, but Viserys wrote down this idea. If he has not found a way, he will try it in the future.

So everything is back to square one.

Viserys stroked the black dragon bone and fell into deep thought.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

As he stroked the dragon bone, he could clearly feel the strange touch brushing across his soul like a feather.

This kind of itchy feeling was like watching a woman take off her clothes through a glass screen, which made him feel anxious.

[No! ]

Viserys released his palm and let the pendant slide to the table. Then he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.

Even if several simple attempts didn't work, he couldn't be anxious.

This was what he had considered.

The information of the mission is "gathering", and in a world like A Song of Ice and Fire, according to the original description, the magic element will not be very active before the arrival of the red comet.

[So it’s normal to not be able to find a way for a while. Be patient! 】

In the previous world, when he traveled through time, the Chosen Swordsman was still sleeping, and King Guli Oak was nowhere to be seen. He waited for several years, until the swordsman woke up, and until the world of Hyrule underwent drastic changes. The time has come.

And now he has only been in this world for a day and a half.

What he should do now is wait patiently.

According to the original plot, the Targaryen brothers and sisters will live here in Illyrio for more than half a year, and then migrate to the Dothraki grasslands for nearly a year before the red comet appears.

In other words, he might have to wait for a year and a half.

Here, Viserys has to deal with Illyrio, who has ulterior motives, and Varys, the eight-clawed spider behind the scenes. The two are suspected of being behind various conspiracies in the world of ice and fire.

Illyrio Viserys has been contacted and will not be mentioned again.

As for the eight-clawed spider Varys who is hiding behind the scenes, he is the intelligence chief and spy chief of the current King of Westeros. In the original work, he has many eyes and ears. Almost no secrets or conspiracies seem to be hidden from his eyes. He is a dangerous figure.

They single-handedly brokered the marriage between Daenerys and Khal Drogo in order to borrow Dothraki soldiers and horses for the Beggar King so that he could stir up trouble in Westeros.

As for the real intention, it is to pave the way for the "fake Aegon" they really support.

At least that's the surface.

Because Mr. Martin had not finished writing before time travel, Viserys did not dare to believe those wild speculations.

Some say they are the "Blackfire", and Aegon, who secretly supports them, is the "Broon" that Daenerys sees.

"Blackfire" was originally the name of a Valyrian steel one-hand and a half sword that was passed down to the Targaryen family in history - "a half-hand sword" is a type of sword.

Later, "Mean King" Aegon chose to pass it on to his illegitimate son, who took "Blackfire" as his surname and established the "Blackfire" family. Later, due to various foolish actions of King Yong, the Blackfire family rebelled and fought for the Iron Throne. After the failure, the remnants of the Blackfire fled to the Free Trade City-this is where people who failed in the struggle in Westeros like to go.

Many readers on Earth suspect that Illyrio and Varys are "Blackfires" and the reason why they support the Targaryen remnants is so that they can go to Westeros to stir up trouble and then reap the benefits.

As for "Bron", it is more complicated. "Bron" is a small part of the many prophecies that the original Daenerys saw in the Temple of the Immortal. It is generally considered to be the "fake Aegon" secretly supported by Illyrio and Varys - the "Aegon" mentioned here is the son of Prince Rhaegar, the last crown prince of the Targaryen dynasty, Aegon Targaryen, and the real princess Aegon. The son of Leia Martell is not the bastard Jon Snow in the TV series.

In the original book, it was first said that when King's Landing fell, little Aegon was thrown against the wall by the Mountain as a baby and his head was smashed. Later, Varys said that little Aegon was not dead, but a farmer's child. Aegon was sent to the other side of the narrow sea by a civet cat in exchange for a prince, and was raised by Rhaegar's friend Jon Connington.

Some readers believe that this "fake Aegon" is actually Illyrio's son.

To put it simply, the reason why Illyrio currently supports Viserys Targaryen is to pave the way for "Aegon" who he truly supports.

Viserys' opponent is a layer cake, with Illyrio on the first layer, Varys on the second layer, and Aegon.

All in all, the situation is complex and a deep hole.

Viserys wanted to jump out of this hole if possible.

Unfortunately, his first attempt failed, and the dragon bone pendant seemed unable to save him from his misery.

Since Dragon Soul couldn't think of a solution in a short time, he could only activate the backup plan.

With this thought in mind, Viserys casually rolled up the pendant and tied it around his wrist, then stood up and began to exercise in the spacious room.

Under the stimulation that can be seen but cannot be eaten, it is certainly very uncomfortable to have the skin and the keel in close contact, but what if it is close to the skin and subtly activates some kind of power?


Viserys had to endure it until he became accustomed to such contact.

This body originally learned some martial arts, but due to wandering and not having enough to eat, it is now as thin as dry wood, has no strength in its hands, and has forgotten almost everything except how to hold a sword.

But it doesn't matter. In the previous world, the time traveler spent several years honing his martial arts skills in order to slay dragons, including fists and kicks, one-handed swords, two-handed swords, spears, hammers, and axes.

What he is best at is the bow. After all, explosive arrows, thunder arrows, and freezing arrows are so useful in that world.

Of course, Viserys didn't expect this thin body to be able to develop the strength of one against ten in a short period of time. He just needed to ensure that he had a certain ability to fight back.

As they came with the ship, Viserys carefully noted the route and roughly assessed the defenses of Illyrio's courtyard.

At the very least, if things go wrong, he still has the strength to jump off the courtyard wall, escape into the sea, and then swim back to the secret passage under the courtyard to fight back.

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