The good news is that the Dragonbinder Horn has a very large dragon soul, and the mysterious existence behind it tried to use it to plot against Viserys but failed and disappeared without a trace.

The bad news is that the dragon soul of the Dragonbinder Horn did not pass through Daenerys's hand, not through the strange dream in which they mysteriously established a connection, but these powers, like the sapphire curse that Viserys encountered before, directly flowed out of the horn and attached to Viserys, and fiercely fought against the magic from another world in his body.

In this magical confrontation, Viserys found that his magic power was not strangled to death as he had done with the sapphire curse before, but was constantly wiping out this magic power in the confrontation, crushing and swallowing it, and turning it into part of his body's magic power.

But unlike swallowing in dreams, this magical confrontation on his flesh and blood was slow and anxious, and he could not swallow it all in one breath.

The huge magic power of the dragon soul in this horn meant that he would have to live in this dragon-like posture for a long time.

It really scared Viserys. When Viserys woke up, Daenerys found that he had woken up, and she was so worried that she came up and touched his body.

He almost screamed and dodged in a hurry, but because he was exhausted and limp, he was still touched by Daenerys.

This caring move from Daenerys touched and frightened Viserys, fearing that the soul of the dragonbinder would invade Daenerys's mind through the power attached to his body just like it invaded his mind.

The mental invasion method that almost replaced the dragonbinder made Viserys very scared.

Fortunately, Daenerys was fine, and the soul of the dragonbinder seemed to be really annihilated by him in the confrontation.

The power of the huge horn seemed to have poured into his body, and at this moment it had lost the magic power to maintain it. The horn, which was originally smooth and transparent, was covered with cracks. It was made of special materials and had Valyrian black steel patterns, but it still looked very broken.

The strange ancient magic runes engraved on the stripes of the horn have disappeared - Viserys remembered that in the vague memory of the Dragonbinder, a mysterious person used the remains of the Dragonbinder to extract his soul with secret techniques, and then used cruel magic to engrave a rune on his soul to make a horn.

The mysterious person who made the horn might be the mysterious existence or his ancestor who hid behind the scenes and claimed that Viserys had taken away the prophecy.

The possibility of being the ancestor is greater.

The era in which the Dragonbinder lived was very long ago. Combined with his fragmentary memory, it is speculated that it was the period when the Andals invaded the Westeros continent, and the Andal invasion occurred at least four thousand years ago. If it is a mysterious existence that has lived for four thousand years, then the power he showed is too weak.

Judging from the performance of the mysterious existence, it is a very serious matter to be occupied by Viserys. He will not let it go.

Now thinking about it, it is fortunate that Viserys did not rush to the ruins on the Valyria Peninsula. It is very dangerous there, a land full of terrible curses. Euron was able to get the horn from there because the mysterious existence and the Drowned God reached a certain agreement on a predetermined fate.

The red comet appeared in the sky for only three days, and the existence of the mysterious side of this world was so active.

Sea monsters, dragon binders, dragons, and the strange flames of the necklace of the Red God priest appeared in front of Viserys one after another. And Daenerys, it is now difficult to classify her as an ordinary person. In the dream, her body is wrapped in magical flames, and in reality, she has the power to hatch dragons.

At this moment, Viserys is very worried. Can the return ship still reach Tyrosh smoothly?

Facts have proved that Viserys's worries are a bit too much.

In the next twenty days of voyage, the merchant ship did not encounter any strange things.

In addition to the room where Viserys created a three-headed dragon to hide and not let people peek, there is now a three-headed dragon and a baby dragon hidden, and the return journey is surprisingly smooth.

Not only was there no incident when passing through the outer waters of Valyria, but even the short stop in the deep waters outside the port of Volantis to purchase supplies, which was considered by Viserys to be an aggressive and adventurous act in the Red God's sphere of influence, did not happen unexpectedly.

Even when the merchant ship passed the Lys-Tyrosh route, the tolls charged by the fleet on the road were reduced by several percent.

When the merchant ship bought fresh water in the deep waters outside the port of Lys, it learned from the boats selling water and fresh fruits outside the port that the Lys fleet and the Tyrosh fleet had previously fought a battle in the Stepstones, and the two sides have now stopped fighting and returned to a state of confrontation.

But judging from the tolls, the situation has been much more relaxed than when they first passed by.

The Lys people said they won. They saw the heavily guarded "sailors" on the three merchant ships and laughed at them for being too nervous. Now the pirates in the Stepstones were scared by the naval battle between Lys and Tyrosh, and they didn't know where they had hidden.

But when the merchant ship entered Tyrosh, the Tyrosh people said they won the naval battle.

Judging from the activity areas of the fleets of both sides and the tolls collected, the experienced old captain Grole judged that the battle was a small victory for the Tyroshis.

Seeing that the merchant ship was about to arrive in Tyroshi, Viserys had to express his feelings. He had to move the dragon's throat to imitate the sound of his human form and said to Daenerys who was teasing the young dragon beside him: "Dany, go change your clothes and sit behind the screen. I will ask someone to call Grole over."

More than 20 days have passed, and Viserys still hasn't recovered from his dragon form. The magic power of the Dragonbinder Horn is too huge. He has only consumed a little bit of it in so many days, and it seems that it will take a long time to completely digest it.

To confirm that this curse-like magic possession will not be transmitted to Daenerys, they tried to let Daenerys absorb the magic attached to Viserys by touching him, but it didn't work, or more accurately, it didn't have the effect Viserys wanted.

Daenerys can absorb some energy from Viserys, but those energies will not appear in dreams like the dragon souls she absorbed in the past, and can be swallowed. They tested for several days and confirmed that Daenerys can only digest these energies by herself after absorbing them.

And Daenerys digests these energies at an astonishingly slow speed. According to the mathematical model of water discharge and water in the reservoir, Daenerys can only digest one-tenth of the energy she can absorb in a whole day. And even if she digests it every day, the energy she absorbs is a drop in the bucket compared to the huge energy in Viserys.

Viserys was already digesting this energy very quickly, but his size had not shrunk at all, and he was still the same size as when he first touched the horn, when he expanded to three or four meters.

Viserys didn't want to expose himself as a three-headed dragon in front of the world, so he had to think of a way to "rule from behind the curtain".

He asked Daenerys to modify his clothes these days, and use the worthless dragon bone fragments left in Astapor to prop up the shoulders of the clothes, so that she would look broad-shouldered and taller after wearing them. Then, if he had to give orders, Viserys planned to let her sit behind the screen to pretend to be him, and Viserys would be responsible for intimidating the audience with the extended dragon head.

Daenerys heard what her brother said, quickly put down the baby dragon and stuffed it into him, and then went to change clothes.

Speaking of which, this dragon was tossed around by Viserys and Dany several times later. Dany touched it to absorb power, and then connected to Viserys through blood. After these times, its magic power became purer and purer, but its brain seemed to become dumber and dumber. It no longer looked as smart as it did when it just broke out of its shell, and now it looked stupid.

However, Daenerys liked its current appearance more. She felt that after it became dumber, it looked more like a newborn dragon, and it was no longer afraid of Viserys. After Daenerys released it from the wooden cage, it often took the initiative to stick to Viserys who was lying in the room. It can be said that young dragons can also absorb energy from Viserys, but less than Daenerys, almost negligible. It began to eat barbecue, swallowing several times its body weight every day. It can now fly, and often wants to fly out of the window, but it is always caught by Viserys. Daenerys observes it all day long, watching it grow every day, and now it is as big as a seagull.

At first, the most troublesome thing was to deal with its feces. It started to poop everywhere like a bird, but after being intimidated and educated by Viserys, it learned to poop in a wooden box filled with sand.

After realizing that dragons also need to eat, drink, defecate and urinate, what surprised Daenerys the most was that Viserys, with such a large body, could live without eating, drinking or defecation.

For this reason, Viserys had to tell her: "Dany, this is nothing strange. Some animals can eat one meal for half a year, and they are motionless during hibernation. And in fact, when the strength reaches a certain level, they don't need to eat to survive. The nutrients needed by the body are essentially energy, and there may be such a day when you become stronger in the future. But disguise is necessary. If I forget this when I am alone in the future, remember to remind me. Otherwise, people will treat you as an alien."

It is said that the red-robed priestess who was imprisoned in the cabin is now on a hunger strike. She has not eaten or drunk for more than 20 days, but the Unsullied who is responsible for watching her said that she is still beautiful and charming, without any abnormality, and recites scriptures all day long, very pious.

Fortunately, Viserys put her under house arrest. Except for the Unsullied and guards who deliver food and water every day, no one else knows this fact that can be called a miracle.

Daenerys quickly changed her clothes and combed her hair to look like Viserys. In fact, she sat behind the screen and no one could see her, but she felt it necessary to do so: "How is it, is it similar?"

Viserys glanced at her and nodded: "Okay."

Daenerys paid close attention to her brother's gaze and couldn't help but use her hand to support her breasts, which were indistinguishable from male and female after she put on the loose clothes. She already knew that the reason why Viserys' eyes lingered here was because he didn't want to be exposed in such details. But she was still very distressed. She had tried hard to eat more meat, eggs and milk.

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