"Is this really okay? This is all your achievement, and this is a sacred oath. We shouldn't--"

Daenerys was talking to her brother Viserys in the king's bedroom next to the table hall on the top of the Stone Drum Tower.

"I can't change back yet, you see." Viserys compressed his body as much as possible, closed his eyes and endured the accumulation of magic power from the "Dragonbinder" horn covering his body like a curse. He had suppressed his body to the limit, but he was still more than two meters tall, with dragon claws, covered with terrifying black and red scales, a big belly, and a head that turned into a human shape, but also covered with scales, and there were flaming horns on the top of the head, and the wings behind were still preserved.

He looked like a weird-looking little dragon man.

Viserys had spent a lot of effort to turn into a dragon, and now he needed to work harder to turn into a human.

This forced compression of the body is very painful. The magic of the dragonbinder is very corrosive when it covers the body, like a curse. In this form, Viserys will feel that his body is constantly burning and reviving in the flames, which is very torturous.

He relaxed and turned into a three- or four-meter-tall three-headed big-bellied dragon again, sitting on the ground.

Daenerys worriedly supported him: "But-"

Viserys stood up: "I have been growing bigger for a long time today, but I found good news. After growing bigger, maybe the contact surface has also increased, and the speed of digesting these magic powers has also increased. Moreover, this ceremony is just a formality. You wear armor, helmet and visor to represent that King Targaryen is taking back Dragonstone with a sword, and no one will object. And we have only temporarily occupied Dragonstone, and Stannis's army may come back at any time. We still have to focus our main energy on the possible war next time."

"Okay." Daenerys was convinced by him.

The battle of Dragonstone ended in the morning, and no reinforcements came from Pointe City and Tidehead Island.

After the war, Viserys asked the Unsullied to send all the soldiers and knights who laid down their weapons and surrendered to prison.

Queen Selyse is now under house arrest on the top floor of the prison tower, and a team of Unsullied is responsible for guarding the prison.

After occupying the castle, only Princess Shireen's jester Patchface was found - Patchface was sent to prison as a member of the surrender, and the Red Woman Melisandre was not found - people said that she did not return to Dragonstone, but went to King's Landing with the army.

Stannis's attack on King's Landing would make a huge difference with or without the Red Woman, and Viserys had to consider the possibility that Stannis would lead the fleet to counterattack Dragonstone.

Viserys and most people in the castle did not know that the Red Woman came and went at the Dragonstone port two days ago and went to the castle of Bar Emmon's family in the Point. Queen Selyse and the acting lord Axell knew, but they were not asked, and even if they were asked, they probably would not say it.

Because Viserys ordered all the surrenderers to be imprisoned, many noble knights felt sympathetic.

Acting Lord Axell reacted most violently. He originally wanted to continue to resist. When the dragon appeared, he was commanding the defense at the bottom of the guard room. The sense of security brought by the castle made him unwilling to give up easily. He served as the acting Lord of Dragonstone for Stannis for nearly ten years and gave almost everything for Stannis's cause. When other people in the Florent family supported Renly, he supported Stannis. He was the original member of the Queen's Party and the first lord to convert to the Lord of Light. However, everything was in vain today.

But after Princess Shireen surrendered, no one stood by him anymore. He did not dare to be angry with the dragon, but could only look down angrily at these knights who had sworn to be loyal to King Stannis until death.

Viserys squatted on the arched stone bridge of the castle and watched them take off their armor, throw away their weapons, and line up to go to prison. Nothing unexpected happened. After all the guards emerged from the castle fortress, Viserys estimated that there were more than 150 guards in the castle, including those who died. Together with those sent out on the mountain road, there were more than 300 armored guards in Dragonstone Castle.

More than 300 people were the number of people who guarded Storm's End after Stannis's defeat in King's Landing in the original book. Until Aegon the Younger led the Golden Company to land in the Stormlands, Storm's End was said to have not fallen.

It is worth mentioning that the guards left on Dragonstone are all from the Florent family, even the maids, and they are all extremely pious or pretend to be extremely pious believers of the Lord of Light. Viserys does not intend to keep these people.

Today is not an easy day.

After occupying the castle, there is no time to rest. We have to deal with personnel and clean up the battlefield.

After sending the knights and soldiers in the castle to prison, how to deal with other people is also a complicated task. The original maesters, stewards, maids, stewards, cooks, gardeners, servants, blacksmiths, jailers, etc. in the castle must be dealt with.

Think again and again.

Viserys finally decided to put some maids who were found to be of noble origin under house arrest together with the queen and princess, and the queen and princess were separated. The maester arranged the necessary manpower for him, allowed him to guarantee the assistants he was familiar with, and used him as a battlefield doctor to treat the wounded soldiers. There was also Edric Storm, Robert's bastard, who was also under house arrest.

Most of the others were bastards of nobles or relatives and servants who occupied various duties in the castle. Among these people, except for the necessary blacksmiths and apprentices who were left behind, everyone else was driven out of the castle by Viserys to the dock town. He couldn't directly employ these people at the moment.

For this reason, Viserys had to summon his first fleet commander Grolai and asked him to gather the chefs on the merchant ship who had cooked in the Unsullied camp and hand them over to the chef who was under the former Unsullied Cook, who was already confirmed by Viserys, and served as the temporary chef of the castle.

Viserys now treated the castle as a military camp, and did not consider anything else except satisfying the most basic needs of people, eating and sleeping.

The Unsullied suffered heavy losses this time. Although they had dragons, they still lost more than 60 people, more than 30 dead and more than 30 injured.

The main losses were in two places. One was the attack on the watchtower - a reorganized team was directly lost, and the other was the melee on the mountain road - the melee on the mountain road between the armored knights who Viserys had no time to deal with and the Unsullied who attacked from above was very cruel. The Unsullied who could not open the formation finally fought with the regrouped knights on the narrow mountain road. The knights were in a dilemma and refused to surrender. The battlefield became a desperate duel between the front-line soldiers of both sides.

Now there are only more than 120 Unsullied available. Except for the necessary personnel, the others took a short break and spent half a day just cleaning up the castle and the mountain road battlefield. Collecting corpses and handling the confiscations were not easy tasks. During this period, they also sent people to take the town's gravediggers to clean up the battlefield at the watchtower.

After cleaning up the battlefields in the afternoon and taking a brief rest, Viserys asked the Unsullied to change into the seized armor, and then wear them directly after randomly destroying the original marks and glazes - it would take some time for the blacksmith to replace the new marks, and then disperse them to serve as jailers, guards, watchtower guards, house arrest guards, and castle guards.

There were even two teams sent to serve on the "warship".

Speaking of "warships", the crews of the two rowing boats and merchant ships have made great efforts, and Viserys asked his first fleet commander to appease them.

The first part of the money found in the castle was spent on rewards for the crews on the three ships - the two rowing boats gave it openly, and the Saidullion gave it secretly.

Then Viserys asked his fleet commander to temporarily lead two rowing boats to continue pretending to be Targaryen warships, help block the offshore waters near the dock, and cooperate with the watchtower to guard and prohibit the merchant ships that have entered the port from leaving - Viserys guessed that most of these merchant ships that came to Dragonstone so early had bad intentions like him and prohibited the merchant ships from entering the port.

In order to reassure the crew, Viserys allowed them to abandon the castle on the ship to hide if they found the enemy fleet coming, and the Unsullied duty team on the ship would cover them.

He also did not forget to ask Grolai to continue recruiting fleet crew for him as the "fleet commander". Viserys promised to give him 200 regular naval quotas and promised that he would personally knight him after Dragonstone was settled.

Then there was the dock town. The town guards surrendered quickly, and these people were not soldiers. Viserys decided to continue to employ them. They were coerced by several of Stannis's soldiers, and many were killed and injured when they attacked the Unsullied. The original captain was said to have died on the spot. Viserys asked them to elect a new captain to continue to be responsible for the town's martial law that day, control the number of people going out, clean up the aftermath, collect the remains of the bodies that rolled down the hillside, and enforce the curfew after nightfall.

The new captain is called Ashe Sara. He is actually a well-known man, but he is not of noble birth. It is said that when the guards were coerced by the sergeants, he was defending on the bell tower. Seeing that the guards had surrendered, they also surrendered. Good luck.

When attacking the town in the morning, five houses were burned half by the explosion. Fortunately, no casualties were caused to ordinary people. Fortunately, the climate on Dragonstone Island is humid, and there are many stones in the houses, so the fire did not spread. Viserys ordered the town guards to compensate for the loss of the houses on their behalf, and asked them to ask the castle for money after settling the accounts, but it is estimated that they dare not come to ask for money in a short time.

Then came the last thing of the day.

Allegiance ceremony.

Viserys rescued several people from the prison, one of whom was Gunther Sangras, Earl of Merry Harbor. Merry Harbor is a small port located on the western border of the Crab Claw Peninsula in the north of Dragonstone. It is located in the Crownland and belongs to Dragonstone.

As a vassal of Dragonstone, Earl Gunther had previously supported Stannis in his fight for the Iron Throne. After Melisandre led people to burn down the Temple of Dragonstone, Earl Gunther directly told Stannis that he could no longer support Stannis's kingly cause, so he was arrested and imprisoned. Viserys released him, and then the earl was willing to swear allegiance to King Viserys. Although his army, knights and ships were taken to King's Landing by Stannis.

In addition to Earl Gunther, there were two sons of Sir Hebe Lambton, a noble of the Crownland, in prison. Hebe Lambton originally supported Stannis's cause and followed him from King's Landing to Dragonstone, but when the queen's party went to burn the Temple of Dragonstone, Sir Hebe Lambton took his three sons to defend the Temple. In the battle, they killed four of the queen's party, and Hebe and a son were killed.

The remaining two brothers were the elder brother, Hubbard Lambton, and the younger brother, Howard Lambton. Viserys made Hubbard Lambton the successor of the Lambton family title, and obtained the brothers' oath of allegiance.

But although the Lambton family was aristocratic, they were actually new nobles of the Baratheon dynasty who did not have a castle fiefdom. They were one of the many new nobles of the crown who were granted titles when Greyjoy attacked Pike Island during the Rebellion. At first, they were worried that Viserys would not recognize the legitimacy of their family. These two brothers were all the current fighting power of the Lambton family.

But anyway, it's better to have it than not.

The allegiance ceremony was presided over by Brother Bar. Brother Bar was originally a monk serving the Seven Sacred Sept of Dragonstone. He was imprisoned in the castle prison for protesting against the burning of the Sept by the queen's people. Viserys released him and let him continue to serve the master of Dragonstone.

When the monk was released, he burst into tears and lamented that the gods were above and the glory of the Seven Gods had descended on Dragonstone again. When he knew that the Targaryen king with dragons released him, his mouth was so wide that he could stuff two apples at that time. After he came out and met Viserys, the first thing he did was to go to the Sept to destroy the altar of the Red God placed after Queen Selys converted to Christianity. However, the statues of the Seven Gods had been burned, and he could only use a piece of cloth with a seven-pointed star symbol brought by Viserys to temporarily replace the gods.

Viserys couldn't say anything about matters between faiths, but no matter what, the Seven Gods would be the sect he nominally believed in in the future - he had played Crusader Kings before, and knew that it was important to pretend to believe in a sect at this time.

For example, if he marries Daenerys in the future, the Church of the Seven Gods will need to endorse and justify it, telling the world that this is a reasonable and legal marriage within the Targaryen family that is agreed by all gods.

And in the future, if the Prince of Dorne comes to inquire with a secret engagement, the Seven Gods will also need to justify the negotiation of a secret divorce agreement.

At this loyalty ceremony, King "Viserys" and his "three-headed dragon" attended together. The king sat on the throne in the main hall of the castle, with a black-bottomed red dragon flag on his head representing the Targaryen family. Seven people put on armor and wore black-bottomed red dragon flags - only these flags could be vacated - and the Unsullied stood in a fan shape beside the king.

Shireen Baratheon and her trembling maid were invited to watch, and Lady Selyse was invited but refused to attend. "Daenerys" is still on the merchant ship and will not be picked up at the castle until after the night curfew.

Although this ceremony was just a formality, it was still solemn. With the witness of Brother Bal, the oath was the sacred oath of the Westeros people's faith in the Seven Gods.

Earl Gunther came forward first. He took a deep breath, not daring to look directly at the three-headed dragon and King "Viserys" on the throne, and knelt on one knee: "Gunther from the Sanglas family of Wonderhaven swears allegiance to you. I swear that I will be truly loyal to His Majesty King Viserys Targaryen, your heir and successor, the gods are witnesses."

Sir Hubbard Lambton also came forward and said similar words.

A voice came from the throne: "I accept your allegiance."

The air in the main hall suddenly became hot, and the three-headed dragon on the throne moved, stretching out his left wing under the throne, and a huge shadow covered the heads of the two people who swore allegiance to Viserys.

The two people kneeling in front of the throne couldn't help but look nervous and swallowed their saliva secretly.

Brother Baal, who was witnessing the ceremony, stood up straight, held his breath, and tried to stop his hands from shaking while holding the seven-pointed star cloth, trying to imagine that the monks of the Great Sept of King's Landing had also witnessed the oath of the Targaryen King with a dragon a hundred years ago.

The wings with hot air fell in front of the two knights who knelt under the throne and swore allegiance. A voice came from the throne: "Kiss my dragon wings, and you will kiss the king himself."

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