"Your Majesty, with all due respect, I think this move is inappropriate."

Count Gunther, who was sent by Viserys to deal with the aftermath of the corpses of the warring parties, tried to calm his heartbeat and looked at the king who was still wearing armor on the throne in the main hall. He couldn't help but look at the three giant dragons lying behind him and his burden. Baby dragon on shoulders.

The king's voice was loud and everyone in the main hall could hear it clearly: "They don't have swords." Although everyone was just Earl Gunther, the Lambton brothers, Princess Shireen who was invited to watch, and two other people without swords. The Unsullied Centurion, Missandei, a translator from Centurion Common to Valyrian, and a dozen Unsullied guards of King Viserys and Princess Shireen.

Count Gunther was loyal and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, the direction of Stannis's army is unknown now, and they may come at any time. The castle is not well-guarded. If they start a riot under the mountain, I'm afraid."

For the huge castle on Dragonstone, the more than a hundred Unsullied guards were too few. Even if everyone was called together, the restaurant on the first floor of the main castle would not be full.

From a purely military perspective, the fortress on Dragonstone Island can accommodate at least a thousand defenders.

Viserys said: "I just have to make an agreement with them. Most of them are knights and knight attendants who have been anointed with holy oil. Does it mean that they will also lose the honor of knights by converting to the Lord of Light?"

Viserys plans to let the surrendered prisoners in prison attend the funeral held in the cemetery today. The reason for doing such a thankless thing is that Viserys wants to build momentum for himself and rely on the dragon to spread his power. , while shouldering the destiny, holding high the banner of honor.

After hearing the words of the priestess Fremi last night, Viserys had some ideas and wanted to do something to see how the Red God would react next.

Now that Dragonstone is taken, Viserys doesn't have to rush to participate in the internal battles in Westeros.

Viserys always remembered that his purpose was to obtain the dragon soul, and he attacked Dragonstone because he guessed that the Dragonstone castle built by the Valyrian people could block external magical interference. The mysterious power of this world has revived, and many of them will Eyes on him and Daenerys. Viserys also speculated that Dragonstone was stuck in the middle of the gods' forces, so he decided to wait and see how the situation would change.

He wanted to ensure that when he entered Westeros, he would not be invaded by a powerful spiritual body like the Dragonbinder.

After all, there are greenseers in Westeros, and he doesn't dare to forget that. There is a theory among readers of the original book that the later madness of Mad King Aerys may be related to it. Although this statement is based on speculation and lacks solid evidence. But what happened after coming into contact with the Dragonbinder's Horn left Viserys with lingering fears.

Viserys' words made Earl Gunther at a loss as to how to persuade him: "Your Majesty."

Viserys said: "Sir Gunther, don't worry, I took a dragon to see it this morning. There are no ships in the ports of Sharp Point and Tidal Head Island. I went dozens of sea miles into Blackwater Bay and didn't see Stannis's fleet. I can be sure that his fleet will not come back today. I can rest assured that you will handle this matter. Sir Gunther, you are an honest and upright knight, and I trust you."

".Yes, Your Majesty."

Then Viserys asked two centurions to take the rest of the guards with no special missions and Count Gunther, and asked Missandei to translate and communicate with them.

The king will not attend this funeral in person with his dragons, and the surrendered sergeant Stannis may take the opportunity to cause trouble.

By about noon, the gravediggers from the cemetery at the foot of the mountain, Brother Baal, and a dozen old women recruited from the town—the Silent Sisters of the Dragonstone Temple—were all driven away—grooming more than a hundred corpses. , the funeral preparations were completed, Count Gunther returned to the prison with the quartermaster Yarniel who was summoned last night, and announced the matter to the sergeants imprisoned here: "The funerals of the war dead have been held at the foot of the mountain. The town cemetery has been prepared, and the king allows those who want to attend the funeral to go out, but there is an agreement: in the name of the gods and the reputation of the kings, the deceased will be buried according to the teachings of the Seven Gods, and those attending the funeral cannot take the opportunity to cause trouble. You will return here after the funeral, and Sir Yarniel can testify that this is true."

"I can bear witness to that," said the Quartermaster.

The prison suddenly became noisy.

Someone asked: "Did you kiss the Targaryen King's hand too, Yarnel?"

The quartermaster's face was full of exhaustion, and he said calmly: "I stayed at the stonemason's place at the foot of the mountain all night to make sure that the stonemasons and apprentices had not carved the wrong names. King Targaryen did not see me."


Count Gunther ignored Yasser's call - he only shouted this. Count Gunther asked: "Raise your hands if you are going to attend the funeral."

Hands were raised in the dimly lit dark cell.

At the door of the black cell, every prisoner who came out was distributed a black mourning dress by the silent Unsullied. Only a few Unsullied symbolically guarded the way out of the castle. Lord Gunther led the long funeral procession down the mountain path, without even a Targaryen army to escort them.

It wasn't until the funeral procession arrived not far from the town cemetery that they saw dozens of Targaryen soldiers standing in a corner of the cemetery.

They already knew that these Targaryens were foreigners and didn't even speak a few words in the Common Tongue of Westeros. A teenage girl was translating into Valyrian the funeral scriptures that Brother Baal was chanting for these foreign Targaryen soldiers. Finally, with the sound of the chimes of "burial", the body on that side was covered. The foreign soldiers put the coffin board into the dug grave. The foreign soldiers and the gravediggers flew the shovels together and quickly put the dozens of their own dead in the battle into the graves. Finally, they erected tombstones in front of the tombs.

After doing this, the Targaryen soldiers from foreign countries gathered together and left the cemetery in silence.

Although they were heavily armed, their numbers were still much smaller than Stannis's party who came down to attend the funeral, but there was no communication or conflict between the two sides even when the arrays crossed.

There were far more Sergeant Stannis killed in battle, nearly a hundred of them. The expressions on their faces that were either frightened, crazy, or ferocious had all been cleaned up, and their bodies had been wiped clean, making them look particularly peaceful.

Count Gunther led everyone into the cemetery to line up, and Brother Barr came over with a wooden statue representing the stranger and a chime to pray for the deceased.

No one mentioned here that they had converted to the Lord of Light, they just remained silent in the array.

There are several rows of crypts used to bury Stannis's dead. Septon Barr walked past the coffins with the corpses one by one, reciting the Stranger's Book as he walked. The gravedigger carefully inserted the shovel used by the Targaryen army next to the coffin in the first row, and then waited quietly for the monk to finish reading the scripture.

Finally, with the sound of "burial" bells, the two gravediggers covered the first coffin with a board, then placed it in the grave and began to fill the first grave with soil.

Count Gunther didn't need to say anything. The sergeants from the team came forward, covered the coffin with a board and put it into the grave according to the movements of the gravedigger. Others went up to fill the coffin with shovels.

There aren’t enough shovels without everyone stepping forward.

Someone quietly came to Count Gunther and whispered to him: "Elander Florent sends his regards. Count Gunther, your king is a true king, please be sure to tell him this."

Gunther turned around and saw that the person speaking was Florent who had argued with Yaser in the prison last night.

Many people in the funeral procession glanced at them and whispered.

Earl Gunther did not answer, but looked up at the Dragonstone Castle on the high mountain.

He saw an unseen dragon among the terrifying dragon statues on the Dragonstone Island fortress, which seemed to be looking over.

After the funeral, Count Gunther asked to communicate privately with the king when he reported back in the main hall.

Viserys asked him to board the Picture Table Hall, and then he and Daenerys flew to the gap in the Picture Table Hall to wait for him.

Earl Gunther came to the Picture Table Hall and immediately bowed and said bluntly: "Your Majesty, forgive me for being stupid, why don't you ask Maester Pyros to send a letter outside Dragonstone to declare to the nobles of Westeros that you are the Westeros?" King Luofang, depose the false kings from all over the world and call on the diligent kings from all over the world to fight for you? "

"Because the messenger ravens have all flown away," Viserys told him. "Lady Selys was at Maester Palos's place yesterday morning planning to use the messenger crows to call for help. As soon as they opened the cage, the remaining messenger crows were so frightened that they flew away. The tower has not returned yet, and there are still many white ravens that Stannis sent away that have not yet flown back to the Citadel to announce that winter is approaching."

This reason left Gunther speechless for a moment.

Earl Gunther thought for a while and then said: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, you can send people to Chaotou Island, Crab Island and Jianjiao to persuade them to surrender. These three families have been loyal to Dragonstone Island since ancient times. You only need to summon an envoy, and they will all To fight for you."

"How many people do you think they can spare if they agree to serve me now? How will they deal with it when Stannis returns to attack Dragonstone?" Viserys responded calmly, "Wait until I defeat Dragonstone. Stannis's fleet will come to Dragonstone to find me."

Count Gunther was speechless. Finally, he told Viserys what Elend Florent said to him at the funeral: "I see that many of the surrendered knights have similar intentions. Your Majesty, you only need to invite them to the front of the hall for questioning——"

"We'll talk about this after the fight with Stannis." Gunther went to the prison yesterday, and Missandei went with him as a translator for the Unsullied jailer. Missandei returned and told Viserys what she had heard.

He gradually figured out that the defenders of Dragonstone Island could be roughly divided into two groups. Although they are all from the Florent family. But one wave is Stannis' die-hard queen's loyal followers, headed by Axel Florent, and the other wave is Alister Florent, Earl of Brightwater, who surrendered to Stannis after Renly's death. Elite soldiers sent by Florentine to protect the queen and ensure the foundation of the Florentine family's power.

Allister was appointed Hand of the King by Stannis.

Allister is a solid political opportunist. At first, they fought for Renly. After Renly's death, he became the first person who originally swore allegiance to Renly to switch to Stannis Baratheon. people. He was also the first new lord to give up his belief in the Seven Gods and convert to R'hllor, the Lord of Light. He once replaced his brother Yaser as the leader of the rear party.

Although Viserys was impressed by the men's will to fight, he would never have wanted them to be the first to serve him.

After sending Lord Gunther away, Daenerys quickly got off Viserys to stretch her muscles, lifted her visor and breathed freely: "What are you going to do when the raven comes back?" She was influenced by Viserys and could probably tell that Viserys would not do what the earl mentioned. Viserys did not seem to care much about the "false king" in Westeros.

"Before I tell you, you can think about what you would do if it were you."

As Viserys said, he swelled up his body and flew to the main castle and squatted down, looking far away in the direction of Blackwater Bay.

I don't know if the war in King's Landing is over.

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