In the moonless night, the sea was dark. The sea was wide and broad, and the ship sailed on the black sea like a leaf. A Lys pirate warship with a black hull was heading for Dragonstone.

The purpose of this ship was to send four soldiers familiar with the terrain of Dragonstone to Dragonstone. They were scouts of King Stannis.

The pirate sailors wandered around the waters of Dragonstone under the command of the king's scouts who were familiar with the coast and the sea of ​​the island, and only began to row close at night. These pirates were familiar with how to sail secretly in the dark.

King Stannis did not need scouts to rescue the queen and princess for the king, but only needed them to find out the strength of the Targaryen army in Dragonstone.

It is said that there are only two three-hundred-oared ships patrolling near the Dragonstone dock. If so, it would be particularly easy to enter Dragonstone from the hidden place of the island.

The purpose of their trip was to find out the number of ships in the Dragonstone port. If they could find out the number of defenders, it would be even more desirable.

The king's fleet has now sailed out of the throat under the cover of night. If they are discovered, there will be no reinforcements.

The waves behind Dragonstone are fast and high. There is no lighthouse, so they can only assess the direction in the dark. The sergeant named Rickon squatted at the bow, longbow in hand, looking far away for reconnaissance. A pirate squatted beside him with a flag, waiting for his instructions to change direction.

Foster and Secken leaned against the edge of the boat, holding the stone grindstone steadily in their palms, slowly and endlessly sharpening their long swords. Mander was eating pickled beef, chewing slowly.

The oars on both sides of the warship were beating the black sea water, stirring up white foam.

Only the sound of the oars beating the sea water and the sound of the wind echoed in my ears.

"We are almost there." The boat gradually became bumpy, Rickon made a low voice, and then stretched out his hand.

The pirate next to him raised the flag, and the sound of the oars beating the water gradually stopped.

Foster and Seken put away their whetstones and sheathed their swords. Mander also put away the pickled beef and wiped his hands on the black leather.

The boat slowly sailed into a beach with gentle waves.

The Lys pirates untied the small boat accompanying the ship. Foster took the lead and jumped into the small boat with a full capacity of seven people. The other three followed closely.

The Lys pirates made a pirate good luck gesture to them, and then watched them row to the coast by themselves.

Not long after, the boat ran aground with the waves. The four people immediately turned over and got off the boat. Then the four people worked together to pull the boat to the shore and tied the fixed rope to a large rock.

So far, everything has been very smooth.

"Let's go." Mander led the way, and Rickon stayed behind to be on guard.

The stones of the ancient volcanic rock deposits on the coast would cut leather gloves, but they were not slippery.

Everyone followed Mander, paying attention to where he walked. As they got farther and farther away from the coast where the ship was moored, the road along the coast became more and more steep and dangerous. If they were not careful, they might slip down and fall into the dark sea with rough waves below.



The sound of someone slipping appeared behind him. Mander looked back and saw Foster reaching out to grab a branch between the rocks and grabbing Rickon with one hand.

Rickon almost slipped down.

Foster pulled Rickon up and reminded him, "Be careful."

Ricken, who was rescued by his companions, behaved strangely. He was staring at a certain place on the mountain and said with a strange look, "Something just flew over, a big thing."

Foster asked, "Bat? Bird?"

Ricken said, "No, it's very big, at least as big as the boat we took just now."

"What is that?"

"I don't know, a black shadow." Ricken continued to stare for a long time, but there was no movement on the mountain. His companions were waiting for him. He shook his head, "Don't worry about it, keep going. There's still a way to go."

The leader, Mander, shrugged and continued to lead the way. They continued to climb along the steep rock wall, circled around, and arrived at the other side of the mountain where Ricken said he had found the black shadow. Mander subconsciously turned his head and saw his brothers behind him, including Ricken, who had similar ideas and turned back to look at the mountain.

They looked around vigilantly, but failed to find anything strange.

Maybe they were too worried.

They were already alert and careful enough to ensure that no accidents would happen on this trip.

After the most difficult road, the road gradually became flatter, which meant that they had gone from the rugged back of Dragonstone to the front. They began to run faster, making sure to reach the expected location at the expected time.

As they ran, the farmland outside the town of Dragonstone could finally be seen. The beans planted before autumn had sprouted and were often cared for by farmers, so they grew well.

They achieved their expected goal, and the next step was to hide in a smuggler's cave on the coast of Dragonstone. This was the destination of this trip, where they would hide and observe the castle of Dragonstone.

Everyone was very familiar with this road. They often caught smugglers here. Even without Mander to lead the way, everyone knew how to go.

They sneaked in quietly, and when they arrived here, they could already see the situation at the dock. There were three large ships at the dock of Dragonstone Island, all without lights. There were two ships patrolling near the sea with lights on. The distance was too far to see the sails clearly, but it was clear that the two ships with lights on were patrol ships of the Targaryen army. These two Targaryen ships were a little further away from the dock during the day and a little closer to the dock at night, and they were very cautious.

They rested here and stuck their heads out to watch.

The firelight in the night illuminated the hillside at the other end, which was the direction of Dragonstone Castle. The ferocious dragon statues in the castle reflected the faint firelight in the night. When this place belonged to King Stannis, they almost forgot how terrifying these statues were in the night.

Seeing it again now, people can't help but feel cold all over.

There are no torches on the mountain road. It seems that the Targaryen army has gathered in the castle.

In the night, it is vaguely visible that there are many traces of burns on the mountain, black like scars.

Is it the remnant of the battlefield?

How could the Targaryen soldiers attacking the castle burn a fire in a position far away from the mountain road?

There is no time to think about it, they will rest here.

Next, they will be here as firm and silent as shadow mountain cats, quietly observing everything in Dragonstone Castle.

Some people have shrunk into a corner of the crack in the stone cave and curled up tightly. Seken and Rickon have also hidden their bodies in a corner without saying a word.

The four of them will stay here for one or two days. There is the sea not far away, the moon and stars are outside the cave, and Dragonstone Castle can be seen not far away.

At this time of year, no one knows except themselves that in this corner, there are four scouts of King Stannis quietly observing everything on Dragonstone.

Rickon whispered, "We did it, didn't we?" As if the sound would reach the castle if he spoke a little louder.

Mander has closed his eyes and is resting.

Foster responded to him, "Rest first, I will take the first shift, tomorrow will be a long day."

Rickon nodded, took a last glance at Dragonstone Castle under the dim orange light, and then shrank into the smuggler's cave and fell asleep.

They walked a rugged and dangerous road all night, and now it was just right to sleep.

Unconsciously, the smuggler's cave became quiet.

When Rickon woke up, he vaguely found that he was the only one left in the cave. His companions were nowhere to be found, and he became nervous. The feeling of touching the longbow made him feel better.

He walked out of the cave cautiously. Suddenly, there was a sound behind him. He turned around and saw a fishing net coming down on his head. Someone immediately pressed his head into the sand. Only then did he realize that his companions had been captured. He was the last one.


In fact, that night, more than this group of scouts landed secretly from various places on Dragonstone that could not be seen from the watchtower and the port. There were also two other groups. Some of them went deep into the island, and some simply lurked in the uncultivated wilderness of Dragonstone - those scouts were difficult to catch.

One group was said to be in a place where fishermen often went to cast nets to catch fish. Viserys sent the Lambton brothers and a team of Unsullied to hire fishermen in Dragonstone Town to take two fishing boats to try to capture them.

The enemy's high-profile reconnaissance made Viserys alert, thinking that Stannis's fleet was coming. In order not to expose himself and scare away the enemy, he deliberately hid and observed from a low altitude along the ridges of the mountains of Dragonstone.

The Lys warships that sent the scouts to the island were rowing assault ships, which were not capable of sailing. They all took a detour after sending the scouts last night. Viserys guessed that there might be large ships nearby. Although he had the advantage in the sky, there were many sharp-eyed soldiers, not to mention telescopes, so he did not pursue them.

Viserys only hid himself and wanted to wait for the enemy to attack.

He did not expect Stannis's actions.

The four scouts who were captured at the moment were all stubborn and unwilling to reveal Stannis's military intelligence. Viserys did not torture them, but asked Earl Gunther to take people to escort them to the Dragonstone prison and let them see Shireen before entering the prison.

Then they were thrown into the dark prison where the surrenderers were, and they would be interrogated later.

But before the interrogation, some of the second batch of captured scouts surrendered. Two scouts died in the battle over there, and one of the remaining two chose to surrender.

It was not until the Lambton brothers and the Unsullied team returned to the town of Dragonstone on a slow rowing fishing boat and ran back to the castle to inform Viserys that he knew that Stannis's fleet had gone south to Storm's End last night.

The Lys warships that sent the scouts to the island had no large ships to cover them. They relied on the port of Tidehead to carry out their operations. These Lys warships stayed behind just to scout the strength of Dragonstone. According to the plan, after completing the reconnaissance, the scouts would find a way to get the castle maester to pass on the information at Tidehead or by boat to Pointe, and then they could go to Pointe Castle to collect a large bounty and find another opportunity to return to Storm's End. In fact, when they got the money, Stannis could no longer restrain the actions of the pirates and scouts except for the diehards.

Since Stannis had already gone south, Viserys had to consider integrating Tidehead and Pointe, which belonged to Dragonstone, as soon as possible to control the three castles inside and outside the Throat. Moreover, he was short of warships now. Although the three Rees warships were small, they were still weapons, and he had to capture them.

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