Kelly's lethality is invincible.

All players who have watched this video are completely captivated by Keli's cuteness, and they are full of expectations for the new character prepared by this Genshin Impact.

Rich players are already adding money to the game.

The white prostitute players all log in to the game, the liver treasure chest, the liver raw stone, and they are determined to draw one when Keli comes out.

This little loli must be abducted home!

So cute, so cute!

I must have it!

Kelly's video was widely shared and seen by more and more people.


The hot words of [Yuanshen Keli] are on the hot search.

Below the video, countless netizens participated in the discussion of the topic, all sharing their feelings after watching the demonstration video.

"How can Keli be so cute!"

"Little Lolita who played bombs, fried fish, and was locked up, I was completely convinced by the character that Yuanshen designed, and it took me to death!"

"Not only is the game well done, but the characters are so awesome!"

"Are you really afraid that I won't charge the money?"

"I charge!!"

"I want Kelly!!"

"Speaking of when Keli will come out, I have already finished all the treasure chests of Mond and Liyue, and the exploration degree is 100%, just wait for Keli!"

"Fuck, upstairs is awesome, full of liver power!"

"Quickly share, where are those treasure chests, I want to live, but the treasure chests are too hard to find."

"I made a special video, you can search at station B!"

"I envy your liver for being so good. I can only charge money when my liver doesn't move. Keli, I have to take all my money home with me."

"The introduction of Genshin's skills has also come out on the official website."

"I heard from those game anchors that the second life is very cost-effective, and I am ready to take the second life."

"Second life +1"

"I'm ready to give her a betrothal gift. If I love her, I will give her the best!"

With the demonstration of Keli's real machine, more information about this character was put on Snowflake's official website for players to see.

Players know more about this character.

The pictures of Keli's standing paintings were downloaded by players and reprinted wildly on social media in the circle of friends for more people to see.

Many players who didn't know Yuanshen before, when they saw Keli's cute appearance, they all asked, what kind of anime character is this.

After being popularized by popular science, after being the character of Yuanshen game, they downloaded the game one after another.

It also drove the downloads and player groups of Yuanshen.


"Are these people losing their minds?"

Penguin game.

These days Zhou Yu feels surrounded by Yuanshen and snowflake games, and he hears topics about them every day.

He just came to the company today, but he heard the news that Yuanshen was on the meager hot search again and was blown up by a group of players.

The reason is that the other party made a demonstration video.

Think about it, in order to make their own games popular, they spent a lot of thought, how many sailors, and even spent money on hot searches.

The results were unsatisfactory.

But when it came to Yuanshen, he didn't even have a new role, he just released a video.

Just a video! !

So excited for you, what? !

Zhou Yu didn't understand: "There are still so many people willing to spend money and pay for their roles?"

He glanced at the pictures related to the hot search.

"Is it because of the second dimension?"

"Nowadays, young people prefer the second dimension? Like those unreal anime characters? Anime images?!"

He felt that the probability was very high, and immediately called in the people from the R&D department.

Give them instructions, and their new games should also be made into two dimensions, find the best painters, and draw the most beautiful pictures.

If you don't know the direction, follow the original painting of the original god.


From beginning to end, he just glanced at the pictures posted by the players, didn't click on the video, and didn't play Genshin Impact for a minute.

He didn't even analyze the reason for Yuanshen's success mentioned by Lin Han before.

Just because, subconsciously, he always has contempt for each other.

An inconspicuous studio, why should I learn from them, they are more or less the same as us!

Buying them all gives them face!

at the same time.

"The boss is a genius!"

"He designed the Yuanshen game, he designed the music, and even these vertical paintings were made according to his will!"

"How did he think of this?"

At this time, Lin Han got on the plane to the island country, and the mobile phone was in flight mode, and the video and information about Keli on the Internet before the registration was saved.

He is already a member of Snowflake Games, overseas marketing director.

Now trying to open up the island country game market.

Officially participating in the Yuanshen team, he learned that the designer of the game Yuanshen is Ye Fan.

All game details are made by him as the main planner.

As big as the core gameplay of the game.

As small as the detailed design of each character.

Snowflake's staff just reproduced the game according to his ideas, Ye Fan is the soul of this game.

understand this clearly.

Lin Han's admiration for Ye Fan in his heart also reached an indescribable level, and he was completely convinced by him.


"According to the popularity on the Internet, when the character is released, the game flow will definitely refresh the records of all mobile games, even online games can't compare!"

Lin Han murmured: "The success of this character is not only because the boss has created this character very well and captured the hearts of the players, but also because the Genshin Impact game itself has done so well that players are willing to pay for it."

Make players willing to pay?

In the past, this was absolutely impossible in Penguin, and it was not bad to cheat players out of money.

Still willingly? What are you talking about in a dream?

"It was really a wise choice to switch jobs at the beginning!"

"While Xuehua is only a small studio, hurry up and make achievements, and become a half-officer. This development space and potential are much bigger than staying in Penguin!"

Thinking of this, he thought of the island market, this time he must do it cleanly and beautifully so that the boss recognizes his strength.

The way to open up the island market...

Lin Han looked at the demo video of Keli's real machine on the phone.

"These little devils should be very interested in Keli. In the second dimension, even domestic players are so enthusiastic, they are definitely not bad."

In the past, it was island games to make our money.

This time, we're going to use Claire, too, to drain their wallets! !

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