Among them, the match appeared in the public eye.

Naturally, players will also put up the dubbing of other countries and compare them with each other.

However, when you hear it all over again.

Middle with rolling!

Daily match!

What's the deal with Ying? ! !

"The middle match Keli is too cute, this should be Keli!!"

"Listen to our heroic partner, what is this called? It doesn't bring out the cuteness that Keli should be, but instead looks like an old lady with a screeching voice!"

"This is Xia Kingdom's game after all!"

"Of course, the Chinese match is the most authentic. Anyway, I can't go back after listening to the middle match."


"The middle match wins!!"

"I heard that the dubbing of Zhongdu is an anchor, and is here to dub part-time? I really want to know where she is broadcasting live. I want to see it."

As a result, many foreign players made a special trip to download to the Shark platform to watch Qiaoqiao's live broadcast through various channels.

The issue of dubbing isn't just a hot topic abroad.

Similarly, as soon as the voices of the four countries came out, the hot words of the middle dubbing over other dubbings also appeared in the public's field of vision.

In the past, domestic players listened to foreign dubbing and played foreign dubbing.

But I didn't expect that there would be a day when foreign players listened to the Chinese dubbing collectively, and the blowing Chinese dubbing crushed the dubbing of other countries.

Players just feel proud.

"I didn't expect it..."

"In the past, we played foreign games, and it's good to play their dubbing. Now we can finally have them come to listen to our dubbing one day!"

"Yuanshen is our Xia Kingdom's domestic game after all, the original flavor, who doesn't listen to us? Japanese match?"

"Hahahaha, the most important thing is that the voice actors who beat them are not professional yet. The troupe was just pulled over for temporary dubbing."

"It really feels amazing to see those foreign players downloading our domestic games and blowing our domestic games."

"I didn't expect that our domestic games would also have this day."

"Yuanshen is awesome, Snowflake is awesome!!"

"Our domestic game finally has a game that can go abroad and go to the world. It's the kind that makes them willing to pay!"

"This card pool, Keli drained the wallets of players around the world."


"They have always made our money. Now, it's time to make them, and let them learn our writing and our culture."

"I give full marks to this wave of cultural invasion of Snowflake Games!"

"Unfortunately, the main story is still in Mond. When will it be possible to advance to Liyue's main story?"

"I want to see what characters Liyue will have. I wonder if there will be a loli as cute as Keli?"

"Lori? Isn't it Qiqi?"

"...Speaking of which, I'm going to get angry. I'm smirking on Keli. I don't want this loli!!"

"I was so angry that I went straight to kill Qiu Qiufan!!"

"Pfft, hahaha, you said that Yuanshen, Qiu Qiufan's design is really awesome, you even thought of adding the image of the boss?"

"I wonder what the boss of Snowflake Games looks like?"


From Keli's Chinese dubbing to Qiuqiufan's design.

There seem to be endless topics for the gamers of Yuanshen, and there are many points that players can't help but find someone to share.

All major social media can see.

With the overwhelming discussion and enthusiasm of the players, the popularity of the game Genshin Impact has been further increased, and it is well known by more people.

The quality of the game itself is very high, coupled with the explosion of overseas markets, Yuanshen is among the players, and has firmly secured the throne of the first domestic game.

Looking at the players' enthusiasm for this game seems to be inexhaustible.

They were dumbfounded.

I never imagined that a game could explode to such an extent that it has not even been a month since it was withdrawn.

Not only the major game manufacturers in China, but also abroad.

These game companies are all stupid.

I don't understand why a small studio, which was not known before, was able to kill the world in such a fast time.

Almost the mobile game market is eaten by one person! !

Then there is the market-leading charging system, free games, and card-drawing fees, how did they come up with it?

Aren't you afraid that players will only prostitute without drawing cards?

Of course, their doubts vanished when they saw Keli launch.

But still shocked.


They spent an unknown amount of money on the pre-promotion of the game, but they couldn't compare to a single video of them? !

It's really just a demo video of the character!

too exaggerated! !

Net One.

Another major game company in China exists on an equal footing with Penguin.

At this time, the top management of the company was called together to analyze and discuss the various departments of the game Genshin Impact.

Discuss his successes and learn from successful precedents.

"Free game, charge for drawing cards."

Zhao Dongming, head of the R&D department, muttered.

"The person who came up with this idea is indeed a big step ahead of us. Compared with the previous buyout and one-time sales, this charging system can bring infinite benefits to the company in the future."

"Boss, I think our new game can be copied with reference to this game. Of course, it's not copying, it's borrowing. Learn from their two-dimensional settings, learn from their upgrade system, and learn from their charging system."

In this regard, Wangyi is a lot more subtle than Penguin.

Zhao Dongming said: "Yuanshen is not only popular in China, but also abroad. Now their downloads are estimated to be very terrifying. According to the character Keli they have recently launched, I am afraid that the first month of the game will be very exaggerated. !"

"They are the first to eat crabs. We can follow behind. They may not earn as much as they make, but they will definitely make more revenue than those games we have made before!"

Zhao Dongming of the R&D department expressed his thoughts, and the directors of other departments expressed their opinions one after another.

Without exception, they think the same as Zhao Dongming, and they also make a game like Genshin Impact.

But it is too difficult to compete with Genshin Impact in the mobile game market.

They did not have the confidence to do it, and it was more exquisite and meticulous than what Yuanshen did, and it was more in line with the expectations of the players.

They want to do online games! !

Isn't Genshin just four people online? We made a completely open world, all players in the same world.

It is more interactive, and it also uses props to charge, which is definitely profitable.

"Now I'm more curious about another thing. With the current momentum of Yuanshen, domestic and foreign rule, what will their first month's turnover be?"

The game is free, so their only way to charge is to draw cards.

How much profit can this model bring?

They are really curious! !

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