A girl's dormitory.

At this time, all the students in the dormitory gathered together.

Everyone is holding a mobile phone, a tablet, or a laptop in their hands.

Each screen displays the same picture.

Character Pray! !

The technology in this world is more developed, and it can be continuously updated.

However, it is not yet time, only the resident pool is displayed, and everyone is still in high spirits.

"What time is it?"

"Ten fifty!"

"My husband will be out in ten minutes."


"So nervous!"

"For Zhongli, I have been saving the rough stone for many days, but Keli has already squeezed me dry. Zhongli must not be crooked!!"

"My husband must love me!"

"I've watched his character demo ten times a day since he came out, and I've even made his portrait as a mobile wallpaper. I love him so much, he will definitely feel my love, and he will not be crooked! "

"I am also a small guarantee, I am so panic!"

"Small Guarantee +1"

"Hahahahaha, my guarantee is as stable as an old dog!"

As soon as these words came out, Qi Shushua's contemptuous eyes swept over, everyone made a small guarantee, and it was too much for you to secretly save a big guarantee.

time to wait.

The girl playing on the computer took out her mobile phone, glanced at Weibo, and noticed the news just released by the official Genshin Impact.

"Huh? Yuanshen's meager account updated?"

"What's the update?"

"It should be the news of the prayers of several characters? Anyway, it only takes two minutes, and those who read it or not are similar."

"However, there is something from the Snowflake Club under him?"

"It's said to be the Yuanshen community platform, and is there a download link?"


Hearing that another download was required, everyone instinctively resisted: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to download, the game is downloaded, what community, let's forget it."

"I thought why, let's wait for the update."


The girl suddenly raised her head and said, "He also said here that you can download 300 rough stones for free now!"


"And the original stone?!"

"Snowflake Games is usually so generous now?!"

"Go down!"

"Quick, you send the link to our group, I'll download it now, I'm just short of 300 rough stones, enough for another ten links."

Hearing that the original stone was sent, several people immediately became excited.

Find the link to download now.

There are still two minutes before the update of the card pool. After downloading the Snowflake Club, they hurriedly logged in to the account and found the activity to send the original stone.


Sure enough, just after the operation was done on the mobile phone, the computer received the original stone receipt email.

"There are really 300 rough stones!"

Several people were excited. You must know that if you want to earn these 300 rough stones, you need to save five days without a monthly card, and two days with a monthly card.

There are at least a dozen treasure chests to have.

Now it is possible to prostitute!

"Yuanbao was finally generous for a while this time, 300 original stones, hehe!"

"But what is this Snowflake Club for?"

"have a look."

During the waiting time, several people groped for this software.


"Is there a fanart of Zhong Li on it?"

"Fuck, it's so handsome, isn't the quality of this fanart too high? Could it be painted by the original artist Zhong Li!!"

"It's so handsome, I want to save it as a wallpaper!"

"There is also Keli's in the third post below. Keli is so cute. I will also save this one."

"And Abedo and the son!"

"Cindy Luke has it too."

"Why is the quality of the fan art here so high, I couldn't find it on the Internet before!"

"At the top, there is Yuanshen to sign in, and there is still 100 original stones for the sign-in?"

"I signed in today's first."

"Look at the far right, here is the current game progress, there are abyss clearance levels, detailed data for each level, and the exploration degree of each region?"

"And the detailed values ​​of each character, the development progress, and even the statistics of the card draw?"

"So I've drawn thirty draws now? So far away from the small guarantee?"

"By the way, look here, there are also strategies for the development of Yuanshen characters, so detailed, as well as special character skill analysis?"

"Diluk, who co-authored me, has always been raised wrong?"

"The Diluc sacrificial sword is the most suitable four-star weapon for him? Besides, I gave the holy relic wrong?"

"Wuwuwu, Grandpa Lu, you and I have been wronged."

"At the bottom, Zhongli's strategy has also come out. Zhongli's gameplay, big move flow, blood cow flow, shield auxiliary flow, are there so many ways to play?"

"It's said that Zhongli doesn't eat a life seat, and he can play with zero life!"

"Is that so? I said just now whether to take two lives. It seems that zero lives are almost the same. If you give a three-star black tassel gun, it will be very powerful!"

Few people usually know about the development strategy of Genshin Impact.

At this time, when I saw the content in the Snowflake Club, I suddenly realized that I had been training in the wrong way before?

Woohoo, you have been wronged by following me.

The general functions of the Snow Flower Club are almost understood. At this time, the prayer interface of the original god was finally updated.

Everyone turned their attention back to the prayer interface.

"Finally updated to open the draw!!"

"Husband, here I come!"

"Please pamper me!!"

"Go home with me, come home with me now!!"

In a burst of screams and shouts, several people began to draw cards.

During the process of drawing the card, the heartbeat and blood pressure are full.

When the little security bottom was not crooked, he was so excited that he almost licked at the screen, and the corners of his eyes that were not drawn were already dripping with tears.


"Husband, don't you love me!"

"Qiqi, why are you here for my meeting with my husband? Why don't you let me live with him in a two-person world?!"

"Woooooo, I crooked Diluc."

Heartbroken for a while, the student who guaranteed the bottom line raised his mobile phone: "The detailed location of the treasure chest can be found in this Snowflake Club. came out."

"Ah? Is there a treasure chest inside?"

"There are not only treasure chests, but also various field materials. You can find them in the list of observation hubs."

"In this way?"

So, they wiped away their tears and opened the Snowflake Club.

for my husband!

Open the liver! !

The student with the big guarantee was silently browsing the content of Xuehua Club.

"I have been looking for it before, where can I find a group of like-minded people who can chat with me all day long. I didn't expect this Snow Flower Club to come. I clicked into the community, and I felt like I finally found an organization, just like going home."

Saying that, she clicked into a post.

This post said that his little guarantee was not crooked, and that Zhong Li had obtained the content. She tapped the screen with her hand and replied, "My two roommates cried with envy."

The screen slid down, and she saw another picture reply.

The draw is the Zhongli card pool.

Ten in a row three gold! !


"Everyone has luck, whoever runs out first will go first!!"

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