Genshin is very popular right now.

Coupled with the overwhelming propaganda of the penguins and the ubiquitous navy, this matter has been widely spread and known to countless people.

The self-selected five-star argument spread among the players.

Snowflake game.

Ye Fan learned the details of the incident immediately, and called Chen Min, Lin Han, Li Xiao and several company executives to a meeting.

"Boss, this penguin is so disgusting!"

Chen Min said angrily: "They can even call the first two-dimensional open world mobile game in China. They really don't want any face."

"And what about us plagiarizing, they took two years to make it! We can even beat the plagiarism!"

Lin Han said, "It's not the first day you know about the virtues of penguins."

"You know, you still came out of the penguin!"

Chen Min glared at him, looking at him like he was looking at a penguin, after all, this guy was a Penguin executive.

Lin Han was helpless: "I'm no longer a Penguin employee. Besides, I also hate their behavior."

Lin Han used to work at Penguin, and his position is not low.

He knew all too well about Penguin's behavior, and similar things had happened many times.

It's just that at that time, we were facing some small companies, but now we are facing Snowflake Games and Genshin Impact.

The popularity of Genshin Impact is too high, so he was exposed to the sun.

"What do you think about this?"

Ye Fan wanted to hear what Lin Han said. When he joined the company, he brought Penguin to plan a new game.

Hearing this, Lin Han paused and said.

"I think their interstellar flight is nothing to be afraid of. The current penguins can't make good games."

Lin Han explained: "It's not that they don't have the ability to make games well. Penguin is the largest game company in China after all, and it includes almost all the elite game production talents in the industry, but the whole company shows a sense of impetuousness from top to bottom."

Lin Han continued: "This kind of impetuousness comes from the top management of Penguin. They are used to making quick money, and they are used to making games quickly by plagiarism and other methods, and then pushing them to the market to make money quickly."

"Under this kind of atmosphere, even if the people below have good ideas and good ideas, they will not be able to show them, because the top management does not allow slow work and meticulous work, they want to be fast, fast, and fastest, and they just want to see the results. "

This is also the reason why he chose to leave Penguin in the first place. In the whole company, few people want to make games seriously, they just want to use games to make money quickly.

This once made him feel that he had lost his original intention, lost himself, and went against his idea of ​​making a game seriously.

Finally, when I saw the snowflake game, I decided to quit.

Now it seems.

It is indeed the right choice.

Lin Han paused and said: "As for their interstellar adventure, although the theme is different from ours, it is definitely plagiarism. As long as they play the game, we can verify it by decomposing their game code."

Hearing this, Li Xiao, who had never spoken, suddenly smiled.

Chen Min has a weird look on his face, you suddenly laugh on such a serious occasion, and the boss is still watching!

"Old Li, what are you laughing at?"

"The boss is wise!"

Li Xiao thought of what Ye Fan told him when he was developing the game, adding the company logo to the code and hiding it in the data.

If penguins really copied their games...

At that time, I'm afraid that in their games, from the big scene setting to the small, every stone and every gap is their company logo!

Li Xiao only felt inexplicable when he heard his words.

Lin Han thought that Ye Fan had probably already left behind, and instead continued: "The specific results will not be finalized until they come out of the game, but boss, they are now looking for navy forces on the Internet to blackmail us. We had to react, or players would think we were afraid of them."

"To the boss, what do you say, we will listen to you."

Several people looked at Ye Fan.

Ye Fan squinted his eyes and said, "Indeed, we will have to wait for their game to come out to tell the specific situation, but now, we can't do nothing."

Since you take the initiative to fight, we Xuehua can't be cowardly.

What about the top of the industry? What about gaming giants?

Now, so do we! !

"Chen Min, later you will post on Weibo and use the official account to see if they dare to respond. The content is..."

Ye Fan instructed in detail what to post.

Several people listened carefully, and when they heard Ye Fan's tough attitude and thoughts, several people's eyes widened, and the desire to fight was revealed in their eyes.

A meager response is not enough, and two-handed preparations are needed.

"Although Xinghai Qihang is likely to be garbage, we must be prepared for them to explode suddenly. Version 1.2 will go directly to the Shanghai Lantern Festival. If he wants to fight with us, he will come and see who is of high quality!"

After listening to Ye Fan's arrangement, they made up their minds, and they naturally knew about the Sea Lantern Festival as a senior executive of the company.

As long as this version is released to that company, it won't work!

Interstellar? !

Just rubbish!

Ye Fan finally said: "One more thing is, about this year's Gpy game selection, Li Xiao, report our game, and use the Sea Lantern Festival version, let's hit another annual game award."

Several people were stunned at first, and then suddenly became excited.

Gpy game selection!

This is the most valuable game selection in the world, including comprehensive selections from the world, including mobile games and online games and stand-alone games!

And the Game of the Year is one of the most representative awards!

The most crucial point...

Xia Guo has no game company that can win this award yet!

If Yuanshen can get it, it is really in line with the players' words, the light of domestic games, the praise of domestic game masterpieces! !

"Okay!! Boss, I'll make arrangements right away!!"

Several people took action.



The topic of Genshin Impact and Interstellar is still going on.

Probably because too much money was invested in it, Xinghang Qihang appeared in the hot search list, and Yuanshen also appeared in the list because of "plagiarism".

Countless players participated in the discussion of the topic.

Of course, more people think that the penguins are deliberately disgusting people, and they are all supporting the snowflake game.

But Naihe, who is a party to Snowflake Games, has been silent.

It made them feel a little uncomfortable.

until five in the afternoon.

Finally, the official account of Snowflake Games posted a message, just two lines of words and a picture.

"Then you sue me?"

There is a picture of a penguin with a round nose and a colorful headdress, and this image is clearly a clown! !

Countless players were instantly excited! !

This game giant, which has just risen recently, finally opened fire on the former Xia Kingdom game overlord! !

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