When the plot saw Mandrill and Gan Yu.

Many players are attracted by these two characters, especially since they are both Liyue characters, and to some extent Mandrill and Gan Yu also represent their own people.

It even gave this character a higher level of popularity.

At this time, Ye Fan broke the news.

Players say it is impossible not to be excited!

I didn't expect to see Ji and Gan Yu in Chizi so soon, I'll give him a blast when I come out! !

"Last time the insider broke the news!"

"I feel that this time, the probability of being hit again will be even greater!"

"Thank you good brother for the information!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"


"My dick! I finally have a chance to draw!"

"This is my favorite character since I played the game. I came out and gave him a blast!!"

"Blast +1"

"Gan Yu, hehe, my Gan Yu!"

"The previous UP characters were all male characters, and the only female character was Keli, but Keli is too cute to let go!"

"The new character Gan Yu completely matches the image of my wife in my mind!"

"Wife! I have prepared all the money for the betrothal gift for you. When you come out, I will draw it immediately, and I will give you life and spirit!!"

"I love you and I will give you the best, come quickly!"

"Aqing shed tears silently."

In the past few days, Penguin has spent a lot of money on the promotion of the game, and the Internet is flooded with news of Interstellar.

This makes the players somewhat disgusting.

You can't even look at it.

Since Yuanshen has entered the middle and late stages of the version, players have almost finished exploring this version.

As a result, the popularity of the Internet has declined.

But now that the inner ghost broke the news, it directly blew all the players out, and the popularity soared to its peak again.

All kinds of discussions about the next version are hot again.

Not just domestically.


When the players learned about the new characters in the new version, their enthusiasm was not much worse than that in China.

Even just one revelation, Yuanshen was on Twitter's hot search.

The attention is exaggerated!

The original attention of Interstellar was instantly snatched by the original God, which made the penguins who spent huge sums of money invested in the propaganda angry.

special! !

Lao Tzu spent tens of millions to promote the game, but the results were not satisfactory.

As a result, you just broke the news about the new character, and the attention of the players has reached such a terrifying level!

What's wrong with the money you let me spend? !


In the Penguin office, Zhou Yu was furious: "He Xuehua is really fighting against us, isn't he? We said we wanted to broadcast live, and they also broadcast live. We spend money to promote the new game, and they let the insiders break the news?"

"Why are the few words of the inner ghost, the benefits brought by it are more exaggerated than the tens of millions we spent!"


They are really spending money for publicity, domestic and foreign, almost every major social platform has invested money.

The results of it?

The other party was in the comment area of ​​a small platform, and he simply mentioned, the new version of the event, the results are better than theirs?

Zhou Yu was really angry.

It made him feel that these tens of millions of propaganda were invested in and fed to the dog!

"Seize the market!"

"Want to seize the market with us?!"


"If I invest more money, if you have the ability, expose all your versions to me, let's see who can fight better!!"

Therefore, under Zhou Yu's arrangement, Penguin's promotion of new games in the domestic and foreign markets has once again increased, and several thousand have been invested.

Are you on the hot search? We are also on the hot search!

Are you popular on twitter? !

I'll pay for it!

Your players have a high amount of discussion?

I'm going to the navy to promote our new game everywhere, slander you for plagiarism, if I can't kill you, I'm still sick of you? !

Hot search!


These platforms that players have put up because of the insider's revelations, Interstellar Qihang has to go up again!

Nobody talks about our games? I hired a navy to blow!

I'm looking for video bloggers and game anchors to promote our games and advertise our games!

Penguin's more terrifying propaganda than before has begun!


Time flies, and half a month has passed.

These days, Penguin has stepped up its publicity, so that Interstellar has always been active in the players' field of vision, occupying the topic lists of major platforms.

What makes Penguin very angry is that Snowflake broke the news again!

Another new character revealed!

walnut! !

But just breaking the news about a new character, without releasing any standing painting, any information about the character, grabbed the popularity of Xinghai Qihang.

What is very different from Xinghai Qihang is that Xinghai Qihang is a variety of naval forces that have been found with money.

The player base can be said to be zero at this stage!

It can only be said that many people are looking forward to their new game.

But the original god is different.

Genshin Impact really has a huge player base, and the popularity that is active on the Internet is also real.

The most important thing is...

What's more, they didn't spend a penny, they just broke the news, but the effect was similar to that of Interstellar, or even better! !

This is the most unacceptable point for penguins.

You make me think I'm like an idiot. I'm giving money to others, and the money is sent, and the key effect is not ideal!

The effect of tens of millions is only similar to the effect of your disclosure!

In the deep self-doubt of Penguin, the time finally came to the day when they originally planned to launch the game and live broadcast the public beta.

They have been preparing for this day for too long.

It's finally time to compete head-to-head with Snowflake Games. It's time to show you the strength of our top giants!

How can you compare yourself to me, you little broken company!

Half past seven in the evening.

Penguin Games has launched live broadcasts on major live broadcast platforms around the world including youtube, mouse station, and shark live broadcast.

Originally, they wanted to imitate the original god and set it at eight o'clock sharp.

But Zhou Yu thought about it.

If they are in the ring with Genshin at the same time, they are a new game and the player base is weak, and it is very likely that the audience will be taken away by Genshin.

So the live broadcast was moved forward by half an hour.

They want to keep these players for half an hour. Even if Genshin Impact starts broadcasting after half an hour, few people will watch it.

Zhou Yu thought very well.

When the live broadcast was launched, the popularity of the live broadcast on various platforms was indeed as he expected, and the number of viewers was very large.

"Start live streaming!"

Zhou Yu instructed the staff in the background.

As a result, the chief planner of Interstellar Qihang went to the stage and boarded the big screen, which was different from the animation style of Genshin Impact.

They do it more like a press conference.

This also caused players to be stunned when they saw this scene, and didn't understand what Penguin Games was doing.

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