The same YouTube platform.

shin live room.

He had been waiting in the live broadcast room for a long time, the preview live broadcast started, and he followed the demonstration of the first two characters.

For the two roles, shin gave a high evaluation.

But he remained calm because he was waiting, waiting for the man's role to be demonstrated.

He wants to leave all his passion to him alone.

Shin said calmly: "As expected of Yuanshen, as expected, every character is doing very well, whether it is Gan Yu or Hu Tao, the modeling of the characters and the shaping of the characters are all excellent, um, I will smoke too."

"But at most, only the key seats are drawn. The analysis of the character's life and the preview of the live broadcast have been released. Presumably, there should be a strategy for Xuehua Club. When the time comes, I will go to Xuehua Club to study and study."

After hearing Shin's analysis, the barrage flashed.

"Okay, you are calm now!"


"Speaking of the three up characters in this issue, the two video demonstrations have come out. It's time to be stunned, right?"

"I want to see if you are still so calm later."

"It is recommended that all viewers turn down the volume of the live broadcast room in advance before the presentation of the mandrill."

"We play games for the wife, shin is only for the mandrill!"

"Thanks for the tip, the sound has been turned down."

"Volume down +1"

"Volume down +1"

I have seen the madness of Shin when doing the main line.

Everyone has been prepared for a long time, don't look at how calm he is now, and he will definitely be like everyone when he comes out.

Now everyone see the enthusiasm of Gan Yu and Hu Tao.

Later, when he sees a mandrill, he will definitely not be less than everyone else, and even more terrifying.

The name of the mandrill chief is not for nothing.

The live broadcast of the preview continued. After Yuanshen released the original stone redemption code, the camera returned to the perspective of several voice actors.

Several people made simple exchanges about the role.

After a while.

Lens everything.

The audience understands that this represents the third role of Chizi in this issue, and the role demonstration of Mandrill is about to come out.

"I'm coming!!!"


Shin, who was very calm a second ago, became short of breath.

Seeing this scene, the audience silently turned down the volume of the live broadcast room.

Soon, the live broadcast screen went dark.

The Snowflake Games logo flashed.

"King-kun... Mister-kun..."

shin called in a low voice.

The full moon hangs high.

The crisp sound of the flute came, and the full moon fell a little bit, revealing the mandrill standing on the top of the tower.

At this time, the mandrill was holding a pure kite and wearing a ghostly Nuo mask.

He raised his head slightly and stared at the sky.

next second.

Swish! !

He sank slightly and jumped up from the top of the tower suddenly.

Against the background of the full moon, he is like a Yaksha that haunts at midnight, dancing with Puyuan in his hands quickly, the spears are sharp, and the suffocating aura is overwhelming.

Afterimages flashed out.

Then, the mandrill slammed downwards, and when it fell, he took off the Nuo face on his face and stared straight ahead.

[Dharma Protector Yaksha]

elf! ! !

It's just that this shot of less than ten seconds perfectly presents the fierceness of the young immortal and Yaksha.

Instantly attracts the attention of all players.



"Tooth white!!!"

"Clip one!!!"

Seeing this scene, Shin's calmness just now disappeared, and the whole person became crazy.

I have seen a mandrill in the plot.


His fight was the first time I saw it.

Also because it was the first time he saw it, he was instantly shocked by the scene in front of him, and was impressed by the handsomeness and fierceness of the man.

He already knew that Mandrill was handsome!

Demon Lord!

Dharma Protector Yaksha!

Coupled with the exquisite and beautiful image, like Zhongli, he revealed one word from beginning to end, handsome! !

However, he really did not expect to be so handsome! !

In the first act alone, it is no less than Zhongli from the previous card pool, the two are on a par!

Such a mandrill, he loves it so much! !

Love is miserable! !


"The immortals descended the demons, the three religions and the nine-class generation..."

"Don't disturb!"

He Puyuan was obliquely inserted by his side, and he slowly raised his head, looking directly at the foolish debtors in front of him.

Rapid black and red lens flashes.

The mandrill raised his spear.

Swish! !

The spear danced in his hand and charged at the foolish debtors.



Oblique stab!

Jump smash!

Every action is extremely sharp and full of combat aesthetics. Just looking at his gun dancing action is a visual feast!

During this process, Shin kept his eyes open.

Every time the mandrill attacked, every move changed, every subtle movement he had to call out from his heart, "white teeth"!

The mouth kept repeating.

After the display of the normal attack, the camera changes, and the enemy changes from debtor to ruin guard.

Boom boom boom! !

A blue light appeared from the chest of the Ruin Guard.

This attacker is very familiar to the player. He is brewing a long-range attack, and sure enough, the next second, one after another cannonballs fly out of his chest.

The target looks directly at the mandrill in the distance.


"Be careful!!"

Shin gestured and shouted, but his worry was obviously superfluous.

At the moment when the cannonball was about to touch the mandrill, a dark green afterimage was left on the spot, flashing twice in a row, and the mandrill rushed in front of the ruins guard.

"Tips for carving insects!!"

The third segment stabbed out, and the mandrill's body slightly jumped up.

After a slow-motion action of body flipping, the mandrill turned into a dark green afterimage, flashing rapidly three times in a row.

Followed by a fast-paced music.

The Nuo face of the mandrill was picked up and put on again, and the shape was constantly switched. With his continued aesthetic attack, his image of a beautiful boy was perfectly presented.


"You're so handsome, how can you be so handsome!!!"

"I really like!!"

"I love it!!!"

Shin's frantic calls kept ringing.

It's not just him, all the players who have watched this clip can't help but exclaim in all kinds of exclamations.

Compared to the previous Gan Yu and Walnut.


Really brings the combat aesthetics to the extreme! !




"How can you be so handsome, husband!!"

"The last time I felt so shocked was Zhongli. I thought that the next time I would see such a wonderful character demonstration, I would have to wait for a long time. I didn't expect it to come so soon! Mandrill is really handsome!!"

"As expected of Zhong Li's number one general, like Zhong Li, he has brought out the battle aesthetics perfectly."

"Oh my God!!!!"

"I feel that the two wives can be put aside for a while, mandrill must have, mandrill is the romance of a man!!"


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