When Snowflake Games sued Penguin for plagiarism, the incident broke out.

Whether it is gamers or major companies in the game industry, they are very concerned about the progress of this matter.

They all watched Penguin's live broadcast that day.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Penguin is copying Yuanshen, from the core gameplay of the game to various details in the game, copying it intact.

This is not the first time for penguins.

They are very experienced.

However, for the court case between the two sides, everyone felt that Xuehua would suffer in this matter.

The name of Nanshan Pizza Hut was not picked up.

They fought in legal disputes with other companies again and again. Penguin's legal department has never lost a case since its establishment.

Snowflake is just a new company that has emerged in the last two months.

Although they are both giants, the background of the two companies is not the same. After all, Penguin has accumulated nearly ten years.

Net one game.

"As a new star game company, it only took a month to enter the ranks of game giants, but they are too reckless."

Zhao Dongming chatted with a few colleagues.

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Penguin is plagiarizing, but at this time, when you file a lawsuit with them, don't you make yourself a mess? Penguin's legal department, no one in China should be more capable of litigation than them."

The colleague next to him said: "Snowflake Games has just risen, and now you should spend more time stabilizing your users and fighting a lawsuit with Penguin. It's really not a wise choice."

"Penguin's legal department, even many professional law firms, may not be their opponents!"


Another person nodded: "Let's talk about us without saying anything else. Many of the people hired by our legal department are also industry elites, but we have dealt with Penguin so many times. Once it involves legal issues, we have never taken advantage of it."

"Their Snowflakes are just emerging now, so they rashly compete with companies of the size of Penguin. The chance of winning is almost zero."

It's not that they don't trust Snowflake's lawyers.

It's the Penguin's unbeaten legal department and the inherent impression that they have formed for a long time in dealing with each other.

It is impossible for the Penguin Legal Department to lose the case!


At this time, one of them suddenly looked shocked while sitting in the corner. Several people heard the sound and looked over and asked, "What's the matter, what is your expression?"

He looked at a few people, then looked at his phone.

"The lawsuit between Penguin and Snowflake has come to an end."

"So fast?"


"Sure enough, it's still the Penguin Pizza Hut I know. This time the speed is so much faster than before?"

"In the past, it took half a month to get rid of it. As a result, it has not been a week since Xuehua handed over the lawyer's letter, right?"

"The snowflake game is so unwise!"

"Yeah, although Snowflake Games may be our opponents in the future, it's good that one more giant can put pressure on the penguins now."

"It's a pity, it's too young."

Several people said in succession.

They are all regretting the loss of Snowflake Games.

I just hope that they can continue to maintain the momentum of last month in business, and then firmly occupy the position of the third giant.

The colleague in the corner had a strange expression when he heard everyone's words.

"Who told you that Snowflake lost the lawsuit? It clearly said that Penguin lost the lawsuit. The court ruled that they had plagiarized, and Penguin caused serious damage to the company's reputation of Snowflake Games, and should compensate them for nearly 50 million in expenses."

Hearing this, several people were stunned.

Penguin loses the lawsuit?

And to compensate them for 50 million in damages? !

What a joke! !

Is the Penguin Legal Department likely to lose the case?

"Are you sure you're not reading some fake news? What kind of post written by the editor, deliberately with rhythm?"

"Yeah, how could Penguin lose the case!"

"Although I despise Penguin's actions, their legal department has never lost the word since its establishment."

The colleague looked serious: "What are you doing to deceive you? This is the court ruling I read on the official website. If you don't believe me, read it for yourself."

With that, he handed the phone to a few people.

A few people took it over and took a serious look. It was as he said, Penguin lost the lawsuit and had to compensate the other party for expenses.


"Is it true that someone can use legal weapons to defeat penguins?"

"The Arabian Nights, but it really happened!"

"Not only did the other party lose the lawsuit, but the other party could even make compensation. The legal department of this Snowflake Game has something."


Zhao Dongming said: "I don't feel right. Even if the Snowflake Legal Department is really powerful and its level is higher than that of the Penguin Legal Department, it is impossible to get the results so quickly. It's not even a week!"

He picked up the ruling issued by the court and took a serious look.

When seeing the company logo of snowflake games found in Penguin's new game "Interstellar".

He was stunned.

"The boss of this snowflake game is awesome!!"


"what's the situation?"

Zhao Dongming explained: "He could actually think of inserting various logos of his own company in the source code of his game. Everyone knows about the penguin, and it is impossible for them to develop games. They really copied Yuanshen. The code of the game, as a result, just follows the opponent's way!"

No wonder, no wonder he said why the results were so quick.

As long as the trial is open, Snowflake will parse out the contents of the other party's source code and show it to the judge. The evidence is overwhelming.

No matter how good the penguin is, it is impossible to turn around.

I found my company's logo in your game, and said you didn't copy it, so you copied it!

Learn from?

Can you refer to my code for reference?


After reading the entire verdict, several other people couldn't help but be surprised by the mysterious behind-the-scenes boss of Snowflake Games.

It is really amazing to be able to use this method to prevent plagiarism.

These expressions are not only hidden very secretly, but even if you find out, you can't delete them if you want to delete them, and you can't delete them all!

"Blame the penguins for being so reckless all the time."

Zhao Dongming said: "I don't even think about how to develop and design a game when making a game, but copy it completely. This is not called making a game, it is called a porter!"

"This snowflake boss, who has never been masked, is really amazing!"

"It seems that if we become opponents with Snowflake Games in the future, this opponent will be even more difficult than Penguin!"

He couldn't help but sigh.


At this time, the colleague in the corner discovered something new again, and several people looked at him in confusion. What did you find?

The man swallowed: "Snowflake Games, released their modeling files, and everyone can use them!!"


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