For these employees who were fired by Penguin.

Ye Fan wouldn't be hostile to them just because they came from penguins.

They are all migrant workers, and their behaviors are just following the arrangements of their immediate bosses.

Just like Lin Han back then, it was more of a last resort.

Of course, Ye Fan would not accept them easily because of this, although these people are all elites in the industry.

But Ye Fan has higher requirements for them than other employees!

Even prepared, they may be commercial spies sent by Penguin on purpose.

Everything will be discussed after the interview.

After receiving Ye Fan's affirmative reply, Lin Han couldn't help being pleasantly surprised. After leaving the office, he informed those former colleagues to come for an interview.

By the afternoon, these people came to Snowflake.

A total of seven people.

Everyone is over 30 years old, and their back-moving hairline shows their hard work in this industry.

Ye Fan sat in the office chair calmly and looked at these people.

Through Lin Han's mouth, Ye Fan has some basic information about them. Each of them came from famous universities at home and abroad, and they have been in the past six or seven years.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a real industry elite.

And being able to be the top level of Penguin and be the person in charge of core projects, their strength is not to be questioned.

Ye Fan scanned a few people and looked at one of them.

Feng Qing.

He is the faint talker among these seven people, and he is also the project leader of Interstellar.

Director of Penguin Development.

Ye Fan said indifferently: "Why do you want to come to our Snowflake game? You should know about the friction that just happened between Penguin and Snowflake. Although you were dismissed by Penguin, your behavior belongs to the enemy."

Several people looked at each other, and finally Feng Qing stood up: "Because we felt dissatisfied. And I was dismissed by Penguin. For any employee dismissed by Penguin, it is not that difficult to find a job in the game industry again."

"Ah...but I'd like to know why you are dissatisfied."

Feng Qing explained: "Because of the bankruptcy of this game, it is mainly because we have not given enough time. If there is enough time, Interstellar will be a game that is not weaker than Genshin Impact."

"But because the top management of the company was eager to launch the game, and kept asking us to speed up the development of the game, the final result was extremely poor, but the top management attributed all the reasons to the R&D department, and even dismissed us because of this. The Penguin executives are dissatisfied."

"I know that Snowflake Games is an enlightened game company. I know this when I chat with Lin Han. When he talks about his work, he doesn't feel the same depression that he used to be in Penguin, but he likes it from the bottom of his heart. . We want to join Snowflake and prove to those people that they are wrong."

Hear what the other party has to say.

Coupled with Lin Han's previous description of the inner workings of Penguin, he can probably understand the difficulties of the R&D department.

The top kept getting them to speed up and pressured them.

However, the development of games is a delicate work, and it cannot be done in a day or two. The operation of the game also requires constant internal optimization.

But the senior management felt that giving enough money to the R&D department and spending money would make the game development process faster.

But this is obviously impossible.

The final result is obvious, Interstellar has failed, and the R&D department has become the target of high-level output.

Money was given to you, but the results you gave were poor and unsatisfactory.

"I can understand what you're saying."

Ye Fan said lightly: "However, you said that as long as you give you enough time, you can make the game better than Genshin Impact?"

"That's right."

He seemed confident when he said that.

Ye Fan smiled and said: "Then do you know why Yuanshen was successful? What is the key to success, what is the core gameplay of this game? How is the background of the story set? Why does every character we make can To attract countless players and make them pay for our designs?”

"Even if your mistakes in the live broadcast are eliminated, just talking about the core gameplay of your game, do you think it will attract players? Do you think players will feel happy from the bottom of their hearts when they play your game? Will it? "

A series of questions made Feng Qing suddenly dumbfounded, opened his mouth, and finally said only one sentence: "Those parts are not our responsibility."

"But you are one of them."


Ye Fan calmly said: "Then let's not talk about those parts, just talk about R&D. You said that you R&D, why are all the codes copied from Genshin Impact? As long as your code is made by yourself, if we sue Penguin, it may be another result. You guys Is this a R&D game? You guys are porters."

When it comes to this question, Feng Qing is completely speechless, and he has no way to answer this question.

Although there were high-level determinants at that time.

But as the director of the R&D department, when Zhou Yu proposed to copy the code, he did not veto it.

After all, if you want to make the game within a limited time according to Zhou Yu's requirements, copying is the fastest.

This kind of thing in Penguin, everyone is the default.

It's just that I didn't expect that there were so many things hidden in Yuanshen's code, and even they didn't find it.

"Sorry, I can't answer this question."

After a long silence, Feng Qing's face was ugly: "I think we may not meet your company's requirements. If you disturb me, we will leave now."

With that, he turned to leave.

"and many more."

Ye Fan stopped him: "You didn't throw the blame on the top management of Penguin, which means you are quite responsible. I have read your resumes, and everyone is not weak. Although your plagiarism is shameful, but at Penguin, I want to come. This kind of thing has become a thing of the past.”

"If in the future, when you design a game, the first thought that comes to your mind is not to copy, but to spread your imagination and create a game that players like more, and we Snowflake Games can give you a chance to prove yourself. , tell Penguin that firing you was the wrong decision."

Hearing this, several people who were about to leave suddenly turned back.

There was uncertainty in his eyes.

"You, are you sure?"


Ye Fan smiled lightly: "But there is one thing that needs to be explained in advance. When you enter our company, I will disperse you to various departments, and the positions you can get are not the same as Penguin. You have to start from scratch. If you think you can accept it, Lin Han will take you to the onboarding procedure."

"This... no problem, absolutely no problem!!"

They have interviewed many companies in the past few days, but no one dared to accept that they were fired by Penguin.

Although Penguin has suffered many losses in several fights with Snowflake, Penguin is still the overlord of the current game industry.

Those game companies, no one dares to offend this overlord.

When they came to Snowflake Games, they just wanted to try it out, but they didn't expect Ye Fan to be willing to accept them.

As for the points mentioned by Ye Fan, they have absolutely no opinion.

It's nice to have a job.

Dare to have an opinion?

Under Lin Han's arrangement, Feng Qing and others were taken to go through the onboarding procedures. After everything was done, Lin Han returned to the office.

"Boss, I really didn't expect that you would accept them. Our company has enough staff now, and we don't need any extra staff at all."

Ye Fan said with a smile: "If you don't need it now, it doesn't mean you won't need it in the future. I've read all their resumes you gave me. It's really good. Instead of cheapening others, why don't you let them work for us?"

At this stage, the operation of Genshin Impact tends to be stable, and in the future, as long as each version is updated regularly, there will be stable benefits.

After completing the system tasks, Ye Fan will start to prepare for the production of the next game, so the more R&D personnel, the better.

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