
See the exaggerated number of rough stones in Ye Fan's backpack.

Qiao Qiao couldn't stand it anymore.

Although she has always been a loyal fan of the game, the characters in the game are all full of life and energy.

But compared to Ye Fan, what is her point?

At least every time she gets a card, she is full of life and essence, but if she doesn't smoke once, she will have to wait for half a month, or her wallet will not be able to withstand it.

But Ye Fan is calculated directly on the basis of millions of original stones.

As expected of the owner of Snowflake, this visual impact was even more exciting than when I went to Ye Fan's house to see the luxury car that was full of them at the door.

After being amazed, Qiao Qiao saw the barrage and asked who the boss was.

Qiao Qiao explained: "This is really my boss, the kind that pays me wages. This backpack is really the king's treasure trove. I can't stand it anymore after reading it."

"By the way, boss, how much is your original stone?"

Hearing this was asking Ye Fan, on the other end of the phone, Ye Fan paused: "An hour.""

As soon as the words came out.

"Pfft!!" 27

"Listen, listen to this inhuman speech!"

"We are asking how much to recharge. The boss is calculating by time. It takes an hour to recharge the money alone!"

"Boil it!

"It's too embarrassing!!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was amazed.

The big guy is really different from them!

Qiao Qiao took a deep breath: "Full of life and full of sperm, right? Okay! Our boss is here to increase the effect of the show for me today. Brothers, let's get a full life and full of sperm!"5

After speaking, click on the prayer interface to start drawing.

The whole process of drawing cards is similar to when Qiao Qiao drew by himself, but there are some subtle differences.

For example...the card drawn with this number will not be crooked!


This number can also draw out a magical picture that Qiao Qiao has never seen before!

Ten in a row three gold!!

When the third one is drawn, there are still four full lives left.

The golden light flashed, and Qiao Qiao clicked skip after clicking the first golden one, and three Yula came out as a result.

In an instant, a screen full of question marks.


"Why is the big guy's number drawing card not only not crooked, but also able to draw such a magical scene, ten consecutive three golds, three of which are Yula!!

"Not only will the card not be crooked, but also the thief has money, I am envious!"


Qiao Qiao couldn't help being excited when three Yula came out in a row, and immediately saved the screenshot of the card draw.

Three more were drawn, one more life away from full life!

Fortunately, in the last draw, this number was finally twisted once, and it came out with a clear cut. In the end, the big guarantee was drawn to the full life of Yula.

Turn around and draw the weapon again.

Compared to the character pool and weapon pool extraction, it's not so simple, even Ye Fan's number is crooked twice.

The last three times in a row, I pulled out the full fine Yura.

"Go to my backpack and find five pale suits, then Bennett Zhongli and Mona form a team, find a foolish monster to try the damage, and you will see your output method later..

After he was full of life and sperm, Ye Fan's voice came from the other end of the phone, telling Qiao Qiao about Yula's nuclear bombing technique.

"oh oh.

Qiao Qiao nodded obediently.

First fill up the character's talent weapons, then click on the holy relic, and find five pale suits at random.

It was really easy, but Qiao Qiao accidentally glanced at the entry.


At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room also saw the entry of the pale set of holy relics, and their faces were full of shock.

All of them are sacred relics with more than 50 points!!


"What is this!?

"This is really the king's treasure trove, even the holy relics are so top-notch, the boss is afraid that he has spent tens of thousands of resins?!

"It is possible, very likely! 99

"All of them are more than fifty points. I really don't believe this monster has not been brushed hundreds of times."


"This account really made me cry!

"I'm curious, how much exaggerated damage can such a top holy relic do if you use Yula to deal damage!"

Not only the players are curious, Qiao Qiao is also very curious.

The band sets Ye Fan gave her before, those sacred relics, she has not been able to produce a better one than those.

Now that Ye Fan has tinkered with it himself, I'm afraid it's even more exaggerated!

With this idea.

Qiao Qiao equipped Yula with the holy relic, and then changed the team according to what Ye Fan said just now, and then added the medicine for critical damage.

Then find the Fools in the wild.

Yula first went up to chop two knives, then Zhongli reduced her resistance, Mona opened a big vulnerable, Bennett made a big increase in damage, and finally cut out Yula.

There was a loud roar of ice waves, and a big move, chop chop chop, was interspersed with a long E in the middle.


Grimheart stacks up and explodes!


Big, bright numbers danced across the screen.

All of a sudden, the players in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded and couldn't believe themselves, what did they just see?!!

More than seven million output?!!


During the recent period of time, Gan Yu and Hu Tao have compared nuclear explosions to each other. Players have seen a lot of them, and the highest damage is fixed at more than 5 million of Hu Tao.

Originally, everyone thought that this damage was almost impossible to break.

But what did you just see?

Seven million!!

The record left by Hall Master Hu was broken!

Still with such a high gap!

Suddenly, the players were shocked by the 7 million injuries and 160 damages.

There have long been players in the Snowflake Society who analyzed Yula's skills when they saw that this was a role that could play nuclear explosions.

But I didn't expect that a nuclear explosion could explode to such an extent!

too exaggerated!!

Ye Fan's voice came, and the voice sounded in everyone's ears: "The nuclear explosion competition will be terminated by Yula!

After speaking, he hung up the phone.


The players in the live broadcast room were instantly restless.


"This is the voice of a Ura Chef player!!

"What Hall Master Hu, what Gan Yu, the final winner is Youla, it's just a simple output, breaking the record easily!

"Yura is too good, I had a good impression of this character, but I didn't expect that she would be able to hit a nuclear explosion higher than the walnut!! 99

"I'm going to go online now and start the lottery!"

"This nuclear explosion competition, in the end, Chef Yura won!!

"Yula is awesome!! If you want to look good, you need to hurt and hurt. What's the reason not to draw Youla?!""

"Squeeze swipe!!"

"I have to fix Yula today!!""

"Wife, I'll take you home!"

As soon as this string of numbers came out, the players started to draw.

Yula's nuclear explosion has a maximum damage of 7 million, and no one has been able to break it until now. Yula's leg chef said, Yula is awesome!

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