Ye Fan didn't think much about Qiao Qiao, and if there were any problems, it would be fine for her to overcome.

He picked up the document that Lin Han had just sent.

At present, the R&D department of League of Legends is basically set up, and the next step is the development process of the game.

This cycle takes about six months to one year.

In this regard, Ye Fan is not in a hurry, the game details have been prepared and handed over to Lin Han.

It's only a matter of time before the game is finished.

In turn, through the backstage of the company, he intuitively understood the revenue of the Yuanshen card pool from the data.

Yula followed the live broadcast and the big numbers of nuclear explosions.

The overall profit is normal, similar to the previous characters, and the number of players drawn is quite large.

His main concern is Wendy. Wendy belongs to the first re-enactment of the original God character. Whether it can stabilize the flow is the key.

Fortunately, there are a lot of new player fees.

Some players who had drawn Wendy earlier chose to draw the key seat after Wendy was re-enacted.

On the whole, the running water is not much worse than the just launched.

According to this trend, the following versions can reproduce the previous characters and stabilize the player base.

Then each version changes, just need to launch new activities.

So far, Yuanshen has launched a lot of characters, and the re-enactment period allows players to take good care of each character.

He lays around and earns a few months of money.

In the following months, Ye Fan, as he planned, released different activities for players to experience in each version.

From 1.3 to 1.5, re-engraved the previous characters.

And even though it was the second re-engraving, the monthly flow of Yuanshen remained stable at around three billion each month.

Unless it is like the Sea Lantern Festival, the upper and lower card pools release all the Liyue three Cs, and the flowing water has the opportunity to break through the flowing water myth created at that time.

However, that is not conducive to the long-term development of the game.

Gotta come little by little.

Four months passed in a blink of an eye, and in a blink of an eye, the time came to June.

During this period, the version of Yuanshen was updated to the end of 1.5, and the characters were re-engraved to Zhongli and Gongzi Kachi.

Favorite characters finally ushered in a re-enactment, and many who have already drawn have chosen to make up for two lives for Zhong Li.

New entrants saw that the old players were invincible after taking out Zhongli, and after watching the demonstration of Zhongli's character, they decided to draw.

Seven gods don't smoke, who do you want to smoke?

At the same time as the normal re-engraving of the original God card pool, the project development of the League of Legends is also coming to an end.

Although Ye Fan does not require game development speed.

However, after starting the development of the game, all the employees seemed to have taken stimulants and had to work overtime until late every day.

If it wasn't for Ye Fan's repeated requests.

The employees can't wait to carry their luggage directly to the company to build the floor and develop all night, just like the small studio at the time.

On this day, Lin Han came to Ye Fan to report the progress of his work.

At this time, Lin Han seemed to be in a bad state of mind after working for a long time and had lost a lot of hair, but his eyes were bright and full of energy. The report said: "The game development is almost finished, and the game will need to be run for about a month and a half. Test, if there is no problem, the game can be put on the market normally.""

"It's okay, you have enough time to detect various problems, but it surprises me that you made the game in four months."

Lin Han smiled: "We are making games that we like, and we are full of motivation when we develop them. I can't wait to make the game right away."

This feeling is in two different states than when he was in Penguin.

At that time, the company asked to work overtime until late every day, but he did not like the work content at that time, and overtime was also a time-killer.

But now in Snowflake it's completely different.

He does what he likes, and he can't wait to see what the finished game looks like every day.

The natural power is sufficient, and the work efficiency is higher.

Not only him, but the entire R&D department is in this state.

Ye Fan said with a smile: "After the game is finished, you should also have a good rest, your hairline has been obviously moving backwards recently.

"Hey, good boss."

After completing the simple work report, Lin Han left the office. Before leaving, Ye Fan asked him to call Li Xiao over.

Soon, Li Xiao came to the office.

"Version 1.5 is almost over."

Ye Fan instructed: "For the preview live broadcast of 1.6, you can prepare for the next two days. The new character Wan Ye will be launched, plus the re-enactment of Keli, and the Golden Apple Islands will be open for a limited time. After 1.6, the map of Inawi will be opened. About the next version , you give the players a questionnaire and listen to the players' suggestions."5

"Ah, oh, okay.

Li Xiao nodded, although the map of Rice Wife had already been prepared, but he naturally had no objection when the boss asked him to do so.

Following Ye Fan's request, Li Xiao went to arrange it.

Within half an hour, the players received a questionnaire about the next big version.

Countless players are curious.


"This questionnaire means that the version starting with 1 is coming to an end? Are you going to push the version starting with 2?"

"Doesn't this mean that Yuanshen is finally going to open a new map?"

"Boil it!

"The maps of Mond and Liyue are about to shave off a layer of skin for me, are you finally waiting for the new map?

"Speaking of what the new map looks like, I remember the end of the previous legendary mission, is the name of the new map called Rice Wife? 35

"Which country is this based on?

"look forward to!"

"This questionnaire is to investigate the gaming experience of players in the pre-160 version? 35

"Here I have to talk about the decryption of Mond and Liyue. It's too simple. Either light a torch or chase a fairy. It's not difficult at all. I hope the next version of the difficulty can be officially released. Strength."

"Agree upstairs, Mond and Liyue's decryption is really too simple."

"Even in the snowy mountains called Mengxin's nightmare, the only thing that makes people uncomfortable is the cold value. Decryption can be figured out with a little brain."

"Monsters feel the same way. Except for the abyss, wild monsters like my walnut can be hit in seconds. I hope the next version of monsters can be stronger, and it's a bit boring to be hit twice."

"I filled in the difficulty of the game and it's very simple, Yuanbao, you know what I mean?

"It's not a coincidence, I also filled it out very simply.

"Very easy +1"

This questionnaire came out, and countless players actively accepted the survey.

Then everyone was surprisingly consistent, and in the game difficulty column, they chose very simple.

Everyone said that they hope that the new version will officially give some strength.

In the last chapter, this will be banned for me, I don't understand.

1.4 and 1.5 did not have any big events in my impression, so I just skipped it here, first 1.6, and then started the plot of the rice wife, my general is coming!!.

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