Xi’er showed a puzzled look: “But… Kiana can obviously control herself, and she is also working very hard to protect everyone…”

Bronia replied, “We all know these things. But for ordinary people, fear and worry are not feelings that can be easily served, and this situation will be encountered sooner or later. ”

All Kiana did not defend, but chose to back down and avoid the crowd. She certainly doesn’t care about other people’s eyes, she just doesn’t want to add extra variables to the status quo. ”

Xi’er also understood: “No wonder Sister Bronia interrupted me just now, because she didn’t want Kiana to talk about this topic.” ”

Bronia looked at where Kiana had just been sitting.

There was also a trace of distress in her eyes: “Kiana has really changed, becoming mature and calm, and no longer holding everything in her heart, but for her, the world has changed more…”

“She understands our thoughts, and what she needs more now is kindness from others.”

Xi’er listened to these words.

Admiration: “I actually thought about it so much, sure enough, Sister Bronia is a reliable adult, and I am far from enough…”

Bronia withdrew her gaze.

Turning to look at Xi’er, he said without concealing his pampering: “Xi’er has the advantages of Xi’er. Xi’er is delicate, good at empathy, and always perceives things that others can’t detect, so Bronia judges that it is most appropriate to give Kiana to Xi’er. ”

“Xi’er should be more aware of her own strengths and more confident. After all, Bronia’s world was also changed by Xi’er. ”

After hearing this, Xi’er also nodded vigorously and agreed: “Sister Bronia… Well! I figured it out! Leave it to me. ”

See here.

Hanser sighed in the live broadcast room: “Sure enough, the treatment of the lawyer is actually similar, I thought how good Kiana would be in reverse entropy, and if I looked closely, I was also remembered by the top and feared by the bottom.” ”

She is not denying the doctors.

It’s just that the situation in this inverse entropy is still not as good as initially thought.

They can’t be blamed, after all, people are afraid of the unknown, and no one can guarantee that Kiana can completely control herself.

The plot continues.

It came early the next morning.

Xi’er waited early at the agreed place.

She looked around.

Kiana was not found.

“Well, I arrived early. Kiana… Haven’t come yet? ”

“There are still some worlds, go talk to another me.”

Picture changes.

Within the world of consciousness.

Hei Xi sat on the chair, and the red chair and crown shape supported Hei Xi like a royal daughter.

On her left hand side was a scale, and on the scale was a caterpillar, which she had used to scare Xi’er before.

Ciel came here.

Looking at Hei Xi in front of him, he smiled: “You are hiding here.” It seems that you haven’t come out much since yesterday night, is there something on your mind? ”

Hei Xi replied coldly: “It’s none of your business. ”


Xi’er was a little stunned: “You don’t seem to be in a good mood… Tell me something. ”

Hei Xi was still cold: “No. It’s nothing. ”

Xi’er continued: “Sister Bronia said that some words are too familiar to say. I was thinking, maybe that’s the same between us. ”

“We know each other, so we can’t be honest with each other, and you don’t want to tell me about the things you’re worried about…”

New friends, three words.

It seems to be particularly conspicuous at this time.

However, Xi’er didn’t pay much attention: “What are you willing to tell me.” ”

With Ciel leaving.

Heishi also let out a long sigh.

See this scene.

The players all smiled inexplicably.

Players are also sending barrages of similar meaning.

Inside the entire live broadcast room.

It’s all a bunch of fun people.

I’m watching Heihi jealous fun.

The plot continues.

Kiana also came.

“Long wait, Ciel. How? Just in a daze? ”

Xi’er hurriedly said: “It’s nothing, it’s a little distracted.” ”

“Well, let’s go then.”

Kiana takes Ci’er with her to Salt Lake City.

As the closest city to the base, they often collect supplies here.

“A lot of people! The streets are also lit up. ”

The two were strolling on the street, and Xi’er was also very happy to see the prosperous and cheerful atmosphere in the city.

Kiana also said: “Listening to Dr. Tesla, next month 4 is Independence Day, and there will be big celebrations everywhere. Another day when you have time, you can pull Bronia to play. ”

“This way. Festivals and celebrations… It’s nice to be lively everywhere! ”

Xi’er said as she spoke.

She was also paying attention to Kiana’s expression when she looked at her much more easily than in the base, and she also understood that what Bronia said was indeed right, and she should be taken out to relax.

Kiana withdrew her gaze and showed a smile: “Don’t talk about this, let’s get down to business.” The time I have agreed with the other party is still a while, so let’s accompany you to purchase first. ”

“Hmm! Let’s go together. ”

Ciel took out the list given by Dr. Einstein.

He looked at it and said, “The first item on the list… Ah, it’s flowers! ”

“Then let’s go to the flower shop first.”

Kiana is now like a sister, taking Xi’er to the flower shop.

Not long ago, she had been the girl who needed to be taken care of.

Come to the flower shop.

Xi’er took the initiative to say to the boss: “Hello, I want to order some flowers to use at the party next month, and someone will come to pick them up that day.” ”

The shopkeeper asked, “What kind of tweed do you need?” ”

“I imagine… Pink roses, red lilies, with green plums with grass and… Eucalyptus! ”

Seeing Xi’er so cute, and also familiar with flowers.

The store manager couldn’t help but ridicule: “The little girl knows so much detail, is it a companion?” ”

Xi’er waved her hand: “No.” I just love flowers. Just look at the beautiful flowers and the mood will improve. ”

The store manager smiled and said, “Whew, yes.” That’s why I came to open a flower shop. Since the little girl likes flowers so much, these two lilies will be given to you. ”

Xi’er took the flower.

Look at the blooming lilies.

I couldn’t help but say, “Wow! It’s beautiful. ”

Kiana also bore fruit, and the enthusiasm of the store made her a little unaccustomed to it, so she could only thank her.


Xi’er looked at the list again.

The next item is the indispensable cake at the party.

The two came to the cake shop.

Before I went inside, I smelled a fragrance.

She entered the cake shop, and the fragrance came to her nose.

“Ah, what a fragrant taste.”

The store manager said kindly: “It’s made today.” Little girl, would you like to try a piece? ”

Xi’er looked at the variety of cakes in the glass vitrine. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He said: “Wow, each piece looks delicious, I don’t know which one to pick.” ”

The store manager smiled and said, “Haha, the little girl can really talk.” You pick whatever you want, give you a twenty-fold discount. ”

Xi’er said happily: “Really? Thank you! ”

Kiana on the side saw this scene.

He sighed: “Xi’er, you… Maybe you really have a talent for buying things. ”

Order the cake.

Xi’er took out the list and looked at it again.

Then there’s the decorations for the party.

She thought about it, but still felt that the balloon was the most atmospheric.

The two walked around the street.

Just found a gift shop.

The store manager saw the two come in and greeted warmly: “Hey, little girl, come and see what you want to buy?” ”

Xi’er said directly: “Hello, we want to buy some balloons to decorate a party, and we are looking for a suitable store.” ”

“Oh, hold a party, that little girl you are a big customer!”

The store manager was even more enthusiastic.

Xi’er continued to ask: “Then boss, do you have that long balloon here?” It is possible to pinch out a lot of shapes, and the children and Dr. Tesla must love it. ”

The store manager said cheerfully: “Yes!” Of course there is, I see little girl, you don’t go anywhere else, if you buy it all from me, I will give you two more bags! ”

Xi’er said happily, “Really? The owner is so nice. ”

The store manager smiled and said, “Hey! Little things, remember to come to me next time! ”

Leave the gift shop.

Kiana stared at Xi’er for a long time.

Only then said, “Hmm… I always feel that when I see you, these store managers don’t want to do business anymore. No wonder Dr. Einstein always asks you to go shopping. ”

Xi’er showed a shy smile: “Hehe.” In the past, when we were in the orphanage, we were very poor – we could only buy very small cakes and could only stare at various shapes in front of the window. ”

“Later, my sister at the cake shop secretly stuffed me with a box of star candy, and I brought it back to distribute to the children, and everyone was happy. I am always helped by all kinds of gentle and kind people. ”

Kiana looked at her and also showed a soft smile: “That must be because Xi’er is also a gentle and kind person, right?” ”


Xi’er hurriedly said: “I’m not that powerful.” But…… I want to be that kind of person. ”

It was only with that she reacted.

“That’s almost the end of the purchase. Next, let’s complete Kiana’s mission together! ”

Sou… Bang!!

Inside the city, fireworks exploded.

Countless streamers fell from the sky.

Xi’er was pleasantly surprised: “Wow, it’s actually setting off fireworks during the day!” ”

Kiana said, “It’s a rehearsal for the celebration.” Those robots in charge of fireworks displays are the mecha mentioned in the report. ”

Xi’er also sighed sincerely: “The robot invented by the doctor is really powerful, penetrating into all aspects of life, and I always feel that I can see it everywhere.” ”

Kiana continued: “I heard Bronia say that Antientropy and the top echelons of Congress have cooperated to help deal with the collapse. ”

Xi’er looked at this mecha that was completely integrated with the people’s lives.

“I’m afraid ordinary people can’t think of the original purpose of these mecha.”

Kiana nodded: “After all, in order not to cause panic among the people, the information about the collapse was not disclosed to the general public, and it was handled as an accidental disaster. But let’s not discuss this now, let’s take a closer look! ”

The two just got closer.

I heard the staff in the doll costume shouting: “Independence Day celebration, Independence Day celebration!” Beer is free and there are rock bands playing live. ”

Xi’er was easily attracted to the sound.

Larakiana said, “Wow! Kiana look quickly, the doll clothes worn by the staff who handed out the flyers are Bronia’s sister’s favorite roar! ”

Kiana looked over and said, “Well, it’s a pity. If Bronia is there, maybe she will want to take a photo. She really liked Roar. ”

Staff in doll costumes noticed them.

Immediately walked over and handed the leaflet to the two: “Are you two coming to participate in the Independence Day celebration?” Food festivals, rock 1ive, fireworks displays, you name it! Come, this introduction for you to understand~”

The two looked at the propaganda on the flyer.

Xi’er was obviously very moved: “It looks very good.” ”

Kiana nodded: “Well, when this is over, we… You can come and play together. ”

Even at times like these.

She is also deliberately putting a distance from everyone.

During her time at the Salt Lake base, she had always been like that.

Xi’er also noticed (Zhao Zhao Zhao).

Hurriedly said: “… Let’s play with Kiana too! Will definitely play very fast. ”

Kiana did not respond directly.

Instead, he changed the subject and said, “I’ll go to the person in charge here first and ask what’s going on in the report.” ”

With that, he left here temporarily.

After a while.

In an unmanned roadway.

Kiana frowned.

Xi’er asked, “Kiana, what’s wrong?” ”

Kiana said: “The person in charge said that after submitting the report, there have been no problems with the mecha, and he now wonders if he is mistaken. ”

“But to be on the safe side, I still contacted the maintenance staff, and they will come tomorrow to recover the mech and do a comprehensive overhaul.”

Xi’er thought and said, “Look at the rehearsal. It doesn’t seem to be a problem… If only it were really just a misunderstanding. ”


Kiana nodded: “I hope so.” However, in this way, the mission ended early. The car that picks us up will come in the evening, do you want to go to the meeting point and wait? ”

Ciel did not forget Bronia’s request.

She came out this time, she couldn’t help but buy it, and she also had to take Kiana to scatter her mind together.

So he said, “Hmm… It’s rare to have such free time, so why not go to the coffee shop over there? When I passed by just now, I saw their parfait in their house, and it was very delicious. ”


Kiana was also a little moved: “Well, I haven’t eaten it for a long time.” Go sit down. ”

Coffee shop.

The two sat by the window.

Xi’er took a big bite.

“Delicious! Kiana, you taste it too! Do you like the taste? ”

Kiana also took a bite.

A hint of a smile appeared: “Hmm… Delicious! This cream and cookie match is really just right! “。

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 21:21

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