“Sounds reasonable, but how do you make sure Kiana won’t regain her power?”

Hear the words of Bud Yi.

As soon as the puppet tilted its head, its head seemed to be about to fall: “Regain power? Impossible, impossible! How can an ordinary person who has lost his power win over us? ”


Bud Yi replied softly.

But there is also another conclusion in mind.

Human flesh urged: “How is it? Think about it? ”

Bud Yi shook his head and reached for the saber at his waist again.

“But according to what you say, the power of the Void Law does not need my power, right? In that case, if you let her become an ordinary person, I will give you the ability of the Thunder Lawyer? ”

The puppet thought for a moment: “Hmm… Doesn’t seem to be wrong? But…… Only the power of the Law of Reason … Maybe can’t beat it? ”

“Well, I think so too.”

Han Feng came out of the sheath, and Nha Yi prepared a fighting posture: “I’m sorry, I don’t think Kiana will lose to you no matter what.” ”


The puppet sighed: “I thought that if I was polite to you, you would understand faster.” But now it seems that it still has to be rough! ”

The voice fell.

Two unusual puppets around?


It’s not appropriate to say puppets.

The strength of these two things is obviously much stronger than the previous one.

The puppet said proudly: “This is what we spent more than ten hours to create, how long can you hold out without the power of the lawyer!” ”

Seeing the two puppets approaching.

Bud Yi held the weapon in his hand, and there was not even the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

Bang bang!!

Two gunshots rang out, and the electric light exploded.

The puppet’s triumphant work fell to the ground and could not get up again.

“What… Who…”

The puppet was a little confused.

This slap in the face came too quickly.


Another shot.

The puppet exploded directly, turning into countless fragments.


A black shadow also appeared next to Bud Yi: “Oh, did I pull the trigger too fast?” What does it want to say? ”

Bud Yi didn’t care: “It won’t be anything valuable anyway.” ”

The surrounding scenery changed for a while, and the two returned to reality.

“We’re back.”

Bud Yi nodded: “It seems that as long as the contact puppets are eliminated, the connection with the domination theater will be interrupted – this 557 may be some kind of insurance mechanism.” ”


In the eyes of the audience.

But this is not the case at all, recalling what happened to Bronia before when she dominated the theater.

Looking at Bud Yi now…

This gap is really not a little big.

That is, Bronia’s feelings are gone, otherwise when the puppet mouth was shot, I was afraid that my mentality would have collapsed directly.

After coming out.

Bud Yi is also still analyzing the things that dominate the theater: “Just now, the puppet used the power of the Law of Reason. ”

The raven glanced at her and said, “I saw it too, do you want to help you inquire?” ”


Even after leaving them.

Even if the snake’s deliberate performance in the world does not care.

But Kevin and Raven alike knew what she was looking for when she wanted to do it.

Step over this topic.

Once again, Nha Yi analyzes what is happening inside, especially the fact that the puppet constantly induces her to use the power of the Thunder Law.

Then there is what it says later that can rob the power of the lawyer.

“Raven, can you take this doll back?”

Raven nodded: “Of course it’s fine, but can you tell me what you’re going to do?” ”

“There is one thing that I have to confirm in person.”


The picture is here.

Change again.

Teresa, who has not appeared for a long time, also appeared in front of everyone.

As the first person or puppet to become the law of domination, its core is extremely important.

Teresa is also dressed up as a student today.

He said to Fu Hua: “Our task is to infiltrate the university and investigate the matter of that professor, and it is best to find a person or doll and bring back the anti-entropy.” Destiny and the World Snake are also collecting cores, and the core of this first puppet may have fallen into their hands, nevertheless, collect some more intelligence and go back. ”

“By the way, how about the Law of Knowledge?”

Since the Taihushan incident.

The law disappeared completely, and Fu Hua had been looking for her.

Fu Hua shook his head: “It’s a pity, I still haven’t been able to track down her whereabouts.” But probably because she still has some kind of connection to the core inside me, I (bdeg) can see tiny fragments from time to time. ”


Teresa wondered, “Is it similar to common vision, or is it sensory or something?” ”

Fu Hua nodded: “Well, but it’s all a flash, although she is a lawyer, her nature is not bad, if she has been allowed to wander alone, I am worried that the broken will will target her again.” ”

Teresa thought for a moment: “That… Can you try to find her with your core strength? ”

“I’m afraid not.”

Fu Hua touched his chest: “It’s strange. Although the core is now in me, the power of the Law of Knowledge is dominated by her—relying on a feather of Yudu Dust, existing in this world. ”

She likened: “It’s like a tug-of-war – if I want to use the Lawyer’s abilities, I have to pull her to my side.” But I can’t do it now, the end of the rope is firmly held in her hand, and I don’t move any way I use it. Of course, this is probably also related to the dissipation of Yuduchen and the fact that my strength has not fully recovered. ”

Teresa asked worriedly, “Will your body be affected by this?” ”

Fu Hua showed a smile: “If you perform the task, it is still no problem, thank you for the concern of the school principal.” ”

Head of School…

Teresa also smiled: “After knowing your past, I always feel strange that you are called the school principal.” ”

She is only a few dozen years old, and being called that by a fifty-thousand-year-old person is really a little…

Fu Hua was still the same as before: “But you are indeed the head of Saint Freya’s school, I am just stating the facts, I heard about the salt lake base, are the others okay?” ”

Teresa replied: “Bronia’s condition is quite stable, although the power of the lawyer has been taken away, but the body is not a big problem. For safety reasons, Kiana was temporarily left in the facility to stand by and no longer go out on missions. ”


Fu Hua nodded: “If the goal of the Dominating Law is the power of the Lawyer, this is a wise decision. ”

But compared to this.

A trace of unbearability flashed in Teresa’s eyes: “It’s a pity, I have to wronged her to stay in a small room again, obviously I won the right to move freely not long ago.” ”

Fu Hua still spoke rectally: “Kiana should not care now.” ”


Teresa sighed: “That’s why it’s amazing.” In other words, when she was in Saint Freya, she should have made a big fuss, right? A child who used to be so naughty has grown up now. ”

“I always feel that yesterday she was still shouting in front of me to become a Valkyrie and be alone in the mission, but in the blink of an eye, she is already a mature adult, sensible, and reliable.”

“Seeing her change, how to say, on the one hand happy, but on the other hand… It will also be very distressing. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Sometimes looking at her like this, I will inexplicably remember the past time, and I hope that the innocent smile can appear on her face again, but unfortunately, now she is not the same as before…”

“But it’s also a good thing, people always have to move forward. I believe in the path they have chosen, as does Kiana, so does Bronia, so does Bud Yi, and of course you, Fuhua. ”

Fu Hua raised his head in amazement.

In this passage, she could feel Teresa’s mood change and could understand how much Kiana had gone through to become like this.


She didn’t expect her name at the end.

Teresa showed the smile of an elder: “You are also a member of Saint Freya. ”

“Okay, that’s the end of the elders’ chatter, let’s start the mission. I wore this specifically to blend in with school. ”

Finish speaking.

Teresa walked towards the school gate with Fu Hua.

This just reached the door.

The security guard came out and stopped her: “Alas, alas, go wrong, go wrong.” ”


Teresa’s eyes widened, a little puzzled.

Fu Hua also asked, “Went wrong?” Is this door impassable? ”

The security guard shook his head and said: “No, no, this is a university, and the elementary school is across the street.” ”


Teresa’s whole person was stunned.

Elementary school?

Although she is specially dressed a little by students today, but!! What does elementary school mean?

Fu Hua hurriedly said, “Oh, yes… That is true! Mr. Security—”

She quickly took Teresa’s hand.

“This is my sister, and her dream is to get into this university, so I took her to visit today.”

The security guard bent down and turned to Teresa, his eyes suddenly filled with softness.

“Oh, my friend’s daughter is also about the same age as this child, and I also want to test here, little sister, what do you want to learn in the future?” Do you want to have a major with your sister? ”

See here.

Sister Zhou laughed that it was a person who turned on his back.

In the live broadcast room, there was a barrage: “This security guard is so brave, is he really afraid that Teresa will take out Judas and smash him on the head?” ”

In Hanser’s live broadcast room, everyone burst out laughing.

Mainly, the gap between Teresa’s loli image and what she thinks is mature is really big!!!

Teresa was also confused for a while and didn’t know how to say: “I…!” I……! ”

But for the task.

To destroy the abominable lawyers.

She could only force herself with a grievance voice to say: “Yes… Yes~ I’ve been listening to my sister say that the school is so beautiful, can my uncle let us in and take a look? ”

The security guard showed a kind smile: “Oh, of course!” You have to study hard and work hard to achieve your dreams! ”

“Hmm… Well! ”

Teresa nodded vigorously, showing a cute look.

The security guard turned to Fu Hua: “It’s really a lovely sister, then you have a good visit, I won’t bother.” ”

“Thank you.”

Fu Hua led Teresa into the school.

It wasn’t until the security guard couldn’t see it that she stomped her foot angrily: “… Abominable! Why did my body age stop at such a young age? What an inconvenience! ”


Fu Hua hesitated for a moment before thinking of enlightening words: “On the other hand, maybe it’s an enviable thing, right?” ”

Teresa looked at her special student costume and shouted, “I’m mad!” Don’t dress up like this next time! ”


Fu Hua showed an embarrassed smile.

Teresa also quickly adjusted her mood: “Anyway, let’s start the investigation with that professor (the first thousand-man lawyer), let’s sneak in.” ”

Compared to Teresa who was in a hurry to carry out the task.

Fu Hua looked at the structure of the school and couldn’t help but think of St. Freya’s Academy.

The time in the school was very happy, very relaxed, and very unforgettable.

“I really want to go back and see it.”

Teresa also noticed Fu Hua’s words.

While looking for the professor’s office.

While looking at the school.

Unlike Saint Freya, this school is much more deserted.

But soon, she also understood that it was summer and the students were going home, unlike many students at St. Freya Academy, who had long lost their homes, and they would also live in the school during the summer.

The two soon found the professor’s office.

The things here haven’t been cleaned up yet, and you should be able to find quite a few clues.

Teresa searched around.

Instead, some clues were found, and the professor seemed to be under a lot of financial pressure.


Fu Hua found a diary.

Take it and watch it with Teresa.

The previous content is all the negative emotions brought to him by the trivial matters and economic pressures in life.

Until the most recent diary.

…… Yesterday night, I dreamed of a theater… The theater is very large, like a Gothic building, which reminds me of the Victorian era in the movie. But it was empty, as if it had been made specifically for me… But I vaguely heard a voice saying that I belong here, everyone belongs here. Everyone? Yes, yes, a person’s voice is small, a person’s voice is weak, we need more companions, more voices … Wait, what am I writing? Alas, probably too much pressure lately …

…… I dreamed of the theater again, a pair of hands pushing me to the center of the stage, I was singing and dancing on it, someone applauded me, the sound was like two pieces of wood colliding… I thought I should make an appointment with a psychiatrist, it’s strange, I was looking forward to dreaming about that theater…

From here, each diary is not on the date, and the content gradually becomes endless, more like a random record.

…… I seemed to have slept all day yesterday without any memories, but when I woke up, there was a wooden me sitting in front of me… It is the same height as me, sitting in the same position as me, and even looks the same as me…

Ah, I see, that theater is where I belong, and it’s waiting for me to pass. This is its gift to me, my stand-in in reality…

…… Welcome to Domination Theater, and in my dream someone said to me, no, wait, it was like my voice, was I talking to myself?.

wuxiax.com, 13/03/2023 21:49

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