The Law of Emptiness looked at him: “Until now, you still think you have hope of winning?” ”

“You never can do it. Those tormenting memories, heavy shackles, you can’t let go. If you want to escape, you can only sink deeper and deeper into the mud. Because this body is a vessel, the soul it carries is too heavy, too heavy for you to carry. And I’m just here to get back what belongs to me. ”

Kiana did not back down: “… In Skydome City, you once said that I could never get rid of you. ”

“In the days since, I’ve been thinking about the meaning behind that sentence, thinking about the answers to two questions – who are you and who am I?”

The Void Law said lightly: “I’m not interested in discussing philosophy with you, I am Celine the Void Lawyer, and you are the experimental subject K423, this is the answer that has long been determined.” ”

“So, everything is done by the lawyer, not your responsibility, and it’s not your fault – isn’t that your favorite phrase when you and your companions huddle together?”


Kiana shook her head slightly.

“There’s a fact that I didn’t want to admit in the past,” she said. But only by accepting it can I fill the gap in my soul. Only then is it possible to compete with you~ . ”

Kiana paused for a moment, and seemed to pluck up the courage before she said: “I am you, we are two selves that belong to this body, two beings born from Celine’s desire. Me and you – both – an extension of [Celine]. ”


The Law of Emptiness was shocked by this sentence.

Later, she laughed and said, “Hahahaha. I thought you were going to say something. Today, you start claiming to be Celine? Cranky, are your heads all broken? ”

“Well, I’d like to see, since you are Celine, how do you plan to fulfill Celine’s wish and destroy the world she failed to destroy?”

Kiana said seriously: “Yes, this is the means you have been using. You present yourself as Celine, venting your malice and hatred, in this way, you cut me off from the real Celine, making me refuse to face my identity. ”

“But that’s just your wish, not Celine’s. There was turbulent, filthy darkness in her dreams, and there were calm, warm glimmers. ”

“Complex and contradictory emotions are intertwined in her heart, but you just want me to see the resentment in it.”

The Law of Emptiness said disdainfully: “After looking at some memories of the past, you brought yourself in?” Okay, so let’s talk. ”

She originally wanted to eliminate Kiana quickly.

Now she also decided to debate patiently so that this container could recognize her identity.

“Hope, trust… People like to put these words on their lips and repeat lies over and over again. Those sanctimonious researchers took Celine away in the name of hope, but pushed her to hell and gave birth. ”

“The seeds of hatred have been sown since then, and it is humanity herself who can no longer trust others.”

Kiana followed, “But there she also met Aphrola, Agata, and Bella. It was the name of the friend Celine met in that lab, and the name she had been concerned about until the end. ”

“She never forgot them. The collapse tore Celine’s heart, but it could not erase their figures from hers. ”

Whenever she remembers these names, Celine feels longing and sadness. Until the end, she longed to reunite with everyone. ”

The Void Law revealed a hint of hatred: “However, it was also humans who took them away from Celine. ”

“These children ended up falling victim to the Babylonian lab. When they die, the dead will not come back to life; That’s something that the Law of Death can’t do. ”

“With nothing left is revenge, she washed that hell in blood with the power of God, and brought down the judgment they deserved to those demons.”

“There are innocent people in that tower too, but Celine doesn’t care anymore. She inflicts her pain on another person without scruples, because she no longer wants to be with humans. ”

Every argument between the two.

are showing Celine’s experience and heart.

Kiana also argued again: “But even then, there were people who wanted to save her. ”

The Void Law immediately said, “You want to say Teresa? She only said beautiful things, unrealistic, and did not care about Celine’s true feelings. ”

“Or Zigfried? He was a coward, promised, hesitated, and accomplished nothing. Yes, he shouldn’t have been counted at all. ”

“As for Cecilia…”

Even if it was just the mention of the name, the Void Law Man himself would be silent for a long time.

Only then slowly said: “She may have strange feelings for Celine, but love is too pale and powerless in the face of hate.” The world did not allow her to do this, and in the end, she could only fight against Celine. ”

“[They] killed her together — that’s what you call [salvation]. Your so-called kindness and understanding are the deepest irony of Celine’s fate. ”

Kiana was unaffected by her words.

Still convinced of his own thoughts: “No matter what you say, their appearance remains in Celine’s heart.” ”

“She longs to start over, to be a normal person, to have friends, to have an ordinary and happy family.”

“She longs for the love of her parents, wants to listen to her mother’s voice again, and feel the warmth of her arms and arms again.”

“She longed for hope, for happiness, and she kept meditating on the words she heard from Cecilia.”

“All this is engraved in the core memory, spanning time, sending her last prayer into the future and giving birth to a new consciousness.”

Kiana slowly closed her eyes and took a deep breath before looking at the Void Law and saying, “… That’s me, I’m the [another chance] that Celine craves. You understand everything as binary opposites, but the human heart is never something so simple. ”

“We are two souls born from Celine’s wishes, two branches growing from the same tree, reaching in different directions, we share her feelings and memories, but we go on very different paths.”

“I don’t know what affects you—the pain of experimentation, the demagoguery of Honkai, or the hatred that is equally imprinted in the core?”

“Those broken memories are warm dreams for me; For you, it is like a burning curse. ”

The Void Law is still very indifferent.

An irrelevant look: “I don’t know and don’t care what you are.” The meaning of my coming into this world is to destroy everything and bring about the destruction of this world. ”

“Humans caused Celine’s pain and made her lose everything; Also bear her anger and pay the price of coping. No one can escape from this whirlpool. ”

Kiana went on to persuade: “There is no end to the chain of hatred. You’re just creating new suffering like the human you hate the most. ”

The Void Law said lightly, “But you can’t stop me. Count and see, family, teachers, friends… So far, how many people have been affected by you and caught up in this endless nightmare? ”

“They are displaced, homeless and even losing their lives. And you can only watch it all happen and there is nothing you can do. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

“Oh yes, and this little guy.”

Her voice fell.

In this space, Bellarus also appeared abruptly.

The Law of Emptiness said, “Don’t say you forgot it, after all, it died because of you——! ”

It seems to prove it.

This Bellarus suddenly attacked Kiana.

In this already small space, Bellares’ claws are particularly terrifying.

In desperation.

Kiana can only fight back.

Now she is.

She is no longer who she was.

Now her strength is far stronger than it was at the beginning.

Just a few hands later.

Bellales was knocked out by Kiana, lying on the ground and unable to get up.

The Void Law snorted lightly: “Why didn’t you give it the final blow?” Anyway, it has already been killed once, and isn’t it familiar with the road again? ”

Kiana took a deep breath.

Let the aura that was a little disturbed by the battle calm down.

“It’s just a phantom you’ve created. It seems that this is indeed not the domination theater, but our common space of consciousness. In that case, I can do the same. ”

The Void Law frowned, “What trick do you want to play?” ”

Kiana simply said, “All this time, it’s not the core of the lawyer who is rejecting me, it’s me rejecting them… I am afraid of the reverberations of the past, of accepting the fact that I am one with you. ”

“I thought I had made up my mind to face it, but my heart was still unconsciously evasive. But such cowardice has also ended today. ”

“I will face all the past that I don’t want to face, the memories that I have sealed, and the life that is intertwined with you. I will cross that and accept – who I really am. ”

As she put it.

When she wanted to do it, the surrounding scene changed.

From the birth of her, K423, in the training pod to the time when Siegfried came to save herself with the real Kiana.

They symbolize the birth of [her] and being recognized as a real person.

Then came the first awakening of Eastern Siberia in 2000, which dominated the body K423.

At that time, Destiny and Anti-Entropy were all looking for her, and eventually they were occupied by fear and loneliness, awakened to become the Law of Emptiness, and killed everyone.

The Void Law took over and said, “Those annoying Valkyries upset me, so I killed them. The leading captain, she had the opportunity to hurt me, but hesitated when she found out that you were a child, and as a result, of course, she lost her own life. ”

“And your dear father, that man killed Bella and Celine, so I cut off one of his arms without hesitation, allowing him to be eaten back by his own flames.”, 13/03/2023 22:35

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